Monday, July 31, 2006

Stinky Pete is on vacation this week!!!!

Is it Monday again already?!?! Why do the weekends fly by and the weeks crawl by? There should be a new law that weekends are 5 days long and weekdays are only 2. Wouldn’t that be great? But I am sure I would find something else to complain about then.

So….I don’t really know where I left off. Last Thursday and Friday were mostly a blur as I was busy at work getting ready for the Air Show. On Friday, KK and I spent most of the day out there getting our booth ready. We get ourselves into some of the craziest predicaments. You would think that working for a bank would be boring…well, not for KK and I! We are always off on some crazy adventure it seems. On Friday, we were literally in the middle of a bunch of planes. I felt very small in my little van. At one point, we were sitting in the van getting ready to leave and this plane just drives right in front of us. It was very wild. I totally over-did it at work on Friday, because by the time I got home Friday night (oh, we went to Young’s Dairy for dinner with Aunt Beautiful, Uncle Poncho, BB, Daisy and Cutie Pie and BB’s parents… and then FAB and I-Man played with the animals) I was so tired and sore I could barely move. In fact, I laid down on the couch to watch a show I had taped and then I went to bed and played with the kids there for a bit. I was just so tired and sore. So, I know I over-did it.

Oh….I used the rest of the gift certificate that Hubby got me for our anniversary at Oneys. I got my nails done….got acrylic ones on. It was nice….but something I wouldn’t spend my own money on anymore…at least not there. It was very expensive. But they look alright. I am having to get used to having nails..even though they are short. I am a nail-biter, so my natural nails are never long. Anyways…it was a nice treat.

Then Saturday morning was the Ladies Day. It was very nice. Sebbiedue did a great job! And I was so glad that Speedy came!!! I have missed hanging out with her. In fact, I don’t feel like I get to hang out with anyone anymore. So, that was nice. I had to rush home afterwards so that Hubby could go to work for a while. FAB went down for a nap and then MIL came and picked up I-Man. They cleaned the church and then went over to SIL’s apartment and hung decorations up in Brayden’s room. They moved her due date up to this week…..well, this is the second ultrasound that has said her due date is August 3. So, we will see what happens. She looks miserable….heck, I’m miserable and I’m not due until October! However…Teacher and I were talking yesterday and she was confirming what I was feeling….she said with her third that you just feel everything so much sooner and you get so much bigger and you are just so much more DONE. It was nice to have someone confirm how I have been feeling.

So….not really a whole lot to say. Yesterday, I was so frustrated after church. I refuse to let my kids run around like wild Indians at church and so does Hubby….however, Hubby does NOTHING to stop them. He is too busy visiting with people…which I would love to do too…but someone has to watch the kids. So, I was rude (HBM…Tell Elvis I am sorry) and walked up to Hubby (who was talking to Elvis) and asked him if we could go. I-Man was screaming…FAB was crying and I was DUN. I just hate that. It is like that every Sunday. So, we get home and Hubby is mad at me because I was so rude…and I was…but hello?!?!? So, he was fixing lunch….FAB is pounding on the piano…..I am telling her to stop and then go down the hall to change clothes…..when I hear I-Man screaming bloody murder. I run back down the hall and found I-Man and FAB on the floor…and the piano bench knocked over. Hubby was still fixing lunch. NICE. Well, I-Man is quite the over-reactor…but not this time. So, I am yelling at Hubby…I-Man is screaming….FAB is crying….what a great time!!!! Did I mention where I-Man gets his over-reacting from?!?! Anyways, I-Man had been trying to pick FAB up off the piano bench. She didn’t want to be picked up….so she pitched a fit….in doing so, the piano bench fell over on I-Man’s big toe. It immediately swelled up and was black and blue and he was hysterical. I was trying to calm him down…..he was in so much pain and Hubby put ice on it. FAB was so sweet…..I was wiping his face with tissues so she started doing the same. It was so sweet. We babied him for a while…and then we put him and FAB down for naps. I did the same. When we got up, we all went swimming and just had a nice relaxing day at home.

So, really not much to talk about . I have a bad attitude today…so I just don’t really feel like posting much more! Have a great day…Happy Anniversary to Scrapbook Queen and Beef!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hola Mis Amigas! Yeah for Hump Day! Although, I just realized as I was making myself get out of bed this morning that I won’t get to sleep in on Saturday this week. That is a bummer. But I am sure I will make up for it with naps on Saturday and/or Sunday! I hope I am able to anyways! Anyways…HUMP DAY!

I need to clarify something for Minnie…I forgot to do it yesterday. I made a comment about my aunt not having my kids for almost 6 months. No, I do not get that much time off of work….wouldn’t that be lovely if I did? I do get 3 months off work. So…I will be off for October, November and December. My mom will be watching the kids for the first few months after I go back to work….at least for part of the weeks. She has done that with both of the kids. She loves being able to spend that time with them. So, that is the plan for now, at least. I am never sure how long she will do it….we play it by ear. But that is the plan, anyways. But…the good news is that I am off for 3 months and will be off for the holidays! YIPPEE!

Yeah, so yesterday was a good day. Work was fine….actually it was interesting. We had a meeting with about 23 people (the Senior Management Team) and my boss did a “team-building” thing. It is something we had all done before (when we were in our previous roles) but hadn’t done in a while. So, basically we had to define our leadership style. The four styles were “Controlling”, “Analyzing”, “Promoting” and “Supporting”. The first two (controlling and analyzing) are more formal….where the other two are more informal. And then controlling and promoting are more dominant whereas analyzing and supporting are more easy-going. So….guess where I fall? I am “supporting”…the same place I was the last time I did it. Some of the characteristics are: team player, consensus builder and relationship-oriented. Some of the “liabilities” or weaknesses are: too agreeable, avoids conflict at all cost and not demanding enough. It was pretty interesting because my two closest friends at work (well, KK is really my closest friend at work and outside of work) were in the opposite of me…the controlling group. And as I look at their characteristics (takes charge, decisive and results-focused)…I realized that nearly all of my close friends (and Hubby) fall into that category! I think that is who we best work with because they have the strengths that we don’t have (uhh…decisive…hello?!?!?). Well, two funny things. We had to list our positives and then our weaknesses. Well, we (the group of us that were all supporting) just kept rattling off positives. It was very funny. Then we were struggling a little more with our weaknesses….but the first weakness we all said was “indecisive”. SO…then we were asked to prioritize them into our top 3 positives and our top 3 weaknesses. So, we had a hard time narrowing our positives to 3…it ended up being like 6 that we combined to make 3. And then we got to our weakness page and we put indecisive as number one and I said….”Heck! We are too indecisive! Make that number 1 and forget the other 2. We can’t decide!” We cracked up. The other funny thing we had to do was to make an invitation to invite the “opposite” group to a party. Make it with them in mind….so they would want to come. So….we made it very simple, one color and bullet-points for our controllers. We told them to come and bring “their opinions”. They were all over that. Well, before they showed us the invitation they made for our group, they had made a flip-chart that said what they would really do is “Call Missy and ask her to make it pretty.” Which is SOOOOOO what they all do! It was just funny. Hopefully you were able to follow that. It was interesting because it just makes you think about how you communicate with those that are in different groups than you. For example, as a “supporter”, I am a highly emotional person (really??!?!!) and the “controllers” are NOT. So, when one of them is calling me about something…I tend to be more emotional and get my feelings hurt. But if you look at where they are coming from, they have removed emotion from it and just want to get it done and move on. I don’t know if that is making sense….but it was very eye-opening. Like I said, we had done it before…but it was good to re-visit that yesterday.

