Sunday, February 26, 2006

Where, oh where has my weekend gone?

WOW! This weekend has really flown by! I hate it when that happens! I wish the weekends were longer. Oh well. So goes life, I guess! Let’s see….here is my recap:

Friday was a pretty good day at work. I don’t think I saw Stinky Pete at all and I only talked to him once. So, that was nice! He told KK and I to go out to lunch and put it on our corporate card because it had been such a long week and we did such a great job. That was nice of him! So, work was fine. After work, Hubby had already picked up the kids because he had an all-day meeting for work and he was close to where the kids were…so he picked them up. That was nice! So, we both got home earlier than normal for a Friday night. We met Hair Dye and her family for dinner at Fuddruckers…yummy! They had coupons for “buy one get one” but it was a 1 pound burger. Yes, you read that right…1 pound burger! It was HUGE. We got a good laugh out of that! Needless to say, they took 1 pound of burger home with them. Well, they have a very good friend who is the manager of Showcase Cinemas so, they called him and we got to take the kids to see “Curious George” for free! Hubby, Radio and FAB actually didn’t go. FAB was tired and I don’t think she would sit in a movie yet…..K-Girl was pretty restless. So, I-Man, Hair-Day, J-Boy and K-Girl had a good time at the movies. It was an okay kid movie. The best part was the popcorn! I-Man spilled his, of course. So, Hair-Dye went up to the concession stand and they refilled his box thingy for free. That was nice! Tragedy avoided!!!! So, it was a nice evening with a friend! Hair-Dye and I don’t do a whole lot together anymore…so it was nice. The kids actually got along really well too….which is unusual. I-Man has such a tender heart, sometimes. He was crying because K-Girl was upset about something….oh, and he asked for a quarter so he could win her a ball…and when he won it, he did just that, gave it to her! Didn’t get one for himself. Sometimes he can be so sweet!!!

So, on to Saturday! We took it slow getting up and I did not go to the gym. This is the first Saturday since I have been going that I didn’t go! I felt guilty….but it was nice to get some things done around the house too. I cleaned the house…and then took a quick shower….and then JJ and my Mom came to pick up the kids. I talked to them for a quick second and then finished getting ready. KK came and picked me up and we went to this fundraiser luncheon for a Breast Cancer support group. The food was gross. But, the luncheon was neat. There are about 3 ladies that I work with that have been diagnosed with breast cancer. One of them….I actually didn’t work with because she was going out on long-term disability when I came to this new job. Well, she started this organization that was hosting this luncheon on Saturday. She died in November after the cancer spread to her lungs, her liver and her brain. She was such an inspiration to so many people. This luncheon this year was in honor of her. Her husband got up and spoke about her….not a dry eye in the place. It was amazing. They also did a surprise special tribute to her doctor…he is a pretty well-known doctor in this area. They had everyone stand up who was a patient of his…..and that was powerful. Then they had everyone stand up who was a friend or family member of one of his patients….and nearly the ENTIRE room stood up. That is AMAZING. He is a very humble man…..and what an amazing difference he has made in so many lives. So, that was cool. It was one of those things that I really didn’t want to go to that luncheon. I would have much rather been spending time with JJ and my mom….but I am glad I went. It was touching.

So, after that….I came home and got a Sprite because I am still having a lot of queasy stomach issues. And then I headed off to the Baby Shower for George. That was fun! It was nice to spend some time with the ladies in my family. Her MIL cracks me up… was good to talk to her. Everyone seemed just as surprised as we were that we are pregnant again. My G-Ma told me that she just knew I was trying again for that red-haired baby. We’ll see! George got a lot of really nice things….I remember how excited I was after my first shower… much more real it seemed! So, I bet they were excited to go through everything again. Hopefully they get moved into their house soon….before that baby gets here!!!

So, after we left that…FAB and I came home and ….oh, forgot to say how cute FAB and Princess were at the shower. They played together so nicely…and kept hugging each other. But it is very obvious that FAB is a bully for a little girl. I guess because of her big brother and her boy-cousins she hangs out with all the time. She would take something away from Princess and we would have to tell her to give it back…she would! Princess wasn’t too sure about her, I don’t think. She didn’t protest, though. She was probably just like….HEY! FAB….get a life! But they were so cute together!

So, anyways….FAB and I came home and it was almost time for PT practice. Well, I-Man had remembered earlier in the day that he was supposed to bring a friend to church today. So, he called his Aunt (SIL #2). She wasn’t home so she called us back right before it was time to leave for the church. Well, he asked her if her friend’s nephew could come to church with him tomorrow and he couldn’t. Well, I-Man threw a ROYAL fit. He was so upset! He was upset because he had promised Teacher that he would bring a friend and she was going to be disappointed in him if he didn’t I mean….he was crying and bawling and really, really upset. It broke my heart. I was so proud of him for caring so much…and was trying to tell him that the important thing was that he remembered to ask his friend and that he cared so much….but to no avail. He was really upset. So, we had to head off to church with him like that…..we got there and he was still not happy. I told him that I would be his friend….but that wouldn’t work because it needed to be someone his age. HBM told him she would be his friend…nope. So, we left him in the nursery very upset. PT Practice was GREAT…as usual! We got COOL new microphones. LOVE them….and we sounded so much better……Hubby went out and listened during one of the songs and he said it sounded way better than it had… that was great!!!! It was a long….but fun practice and great to goof off with HBM and just praise the Lord!

I guess in the nursery, I-Man decided that Pita Pocket would be his friend…..but that wouldn’t work because Pita Pocket isn’t old enough. Good thing….I-Man forgot about it this morning. I went in an told Teacher about it though, and tried to make a big deal about the fact that he remembered and all that. SO, crisis avoided!!!!!

So, this morning….worship was AWESOME! We ROCKED THE HOUSE and it was so much fun to see everyone so into it! There were some visitors that were sitting behind us. They seemed nice….we spoke to them for a minute. And then at the end, Scrapbook Queen’s oldest girl got baptized. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place as Beef, her Daddy, talked about her and her decision and then when he baptized her. It was AWESOME! As a parent, I can only imagine how great that must’ve been for them to be a part of and witness this great day in their daughter’s life. I can’t wait until the day I-Man and FAB make that decision. HOW AWESOME!!!! It was so neat. Beef…….there are just no words to describe what a great youth minister and father that man is. We are so blessed to have him and SQ at our church. Love ya Girlie!!!!

After church….don’t know why we do this to ourselves….but we went out to eat with MIL, SIL #1 and Minnie and her family. It was not a fun experience. FAB was in RARE form today. Nothing made her happy…she kept crying…..I was so frustrated. I am not one of those mothers that will let my kid cry and ruin everyone else’s meal….so I took her out one time and then Hubby ended up taking her to the van as soon as he got done eating so I could finish. It was just not a pleasant experience. I don’t know why we do this to ourselves every week. I-Man went with Pretty and her family (well…Minnie….but he said it was with Pretty) to the store and then to the b-day party. FAB fell asleep on the way home, of course! We had to wake her up to change her and take her to the b-day party. Yah, so the b-day party…NOT FUN. I was so depressed when we got home because both of my kids were hellions at the b-day party. BOTH of them were crying and pitching a fit…..I was embarrassed….frustrated….tired of fighting with them….and cannot believe that I am going to have another one to struggle with. It was just one of those days where I feel like a horrible mother because they were both behaving so badly….like, what have I done wrong?!?!?! SO, we get home and I am exhausted at this point….and so is I-Man and FAB and Hubby. BUT of course, SHE won’t go to sleep. Finally, Hubby got up with her and just let me sleep. I was at my wit’s end and needed sleep so badly. He must’ve known that, bless his heart. I don’t know what is wrong with her…..well, I do. It is called the terrible 2’s but she isn’t even 2 yet! We have created a monster with her…..don’t know how we are going to fix that. But we better figure it out before Baby #3 gets here!!!!

