Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well…I didn’t post last night…so I had to post this morning! Hope you all are doing well…I haven’t updated with you yet (or read your journals).

So…my meeting went very well yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted last night. I am like that after big meetings…..they are much like weddings….a lot of planning and preparation and then the let-down (or relief in this case) when they are over. SO! Hallelujah! Like I said, it went well…no major hic-cups and we actually ended on time! The hardest part of my job on meeting days is keeping everyone on time! I have to keep harping on them all day to keep on track. I am sure they all love me (dripping with sarcasm) on these days. Not only do I keep harping them about staying on agenda…but I am also a stress-mongrel…so I am not the nicest person! Oh well! Just glad it is over! after work I went and picked up the kiddos at my Aunt’s house. My cousin’s kids haven’t been there this week so it has just been my kids. I-Man gets very bored when his buddies aren’t there. But, with FAB being still a little sick this week, I am glad that they haven’t shared their germs! My Aunt did say that FAB was better yesterday and played more and ate better. She was still whiney and clingy at our house last night….but Hubby just keeps telling me to enjoy the fact that she wants me to hold her CONSTANTLY. It is funny…every time I try to put her down, she wraps her legs around me so I can’t. Too cute.

So, we had a whole “child-care” saga last night. Hubby had asked SIL #2 (the younger one) to watch the kids today for a few hours this afternoon. I have a thing at work and he needs to work for a bit. So, she said yes. So, last night, the phone rings and it is SIL #1 (the older one)…she tells Hubby that SIL #2 is sick so she is going to watch the kids. So, Hubby made sure that was okay with me (I wasn’t thrilled…but oh well!). And then Hubby tells her he will be home around 5:00. She can’t stay until 5:00…she has to work at 4:00. So, she says that MIL will come over and watch them when she needs to leave until Hubby gets home. Fine. Then later….MIL calls and says change of plans…she is going to take off work early and watch them. WHAT?!?!??!! If that was the case, then why didn’t you tell us you could do that when we called and asked you to do that on Tuesday!?!?!??! SO FRUSTRATING! What is even more frustrating is that I know that Queen probably could’ve done it for us without all of this fuss but Hubby wanted to see if his mom would do it and then that led to all of this! Next time, I am just going to call Queen and take care of it myself. His family is SO unreliable and it drives me crazy! OH well…end of rant.

So! I didn’t do anything last night. I was so tired….I came home and laid down….luckily the kids let me do that. FAB kept coming in and out and wanting up on the bed with me. I-Man was good as gold. He likes his cartoons too much to bother me. Hubby came home and fixed a quick dinner for him and I-Man….I didn’t feel like eating anything. Then Hubby took I-Man to church.
Again, not an exciting evening! I went to bed early and then got up early for the gym this morning! I almost didn’t go because I just don’t feel great…but I did! I am so proud of myself. I am not really seeing a whole lot of results yet….but I know that is because I am not eating the greatest….but I do feel better because I am exercising! And….I know it is good for me! Plus, I kinda like getting ready at the gym. There are ladies that I talk to every morning….it is a good thing! And like Debbie said, I am saving on water at our house!

SO! Today, I get to go see King King! I had to coordinate a “Movie Party” as part of a sales contest…so it is work related. I have to work…but I will get to sit and enjoy most of the movie! One of the perks of my job! But, like I said…stress and work before the movie just making sure all of the details are in place!

Well…gotta run! I have lots of work to do! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!


Sara said...

It took me a minute to realize that "King King" was King Kong! :) Hope you enjoy it. Let me know how it is. I heard it's very long. Glad you got through the meeting yesterday. Good for you for going to the gym this morning!!!! You're doing great!!! Love ya!

Sara said...

p.s. Apparently SIL #1 called Froggy and told her the news. She also said they were getting married in April or March....

Mandalynn said...

Glad your meeting went well yesterday :) And, good job, going to the gym!! You go, girl!! :)

I don't think I could've watched the kiddos today (well, I could've until 4:30, then King could've taken over, so they wouldn't have gone unsupervised :) ), but I understand your frustration with the inlaws :)


Kelley said...

How do you do it without just going crazy?? I was so confused by what went on that I had to read it again! I understand your hubby wanting his mom to watch them, but puleeeeze!!! LOL! I read King King twice thinking that it was a spin-off on King Kong and thinking "Stinky Pete is a jerk for picking a movie no one has heard of"! I'm much better, now just a little confused! LOL! See ya tonight! Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Ok so first, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what "King King" was. At first I thought it was someone else's nickname. Then I had to read it like 6 times and busted out laughing. Then I started laughing even harder thinking of someone's blog (I think Sara's) whose pet peeve was typos!!!!! I almost peed my pants!!!

So anyway, totally understand the inlaw frustration thing, just a bit different situation. Just a favor. If you can't do it, just say so.

So have fun seeing "King King"... and p.s. anytime you need someone to watch the kids just call me cause I am home until about 4:30 and then Baby is home when I go to work. The girls would love for their buddies to come over.

Love ya and thanks for the great laugh!!

Dawn said...

I must have been the only one that read King King as "King Kong" Didn't even realized you spelled it wrong till I came to the comments and started reading everyone elses. We must think alike LOL!! Remember to please call me if ya ever need me to watch the kiddos!! You know I'd love to do it!!!!!!!! Hope ya have a great day today! Hugs!!

SebbieDue said...

Speaking of Church the other night... It was Yang's first night in the "big kids" class. They were walking through the hallway as a group and one of the boys did something fun and Yang was mimickng him but very loudly (the only way Yang does anything) and your very grown up I-man said "OK, now you need to stop cause you're making me nervous!" I was dying, it was soooo very funny!

I knew what King King was too. :)

Much love!