So….after work, I went and got the kiddos…we dashed home and got ready to go to Family Camp. For those that don’t know what that is….it is a Church of Christ thing…kinda like a “tent meeting”. Families come and camp all week and listen to preaching and singing all week long. Well, I went a few times there as a kid with my child-hood friend who went to a Church of Christ. And I also sang there a few times when I was in high school….because I was dating a guy who was pretty active there. And Hubby and his family used to always go and camp there when he was a kid. When we were dating and first married, we would go every year with his parents….we didn’t camp, just drive down for a night or two to hear the preaching. SO. It is very traditional church stuff. So, we got there and hooked up with Beef and SQ. We dropped I-Man off at the kid’s barn with M-Girl. We got a seat and FAB and A-Girl both started getting loud…the people in front of us kept turning around. So, Hubby started walking around with FAB and SQ was walking around with A-Girl….and then SQ decided to take A-Girl and FAB to her parent’s camper for a bit. Beef, Hubby and I sat and listened to the first preacher. It was interesting. He used WAY too many scripture references….I know that sounds weird. But I think he probably ended up quoting half the Bible. I couldn’t keep up. He was talking too fast….he only had 30 minutes….I guess that was a short time for him. Anyways….he made this one point that when he first said it and the way it was spelled out on the power point…you kinda (and Beef did) went “uhh…..I don’t agree with that”. But then when he actually explained what he meant, you did agree. The statement just didn’t sound right. So, that was interesting. Beef and I were talking about the service on Sunday at our church) and I was telling him how I thought it was great and that you need to get your toes stepped on in church…that is how we grow….and we just had a really good conversation about that. Anyways… then Beef took off to check out the youth program there and the next preacher started. I listened for a minute and then decided to find FAB and take her off SQ’s hands. I felt really bad that she was stuck with my kid….so I took off to find them….but couldn’t!!! Beef told me the camper was brown (come to find out…it wasn’t!!!). Anyways…so I headed back to the main tent to hear the preacher and sent Hubby to find them. I am glad I went back. That preacher was GREAT. We almost bought the tape of his sermon to play at Bethany one week!!! He was talking about how “Christians” complain about everything at church….but they miss the point. It isn’t about THEM. It is about HIM! He was talking about how the people at his church….and many others….complain because they have the music on overheads instead of hymn books. He said…..”Why? So you can bury your face in the book and not have to focus on WHY you are singing?” Then he was talking about how wonderful the old hymns are and how meaningful the words are….but do we realize the people that wrote most of our favorite old hymns were drunks and rarely saw the inside of churches? But when a young band comes along….or when you introduce a new song at church…people complain. Only to find out that the “new song” that the young band is playing was actually written by DAVID….it is a PSALM. It was just so powerful the way this man….this old preacher….this “restoration movement preacher” put it on the line. He said that he just couldn’t understand how someone who proclaims to be a Christian….and a “Church of Christ Christian” (because again…we are at a Church of Christ “revival”) could question WORSHIP that is straight from the Bible. What is there to complain about worship that is biblical and it for the purpose of glorifying our God and Creator? Then he went on to talk about how a lady at his church complained one Sunday because they moved communion to a different part of the service (at the end.) She told him that she “didn’t feel like she had been to church” because she was worried about when they were going to take Communion and then it was not when it is supposed to be. He said…”Well, then I don’t think you were at church at all today if that is all you were able to focus on.” He also went on to say “Have you ever wondered why they don’t have Academy Awards for preachers? Like…and the winner of the Academy Award for Best Sermon while he had the hiccups is… Well, the reason we don’t have Academy Awards for church is because we realize that THE ONLY person worthy of the PRAISE and WORSHIP and ADORATION and a STANDING OVATION is GOD! It isn’t about us, people!” I am telling you….it was one of the best sermons I have heard in a long time. My toes got stepped on and I am sure the toes of nearly everyone there did too. Oh, something else he said that I LOVED was….”I wear black a lot. Mostly because it is very slimming! Some of you people ought to try it! Well, last night someone made a comment about my dressing all in black…they told me I looked like a priest. And I told him…I AM A PRIEST! We are ALL called to be PRIESTS! We don’t need to go see a “priest” to confess our sins to because God has called us all to be PRIESTS and to proclaim HIS word.” I am telling you…it was a great sermon. Thanks SQ for watching FAB. I needed to hear that.

SO! After we retrieved our kids and said goodbye to SQ and Beef and their family, we were on our way home. Hubby and I talked a lot about the two sermons. We had a nice drive home….I told him that I was sorry for how hormonal I have been…especially towards him. He has been such a sport! We got home and put the kids to bed and then I crashed. I was exhausted! I woke up exhausted, even though I slept better last night. It seems to be a permanent state for me!!!!

Well, that is about it for now. KK was just here at my desk and we were CRACKING up laughing at this voicemail that Stinky Pete left her. He asks her to take a listen to another voicemail that he forwards to her and then asks her to type in an email what it says……well, that in and of itself is stupid. But then…when you listen to the voicemail, it is all garbled and cuts in and out and you can’t even make out if it is a person or an animal…that is how bad it is. Does he think she is a magician and she can decipher it? We were crying we were laughing so hard! He is a piece of work!!!!

Love you all…have a great day and I will talk to you later!!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Happy Tuesday Everyone! I didn’t sleep well last night, so it was even tougher to get up this morning. I just couldn’t go to sleep and then I kept waking up all night with heartburn. I have had that a lot lately. It just seems like no matter what I eat, I get heartburn. I do tend to get it more from Dairy products than other things. Isn’t that odd? And not good considering I need the calcium to keep my legs and feet from cramping badly and because I just love ice cream. Oh well. I had bad heartburn with FAB too, so it must be a girl thing for me. I know it is an old wise (or wive’s?) tale that heartburn means a lot of hair….but have you seen FAB? Maybe there is some truth to it. We’ll see when Gracie is born. I hope she is born with a lot of RED hair! I want at least one red-head!!!! Like…a true red-head! FAB’s hair has a reddish tint to it… it may end up being auburn. But I want a red-head. We’ll see.

So, what happened yesterday? Well, work was fine. KK and I sat and talked for quite a bit yesterday morning. We laughed, we cried….just a lot to talk about. It is amazing how God puts people in our paths everyday. There is a reason He does that and when we stop and realize that and really think about it, it is pretty amazing. So, anyways….God has really blessed me with her as a friend in my life – going on 9 years now! I really don’t know what I would do without her! Anyways, so that was a nice break from our day. We had to set up for a meeting…so it just took us a little bit longer than normal. No one was looking for us, so it was alright. The rest of the day was just a day at work. Nothing to write home about.

After work, I went and picked up the kiddos. I took I-Man straight to MIL’s house. He is so funny….he insisted that I didn’t get out of the car. He wanted me to just drop him off. That is a new thing with him, because he has MIL do the same thing at our house too when she drops him off. So, off he went with her to go fishing and to dinner and then to the church softball game. FAB only cried for a second. She was fine when we got home. I called my parents so she could talk to them. Have I mentioned that she calls phones “Papaws”. She always asks for her “Papaw”, meaning her phone. That is so cute. So, she talked to Papaw and Mimi. I talked to my mom for a bit. Oh, my doctor’s office called me yesterday and said my blood-work all looked fine – no sugar problems or anemia problems. So, that is good news! The only “problem” I have is swelling of my hands and feet. But that isn’t that bad…and is to be expected in this heat! I just need to start putting my feet up for a bit at work. So, anyways….we talked to my parents for a bit and then FAB and I headed out to go shopping! I had received several gift certificates for my birthday, so I used some of them last night! I got some new maternity shirts…which makes me very happy. I really hate spending the money on clothes I won’t wear for very long, but at the same time, I hate not having clothes to wear right now! I have so many long-sleeved shirts….and I thought I would be fine wearing those in the air-conditioning, but I am hot all the time. So, I got some good deals. Then we went to Babies-R-Us…one of the ladies I work with…her baby is 4 months old and is starting to roll-over in her sleep. Well, this is her first baby and she is REALLY panicking about the whole SIDS thing. So, I bought her a sleep positioner to see if that would help. I am thinking her little one might be too big for that to work, but we’ll see. She isn’t sleeping because she is so worried….so it is worth a try! I also got FAB and Gracie matching outfits to wear when Gracie comes home from the hospital! It is actually the first outfit I have bought for Gracie!!! I would say it is the first thing I bought, but I did buy that bumper for the crib. Anyways, adorable. I just hope that FAB is still wearing 24 months in October. I am sure she will be. The pants look really big….so it should be fine. Cute. I was thinking that I can’t wait for Christmas stuff to come out and I want to get them matching outfits and then try to get I-Man and Brayden (my new nephew due in August) outfits that look alike and have pictures taken for MIL for Christmas. She would LOVE that. I don’t think I will be as crazy as Minnie is about my girls matching….but it is a fun idea. I am sure they won’t think so….at least not for long. So, I better do it while I can! I won’t make I-Man match. First of all, that would be impossible since he is wearing big boy clothes…..but also, I don’t think he would think that is very cool.

So, FAB and I got home from shopping and buying gas (can you believe how expensive that is?!?!?) and just relaxed the rest of the evening. She has such sweet moments…and then she has such ROTTEN moments. Oh well! She went to bed early and I stayed up in the recliner because I didn’t know what the plans were for I-Man coming home. So, finally I got mad and and called MIL and the church team won the first game, so they were staying for the second. Hubby had told me she would bring him home after the first game. Well….I was NOT in the mood to talk because I had been ready to go to bed for over an hour but was waiting up for them….but she was really chatty. Finally I just said: “Okay. I just need to know if you are brining I-Man home so I need to stay up or if Hubby is bringing I-Man home so I can go to bed.” I didn’t mean to be rude…but hello! I have to get up at 5:00 and it was already 10:45 at this point! She laughed and told me to go to bed. I am not sure why I was so mad…but I was. So, I go to bed and then I couldn’t go to sleep. I had finally gotten to sleep when I wake up to Hubby and I-Man in front of me telling me that they won both games. Great….but I am sleeping! Then I couldn’t go back to sleep. So, it was a rotten night of sleep….and I am tired. But, what else is new?!?!?!

So, now I am at work and ready for a new day! Can you believe that the kids go back to school in about a month?!?!? I-Man’s orientation is August 30!!! And his first day is September 1! We have been working on writing his letters every night (well, not last night because he wasn’t home) and I made flash-cards to work with him on that. I cannot believe that he will be in kindergarten in a little over a month. I am excited for him, but also very nervous! This is a whole new chapter of his life….one that you really don’t think about when you talk about wanting kids…you think of the baby and that kind of stuff. So, it is going to be interesting…that much is for sure!

Well, that is about it for today. Hubby and I talked about going to Family Camp tonight…..not sure if we are still doing that or not. I didn’t really see him or talk to him yesterday, so who knows?!?!? OH! We got the appraisal back on our house and it was VERY good! That was good news! And then we also found out from our Mortgage company that they messed up the paperwork and our rate isn’t going to go up until 2009. Isn’t that odd??!!? Now, I am not complaining….but we have already committed to refinancing with another company….so that is just a little weird. Oh well!

God is good! Love you all and have a great day!!!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Another Week....