Speaking of Baby #3… queasy stomach is really bad with this one. I hope it gets better soon……or I will just have to live on Sprite! SIL #1 is having the same thing….fun, fun!

Well, I guess that is about it for my weekend! Like I said, where, oh where has my weekend gone?!?!? I am taking a vacation day on Tuesday so that I can help teach pre-school and so that I can get I-Man signed up for Kindergarten testing. I am going to at least get him tested and see if they think we should start him this fall or wait until next year. With the baby on the way, it might be good for him to start school, so we will see!

Everyone have a great Monday and I will talk to you all later!!! Love ya!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday! I love Fridays!!!

I love Fridays! Although, this is a crazy weekend for me....but I still love Fridays!!! Wahooo!

So! Yesterday was a GREAT day at work. Let me tell you why....kinda a long story....but you will all be so proud of me! So, at my BIG meeting this week.....the meeting, overall, went very well. All of the details that I planned and worked so hard on were fabulous and it really was one of the best events that I have put together. (not that I am tooting my own horn, but the evaluations said the same!) The ONLY thing that went wrong that day guessed it, Stinky Pete! He was just a complete goof the entire day. He thinks he is a comedian and it gets old REALLY fast. Just not professional....not funny.....and wrong. Well, he opened up the day by making some very harsh comments (again, thinking he is funny) about the District Managers. So, they were all piffed off. I was surprised that he said some of the things that he did....but again, chalked it up to the fact that he is an idiot. Then at lunch time, we were running a bit ahead of schedule so we had some time to kill. Dumb Stinky Pete filled it by playing "Stump your DM" again, he made the DMs look stupid. Strike 2! Later in the afternoon, he again said something dumb about the DMs....strike 3. Then, the icing on the cake was at the end of the dumb boss decided to have all the Branch Managers stand up and they were at round tables. He played music and told them all they had to dance....and when he stopped the music they all had to point to the person at their table who was dancing the "least enthusiastically" and that person would have to come up front for a "dance-off". So.....the managers were all dying.....some embarrassed....mostly they just couldn't believe he was doing that! So......then the lucky ones had to go up front and dance....until he narrowed it down to the two "worst"...and then he was going to make the worst dance by himself!!!! Are you serious?!?!?! Yes, he was serious! I ABOUT DIED!!!! It was bad. SO....then we move to another meeting that we had because we had two meetings back-to-back. He made a buffoon of himself in that meeting too! with that background.....he was out of the office on Wednesday, so KK and I were planning on talking to him about his behavior on Thursday....if the right opportunity presented itself. Well, yesterday.......KK and I were just finishing up lunch and he asked me what I thought about the I asked him if he had a minute that KK and I could sit and talk about it.....and we did! I started it and I just told him how BAD it really was. He had already heard about it from some of the DMs.....and he was very receptive (for the first time ever) to my HONEST feedback. I know it was harsh...and hard for him to hear....but I did it!!!!!!! He actually thanked me for the feedback. Now.....things are really bad and this isn't going to fix the fact that some of our best people are ready to quit because of KK and I are going to sit down with our old boss sometime soon to see if we can't get his help on this. It is pretty bad. So, enough about work....but I was so proud of myself yesterday!!! after work, I went and got the kiddos from Scrapbook Queen's house. She and Minnie watched the kids for a few hours yesterday. They didn't want to leave...well, I-Man did because SQ gave him a movie to watch in the van....but FAB didn't want to go. They had a really good time! Thank you to SQ and Minnie!!!

Then the kids and I went to Wal-mart. I bought the baby shower gifts for George and a birthday present for Swimmer's boy.....and a few other odds and ends. It was a long trip at Wal-Mart....but both of the kids were behaving pretty good, so I can't complain! We came home and then Hubby came home......Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball game with MIL and FAB and I just stayed home and RELAXED. It was nice....and needed! We snuggled and played and both fell asleep early. So, that was very nice!!! I missed the very end of AI and Hubby had to tell me who got voted off. But I was so tired.....I forgot how tired you feel in the first tri-mester!!!! MAN!

Got up and went to the gym was fine. My trainer left me a "Pregnancy Work-Out". I don't know what half of the things I am going to have to meet with her soon to go over that. But, I was doing a couple of machines this week that I shouldn't have been doing. So, oh well. I am really going to have to push myself to stick with this!!!!!! It is hard to get up in the morning....and easy to say...who cares? I am pregnant! So....gotta work on that!!!!!

So, that is about it! Hope you all have a great Friday.....and a good weekend. Mine is going to be really busy!!!! Hopefully I can get a nap in there somewhere!!!

Love you all!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Ugh! I am feeling very pregnant today. I am trying not to complain…but I feel like poop today! I just want to go home and go back to bed! It is too early in the pregnancy to be doing that!!!! Oh well, this too shall pass!

So, yesterday was a good day. I got mostly caught up at work….when we have these big meetings, other things kinda get pushed to the side until I can get to them. So, I spent most of the day just getting caught up! Stinky Pete was in Columbus in a meeting all day, so I didn’t have to see him! That always makes for a good day!

After work, I went and picked up the kiddos. We came home and I-Man watched TV and played computer games, FAB and I played a lot…and I also watched the Bachelor from Monday night. I really don’t care who he ends up with…I like both of the girls that are left…but they are really two very different people! It should be an interesting finale next week! Although, I doubt I will be able to stay awake to watch it! I get so tired in the evening!!

Anyways! Hubby told me he would be home by 5:30 or 6:00. Well, my friend KK and I needed to run to the mall real quick (tell you about that in a minute) and she was to pick me up at 6:30. Well, 6:15 rolls around and no Hubby! So, I called him and he thought I wasn’t going to the mall with her since I hadn’t called him back and told him what time we were going….but I hadn’t called him back because again, he said he would be home by 5:30, 6:00 at the latest…so if we weren’t leaving until 6:30, there was no need to call him back! Needless to say, we were both frustrated with each other!!! So, he walked in the door and I walked out the door. I was only gone for an hour.

KK and I decided that we needed to go to the Vera Bradley store to see her new patterns and purses. We NEEDED to do that. I LOVE her new patterns…but I left there without buying ONE THING! WOW!!!! There just wasn’t anything that jumped out at me that I had to have. Hubby was very shocked! He actually called me while we were there and when I answered he said “Take your hands off the purse!”. Too funny. But again, didn’t buy anything! I was justifying it (if I did buy something) that it was going to help me cope with the fact that I am pregnant…and now that I am pregnant, I can’t lose 50 pounds…and that was going to be my next reward purchase. Oh well! I still might have to buy something in one of her new patterns…just not yet! But I did go home and get one of my Vera’s out and start carrying it again today. I haven’t carried a Vera in a while. Okay….I am sure you are all tired of hearing about my obsession with Vera Bradley. OH! But Pita Pocket would really like one of her new designs! It has elephants on it!!!!! Seriously! Okay…no more Vera talk!!!! I am out of control!

So, after we went to the mall, KK dropped me back off at the house….I played with FAB some and had popcorn for dinner (really healthy, huh?) and then went and picked up I-Man from church. Teacher said he was in rare form last night. She said that she asked him how his mommy was feeling…and is his mommy really tired. He said, “Nah, she’s fine! That baby isn’t coming for a long time!” So funny. He is a funny kid. I can’t believe that he will be 5 and FAB 2 when we have another one!!!!!

