Friday, January 27, 2006


Hello! Thank you for your prayers for my nephew yesterday. I appreciate it! Come to find out, he has a very normal condition called “athletic heart” and it is normal to be low because he is so active. So, that was good news! He actually got released from the hospital last night and is resting at home. So, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers!

Yesterday was an interesting day at work! My boss made me so mad that I cried…..and then I was mad at myself for crying about it. But anyways, had to go on a wild-goose-chase shopping trip for him. So, I made KK go with me and we had fun….but we were just frustrated that we were out doing that stuff for him. So! I would tell you the whole story…but it would take too long….and it just isn’t as funny without my animation, right HBM? Let me just say….we made sure that we picked up a little something extra special for him…and it will ensure that he looks like the dork he is!!! Can’t wait to see pictures!

So, then went and got the kiddos. Went home and straightened up the house. Had a quick dinner and then we were off to Small Group. It was a good group. I haven’t been in months! K-Dog and TT had done some really nice things to their house. We just sat around and talked a lot….which was very nice. I could tell that HBM was getting very frustrated with the group about their whining about reading in our new lesson. It was pretty bad….but I think the study will be great! I am looking forward to it! The discussions should be fun!

I had a chance to talk to HBM some last night….she cracks me up. She wants to come to work with me so that she can meet Stinky Pete. I am not so sure that is a great idea!!!! What a good friend she is!

Hubby and I had a very dumb argument when we came home. I honestly do not even know what it was about…that is how dumb it was. But I have this problem…called STUBBORNESS. He always has to apologize first….I refuse to….even if I was wrong. I need to work on that. So, he of course apologized to me before we went to bed…..glad about that!

So, that is about it! Worked out this morning….and now I am at work! So, that is about it! I am so glad that it is Friday! WooHoo!!

Love you all…have a great day!


Jodi said...

so I talked to mom last night and she said that they sent D home with a heart monitor and they have to bring it back to the doctors for a reading within 24 hours...and also mom said that the "athletic heart" was a speculation by another family I'm confused lol!!

I'm thankful that appednectomy was successful though! Keep me posted on the other stuff! Love ya!

::kickin stinky pete:: what did ya buy him? lol

girlie_mom said...

Yea your nephew is ok. sorry about work. I know that tomorrow will totally help you take your mind off all of that yucky stuff.

Have a great Friday. See ya tomorrow!

Missy said...

We bought him one of those HUGE cowboy hats...made out of foam. It will be very funny!!! He said he wanted to stand out...that will do it! Funny thing was...I talked to him this morning and he is very nervous about what we bought him. Can't wait to see pictures! I should post a picture of me in the hat. KK and I tried it on and it was very funny!!!!!!

Love you all!

Kelley said...

Yeah, it's just not as funny without the facials!! LOL! I'm so glad that you got to go to small group last night....I was wondering if you were going to get to come with you heading to the hospital. What a YEAHHHHHH that your nephew is okay! What an interesting diagnoses! Sorry about your argument with your hubby last night. I usually apologize first (yes, really I do) but then I get TICKED off that I did it first, so I make it worse! LOL! Oh to live with stubborn people!
Lots of Love!

Josy said...

*commenting on Thursday post* Must be a red phase, Joe's favorite color has been green for the longest time, suddenly this week it's red! Will be praying for your nephew (have no idea what athletic heart is). You are so lucky that your hubby apologizes! If Mark ever apologized, I'd have to pick my jaw off the floor! I'd like to have one of the translater remotes, "this is what I'm saying, now translate it into manspeak"! Allright, I'm done venting - and my fingers are going numb so it's time to lay down again.