Well, it is Monday again. I am usually a morning person….but not so much right now. I am really having a hard time making myself get up every morning! This pregnancy is just really making me very tired. I think it is the fact that I am pregnant but also the fact that I have 2 other kids to chase after. It is wearing me down. Oh well! Just preparing me for how I will feel once Gracie is born, I am sure. I should just resign myself to the fact that for at least the next 18 years…I will be tired all the time. Hopefully I will get my “morning person” mentality back! It is hiding right now!

So…let’s see. My weekend started off really busy, but then it was actually very un-eventful! Friday, I went to pick up the kids at my Aunt’s house. We rushed home and changed clothes, packed a dinner and then headed out to the Rec Center Water Park. That was nice because there was hardly anyone there and we got to play with the kids and talk to Diamond, Many Kids and Sebbiedue. We had a nice time! I-Man is just all over the place. He was playing with Ying and having a grand ole’ time. Amazing how far he has come in such a short time. And FAB also has no fear. She just plays and plays. That is really a nice place for the kids to play. So, we all dried off and got changed and then went into the Rec Center for their “Carnival”. They had a bunch of games for the kids to play with tacky, junky prizes. The kids both loved it! We bought $3.00 worth of tickets and were just grabbing things towards the end to use up our tickets! I-Man had fun and so did FAB. They got a lot of junk (which I have already hidden in the garage and will throw away shortly). They did have t-shirts for $0.50…so we bought each of them a t-shirt. They are cute! Anyways…so we had fun there and then ran home and I-Man and I changed and then took off to go to the Drive-In for Ying’s birthday party! It was the drive-in that is a mile from my G-Ma’s house. I had never been there….because when I was younger, it was an x-rated drive-in. Now, it is just a run-down but still fun drive-in. I-Man just couldn’t understand the concept of watching a movie outside. He was asking a ton of questions on the way there. I remember as a kid seeing ET at the drive-in! We went a lot as kids….because it is cheap! Anyways….so we got there and it was such a great idea. The kids had fun…I-Man sat with Swimmer and her family during the movie. I sat by myself….which was fine because I actually took a nap. Getting up at 5:00 every morning doesn’t make me much of a night owl! But “Cars” was a very cute movie. I didn’t miss much (but it was the most important part)….but it was cute. We will definitely buy that when it comes out on DVD. I LOVED the tractor-tipping part. Just a cute, cute movie! As we were leaving, I noticed that Click was showing after it. That was a cute movie too…but there was no way I could stay for that. Plus, I-Man was tired. He talked the ENTIRE way home…non-stop. I think he was just trying to keep himself and me awake. It worked! We got home and he went right to bed…as did I!

FAB woke him up at 7:30. The only bad thing about them sharing a room is that when one is awake…they are both awake now. She gets out of her bed and goes over to his and climbs in bed with him. Part of the problem is that she doesn’t know how to open the door yet. So, anyways…they were up early. Hubby let me sleep..actually we both slept until nearly 9:00. Off and on. The kids were watching TV and would come in and talk to us occasionally. Then Hubby got up and got them breakfast and I slept a bit longer. Like I said, I am just so tired all the time. So, I finally got up and Hubby left for work…I started doing laundry and then we ran to Target to get a shower gift for SIL. We came home and the kids went down for naps and I just did laundry and took it easy pretty much all day. My Dad called Hubby and told him that he had bought us a garbage disposal…there was one on clearance at Lowes. So, COOL! Hubby went over and mowed their yard and then mowed ours. The kids played outside for a bit, we had dinner, Hubby went to PT practice…I gave the kids baths….that was really about it! A pretty un-eventful Saturday! I could get used to that!

Sunday we got up and got ready for church. We got there in time for the breakfast. It was nice…but Hubby was off talking to people the whole time, so I pretty much just chased, I mean, watched the kids the whole time. When I dropped FAB off at the nursery, she cried and cried. Diamond finally just had to take her and she calmed down after I left. I don’t know why she is going through that stage right now! I helped Diamond’s Hubby and Sight-Sing in I-Man’s class. It was very funny. Lots of messes….Sight Sing and I pretty much just cleaned up messes the entire time…and played referee! That is what that age group is like! It was Family Worship….which I will say it again, I USED to think was a good idea until I-Man was old enough to sit with us during worship. No, I really do think it is a good idea. The kids need to be exposed to our worship service too. But it is hard to really focus when you are worried about your kid the whole time. Sight Sing’s boy sat with us too and he and I-Man wanted to sit on the front row. I actually liked sitting in front because I saw no negativity….I couldn’t see who my son was distracting and it gave I-Man more room! At any rate….it was a neat service….a little long for Family Worship (the kids were getting restless) but a POWERFUL message. I know that toes were stepped on….and hopefully they can handle it. If not, well, I don’t know what to tell them. But it was a powerful service….even with the distractions of I-Man. The video we watched talked about the “bull-horn” man…you know the types, the ones that stand in the middle of a crowded street and scream about how we are all going to hell and blah-blah-blah. I could TOTALLY relate to the video because working in a downtown environment, “bull-horn guys” are commonplace. And people do make fun of them and they do give Christians a bad name. I myself have been embarrassed to be called a Christian if that is what the world thinks Christians are like. I honestly do not think I have ever seen anyone stop to talk to him except to ask him to stop shouting or ask him if he really thinks he is being a good witness. So….the video was so powerful for me. It is all about LOVE. And we have a hard time LOVING our own brothers and sisters. How can we truly LOVE others if we can’t even LOVE our brothers and sisters in Christ. We spend too much time bickering with each other and not enough time stopping and LOVING each other regardless of our differences in opinions. Both sides are wrong….ultimately no one wins and only God loses. So….it was a powerful service.

After church, we stayed and Hubby talked for what seemed like FOREVER. I was just not in a good mood yesterday…actually the whole weekend…for some reason. One of those times when everything Hubby says and does gets on my nerves. Bless his heart…it isn’t his fault…it is just me being hormonal. Anyways….then we went and had lunch with MIL and SIL. We had a good time….even though the kids were a bit ARGH. We told SIL that she wasn’t allowed to have the baby the weekend we are in Gatlinburg. Hopefully he listens to us too!!!! I would HATE it if we were out of town when he was born. So, hopefully she goes early or right on time! After lunch, we went home and the kids went down for naps….I love having them in the same room. I just love tucking them both in and kissing and hugging them both. I just love those little guys so much!!!

Anyways, that was digressing….I played on the computer for a bit and then went to the baby shower for SIL at church. Not that many people showed up, but it was still very nice. I got to talk to Diamond and Funny Fingers a lot….and it was a fun time. She got some nice presents. Funny Fingers was asking me what we need for Gracie and for the first time it dawned on me that we have no clothes for our little one. We gave away all of FAB’s 0-3 month clothes…and all of her 3-6 month ones for that matter. So, I need to start figuring out what we are going to do about that. I guess I really need to start getting ready for this baby! Geesh!!!

So, after the showe, I went home and rested for a bit until it was time for Women’s Group. Oh….my MIL broke I-Man’s heart again. Apparently at church, she took him to the bathroom and she must’ve mentioned coming up and cleaning the church together. So, all day he was talking about that. Well, I had my doubts because she never mentioned it to me. So, finally we let him call her last night…because he wouldn’t stop talking about it. And she wasn’t home…so we called her cell and she was with her boyfriend in Xenia. I-Man just cried and cried and cried. I hate to see him like that. So, she called back a little bit later and is going to take him fishing tonight. Too bad that he has to guilt her into doing stuff with him. Bless his heart.

Well, Women’s Group was fun. We laughed and just visited and had a good time. I am so thankful for the friendships that have formed out of that group. There are some neat ladies there!!!

So, today it is back to reality. Another week! Hope you all have a good Monday and I will talk to you later! Love ya!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Reminders....God is Good!!!!

Hello Ladies! Isn’t God great?!?! Okay…so if you have read my last two posts…this one is better! After I posted yesterday, it didn’t look like we were going to get the car back last night, so KK was going to pick me up for work this morning. We had just gotten all of that squared away. Hubby had gone outside to talk on the phone to a customer and the kids were both sleeping. I was just taking it easy on the couch…well, I was actually working, but was laying down at the same time…so that is a great way to work! Anyways, Hubby walks in and he says “See Honey, God was in control the whole time. I told you not to worry.” My first thought was…I wanted to smack him. But that was quickly turned into a big hug for him! The dealership called and it was only the tumbler (no idea what that is really) which would only cost us $84.95 instead of the entire ignition box which would’ve cost us $400!!!! AND we could go pick up the car right then! So, I im’d KK and told her that I didn’t need her to pick me up after all! Praise the Lord! But it gets even better!!! We had to wake up the kiddos from their naps (which I-Man was NOT happy about) and we drove to the dealership. Well, this is a side-note, but I was driving and I got over before I should’ve. I kinda forgot that my lane was going to end. So, no big deal. I will just speed up and get in front of the lady who is in the other lane who was going slow. So, I speed up and so does she. She gets right next to me and lays on her horn. So, I backed off and got behind her. It really wasn’t a big deal. But Hubby and I were laughing because she had a sports car. It wasn’t like I really thought I was racing her in my mini-van…..she was going slow enough that it shouldn’t have been a problem, but she must’ve got mad or something. So….the light ahead of us changed so we were right behind her at the light and Hubby and I just looked at each other and started laughing. She had a religious bumper sticker on her car and a fish. The sticker said something about God giving us the sense of reason and we must not forget or lose sight of that….something to that fact. So, her behavior a moment before was even more funny to us. I guess you had to be there….but it was funny. I wish people wouldn’t put religious bumper stickers on their car if they are going to act like that. That is why Hubby could never put one on his car…he has road rage issues.