Oh! I talked to Mandie yesterday (my best friend from HS who married my cousin) and she couldn’t believe our news. BUT she told me that our other friend, Molly, whose Dad just had that stroke and brother has malaria, that she is pregnant and due the same time that I am!!! They weren’t planning on having a kid anytime soon…so they were shocked too! And….my old roommate, Dawn, she is pregnant too!!! She is due in July. And that is not a good situation. Apparently, the father of the baby was cheating on her so she left him….so she needs lots of prayers. But, wow! I told Mandie that she needs to get on the ball and have another baby!!! It was good to chat with her for a bit. I have been really bad at calling people with our news…just been busy and don’t really like to talk on the phone….blah! So, she found out from her MIL (who is my aunt that watched our kids) and she was little perturbed that I hadn’t called her. I just am still in shock!

SO! I have a busy weekend ahead of me!!! I have a luncheon for a co-worker who has breast-cancer at 11:00 on Saturday….don’t know who is going to watch the kids yet….and then I have a shower for George, my cousin, at 3:00….and then we have PT practice at 6:30! It is going to be a busy day! And then on Sunday we have a birthday party!!! I am going to need a weekend to recover from my weekend!

Well, I guess that is about it for today! I better get to work! Pray for HBM and family as they travel home today….and Sebbiedue’s oldest child….and Sister and Buford ….and Speedy and family…..and Girlie Mom….and Josy….. and Pepto and roomies….and the Royals……and everyone! Love you all!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What a Day!!!

Hello My Lovelies! Boy…am I glad today is over!!! What a long day…but my meetings were a huge success!!! Just like the let-down after a wedding or a holiday…I am exhausted! Mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted! I was at the site this morning at 7:00 and just got home at about 8:15. So, it was a very long day! The news traveled fast among the participants that I am pregnant….and there were lots of well-wishes. There were also lots who were surprised because they knew that we were “done”. But, what a nice surprise! I am getting more and more used to the idea. Still not really “excited” yet…but getting closer! I just think about the sleepless nights that Speedy is going through right now….and I am not ready to do that again! Oh well! At least I get 12 weeks off work…with 100% pay! And it should be during the holidays too, I think. So, that will be very nice!

SO! That is about it with me. Not a whole lot going on really! Now I can start really focusing on the other big projects that I have coming up at work. One hurdle down….about 5 more to go! This is such a busy time at work…but at least that makes it interesting!

I did not go to the gym this morning. Hubby convinced me that I needed to sleep in as much as I could because of having such a long day today. I am glad he talked me into that…..but I am definitely getting up and going tomorrow. I am really going to try to not gain very much weight with this pregnancy! Hopefully I will get a chance to call Dr. H tomorrow to get a script for my pre-natal vitamins and an appointment. I don’t think they like to see you until you are nearly 12 weeks along….so not sure when my first appointment will be. Probably a ways out….but I am due for my annual check-up (actually was due in September but didn’t go). So, maybe that will move it up. We’ll see!

Lots of people on my heart….lots of things to pray for. Love you all very much…and thank you for your prayers today. I really felt them.

Love ya Ya-Yas!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Some News to Share.... most of you know this by now....but there are a few who do not! Sorry that I haven't called those who I didn't tell...but things are REALLY busy for me right now with work. SO, here goes.....(drum roll please).....

Hubby and I found out yesterday that we are expecting our third child!!!!!! Yep, we are pregnant. OOPS! This was totally NOT in our plan....but obviously in God's! So, needless to say, we are a bit SHOCKED...okay, a lot SHOCKED....but the idea is growing on me. So, remember a few weeks ago when I was feeling I made Hubby an appointment for his vasectomy....seems it is a bit late for that!!!!!! Doesn't our God have a great sense of humor?!?!?!

SO, I knew I was late...but just thought I was being ir-regular. So, Hubby finally told me to just go and buy the pregnancy test....waste the $10 so I could then start my period (cuz that is always what happens). SO, I bought a test.....came home.....and finally had to go to the potty...MIL was here. So, I went and did it....and then went to check it after a bit. I just looked at it like "You have GOT to be kidding me." SO, I came out of the bathroom and MIL got a phone call on her I pulled Hubby into the bathroom with me. He took one look at the test and then turned and walked out of the bathroom. I started crying....he came back in the bathroom and was crying too. What, oh Lord, have we done?!?!?!? So, Hubby told his mom what was going on. She laughed and said she remembered feeling the same way when she found out she was pregnant with her 3rd child. So, Hubby went and bought two more pregnancy tests....both of which were positive. SO! There you go!

We have NOTHING as we sold it all or gave it all away. We were totally DONE....not expecting another blessing. We are shocked!!! But, we are excited and I know that this is God's plan and He will provide for us. Just a gentle (or not so gentle) reminder about who is in control here....and it ain't me!!!!

SO, that is our exciting news. My parents are shocked.....haven't really said a whole lot. I guess we are still shocked too. So, please keep us in your prayers! But what a miracle. I guess that I just didn't think we would get pregnant by ourselves because we had help with FAB. But God is in control!!! Praise the Lord!

Other than is work. My big meeting is pray that that goes smoothly! It is going to be a very long day.....a 12 hour work day. So, I am going to be exhausted tomorrow night!!!

Praying for you all and hope that you all have a blessed Tuesday! Love you!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Fun Day Off!

Hello Ya-Yas! I love having the day off from work....and what a fun day it has been!!! I got up this morning at my normal time (4:25 am) and went to the gym. KK was in a very good mood this morning...and Jane, our trainer, was there. So, it was a fun work-out! It was good to be able to talk to Jane about stuff (her personal life) and not have to rush to get ready for work. After I left the gym, I came home and went back to bed. Not for long, though, because FAB woke up early. I brought her back to bed with us because I was tired....and so that lasted off and on for the next two hours until I-Man woke up. She wanted to be right on top of me to yeah, that was a ton of fun!!!!

So, we got up and gave the kids baths...and then I took a quick shower and got ready and we headed out. Hubby had to go to work and the kids and I went to Krispie Kreme and then over to my mom's house. Sister was here...and we had a fun day! But boy, am I tired!?!?! FAB was very clingy to me today. When we first got to my mom's house, she didn't want anyone but me and didn't want me to put her down. I think she was afraid that I was going to leave. Also, since she got up so early, she ended up taking a nap right away at mom's house. So, Mom and Sister and I started practicing some songs! We had fun singing together. I-Man is going to play the drums for us. So, it should be interesting! Hubby popped in for a few minutes so we sang him two of our songs....he was impressed and thought it sounded good. He thought I was too loud....but oh well. Un-like our PT.....I sing lead with Mom and that is different for me. I really like to harmonize better....but since I am the loud-mouth of the leading is a better idea. So, anyways...that was fun. We sang for hours...and we will probably do that again tomorrow. I love singing with my mom and sister!!! I love singing all the time....but that is a great thing!!!!!

So, then we took off and went to lunch at Big Boy. Their salad bar is yummy. Wish I could've had a hot fudge cake....but I have not eaten good AT ALL today! Oh well. Just do some extra cardio tomorrow!!!! Then we went shopping at Kohl's....the kids were alright.....not great....and then we went to Target. Oh, we saw former Preacher's wife at Kohls again. She acts like she is my best friend. I tried to ignore her....but she saw us. Oh well. I saw SQ and her best-friend at Target. They are so cute. I swear they look like they are 18 instead of in their 30's!!!!

