Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hey Journal Goddesses!

Hello My Lovelies! That is what my gym Nanny says to me and KK every time she sees us. We have an appointment with her tomorrow morning at 9:00...since I have the day off tomorrow! She is going to work our butts off....but I am really looking forward to it! I call her my gym Nanny because she is English and has a lovely accent and reminds me of the Nanny! So! That will be fun!

So! Yesterday...I got up and went to the gym while the kids were still asleep. I knew they would be up soon...and I had gone to bed really early on Friday I went. Haven't I already told you that? I think I did. Oh well!

So....Saturday....FAB was acting fine...other than being I decided to go ahead and go to PT practice. I just couldn't stand the idea of missing out on it! So! I called Minnie and got another Mother's opinion and then went. She was fine. Nursey said she whined a bit...but was fine. You can tell her ear is still hurting her.....but the rash is getting better and I don't think it really bothers her. So.....Hopefully tomorrow we will get a different that she isn't allergic to...and get her feeling better!

PT practice was fun....BUT I was VERY frustrated and about to lose my Christian witness. There is a lot of "tinkering" around on instruments when Elvis is giving direction or trying to figure things out. Now...some of it, I understand and I know is necessary...such as trying to learn parts or figure out how it sounds or stuff like that. But the stuff that is NOT NECESSARY and is just to show off.....ANNOYS ME! It is just rude and cocky. There is no one reading this journal that I am talking fact, there is one boy (and not Sebbiedue's Little Drummer Boy) that I am talking about. I even shooshed him last night...Hubby said something to him.....HBM gave him dirty looks....we both did for that matter....but to no avail! Hopefully Elvis will say something to him because it is very aggravating. I just think he is being dis-respectful. So, end of rant. Other than that...practice was great. We got to sing Lifesong like a MILLION times so that Elvis could get the sound that leads to this next topic....

Worship was AWeSOME today. Absolutely AWESOME. The Holy Spirit was in that place. When we sang Lifesong....I just could feel God holding my hand as I raised it in praise. Well, when Minister got up there...he even commented on how awesome the worship set was..particularly Lifesong. I know it had something to do with the fact that we all love that song and we practiced it a million times last night....but also because the message of that song is incredible! I just prayed when we finished that people really listened to the words and truly want that to be their Lifesong. God is really convicting me of that. I need to do a better job of living FULLY for Him and being HIS example in all that I say and do. It was just an AWESOME service today. The message, the music...the fellowship. God was there. I know that because of our friendships at makes a difference. I have been at BCC for 8 years now and I am more "connected" now more than ever because of the relationships that I have developed with you all and so many others. that soapbox! SO, after church we went to Cadillac Jacks with MIL, Minnie and her family, BB and Daisy, Uncle Poncho and King, Queen and Princess. I do not think there was time that all of us were sitting at the table together because of the kids...and I did not get to visit with anyone very much because of the kids....probably why I don't like to go out with such big groups. I feel so disconnected and I know...I am wierd. So, anyways. Then the kids and I came home and Hubby stayed there to watch the game. Boo...the Steelers beat the Colts. Oh well. I really don't care.

The kids and I took long naps today....boy how I love my Sunday naps. I didn't get to go to the gym today....that is a bummer.....I miss that. Isn't that wierd?!?!? OH well....I am going in the morning!

Well....I think that it is for now! I hope you all have a wonderful evening! I will talk to you all later! Love to all!!!!


Kelley said...

How funny how irritated we all were last night! I mean, not funny at that moment, but funny now! Glad that FAB is doing better! Hope you have a great day off tomorrow. I asked Hubby if he was taking off tomorrow. He just looked at me....I'll take that as a no! LOL! Have a great week! Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah so the mall was fun, just to let ya know. We could have done more "connecting" if ya had gone with me. The girls were great!

I am sorry I missed your frustration last night. I actually came away feeling great. (Except for your man's silly comments, sometimes he can just push my buttons.) He told me today, in his own way I think, that he didn't mean it and I took it as an apology of sorts. We are just too alike ( scarey I know) and sometimes we really clash. Sorry if I made a scene.

Maybe we can do something tomorrow, since you're off. Just a thought.

Love ya!

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SebbieDue said...

I'm glad little FAB is doing better.

Thanks for clarifying that the problem child wasn't my darling Thing2. (Not that I thought it was, or even could be, lol!)

Yang, CLW, & I enjoyed a nice long Sunday nap too. They are great, aren't they?

Much love!

SebbieDue said...

I'm glad little FAB is doing better.

Thanks for clarifying that the problem child wasn't my darling Thing2. (Not that I thought it was, or even could be, lol!)

Yang, CLW, & I enjoyed a nice long Sunday nap too. They are great, aren't they?

Much love!

Sara said...

I know exactly which boy you're talking about and he did the same things in practice before Elvis came. I thought of doing him bodily harm a few times...Hope Elvis tells him to shut it!

I'm glad FAB is better! Hope you had a good gym workout today! Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

Bummer about PT practice...I know how that can be...we have a piano player who is kinda like's still hard to tell, because she's so new to our church & all, but, anyways, she's just different in a lot of ways...blah..

Anyways!! :) Thanks for the compliments on my hair :) I just got it cut this week :) You're looking pretty spiffy yourself!! :) I've heard from a lot of different people that once you REALLY start going to the gym you get hooked (probably from the results, ya know? Almost all of the Biggest Loser people have been like that (except for a few who didn't get into it anyway...)

Okay, NMJ :) TTFN :)