SO, I am totally side-tracked. Well, we pull up to the dealership and we both kinda looked at each other because we didn’t see the car. Not a good sign when they told us to come right away to pick it up and it had taken us 30 minutes to get there. SO, Hubby goes in and finds out it is only going to cost us $53!!!!!! That is it! AND there is a 12 month warranty on that part…so if it happens again (because it is a common problem in Focuses) to bring it back in for a free-of-charge fix. COOL BEANS! That was great news!!! So, we headed home. Hubby fired up the grill and I ran to Meijer to get some stuff for dinner. I ran into Roomiestar’s mom there. We talked for a little bit. I felt bad because I couldn’t talk longer…but Hubby and the kids were waiting for me for dinner. So, we chatted for a bit and then I rushed through the store and home. We had a nice dinner….and then the real fun began!

I get an idea in my head and I just can’t get it out. That drives Hubby crazy. Well, yesterday morning…I got the idea in my head that I was ready to move FAB into a big-girl bed. So, we spent the better part of the evening rearranging I-Man’s room and making it into a shared room for the two of them. I-Man was really excited about it all. And so was FAB. So…Hubby and I set to work moving/cleaning/rearranging. I think it looks nice. I proved him wrong! He kept insisting that I-Man’s room isn’t that much bigger than FAB’s room. So, he wanted to put both girls in the smaller room because the closet is bigger. Well, he got the tape measure out last night and I-Man’s room is like 14.5’x 9.5” and FAB’s room is 10’x10’. So, I was right! So…it looks like eventually we will have to re-paint both rooms (but that is a good thing because they can all pick out colors they like). But for now… I just need JJ to come up and do some creative painting in FAB’s room – to make it Gracie’s. And in I-Man’s room…to make it both his and FAB’s. Anyways. We got their beds set up….we just took the bunk-beds apart and put them on opposite sides of the room. Everything fits nicely…..well, all of FAB’s toys are still in the girl room. But we will probably leave it like that. They have too many toys to put them all in that room. We still have all of FAB’s clothes in the other room too. I didn’t feel like messing with that last night. We have a dresser in the garage that we will bring in and make FAB’s in I-Man’s room….but it is full of my winter clothes right now and has a bunch of stuff on it. So, rather than go through all of that right now, we are going to do that later. We need to buy more plastic tubs to put my winter clothes in.

ANYWAYS. Like you really care about all of that! So….bedtime comes. We asked FAB where she wanted to sleep and she went to her new bed. She looks SO TINY in that twin bed. She got all settled in….and so did I-Man. We sang a song to them and said our prayers and then we left the room. Hubby and I sat outside the door listening for a little bit….but they went right to sleep! About 4:00…I-Man came in our room crying. At first, he said that FAB woke up crying and that made him cry. So, I took him back to his room…..FAB was sound asleep. Come to find out, we had hung up these really cool posters that JJ bought us…and one of them was falling. So, that noise had scared I-Man. He thought it was an animal scratching outside to get in. So….he went back to sleep. Then…right after my alarm went off….I-Man came in again and said FAB wanted me. So…she followed a minute later and I rocked her. I just love those moments when I can still hold her and treat her like a baby. I tried to take her and put her in her crib…but she wanted in the other bed! So, I put her in the big bed and she went right back to sleep. So, not bad at all for her first night in a big girl bed! There are rails on either side, so she can’t fall out. I think tonight I am going to play her cd in their. In her room, we always had a cd playing…so she probably missed that noise. And, she had a nightlight in her room….we don’t have one in I-Man’s. So, I am going to do that tonight too. But really….it went really great! I-Man was excited to have a roommate and FAB loved it too. I just really want to get her situated in the big bed way before Gracie gets here so that she doesn’t feel like she got kicked out of her crib for the baby.

SO, that was our exciting evening! I love doing stuff like that because you get to really clean the room when you move everything around. I just love our house. I know it is small…but I love it! Eventually (when we hit the lottery, even though we don’t play) we will probably convert the garage into a master suite….but for now, it is great! And then who knows where we will store all of our junk? But I am rambling!

So, that is about it! I am back at work today. KK and I are going to have to think of some things to do today to keep away from Stinky Pete. He is in the office ALL DAY and we don’t want to see him! So….we will see!

Tonight…..not sure what we are doing. I think we are going to the rec center to go swimming….or to the carnival…..I am not sure what we are doing exactly. So, we will see! I haven’t RSVPd to Sebbidue…SORRY….because we are indecisive (or I should say, I am) and don’t know what we will end up doing tonight!!!!

So, anyways….have a great Friday. God is good. I told Hubby that I was starting to be so frustrated about our financial situation because we have been SO faithful in our giving this year… we committed to doing….and it just seems like things are worse than they have ever been. But…..that is the wrong mentality. We are called to be faithful regardless of what obstacles come our way. And, bottom-line…He is in control and He will provide. When my faith starts to waiver, He reminds us!

Love and prayers to all!!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What is that verse we all keep talking about??!?!

Well, another day…another challenge. I will get to that in a minute. Let me just give a recap too! Yesterday was a fine day at work. It went by really slow, even though I came in late. I just didn’t have my heart in it. First of all, I was still groggy or tired from the glucose test. Then the whole day just kinda crept along. So, that was no good. KK wasn’t at work yesterday….she took the day off to take her oldest boy to Dave & Busters. I only had to see Stinky Pete once and talk to him a few times. He just gets on my nerves. I think he was steering clear of the emotional maniac (me) yesterday.

I went and picked up the kiddos from my Aunt’s house and we came home. I-Man went swimming for a while and FAB played in her houses. I just sat and took it easy while they were doing that. Then we came inside and I made dinner….we ate…then the fun begins!

Hubby calls and tells me that he can’t get the key to turn in his ignition. So, he asks me to come where he is and bring the WD 40. So….I get dressed (I already had my PJs on) and got the kids and the WD 40 and left. Luckily he wasn’t working very far away….so we got there and I gave him the WD 40, but it still wouldn’t work. On Monday, he had this problem…but after trying for a few minutes, the key finally turned. So…then he started using my key to the car and it hadn’t acted up since. His key looked a little worn or something. So…..we were there for about 45 minutes… was in a neighborhood that he had been working in. We called my dad….we called Buford (my BIL)….we called Baby’s brother…..they all said the same thing…..we were pretty much screwed. So, finally we left. Hubby went up to tell the guy whose house he was parked in front of what was going on….and his blind dog almost attacked Hubby. So, we all came home. I was crying….just frustrated. We can’t afford this right now. We can’t even afford anything right now…let alone this! We are in the process of refinancing, so it will get better….but not yet!!!! It is worse right now! I just was so upset. I was trying not to be angry at God, but I was kinda. But then I realized that it could be so much worse. Hubby had been working in a very bad part of Dayton….it could’ve happened there. So, Hubby and I put FAB to bed….and I-Man and I had ice cream. I laid in bed and read a book…and fell asleep. I woke up a few minutes later and I-Man was scratching my back. He is so sweet. He asked me where I wanted him to put my book….and he put my glasses up for me and turned out my light and gave me a hug and a kiss goodnight. So sweet. Such a sweet reminder of how blessed I am. I have no business being mad at God. I am just frustrated…but things could be so much worse!!!!

So…anyways….we decided that I would get up and go into work this morning and get a few things done and bring my stuff home so I could work from home today. Hubby shouldn’t have to deal with the car and the kids by himself. So….I did just that. I got to work about 6:30 this morning and got a bunch of stuff done….was home by 8:15. And I even swung by where the car was parked and tried the key again….still didn’t work. When I got home, Hubby had already called a tow company and that only cost us $55. I was expecting at least $150. So….that was a good thing. It is at the dealership right now…so who knows how much it will end up costing us. PTL that Hubby got paid today. Now, that money was marked for other bills….but at least we will have that to get the car fixed. I know that God will provide. I just have to keep that in mind and not lose sight of that.

So, please keep us in your prayers. Like I needed one more thing to worry about…..but as I look around me and I look at my precious two angels and feel little Gracie bounce around……I know that I am blessed and that God is in control. I just have to remind myself of that occasionally. God is good All the Time and All the Time God is good.

That is about it for today…..praying for many and I appreciate your prayers!

Love you!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Warning: Weird Post to Follow!!!