Oh, I got a new electric skillet at Target....ours had fallen and the legs it would not sit evenly. So, we got a new one! Then we went to my mom's house....FAB and I came home so she could have a quick nap (and me too) before we went to Marion's pizza for King's 30th birthday party. Hubby came home from work...and then we took off for that. We had a fun time....hanging out with the cousins. Skinny Cousin and I talked a bit. She is so sweet. She has been having panic attacks like I have.....and we talked about the pros and cons of taking medicine for it. Neither of us wants to take pills for it because we want to be able to control them that was interesting. Anyways....the kids were pretty good. FAB put on quite a show like always.....Princess was adorable like always...and the boys were, well, boys! It was a bit chaotic and crowded...but fun. I just love my family!!!!

Then we came home. I-Man is staying with my mom and sister tonight. FAB went right to bed pretty much....Hubby is sweeping and mopping the floor (and doing laundry...what a great Hubby) and I am about to go to bed! I wish I could have every Friday off!!!!

Love you all and hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Long Two Days

Well, it has been a LONG two days! I just had a really rough couple days at work. I have a big meeting next week....and I have been working REALLY hard to make sure that all of the details are perfect and it is an excellent meeting. I have had to do a lot of shopping...putting party favors together....gathering prizes....creating documents.......the list just goes on and on and on. Well, Stinky Pete really PIFFED me off!!! He doesn't ever make decisions (even though it is his job to do that) but he is very quick to critique the decisions I make. Needless to say, I was in tears a couple of times that last two days and REALLY ready to quit my job. I am going to hang in there....because this too shall pass......but it has been a rough two days. Thank goodness I am off work tomorrow.....since Sister is in town!!!! I had to work extra hard today in order to get things done so I could be off tomorrow. So, I am looking forward to a day off work!!!!

Other than that.....not much else going on. Just working a lot of hours.....spending as much time with the kids as I can....when I am not working at home......and trying to keep my head above water!

Like I said, Sister is in town. Mom, Sister and I are singing at a revival at Sister's church at the end of March. So, we have to work on songs.....we are supposed to sing for 15 - 20 minutes. That should be fun!

Hubby is not feeling well. He has a bit of a cold. Boy he is a whiner when he doesn't feel well. We went and looked at furniture tonight. We actually found this Sauder store in you either put it together yourself or you can pay them to put it together ( Hubby is not a handyman) and I loved one of their sets....and it isn't that expensive. We also found one that we both like (not as much as the Sauder one.....but it is okay) at Ashely furniture. Who knows if we will get it or not. I hate to spend all of our tax money as soon as we get it... I like to use it throughout the year to help with bills and such. So, we'll see! We both need some things done to our cars, though. That much I know for sure!

Well....not much else to say. It is late and I am tired. I am still going to get up and go to the gym in the morning....just to get it over with and then I will probably come back to bed for a while. Love you all....hope you are all doing well. Praying for you all.....Love ya!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Untitled (because I hate titles)

Hi everyone! I am in a great mood today! I am so excited that my Sister and Buford are really going to try to have a baby! I am so excited that she is finally able to talk about it and that they are doing something about it! I honestly don't know if she can be as excited as I am. Being a mother is something that I have always wanted to share with I get all giddy and teary eyed (shocker) just thinking about it!!!! It will be hard for me to not want to move to KY when they do have a baby!!!! So...that has me excited! Please keep her and Buford in your prayers!!!!

So, yesterday was a good day! Work was boss cracks me up. He gave me a little kids' "Winnie the Pooh" valentine yesterday and a small pack of Sweetarts Hearts. I just laughed. I mean, why get me anything on Valentine's Day....and then to be so corny....he is just wierd! My old boss (who is now Stinky Pete's boss) was here yesterday. I miss him so much. Didn't really get to talk to him much....but just chit-chatting with him made me miss him immensely!!!! He is such a great person and a great person to work for! But anyways...poor Stinky Pete. He is in a ton of pain. They think he has kidney stones. He had to go and get a cat-scan he should know more today. But, bless his heart, he really is in a ton of pain. So, keep that in your prayers. I can't stand him as a boss....but I don't want anyone to be in pain!

So, KK and I went to have lunch with our other friend. That was nice. We laughed a lot! Then KK and I went shopping for stuff for our meeting next week. I bought one of those "That Was Easy" buttons from Staples. It brings a smile to my face!!! We didn't get everything done...but we were gone FOREVER! So, I have to run to The Disney Store either today or tomorrow to get a few more things! But, that made for a fun day! Didn't get a lot I really have to crank it out today and tomorrow!!!!

After work, I went home and got ready for our "date". Hubby was a little later than we thought he would be, so we decided to go to Tumbleweed for dinner. We only had like a 10 minute wait....but we got there just in time! The wait quickly went to over an hour!!! So, we had a good dinner and then we decided that we were going to go jewelry shopping!!!!!! I have been whining for a while now that I want a new ring....I wanted a white gold diamond wedding set....because I wear silver/white gold a lot more than I do yellow gold. So...we went to a couple of places...and then went to Kohls. Of course, they were having a sale.....and I found a BEAUTIFUL ring that I LOVED. It isn't a I need to buy a thin band to wear with it....but Hubby bought it for me!!! I love it! It is just exactly what I had in mind! It has the three stones that represent "past, present & future" and then it has some channel set diamonds on the side. I love it!!! It is a 1 carat ring.....and we really got a good deal on it! I am going to have it appraised just so that we have the papers on it. it!!! I was so happy!! What a great Hubby!!!!

Oh....while we were at Kohls, we saw the wife of our old minister. She works there. Well, we ended up talking to her for a very long the time we were done...I was SO DONE talking to her that I just didn't say anything. She really piffed (a new word) me off. I won't go into everything she said....but she basically bashed our church and our preacher.....we disagreed with her on several occasions...but she is one of those people (always has been) that thinks her opinion is the only one that counts. Finally, I just said...."well, I totally disagree with you and if I did agree with you, I wouldn't be at Bethany. I think we are moving in the right direction and I am thrilled to be a part of it." At one point, she was talking about how the old people at our church all want her husband to do their funerals and we pointed out that they were there for 12 years.....and they are older than our current that is why they probably feel more comfortable with him. Blah...blah...blah.....I kept talking about it all night until finally Hubby just told me to drop it. She just really piffed me off!!! OH! Here is the statement that she said that I just can't believe....I didn't argue with her because I was so DONE by this time...but she said that "the church is not supposed to be about evangelism....the church is supposed to feed and teach and nourish its people...." REALLY? So that verse in the Bible that tells us (and one that the Church of Christ is really founded on) that tells us to go and be fishers of men and baptize them...that doesn't apply to our churches and it doesn't apply to us?!?!?! I was actually too speechless to say anything....and like I said, I was just DONE with her. I used to want them to come back to Bethany.....but not so much anymore! I worry because she told me that she had lunch with Catch last week....hopefully she doesn't brain-wash Catch. Sorry to rant...but I couldn't believe how that conversation went. INTERESTING to say the least.

SO! After Kohls, we came home and watched American Idol. I wish they would've kicked those twins off....but oh well! Can't wait to see who makes it to the final 24. I hope that the bald rocker and the gray-haired dude make it.

Well..I have to get to work! You all have a great Wednesday! My kids come home tonight....I am so happy about that. I miss them like crazy!!! So does Hubby. I can't wait to see them this afternoon.

Love you all!!!! Please pray that HBM feels better too....and that Elvis doesn't come down with it! See ya!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day….or Happy Singles Awareness Day as Pepto called it last week. I thought that was so funny!!! Make sure you give your Sweetie and your Kids an extra hug today and let them know how much you love them!