I am having a problem deciding how I should even start this journal entry! I am in a bit of a funk right now….but I know this too shall pass! Things are just getting to me lately – things that usually don’t…they are! I know a lot of it is hormones….but that doesn’t make it easier! Hubby and I had an argument last night and I got so upset I just cried for what felt like hours. The sad thing is….I don’t even know why I am so angry at him? I think it is just because I feel like I am doing all the worrying and that makes me mad. Isn’t that stupid? I honestly cannot put my finger on why I am so mad at him, but I am mad at him. Now, how dumb is that?!?! Poor Hubby! I have just been worrying so much lately about money….and how we are going to afford a 3rd baby….and I-Man starting kindergarten this fall…and paying for his “extra” school….and just you name it, I am worrying about it. And Hubby doesn’t worry like I do and that is infuriating me. The more “happy-go-lucky” he is, the more I just want to strangle him. I seriously went off on him because he asked if it would be alright for him to go to a Red’s game with his buddies on Thursday. I mean, I WENT OFF on him. Now, how dumb is that. Oh well. I still haven’t really talked to him about this. He couldn’t understand why I was crying last night….and I got more mad at him for asking me what was wrong. So, am I a crazy hormonal basket-case or what?!?!?! So, like Josy said….I just had a regular old “Self-Pity Party” for myself last night. Hopefully my hormones will get under control soon. I feel like I am out of control! AND I am so exhausted all the time…that is frustrating. I could seriously go on and on about why I feel sorry for myself, but who wants to hear that? Okay….sorry to have unloaded all of that on you all…..but I just needed to be honest about how I am feeling. I am usually very happy and don’t complain too much…but sometimes we all have to vent, right?!!? End rant…..

So, before I “went postal for no reason last night”….yesterday was a good day!
Work was fine. KK and I had to work on a project together for most of the day – so that made the day go by fast! I went and got the kiddos….FAB gave me the biggest hug, so that was nice. Some days, she is so busy playing that she barely notices I have arrived. I talked to my aunt for a bit…they had a good time on the cruise. Her youngest grandson couldn’t figure out why they were leaving their van behind….then every time he would pass a window on the ship, he would get excited because they were still floating. So, they had fun. I have been worrying about something else lately too…I started thinking that since she won’t have my kids from Oct – March or so…..she might have to take on more kids or get another job. Since her hubby was laid off, I am sure money is more of a concern than it had been. So, I probably need to talk to her about that. I would totally understand if that was the case, but I would be sad because FAB and Gracie would miss out on her care….and I would have to find someone else – and that probably means more money! So, I know that is a way’s off….but I have been worrying about that! I am telling you…if I made money for all the worrying I do, I would be a trillionaire, at least!!!! So, anyways! I picked up the kids and we headed home. They played and I just took it easy for a few minutes until Hubby came home and we left to go to the T-Ball party. It was so much fun! One of the parents had us over to their house and they had a VERY NICE in-ground pool. The kids had a blast playing!!! I don’t know what happened to my I-Man, but the I-Man that was there was just a little water bug with no fear what-so-ever! He was going way under the water and jumping in and just having a grand old time! FAB sat on the steps most of the time….and then she got in with Hubby for a bit…and then she finally got in with one of the older kids. They all had such a good time!!!! I enjoyed myself very much too….especially since I didn’t really want to go! KK was there, so of course we talked….but even more exciting than that….there is this lady, I am going to call her umm….. Church Friend. She comes to our church…she and her Hubby (VERY QUIET ONE) and their 3 kids. They have been coming for a year or two now….they are good friends of Hair-Dye and Radio. So, her son played on I-Man’s team and it has really been a great way to open the doors so that we could get to know them better. She helped out in the kitchen at CE last week….and on the last day, her Hubby was there and we put him to work with Sebbiedue and I - we were “collating” things. Anyways…..she and I sat and talked the entire time. She really opened up – they are pretty quiet people. But she talked about how much she enjoyed CE last week. I guess last year she was in the pre-school room and enjoyed being with the older kids even more this year. She was talking about this family that is also on the t-ball team and how they came to CE all week last week ….and on Sunday….and they liked the service. So, we talked about inviting them to come back and stuff like that. It was just so nice to get to know her better!!! One of the parent’s gave Hubby a card and a $10 Wal-mart gift card. And Church Friend had little bats that she had the kids sign and she gave those to Hubby and KK’s Hubby. So sweet!!! We just had a wonderful time. I am so glad that I went…cuz I was not looking forward to it!

I decided that I was going to have my glucose test done today, so I had to stop eating last night at 8:00. Maybe that is what set me off last night. Who knows? Anyways, so I already told you what happened last night. Before all of that, we just played with I-Man and FAB. FAB can be so sweet sometimes…but so ornery the next second. I don’t know who’s kid she is sometimes!!!!

So, I got to sleep in this morning since the lab didn’t open until 8:00 (well, come to find out, they opened at 7:30, but I thought it was 8:00). So, I went there and drank the yucky stuff and then sat and waited for them to draw my blood an hour later. I got so sleepy….I could barely keep my eyes open. In fact, I am just now starting to feel normal again. One of the ladies I work with…who is an insulin-dependant –diabetic, doesn’t think that is a good sign. I don’t know. I guess I will find out in a few days! I have been told before that I am border-line diabetic….but that was when we were trying to get pregnant with FAB. So, we’ll see. I am glad that is over. Hopefully I don’t have to go back for the 3 hour test. Queen had gestational diabetes with Princess and it was no fun, so I don’t want to have to do that if I can avoid it!

So, then I came into work. Today should go fast since I got a late start to my day! We had our house appraised today….we are in the process of re-financing. I am very interested to see how that comes back. That is definitely a big part of my problem too. I hate dealing with all this financial mumbo-jumbo. And yes, I know that I work at a bank…but I don’t do anything with that kind of stuff anymore.

Well, I guess that is about it for today! Praying for so many….it seems like there is always something going on! Please pray that my hormones get adjusted soon. They are seriously more wacky with this pregnancy than they were with either of the other two. Love you all!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It's Me Again!

Hi Everyone! Geesh…where did the last few days go? Actually, things have slowed down considerably – both at work and home. And I have just been enjoying that! So…let’s see! Where did I leave off?

So, last Thursday and Friday, MIL watched the kids during the day for us. That was nice. She rarely does that…so the kids had a good time. On Friday, she took them to the Air Force Museum. I didn’t realize that it was free to get in there. I need to take I-Man there one day. They didn’t get to stay very long….but she said he really liked seeing all the planes. It would probably be more fun to take him without FAB – so we could check out the I-Max theater and stuff like that. So, anyways….they had fun with that. Work was fine….we finished out the week with VBS. We had 131 kids register for the week. That is really great. I am continually amazed/impressed with Detergent and Sebbiedue and their commitment to making this a success every year. I am sure we all have ideas on how to make it better….but they actually DO it every year. That is pretty amazing. So, thanks Sebbiedue and Detergent for being so committed to the children of Bethany and also the children in our community. I couldn’t do what they do…I can tell you that much!

Saturday….we had a lazy morning for a change. Actually, Hubby had to get up early and to play in a bocce ball tournament for work. So, the kids and I had a lazy morning. FAB had so much fun playing with her new toys. She didn’t really get much of a chance to do that last week since we weren’t home very much. So, they played and I just took it easy! I think I did some cleaning and laundry, but not much. We headed out to Boo’s birthday party – which was very nice! The kids had fun playing and I had fun sitting and talking to HBM and Many Kids and Diamond and Sebbiedue….since we hadn’t seen each other all week. LOL That is the other thing that I think is neat about VBS…it also brings you closer to your church family – or those who participate. You get a chance to spend more time with them…not quality “let’s talk” time….but working together time. Anyways, the party was fun…good food….kids got good and tired! We headed home and FAB went right to sleep. Hubby and I-Man played in the pool and I took a nap. It was too hot outside to do much of anything! That was about it on Saturday. When FAB got up, we just hung out around the house. Hubby went to PT practice and we just played and relaxed. I-Man was mad at MIL because he wanted to “do something” with her and spend the night…he is not a home-body…but she didn’t answer her phone. He got pretty upset with her….and he told her about it on her cell phone voicemail. Too funny. She felt bad, and she did something with him on Sunday.

So, Sunday….well, I enjoyed the service immensely! It was definitely a little chaotic – with so many kids in there –but it was fun. WAY better than last year since we only had the “second service” people in there. They are much more understanding of how wild kids can be. KK and her family visited on Sunday! They have been wanting to come and see Elvis in action….KK’s son wants to take guitar lessons. Actually, he wants to learn to play the drums, but KK says no. Seeing Little Drummer Boy up there didn’t help that fight much. I was bragging on LDB so much. KK told me to hush. So, probably not the best service for them to visit to get a real taste of what our church is like…but their youngest son – Wild Boy – actually sat with I-Man and his class and got up on stage. He is a Wild Boy, but also pretty shy/timid when it comes to stuff like that. But I-Man took him under his wing and he did great. They were very surprised about that! We headed outside after the service….Elvis came over and met them….and then we decided to go out to lunch. It was just too hot!!! I was worried about SIL being out in that heat…she is due in a month….and I-Man wasn’t slowing down because of the heat….so I was worried about him. FAB was starting to break out in a heat-rash….and I was uncomfortable. Plus, we wanted to visit with them. So, we left. I felt bad leaving CXT games….but we hadn’t volunteered to work at anything, so no one was counting on us. So, we left and went to Ryan’s and had fun visiting with them. Then we came home and FAB went right down for a nap and Hubby, I-Man and I all played in the pool. It was so nice and refreshing!!! Then we came in and just relaxed the rest of the day. I took a nap and we all just played and relaxed. MIL came and picked up I-Man after dinner to take him to see the Marching Bands at the high school. Hubby left for Men’s group….FAB went to bed and I had the house to myself for a bit. It was such an enjoyable weekend….and so relaxing compared to how they have been so busy lately. The weekend actually seemed LONG… it was nice.