Yesterday was a good day at work. Didn’t see Stinky Pete once…that is always a blessing! I don’t think I have to see him today at all either….so that is great! I worked a bit later since I didn’t have to go pick up the kids…and we have a big meeting next week that I am really stressing out about! I need to get a better handle on all the details for that. It dawned on me yesterday that I am taking Friday off….since Sister is going to be here!!! But that gives me one less day to prepare for the meeting! KK is going to help me with some stuff today, so that makes me feel better! We are meeting one of our co-workers for lunch today…we don’t get to talk to him much anymore, so I am looking forward to that! Then we have some shopping to do for the meeting…and then back here to start putting some of this stuff together! So, today will be a busy…but fun day! Again…no Stinky Pete….so that is even better!!!!

After work, I went home and typed up some bullet points of things I wanted to talk about at Mandy’s women’s group. She asked me to come and talk to them about the weight I have lost and about my new exercise program. I was very flattered that she asked….and really didn’t feel like I was the right person because I still have a long way to go and I struggle still. But then I realized that I have come a very long way….yes, I have a ways to go….but when I look at some of the pictures from before….MAN! SO! It was a fun night. The ladies in her group are very funny…and we had a good time. Mandy’s soup was very yummy…I was surprised because I am not much of a veggie soup person….and the cake was delish! I am not a big angel-food cake fan either….but it was very, very yummy! It was a nice night!

SO, then I got home and talked to Hubby for a bit. I was so tired, though. I didn’t get much sleep the night before, because I had a really hard time going to sleep because I had too long of a nap on Sunday! So, I went to bed! I watched some of “The Bachelor” but fell asleep before the end. I got up this morning for the gym and watched the end just to see who got sent home. I was very surprised! I am going to have to watch more of it to see what happened! I know that I am the only dork that watches that show….but I am a sucker for it!!!

So…then I went to the gym. When I got there, I realized that I forgot to put Hubby’s valentine’s card out. So, after I worked out and got ready, I went back home to put his card out. We aren’t going to get each other anything because we will probably buy ourselves something when we get our tax money. We did get our State refund today….that is nice! Plus….we had this charge that kept coming of our checking account….I didn’t know what it was…but put it off….so we finally checked into it and it was not a legitimate charge. SO! They refunded back all of those charges ($72!!!) and some fees and stuff. SO, that was a nice surprise this morning!!!

So, I think we are going to go out for an early dinner to beat the rush tonight. If it is too busy, we are just going to buy steaks and go home and grill them out. That is about it for our Valentine’s Day, I think.

I talked to I-Man yesterday and he was having a good time. He was playing a computer game so he didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk to me….but he sounds like he is having fun. My parents were thinking of taking them to the circus last night….so, we will see if they got to do that!

Well, have a great day! Enjoy Valentine’s Day….and don’t eat too much chocolate!!! Please pray for Sister today….pray that God will give her boldness as she meets with her doctor today. Jodi has such a sweet and quiet spirit and it is hard for her to talk about private things and hard for her to be pushy…so just pray that God will give her the boldness that she needs today and that God’s will be done in this situation with she and Buford. I don’t know who is more excited about them becoming parents….me or them!!!! I just love them to death and can’t wait for them to experience the joy of parenthood!!!!

Have a great day! Love you all…and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Monday!

Hi Ladies! I took the weekend off from journaling....but I have been reading those who have updated! I just didn't find the time to do my own journaling. It was kinda a busy weekend! But it was a fun weekend!!!

Friday was a good day at work. I laughed a lot with KK and our other friend LC. It helped to keep my mind off of my parent's decision. On the way to pick up my kids I called my mom and started crying. That upset her....but she was just glad to know that I wasn't mad at them. She told me that she had sent Sister and I both an email with the entire explanation as to why they made the decision they did. So, we talked a bit and then I had to go because I couldn't stop crying and I didn't want to pick up the kids so upset.

So, I got the kids and we headed home. We got home and I read my mom's email. It was a hard decision for them....and it sounds like it wasn't really Mom's choice....she wants Dad to retire but he just isn't ready yet. Also, Dad is the at the age where he is the first year where full retirement isn't until 66 instead of that would reduce the amount of their Social Security....also, my mom is younger than Dad (by 6 years) and she wouldn't be eligible for Medicare for quite a while if Ford decides to cut spousal health care benefits at retirement and there is a rumor of that. So....all of those reasons helped them make their decision. Again, I only want what is best for them....but I just had my hopes so high that they were going to be here!!!! On the plus side....Sister did say that this has certainly helped to motivate them to decide about a baby in their future!!! So that is way cool!!!! Please pray for them. Whether they have their own baby or they adopt....they will be awesome parents! It has been amazing to me to see how much Buford's attitude changed about kids as I-Man has gotten older and become rather smitten with his Uncle Buford. So, pray for God's guidance and hand in that situation.

It was very sad though....I was at the computer and FAB came over to me so I picked her up. My screen saver is a photo we were going through all the names of the people...and one was my dad. She walked around the house calling and looking for "Papaw" for the next 15 minutes. Of course I told my mom that in my reply email to her and she said it made my dad very sad.....and then she got angry with him because it was his decision...blah...blah....blah.... Maybe I shouldn't have told them that....but she is definitely a Papaw's girl....more on that later!!!

SO! Friday night....I told Hubby we should go out to eat to celebrate my we went to Burger King. WOOHOO!!! Well, we remembered that we were going to Bravo on Saturday we decided to go cheap on Friday night. The kids had fun playing. Then we went to Meijers for a few things....then came home and put FAB to bed. SIL #1 came over and stayed with I-Man (and sleeping FAB) so that Hubby and I could go to a movie! We saw "Firewall". It was a good...typical Harrison Ford movie. RUDE people sat right behind us and talked the ENTIRE we moved about half-way through the movie. I couldn't take it any longer!!!! But that was a fun date!!! up and dropped I-Man off at MIL's house and took FAB to the gym with me. Had a good work-out and then FAB and I went shopping to Meijer again. I wish Wal-Mart were closer....I would go there...but Meijer is much closer. Then we came home and got ready to go to Bravo for Speedy's surprise party! She was very surprised and we had a wonderful time! Good food....good company....good fun!!! The food was very yummy....and not nearly as expensive as I remembered. But I guess that was because we had the lunch menu.

Then we came home and FAB and I took naps....then we went to PT practice. We had such a good time!!! HBM was particularly sarcastic (does the mic stand block that much?!?!?), Elvis was particularly bad with words, I was particularly giddy.....oh, and we were swarmed by lady bugs! It was a great time!!! I just love being a part of that!!!! After that, we came home and we all played for a while...that was fun....then we put FAB to bed and I-Man and I worked on his valentines. He wrote his name on all of precious!!!! He has a hard time with the "snakes" in his name.....the "s". But it is so precious!!!! Then I remembered that I had not gotten anything for my Secret Sister yet....(remember my two trips to Meijer!) so I had to go to the store AGAIN!!! Also, I had bought an exercise ball and our pump to blow it up with was at I ran into the church to get that. So! That was about it for Saturday!

Sunday.....we got ready for church....even though we had an extra hour...we were still rushing! What is up with that?!?!? I actually got to go to Sunday School....which was alright. Then the service....was AWESOME! I really, really, really missed having HBM next to me....but it was great! We had a baptism in the first service....and Elvis was just emotionally charged! That made him mess up some of the words because he was just praising God....but ya know what? God doesn't care about that!!! I am sure it was perfect in His ears because it was so pure and so wonderful. It was a great service. Preacher did a great job....Sebbiedue was amazingly corageous and I totally admire her even more now than I did before. She is such a beautiful example of God's grace and love.....she is a role-model for all of us!!!! Love you Sebbiedue!!!!!