Umm…then back to work yesterday. That was fine. I ended up leaving early to go to my doctor’s appointment. I am 27 weeks now….and she found little Gracie’s heartbeat right away. My visits are so short….I guess I just know that everything I am experiencing is normal…so no need to re-hash it with them. They keep calling me an “old-pro” now that this is my third. There was a lady in there with her baby…she was there for her 6-week check-up. The baby was crying…and I thought…am I really ready for that again?!?!? I guess, ready or not….she will be here soon! So, left there and Hubby volunteered to pick up the kids. That was nice. So, I met them at home and we all played in the pool for a bit. FAB is so cute in there. Then she and I got out and she played in her playhouse for a long time. Then Hubby and I-Man got out….Hubby went to work for a while and I fixed supper for the kids. We just hung out last night too. I could get used to this!!!

Tonight, we have a t-ball party. One of the parent’s from I-Man’s t-ball team has a pool and is having the team over for our final party. I-Man will get a trophy and his candy prizes. It should be fun. HBM and I have to get together to practice for the Women’s Retreat next weekend.

Oh…here is how forgetful I am….Hubby and I have been talking about when we are going to Gatlinburg for a weekend. We are going down to listen to one of those dumb time-share things. Well, the hotel is free….we get free dinner one night and we get to see 2 free shows! So, a nice CHEAP get-away for us. Anyways…so we had decided that we would go the last weekend in July. Well, on my way to work one day last week, I realized that I couldn’t go then because that is the Air Show. I am responsible for our booth there. I don’t have to “work it” but I have to set it up on next Friday and be “on-call” all weekend for it. PLUS it is the Women’s Retreat. I almost bailed on HBM without realizing it! So, then…we decided we would go the next weekend…the first weekend in August. Well, that is the ONLY weekend my parents told us that they couldn’t watch the kids for us. DUH. So…we now have it booked for the second weekend in August. If we change it now…we have to pay. SO, hopefully I am not forgetting about anything that is going on that weekend. We want to go before the baby and before I shouldn’t be traveling anymore. Geesh! I can’t wait to get my memory back!

Well…that is all I can think of right now. It seems that there were other things I wanted to talk about…but I have forgotten and this is already long enough! Have a great Tuesday and I will talk to you all soon! Love ya, Girlies!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Glad that is over!!!

Hello Everyone! I have so much work to do…but I don’t feel like doing any of it…so I am going to journal first! Then I will jump right into work. My job is funny in how it is either feast or famine. There are times when I wish there were 8 more hours in the day to get everything done, and then there are times when the 8 hours I have go by so slow, I wish there were only 4! So, it is interesting!

Let’s see….my meeting for work yesterday was FABULOUS, if I do say so myself! Not to brag, but I thought of everything…down to the last tiniest detail, so it went off without a hitch! All of our managers had a really good time and they all seemed to really appreciate all of the time and effort that KK and I put into it. Stinky Pete didn’t do too much to tick me off….and he was really appreciative of all we did too. The funny thing is, he wasn’t really sold on our whole “concept” for the meeting. He tried to change things, but we kept steering him back to our way. And he even told me yesterday that “I was his hero” because I was SO right about doing the meeting my way. Well, HELLO, that is why I should making the big bucks…because my great ideas and hard work make him look so good! But, it was great….and the best part is…it is OVER! Until the next one! I got home from the meeting and went and got the kids from my mom’s house. We came to our house and I just wanted to collapse. But, I couldn’t! I felt like a walking zombie….still do today, actually. Instead, though, I got the kids dinner…got myself something to eat and then we headed over to the church. We got there early and my kids did really good at sitting next to me at the registration table. At one point, I-Man was whining about wanting to go run around and Elvis walked by…so I asked Elvis if he thought I-Man was being a good boy by just sitting. Elvis helped to play up what a good boy he was being, but I-Man still wanted to get up and run around….they were good until MIL got there. I know she thinks I am too hard on the kids, but I am trying to make them understand that even though it is VBS and it is crazy fun at the church, we are still in church and we need to try to act right. Oh well. She did help by taking FAB back to the nursery for me. So, anyways….everything ran VERY smoothly last night. A far cry from the tornado scare the night before. But, even with the tornado scare, the kids all did great…and it was fine. God is in control and you could just feel that. Ya know? We have had 123 kids register for Camp Extreme this week. That is AWESOME! Now, all 123 kids haven’t been there at one time YET, but 123 have registered! And our mission project is going very well….pretty exciting to see all that stuff on stage! I think that this is an easy project for parents to get behind….and what a great cause! So, WOW. I think VBS is going great. There are always going to be “argh” moments and frustrations, but in the middle of all of that….it is so AWESOME to see how many kids are learning about God this week. That makes all the frustration worth it. Like HBM said in her journal, we are doing it for His glory…not anyone else’s or our own. And even in our frustration, He is being glorified. Amen for that!!!

So, anyways….as exhausted as I am….it is tough working all day and then going to CE at night and having 2 kids (well, 3 if you count Hubby) and being in or nearly in my 3rd trimester….but I just keep telling myself that when I make it through this week….things will be so much more calm next week! NO t-ball games….no soft-ball games….just time to relax, hopefully!!!! So, that is my plan anyways. I still feel like a walking zombie, but I know that all of us that are involved in VBS are tired, so there is no sense in complaining! I will say that my ankles have been hugely swollen each night….but that is pretty normal. I have to go for my diabetic test thing next week. That will be great. I HATE that orange crush syrup stuff. YUCK.

I am kinda all over the board here, I realize that. So, FAB listened to Sebbiedue last week when she gave her permission to act like a terrible 2….thanks Sebbiedue! She has been a terror this week….even Mimi Tucky said so! She got a lot of time-outs this week. If you make her mad by scolding her or asking her to do something she doesn’t want to do, she will do one of three things to you: 1) Growl at you, 2) slap you or 3) throw something at you. NICE. Who is this child and where is her mother? Oh, I forgot one. She also might bite you! Although, she usually just does that when you are playing with her and least expecting it! So, today and tomorrow she is with Mimi Hio (aka MIL)…so we will see what she has to say about her. I am sure she will just spoil her and tell me that she is a perfect angel, when I really know the truth. It will be interesting, I am sure about that!!! But, it is VERY nice to not have to pay for child-care this week.

Yeah…so I haven’t really said much about this…but our mortgage payment (that is due on the 15th) is going to be about $250 more than it normally is. Isn’t that lovely! When we bought the house 2 years ago, we did an ARM…and the rate just adjusted and our payment went up. So, that is some extra stress in my life. We are working on refinancing it…but not soon enough! Like Sara said, I am so sick of worrying about money….but our worries will never go away. And we are just adding a kid to the mix…so LOVELY. I know that God is in control, but I have a hard time not stressing/panicking/worrying/freaking out…all of those things. Every time I think about it, I just get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. And I know that I need to get that (my stress) under control for Gracie’s sake…but that is easier said than done. I was freaking out this morning and actually started crying to KK about it….but I know that my mind is just playing tricks with me. But, I have realized that the past few days I haven’t felt Gracie move as much as I had been feeling her move. So, I couldn’t sleep this morning and I just laid there and kept pushing on my belly….trying to make her move. She didn’t. Now, I am feeling her move occasionally, but it isn’t the constant rolling I was getting accustomed to. I am thinking about calling my doctor, but part of me knows that I am just under a lot of stress right now and now my mind is playing tricks with me. Plus, I go to the doctor a week from Monday….so as long as I am feeling her occasionally, I need to not let my mind play tricks on me. Don’t know if any of that makes sense….but the bottom line is….I need to slow down. I realize that (as I did with both of my other pregnancies) but I am not built to slow down. I am built to go-go-go. Okay…I am rambling now!

So, I guess that is about it for right now! I think I have rambled long enough! I have been bad about lurking the last two days…since I have only had a minute here or a minute there to pop in and read journals. I haven’t been good about commenting. So, I am sorry. I will try to do better!

Love you all and praying that we all make it through this stressful week. But…..again, for those of us working at VBS….we are doing it for HIS glory and even when we are frustrated (because believe me…I have been frustrated a lot this week too)…HE is being glorified and these precious children are building memories…and hopefully a foundation…that will last forever. Love you all and I am so proud to call you each my friend!!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Phew! It has been a few DAYS!

Phew! What a few days it has been! And this entire week will be crazy…but so goes life, right?!? Let’s see….I have to tell you a few things:

Friday: This was the actual day for FAB’s 2nd Birthday and she was at Scrapbook Queen’s house. They had a great day there! I went and picked the kids up and SQ told me that A-Girl had been singing Happy Birthday to FAB all day – how cute! FAB just LOVES A-Girl. She talks about her ALL the time. Her and Boo, Minnie’s youngest. She knows their names really well. So, anyways, SQ gave me a whole CD of ADORABLE pictures from the two days she had my kids. I swear, I should stop paying to have their pictures done other places and just pay her to do them! She gets the best pictures of my kids! I would share them with you..but I forget how to do that. So, anyways, we left their house (with two HUGE bags of clothes for FAB and shoes…THANKS!!!!) and headed home. We waited for Hubby to come home and took off to have dinner at Applebees. Well, if you all remember, I am pregnant and hormonal. So, we get there and there is a bit of a wait. Well, I-Man starts to throw a fit in the parking lot about something and that just set me off. I decided that I did not want to eat there…I wanted to go to the park and eat and just do something fun instead of forcing the kids to behave and sit in a restaurant. So, I threw a fit. Well, not a fit like I-Man, but a fit with Hubby. Bless his heart, he didn’t know what hit him…but it was an emotional, crying me. So, I won (of course) and we left and went to McDonald’s and got dinner in the drive-thru and took it to the park and had a picnic. The kids got to play and we walked by the pond. It was very nice. We left there and went to Meijer for the LONGEST shopping trip EVER. While we were there, we called my parents because they had pictures of these “houses” they wanted to buy FAB. The kids had to talk to them. And you can’t walk around Meijer and talk on the phone because it will keep dropping the call. Then we called MIL because she had been asking me what to get FAB, so we saw something we liked….but she had already bought her something else. But while Hubby was on the phone with her, I told him to ask her what food she was bringing to the party (because she hadn’t offered to help at all). So, we got her to bring fruit to the party. LOL. So, then we had to go shopping for the food-stuff we still needed for the party and we also got two itty bitty cakes. We got home (again, after being there FOREVER) and had cake and ice cream and sang Happy Birthday to FAB. Then we got the kids to bed. It was a nice birthday evening for FAB, after my little melt-down, of course!