After church, we bolted to Princess's birthday party! It was a lot of fun. Like G-Ma was just so good to see everybody!!! Princess was adorable...and FAB started saying her name (Princess's name) was so cute!!!! My mom came up for the party. She mentioned to me that Dad had asked her to see if we would let her bring the kids back with her for a few days....she is coming back up here on Wednesday. Well, I didn't think much of it. But when the party was over and she was taking the kids back to her house here for a little bit....Hubby and I talked about it and decided that if they really wanted our kids for a few days, we were fine with that. It saves us $100 in child-care and gas this week.....and it is only a few days. SO! We called Mom and she was thrilled....we took their suitcases over and hugged and kissed them a million times and then they were off to surprise Papaw! So, we didn't know what to with ourselves!!!!

We actually came home and took a very long nap in our very quiet house!!! Then Hubby went to Men's group and I cleaned the house! We have a lot of things to do tonight....I am going to Queen's women's group at her Hubby has the whole house to himself! He is going to clean out the would be nice to park in there!!!! And then tomorrow....we will have Valentine's Day to ourselves!!! That will be nice! I think we are going to grill steaks and rent a movie.

SO! This morning...if you are still with me in this long post.....the gym. It was our day to be weighed and measured. I really didn't want to do it because I just didn't! But....I did....and I lost 5.75 inches!!!! I didn't lose any weight.....but that is okay! Inches are great!!! Since I started there....I have lost 14.5 inches!!!!!! Cool, huh?!?! KK is getting frustrated because she is not seeing results as quickly....she may join Curves instead. There is no way I can afford to do I am just going to stick with what I am seems to be working! So, that was a great way to start my day!!!!

Well....sorry this has been so long! That is what happens when I take a weekend off!!! I hope you all have a great Monday....and I will talk to you tomorrow!!! Love you all!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Bad news for me....Good news for Sister! you can tell from my title....I got some very bad news last night....and Sister got some really good news! I will get to all that in a minute....I don't want to jump ahead of myself!

Yesterday was a good day! I was very productive at work in the all caught up! And all the bosses were in a meeting in it was a quiet day! I left around 11:30 and went home..plugged my computer in...but there wasn't a whole lot to do! The kids and I ended up taking a nap in the was so needed!!!

Hubby came home and we had dinner (oh...I made a peanut butter pie for Small Group sometime in there)....and then we headed to Small Group. It was a good discussion....I felt bad because TT was upstairs with the kids. Usually their daughter is...but she wasn't there. So, that made me feel bad. But, my kids adore her....and she adores I am sure it was okay with her. Anyways....OH! I forgot to mention something.

In the afternoon, Hubby called and said that his dad had just called and wanted to see if I-Man wanted to go to a b-ball game with him and his wife. I didn't feel good about it...but I know they both love I asked I-Man and he about started way did he want to go. I felt bad for him....but....that is FIL's fault! So....later on....MIL calls and asks if I-Man wants to go to the b-ball game with her and SIL #1. I told Hubby to not even ask I-Man because that would look bad if I-Man went with her but not with FIL....but he asked him anyways. I-Man said no....he wanted to go to Small Group to play with Pita Pocket and his friends. He is so funny. He was on his top-bunk most of the day yesterday "working"....he was coloring and putting stickers on pages.....that was his "work". So sweet. Then he told me he was trying to solve a mystery. That kid loves Scooby Doo. Too cute.

So anyways....Small Group....we are reading a really neat book that is intended to help us make Biblical foundations for our "arguments" on controversial issues. I am sure it will be interesting....and very eye-opening! I am really looking forward to it.

During Small Group, my cell phone rang and it was my mom. I didn't answer it because I figured it was no big deal. So, a bit later....we were having our fellowship rang again and it was my Dad. I answered it. I could tell he was upset....and he told me that they bought a house in Kentucky and that he is not ready to retire so they are going to work a few more years down there. I just started first I was just speechless....and then it settled in....and I just started crying. He was crying too, I could tell. And he told me to call them back when we got home. I tried to just go upstairs and stop crying....but then I came down and told Hubby why they called....and I started crying again. It is so stupid and selfish of me to be so upset about this. I am very angry at myself for being so upset about this....but I really am. I didn't call them back last night because I was way too selfish to talk to them. I know that they have to make the best decision for them....and I hope this is the best decision for them....I just was hoping they would be here....near me and my kids. And I know that Sister was hoping they would stay she said, what a great problem to have! To have parents you love so much that you want them around! So, anyways....they are going to keep their house here for least that is what they said last night. I really need to call them to find out more about the house they bought....but I didn't want to rain on their parade last night. I am sure they are excited and didn't need to hear their selfish daughter crying!!!

So, we left small group.....and I-Man got in BIG trouble in the van on the way home. That little boy just doesn't know when to hush! He was being very rude and he had been all day. We told him no more talking...and he just kept on!!! Of course I was upset anyways....but I had had it!!!!! And so had Hubby. It wasn't just the talking/ was that he doesn't listen to us! So, as soon as we got home we made him go straight to bed with no tv or would've thought we were killing him!!!! He cried and cried and apologized....but we stuck to our guns and made him go to bed. He was so pitiful. When we said our night-time prayers, I asked God to help him to obey his parents...he just cried. It broke my heart....but this kid has got to learn!!!!

And of course, FAB did not sleep through the night. It was hard to get up this morning...but I did and the gym was great! Then I got to work and found out how much my raise is!!! I was expecting 3% or less.....because company "budget" is for no one to get more than a old boss always gave me way more than 3%...but I didn't think Stinky Pete would. But he did! He gave me 5.1% raise! I was very surprised! He called me after I had already seen it on-line to tell I acted surprised, of course. I still haven't gotten my "review"...but that made me happy!!!

Well.....I better get to work! I hope you all have a great Friday!!!! I am so ready for a weekend! Love you all!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I hate thinking of titles...

I just never know what to title my journal....and I use the same things over and over. I need to work on that. Oh well....It is Thursday! The weekend is in sight! And I am only working half-a-day at work today...and then going to "work-from-home" this afternoon so that Hubby can go to work. We are splitting the day with the kids.

SO! was fine. No, I didn't get to do my review with Stinky Pete nor did I find out what my raise will be. Oh well! I will for sure find out about my raise tomorrow because our pay stubs are available to look at on-line tomorrow! So....we'll see! I still want the opportunity to sit down with him. Yesterday, KK was scripting me on what I should say. We actually did a little "role-play" of how the conversation would go. I just love her and value her advice/opinion so much!

Let me tell you....she and HBM are SO MUCH ALIKE! I was telling HBM about that last night...during lunch, KK and I will often watch that show "Starting Over". Basically, that show is about a bunch of women who have all sorts of different problems. They all move into this house and have "life coaches" and therapists that try to help them with their problems. Well, sometimes I am sitting their all teary with the women....and KK is sitting their telling them to suck it up....and laughing! It is just so funny. Last night HBM said something that totally reminded me of that.....and it is just priceless! I guess the saying that "opposites attract" is very true!!! I think that they have the qualities that I wish I had sometimes....and maybe that is what draws me to them. Who knows??!?!?! Love ya Girlies!!!