So, Saturday…the kids let us sleep in until 9:00! WOW! That was nice! Then we got up and Hubby went to work and I got busy cleaning the house and decorating and just getting everything ready. Sister called and asked if Buford could take I-Man to a tractor pull that evening….so that was great! So, JJ and Buford got to our house and Buford and I-Man took off (I-Man was so excited). Then JJ, FAB and I headed over to my parent’s house. Hubby had to go to PT practice, so we left him behind. Well, JJ, Dad, FAB and I headed to Meijer to look at the house they wanted to buy FAB and of course, the didn’t have any at that store. So, Dad and FAB headed off to another Meijer and Mom, JJ and I headed off in Mom’s convertible to the movies! I thanked Dad as he was driving off, because I was getting a night out at an adult movie with no kids! And Dad said, “No, thank you for letting me have this time with my Granddaughter!” Isn’t that sweet!!! So, JJ, Mom and I had a grand time at the movies – we watched “Pirates of the Caribbean.” It was pretty good….there were so many special effects that some of the lost their “wow” factor, but it was a good movie. Johnny Depp is just so perfect for that role. We headed home after the movie and Hubby and I finished some things for the party then headed off to bed!

Sunday was a great day! I-Man woke me up by putting my present in my face and giving me a Happy Birthday hug. I told Hubby that I already had the best two presents with the third on the way….but he still bought me some perfume. I was surprised! We got the kids ready and Hubby took them off to Sunday School while I finished some things for the party and got ready for church. Mom, JJ and Buford came to church…that was a nice surprise! I had no idea they were coming! So, that was nice. I thought the service was really good. I love all those songs and Sebbiedue’s sentiments at the end of the service were so true. My parent’s were always in charge of our VBS when I was a kid…and I can remember how Satan always attacked. So true and so beautiful of her to share! As much work as VBS is…for all involved….it makes such a huge difference in kid’s lives. I still remember a lot of stuff from all times I went to VBS. Lasting memories. And it is neat to see how excited I-Man gets every year when we talk about it. So, church was great. We headed home and got right to work getting everything ready. The party was great. We had over 60 people come….crazy, I know. But it was so much fun for the kids! FIL came….but I didn’t talk to him much. Buford told him that he needed a hair-cut, which cracked me up. It was a good time! FAB got way too many presents…but we have had fun playing with them already! I-Man has had fun helping her play dress-up with all the Princess clothes she got. They are so sweet together sometimes.

Oh, I-Man told me that the name Gracie has grown on him for the baby. So, he approves of it now. And he told me that he is going to be a good big brother to her too. I know that he will. I am just glad that he isn’t mad about having a sister anymore. We told him again on Sunday that being the only boy means that his time with Uncle Buford will be even more special – because Buford won’t want to take girls to tractor pulls, only him. So, that helped too! I think he has worked it out in his little mind.

Yesterday was a busy day at work….just non-stop getting ready for my big meeting on Wednesday. I am stressed and know that today will be just as crazy…that is why I am taking the time to journal and try to relax before the craziness begins! After work, I ran to Meijer to get some stuff for work that I still needed…and then I went to my mom’s house to get the kids. FAB was sleeping, so I sat for a bit and Mom made us taco salad for me to take home for dinner. I think that is what I will have again tonight. I LOVE taco salad. And we have no time in the evening…so it will work out great! So, we rushed home and ate dinner (FAB stayed with my mom) and then I-Man and I headed out to VBS. I was late. I didn’t realize that I was supposed to be there early to help with registration. So, when I got there, I felt really bad. So, I jumped in…I-Man was GREAT and it was such a relief to not have FAB. My mom dropped her off in the nursery at some point….it was all a blur! The first night is always the most chaotic. But for great reasons! We had about 105 kids on the first night! That is pretty awesome! Nearly half (or probably over half) of them are 3 – 6 year olds. So, bless those teacher’s hearts! They had their hands VERY full! But again, what a great problem to have. I am in NO WAY complaining. Hopefully I will get to go in and participate in the worship service tonight or later this week, that is my favorite part. I love to see all those kids praising God. I cry every time. Just an awesome experience!!!!

So, when it was over, we all headed home and watched the DVD from FAB’s party. Both of the kids got so excited to see themselves on TV….especially FAB. She just kept running up the TV and saying “Me! Me! Me!” And then “Daddy!” “Mommy” and so on. SO CUTE! After that, we all went to bed…..well, not Hubby. He stayed up and did laundry. But the rest of us did! I am not going to see much of Hubby or my kids this week. By the time we get home, it is time for bed! Oh well. Next week will be back to normal….actually better than normal because T-Ball will be over!!!

So, that is about it, I think. I had a great birthday! I got a lot of nice presents and funny cards and at Women’s Group on Sunday night, they sang to me at Tim Horton’s. So, it was a nice birthday. Yesterday, I was sad thinking about the fact that I am no longer in my twenties. But, like JJ said, in 10 years, I will be wishing I was turning 30! So, it is all good! I have too much to be thankful for to let a number get in my way!

Okay…I really have to get to work now. Pray that the next two days go smoothly and I don’t kill Stinky Pete!

Love you all!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday to my FABulous!!!!

Happy Friday and Happy Birthday FABulous! My baby girl is 2 years old today! I cannot believe that she is 2! We were singing Happy Birthday to her last night and every time we say “you”, she points to her belly and says “me”. So cute. I just want to bottle her up!!! There are times when I cannot believe the attitude my little two year old has…but I guess that is what makes little girls the little Divas that they are! So, Happy Birthday to my FABulous!

Let’s see…yesterday was a fine day! I thought I would have a hard time getting up…but I got up early! I had a fine day at work. It was KK’s birthday, so I decorated her office with signs, balloons and confetti. Stinky Pete got her a nice gift and he told both of us to leave at noon for our birthdays! Well, I have too much to do this week…so I will take him up on that next week – after my big meeting on Wednesday! I wish I could leave early today, but I just have too much going on! Plus, the kids had so much fun at Scrapbook Queen’s house yesterday…they were really looking forward to spending the day with her and her girlies again today! So, next week…when things slow down at work, I will take him up on that! But, back to work, I got a lot done – getting caught up and getting ready for my meeting next week. It is going to be a “fun” meeting at Dave & Busters…but it takes more work to pull off those “fun meetings’ – for me anyways!

So, after I picked up the kids at SQ’s house, we came home and Hubby had moved the two dressers for me. I LOVE the way my bedroom is right now! It looks much bigger the way we have it. There is plenty of room for the cradle when it is time for that…so, that was good! The kids played outside for a bit…then we had dinner and then headed off to I-Man’s t-ball game. This was the last game that Hubby and I will be at. His last game is Tuesday…so he is going to play and then KK will bring him to church for Camp Extreme. Hubby and I will have to miss that game because we are both committed to CE! So, it was a good game! Hubby’s Uncle came….he has a bunch of Uncles, but I think this one is my favorite! He and his son came and so, I-Man put on quite a show for them last night! He did really good!!! He got two outs! The first one, he was playing short-stop and he got the ball and ran it to second and got the kid out. Then, he was playing first base and he stopped the ball and got to the base before the kid. I was so proud of him! A not-so-proud moment was when he got the kid out at 2nd base, he looked at the kid and said “You are OUT!” Not so proud of that…but it was very funny. He has really improved this season….he hits the ball very good, which makes up for his speed! I just love watching him play. He has such a good time! LOVE that little guy!

Oh, Hubby’s Uncle and I were talking before MIL got there (this is her brother) and he was telling me that he didn’t want Hubby to hear him, but he was hoping that FIL didn’t show up. It was nice to be able to talk to someone about the situation who understands how I feel. Uncle is still very upset with FIL for what he did to MIL…and because that is his sister, he wants to protect her and thinks that FIL is a jerk! So, anyways…it was just nice to hear someone confirm how I feel about the situation. I told him what FIL said about feeling “left out” at parties and such…and about the whole “only one papaw” comment…and Uncle just laughed. He said that he wouldn’t give FIL the time of day, so if he feels left out, he should! And he also said that my kids are lucky to have my Dad in their lives and that FIL should realize that. Anyways, it was just nice to be able to talk and be “real” about my feelings with someone who is very close to the situation and understands how I am feeling. It was very sweet of him to come to I-Man’s game!

So, after the game, we walked home and then gave the kids baths. We sang Happy Birthday to FAB some more…and then put her to bed. She can be so sweet (when she wants to be). I-Man was soon to follow! He was being a very sweet boy last night too. I have to say…he was cracking me up when I picked him up from SQ’s house….he was talking NON-STOP! I asked M-Girl if he had been like that all day…and she said “yep!” She is so cute and sweet to put up with I-Man. He is younger than her….and adores her…so I am sure it annoys her, but she is a good sport!

Oh, I watched Big Brother last night! Have I told you all how much I love my DVR? I had forgotten all about it being on…but when we got home, I saw it was recording something and then remembered! So, I don’t know what I would do without that thing! So, I watched that. I was pretty happy with the people who made it back into the house. A few I could do without….like Danielle! I LOVE that Danielle and Allison are already on the chopping block. I would be happy if either one of them went home. If you don’t watch Big Brother, this would be a good season to watch. It is the All-Star season, so it is sure to be full of drama! I love my reality shows!

After I watched that, I went to bed! Hubby worked on cleaning the garage out last night. We need to get rid of a bunch of junk! It is so easy to just keep throwing things in the garage…but we need to just get rid of some JUNK! He wants to have a garage sale, but I don’t think we have enough junk for that…, if anyone is going to have one soon..or wants to have one with us, let us know! Anyways, we have a lot of work to do to the yard and stuff for FAB’s party on Sunday. I still need to figure out what “snack foods” I am going to serve. It is at 2:30 (I think….can someone with an invitation confirm that) and (Oh, HBM…I didn’t get an invitation to you because you were going to be out of town…but please come if you can!) so I think most people will have already eaten lunch, so we are just going to have snacks and cupcakes and ice cream. I can’t afford a big lunch! Lol Hopefully everyone is fine with that. Anyways, so, tomorrow will be a busy day getting ready for the party!

I feel like I am rambling! I need to get to work! Have a great Friday and I will see you all soon! Love you all!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Remember me?

Hello Ladies! It has been a while…but I have been lurking…and commenting here and there. So, I think I am all caught up on all of you – at least for the most part! I am not going to bore you with all the details of the past few days, but let me just sum it up by saying….it has been a nice few days off of work!

Let’s see, highlights of my weekend….we had a very nice time in ‘Tucky. We didn’t do any one thing that was really exciting, but just had a nice relaxing weekend. I needed that. I don’t think I have relaxed very much lately! So, we did a lot of that. I bet Sister was bored…but it was nice. The kids had fun playing with my parents and Sister and Buford, Hubby really liked my parent’s house and he got to play golf with Dad, Buford and I-Man…..and he visited Southeast Christian Church (which has about 26,000 in attendance every week). So, he had a good trip. We got the kids pictures taken at Wally World down there. They did pretty good. Umm…what else? We watched some movies, went to the flea market – where I found an adorable bumper pad for Gracie. It is Pottery Barn and is very cute!!! We played some poker and just had a nice time visiting! I did miss my parent’s “Party House” with the big pool and the entire family coming down for the 4th, but it was still a nice weekend! We came home on Monday.

Since we have been home…well, the reason we decided to come home on Monday instead of Tuesday is that Hubby’s uncle was having a camp-out at his house for all “the boys”. So, we got home from ‘Tucky and put the kids down for naps. Hubby and I went out and cleaned out the pool and then just laid around in the pool for a bit. It was very nice and relaxing and refreshing since it was stinking hot! Then Hubby and I-Man took off for the campout and FAB and I headed to the grocery store for a few things…then got dinner and came home. She went to bed pretty early, so I had the house to myself! I colored my hair. And once I did it, I was shocked at how light it is…I went a bit lighter than I normally do and it shocked me. But no one has even mentioned it, so it must just be very different to me. Then again, I have really only seen Hubby’s family and they didn’t even notice I got about 6 inches cut off, so why would they notice the color?!?! I saw Minnie too, but it was dark and rainy. Anyways, so I did that and then went to bed, pretty much.

The boys got home pretty early on the 4th. FAB and I were still sleeping. Their campout ended early – as they were all awake by 6:30ish and playing t-ball! So, they broke camp down and came home. Hubby took a shower and then went back to sleep for a bit. I-Man didn’t even camp in the same tent as Hubby…so Hubby was all by himself! I-Man wanted to be with his cousins….so funny! Well, I-Man did not go back to sleep! So, we all got ready and headed back over to Hubby’s Uncle’s house for a cook-out. It rained for a bit, but they put tarps up and it wasn’t that bad. It didn’t stop the fun! The boys (I-Man and Hubby’s cousins) played t-ball, ate, swam, played kick-ball and just had a grand ole’ time! I-Man didn’t stop all day! Oh, MIL was there with her boyfriend. He is very odd, I think. They act like a couple of teen-agers. But, I guess that is what dating is like, no matter what age you are! So, we left there and got home and we all took showers. It was so hot and wet and just yuck! So, we all took showers and then headed out to Delco Park to watch the fireworks. We got there and got some good “fair-type” food. We really wanted funnel cakes, but the lines were RIDICULOUS! FAB had a dirty diaper there (JOY!) and she was being a brat. She spilled I-Man’s drink…and just was not cooperating! I was ready to go home. But we went and found a spot to watch the fireworks. We saw the guy that SIL used to date…the one we REALLY loved. He is married and has a 9 month old baby girl and another baby on the way! We both hugged him and told him how much we missed him. He was such a wonderful person. Then we saw Hotty – the boy that Hubby grew up with and has been great friends with forever. He broke up with the girl we loved….and is dating someone else. It was the first time I met her. She was nice…but not Juli, the girl we both loved so much. This girl is someone he has had a thing for for MANY years, so it really is no surprise that they are together and getting serious very quickly. I am going to have to give her a chance….even though I loved Juli so much! Then we saw someone else that Hubby used to play softball with…so we talked to him and his family….then Minnie and her family got there to watch the fireworks. Then….it starts POURING! Luckily, I had brought a big umbrella. So, Minnie and her girls and me and my kids all crowded on the blanket under the umbrella. We were about to walk back to the van, when the fireworks started. So, we stuck it out! The kids had fun and oohed and ahhed over them. Then we walked back to the van…only to WAIT in traffic for nearly an hour! It took us an hour to get home and we were not even 3 miles from our house! OH well! The kids fell asleep right away and it wasn’t that bad. Next year, we are going to walk from Minnie’s house, I think. That was the pits last night!

Today has been a nice day! The kids both slept in until after 9:00!!!! That was a blessing! Then Hubby got up and went to work, I made pancakes for the kids for breakfast. Then I got to work cleaning the house. I did some dusting, vacuuming, laundry and then, after lunch, I rearranged the furniture in our bedroom. Hubby hasn’t seen it yet…I am sure that he (and all of you) will yell at me for moving furniture when I am pregnant…but it wasn’t that hard! I want to switch our two dressers around (which involves moving the TV) but I know I couldn’t do that by myself, so hopefully Hubby will do that when he gets home. The way I have it now will allow plenty of room for the cradle next to my side of the bed. Oh, and I washed my curtains today! Just the ones in the bedroom…but our bedroom get so dusty!!! That made me happy to wash my curtains. I need to do that in FAB’s room too….so maybe another day! The kids have been good today and have either played with eachother or alone…or I have played with them some too. They both took LONG naps! I think they are just getting caught up from the busy few days! They didn’t sleep as much as they normally do when we were in ‘Tucky. They made up for it today. Plus, when I was telling I-Man to take a nap, I told him that he wouldn’t be taking naps for the next few days and he laughed a devious laugh and said “Because Miss (Scrapbook Queen) doesn’t make me take naps!” He is excited about spending the next two days with her and her girls!

So, that is about it! I have to go back to work tomorrow….BLAH! But tomorrow is KK’s birthday, so I am looking forward to that! I am going to go get her a little present when Hubby gets home from work. We don’t usually exchange gifts, but I want to get her a little something. Little…because we have no money! Oh well! That is a whole other worry. I really think that my worry is getting out of hand. There are many times throughout the day that I panic and just feel ill because I start worrying about money and the baby and money and the kids and money. I know I am not alone…but I need to do a better job of getting it under control.

Umm…I was telling Minnie last night that when I was a kid, I always looked forward to the 4th of July because it was so close to my birthday. But, since I am turning 30 on Sunday, not so sure that I am looking forward to it!!! Plus, I can’t believe that FABulous is going to be 2 on Friday! Time flies!!! It just seems like yesterday that we were driving to the hospital to have her! She is so precious, I just can’t imagine life without her!

Well, I think that is about it for now! Please continue to pray for HBM and Elvis and Pita Pocket as they spend time with family and travel home. I know this has been a rough few weeks for them and hopefully this is the last traumatic event in their lives for a while!!!! Hopefully after this, HBM can focus on that little miracle growing inside of her and just enjoy being pregnant! Thankful prayers that the doctor’s were able to diagnose what has been going on with Boo. Hopefully the meds will help and this will be something she will out-grow! Prayer for Speedy and all those involved with The Nurse’s wedding this weekend…safety in travel and that everything goes smoothly. Pray for Sister and Buford as they continue trying for a little miracle. For Sebbiedue and CE next week and her unspoken request. Pray for Pepto and her hectic schedule and taking care of herself! Pray for Mandalynn and her crazy summer schedule. Thankful prayers for Josy and the much better place she is in now….may that continue. And just overall prayers for all the Journal Goddesses….I am thankful that our paths have crossed and that God brought each of you into my life. Love to all and talk to you soon!!!!