So, after the kids....went home and I was just so tired! I quickly became in a foul mood and took it out on Hubby.....I just was so tired and irritable! Poor Hubby. I made dinner and then we headed off to church. We watched that documentary about the missionaries that were was very good....there were some very profound moments in it. It really touched me. For example, it spoke about how the guys had guns...but wouldn't use them to protect themselves against the Indians because the missionaries were prepared to go to heaven but the Indians were not yet. That really hit me hard. It was just very neat. I want to see the movie that is in theaters....but I may have to wait until it is out to rent. was a great documentary. Made me think!

Before and after the documentary, it was so nice to be able to hang out with HBM, Pepto, Sebbiedue, Detergent, Many Kids, Great Mom...I don't think I forgot anyone. It was just nice to talk and laugh....I feel like it has been a while since we have all done that! Especially Detergent...I haven't really talked to her for a while. She is so thoughtful....she told me that she had picked up a Kindergarten registration form for I-Man. I guess that starts on February 17th...I can't believe that he is nearly 5! He turns 5 in we can choose to send him to Kindergarten this year or wait. We are going to go ahead and have him tested and see what they think we should do. I am a fan of sending him through Kindergarten twice...but we'll see! Again, I can't believe we have a kid ready to start school this fall! That is a whole new do we get him to school and pick him up and all that jazz! So, if my parents are here....that will help....but it isn't certain that they will retire and be here by then.

Yeah, I guess I should fill you in on that. They are still up in the air about what to do. They haven't heard anything more about early I think they have given up on that. So, my dad turns 63 in they will not make a decision until then. Obviously, the longer he works, the more money he will make in, please pray for them. I know this is a tough decision for them....and it is hard on me too! I know that I am going to sound very forgive me....especially Sister...forgive me....but it is frustrating because I had gotten my hopes very up that they were moving here soon....and now they may not....and it really isn't just about my is also about having my parents close.....and this not knowing is really getting to me. So, forgive my selfishness....I am really just trying to pray that God's will be done and that He make the right decision for them very obvious so that they are able to make the right decision...again...what is best for them. after church we came home and watched American Idol. I was getting a little perturbed with the twins who couldn't keep their mouths shut....I mean, they made it through! Stop your whining!!! And Hubby just looked at me and told me that the 16 year old girl whose Grandmother was a famous musician....that she is going to win. She is absolutely AMAZING! But I also like that bald-rocker dude....and I like the gray-hair dude.....their voices are different....and I like them! So, we'll see! Anyways.....I am sure it will be a good season. That little cowboy cute and sweet.

Then I-Man and I went to bed......he watched a movie while I slept. He likes to cuddle with me. So sweet! FAB slept through the night again last night...YEAH! Working out was great this morning....MIL was there.....but I didn't talk to her cuz we were doing different things. When I was leaving, Detergent was there! She joined but is feeling guilty about it and not sure. So, hopefully she talks to them. It was fun to chat with her for a minute before I left for work. She is so funny....and real!

Well....I better get to work since I am only here for a bit today! You guys have a great day and I will talk to you later!!! Love ya!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hump Day!!! Hooray!

I am so tired! I had a hard time getting up today....I wish it was Friday! Oh well!!! Only two more "get-ups" until the weekend. I can make it!!!

Yesterday was a fine day at work. Nothing too exciting happened. Stinky Pete is supposed to give me my annual review today...we will see if that happens or not. It is supposed to be a written form....but I know that isn't happening. I asked him about it yesterday and told him that I really wanted his feedback because with him being my new boss, I would like to see what he thinks my strengths/weaknesses are...and hopefully an opportunity to talk to him about some of the things that I don't think are going well. So, we will see! But that also means that I find out what my raise will be. My old boss was very good about giving me a pretty good raise....I don't think Stinky Pete will do that. I think it will be lower than what I am used to getting....but oh well! A raise is a raise, right?!?!? I shouldn't complain! SO! Hopefully I will find out about that today!

So, yesterday morning...this is a funny story. Yesterday morning I was feeling very queasy to my stomach. I told a co-worker that....and she asked me if could be pregnant. I panicked! I mean, of course I could be....we are playing russian I want to be? NO! I am not late or anything....should be starting any day now.....but nonetheless, I panicked! SO, I got back to my desk and called Hubby on his cell phone. He was in the nursery at church playing with Boo and FAB. I could hear them in the background. All I told him was that he needed to call the doctor to get an appointment for a referral to get a vasectomy. He kept asking me why I was calling him....actually he got mad at me....and he hung up on me. Boo had started to cry in the background...he had his hands full. I wasn't angry at him for hanging up on me....but I decided that I was just going to take care of it! So, I called our doctor's office and asked them if he had to see our family doctor to get a referral or if they could just give us a referral to a specialist for the vasectomy. The nurse asks me...."Do you need to have one?" I thought, umm....yes! He needs to have a vasectomy! Then I realized....she was asking me if we have to have a referral for our insurance. DUh! So, I started laughing and told her what I was thinking...she was cracking up. So, she calls me back a bit later and we have the date for his vasectomy!!! It is March 31.....I called him and told him....he was not thrilled. In fact, he wants to back out. I can't blame that we have a is hard to think about.....but it will be fine!!! So, we will see! I made it on a Friday so that he can re-coup on the weekend.....what a long weekend that will be!!!!!!! When I got home last night I told him what brought all of this on and he says that it is fun playing russian rulette...I don't think so!!! Too funny!!!

We went to a basketball game last night. It was fun. Fairmont (our team) was playing at Bellbrook (where all of Hubby's family lives). So, we sat with one of his uncles and had a really good time visiting and playing with the kids. MIL and SIL #1 were was fun. FAB is going to be a cheerleader! She just kept dancing and cracking us all up. SO cute! She kept giving his uncle her juicy kisses. Uncle just loves our kids....he is such a nice guy. Funny thing is that 3 of his uncles were there....but they don't sit together. One of them yells obnoxiously...I mean VERY no one wants to sit with him.....and one sits with his buddies from school....and then the one we sat with sits where he can stretch out and the kids can play. It was a good time. I-Man went and took the Obnoxious Uncle's hat off....OU didn't think that was very funny. Oh well. He just was really into the game....and didn't want to be bothered. It was funny, I thought!

After that, we came home and wonders never cease! FAB went right to bed....and SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Yeah! I was so excited about that when I got up this morning! After she went to bed, we watched American Idol. I am with HBM....what was up with that guy who sang like Cher?!?!? There were some wierdos on there...I-Man loves to watch that show with us. It is funny to hear him say some of the things we say....and critique some of the singers. Too funny.

Then I-Man and I went to bed...he watched a movie....I fell asleep....and that is about it! Like I said, it was hard to get up this morning! I just needed a bit more sleep, I think. But...the gym was good this morning....MIL was there again...two days in a row. We talked a bit while we were on the bikes.

Well, I guess that is about it for today! Hope you all have a good Hump Day. I will see some of you tonight at you all!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I can’t believe it is another week! Time flies when you are having fun! I am so ready for a three day weekend….but none of those in sight! Actually, I am taking a 4-day weekend in late March….but I am ready for one now!!!!

Things at work are starting to really pick up! The next few weeks are going to be very busy for me! We are changing our name to Chase in March….it was supposed to happen in January but they pushed it back to March 13! So…that means a lot of extra work…and excitement for me! And we have the Home & Garden Show…which I am in charge of…in March…the same weekend we change our name! I told my boss that I might lose my Christian witness in March….so we’ll see! I like being busy….but hopefully it doesn’t push me over the edge! SO, that is work. Stinky Pete is just that….Stinky Pete! I “coached him” on something yesterday and he was very receptive! So..we’ll see! AND…the reviews that are his responsibility to do…but he asked me to do…..and then back-tracked when I said no….he is actually doing them himself! He didn’t even ask KK to type them for him!!! So, that worked beautifully!!!! Yeah me!

Umm….the gym is going great. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and today. My legs are still sore but definitely getting better. Today my MIL came into the gym to work out. That is the first time I have seen her there so early. We just said hi and that was about it. I am in a “zone” when I am there….and have to get everything done so I can get to work on time. But, I still love it! I am not seeing great results….but that is because I am not eating good. So, I need to work on that! But…I am probably in the best shape I have ever been! Or at least I am getting there!!! Hubby is impressed by my muscles!!! They are still small…but growing!!! He better watch out! Just kidding!

Yesterday, I went and got the kids from my Aunt’s house. I-Man sure had fun playing with his buddies. He hadn’t seen them for nearly 3 weeks! He was a big helper to my Aunt too because she can’t pick FAB up…she had gall-bladder surgery….so I-Man would put her up on the bed for her diaper change and would help get her in the playpen….he is such a big boy!

She (FAB) is going through that lovely stage where she wakes up all night long wanting to come sleep with Mommy and Daddy. I love this stage….NOT!!! It is driving me crazy!!! There is nothing wrong with her…..but she SCREAMS from her crib. SO, I go in there….she is standing up in her bed…holding her blanket and her baby doll and pointing to our room. I tell her no…this is FAB’s bed…you sleep in FAB’s bed…not Mommy’s bed. This doesn’t go over well! SO…not a lot of sleep in our household the last few nights!!! We have found that if we leave the door open…she will go back to sleep….as soon as we close her door….screams! ARGH! Hopefully this will pass soon!!! Hubby wants to give in and bring her into our bed so we can sleep……but we made that mistake with I-Man! I don’t want to start a habit that is hard to break!!! Plus she is a kicker! So, we are pretty tired….long nights not full of sleep!!!
What else? Hubby and I have been talking about taking a family vacation this year!!! I think we are going to use a week of my parent’s time-share. We have to pick where we want to go…..but I think we want to go in May when the Cruisers (my parents and their friends…..which include a couple of Aunts and Uncles….which includes both of my baby-sitters!!!). Since we will have child-care issues that week anyways….we might just go on vacation! We can stay at these really nice resorts….which are like condos….for like $200 - $300 for the week! So, we are looking to see what is available. That will be cool!!! Hopefully that all works out!

Well…I guess that is about it for today! Hubby and I opened yahoo email accounts last night. I like that so much better than our Road Runner email. HBM…you will not believe this…but Hubby actually opened his own before I did mine! All by himself! I am so proud! (He is very computer illiterate!)

Well…have a great day! Please pray for HBM and Elvis….my heart just goes out to them. And pray for SIL…..she needs all the prayer she can get. She was at church on Sunday…and the Chili Bowl party….and she is still not back with him…so keep praying! And pray for MIL….her boyfriend’s mom passed away…but he did not want her to come to the viewing or the funeral…that really upset/hurt her. I don’t know the reasons…I think because he is not as serious as she is in their relationship…and that is a huge family thing and maybe he wasn’t ready for that step. Also, I am sure his ex-wife was there..blah, blah, blah. But, MIL took that like a slap in the face. So, just pray for her. Okay! Well….I love you all!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Weekend Update

Hola Ladies! I have been reading your entries....but haven't updated! Not a lot going on really! But here is the weekend report.....(I know you are on the edge of your seats!!!!)

Friday...after work....oh, I remembered when I looked at my Palm Pilot in the morning (thank goodness for that thing!) that the kids were both due for their 2nd flu shot! So, I had to leave work early and went and got them from my mom's house. She had taken the kids to Value City and bought a Scobby Dooby (or Scooby Doo to most people) an air-popcorn maker for $9.99. It was VERY cute! The popcorn comes out of his mouth and goes into a "bone-shaped" bowl. SO! I told I-Man that if he was a brave boy for his shot, that I would go and get him one for our house too.....we all love popcorn and it doesn't take oil or anything so it is not bad for you! SO! I took the kids to get their shots....they both did good, actually better than me! It sucked that it was a $20 co-pay for each kid! What a rip!!!! OH well! If it keeps them from getting the flu....I will live with it!

SO! We went to Value City and got that popcorn maker....and then we asked Hubby to stop and buy popcorn on his way home. He did....we made some popcorn and we put it in a bag. Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball they took it with them! So, they went to the game with MIL and SIL #1.....and FAB and I went shopping for a bit....just to the dollar store so I could get a few things for the baby shower....and then to ElderBeerman to pay my bill....and they were having a really good I got a few things. Everyone in the store just kept commenting on how cute FAB is...and talking to her. She was just eating it up! She knows that she is stinking adorable!!!!

So, then we came home....FAB went to bed....and I did our taxes!!! Hubby finally got his last I did turbo-tax! It is very simple....and we are thrilled with what we are getting back! It is more than I expected....since Hubby had changed jobs....I didn't think we would get as much back. But, Praise the will certainly help!!!! So, that is done!

Then Hubby called and I-Man was going to spend the night at MIL's house. I guess MIL went out to the bars....but SIL stayed home with I-Man. They watched a movie together...and I-Man fell asleep on the couch. She has a cat that she brought to her mom's house....and it is very good with I-Man. He was carrying it around and the cat didn't mind! I am not a cat-person...but it was a pretty cat!

Saturday...FAB slept in until almost 9:00!!!! YAHOO! That was a blessing....I needed that! When she woke up, I took her over to MIL's house and then went to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine!!!! That is awesome for me! The last time I tried that...I could only do 5 minutes....and was about to die! So....30!!! You burn WAY more calories on an elliptical than you do on the treadmill....cuz it is really like running. But, legs are VERY sore today!!!! I actually took the day off from going to the gym today! It is killing me....I really wanted to go but there wasn't enough time!

So.....yesterday.....FAB puked on me.....I don't know what it looked like curded milk. So, I am not sure if it was a reaction from the flu shot or what. But she didn't act sick and didn't get sick anymore. It was right after she drank a bottle....and then she was fine! She kept everything else down! I almost had to call Elvis to tell him I wouldn't be at practice....but then she was fine! I really think it was a reaction to the shot.

And, I really wanted to go to practice! Since I wasn't going to be at church today....I wanted to worship last night!!! Practice was frustrating for Elvis.....I think he has just put in so many extra hours this week ( well, every week) and Satan is really attacking....nothing was going the way he wanted it to........but then the rest of practice went fine. We were just a little "off" last night. It will get better!!! I really am excited about where God is leading us. And the fact that I think we, as a church, are being very obedient to His lead. SO, of course Satan will attack us!

Then we came home.....the kids went to bed....and Hubby and I watched Flight Plan. That was a good movie. Jody Foster is just an amazing actress....and it definitely makes you think one thing....and then goes a whole different direction! Good suspense movie!!!

Today...the kids slept in until 8:00....that was nice, again! Then we all got up and started getting ready for the day. I left around 9:30 for the was very good. She was VERY suprised!!! She came in with the whole family....and we weren't sure how to "surprise" I just walked out of the private room we were in....and walked toward her. She saw me and she got excited....she came over and said that it was so neat that I was there....and began to introduce me to her sister and mom. Then I asked her if they were there for brunch...she said yes.....and she asked me if I was there for brunch....and I said yes....and I said that there are some others here for brunch too....she didn't understand what I was I showed her the room full of people and she just started crying. She was so surprised. But more than anything...she felt bad that we were all there on a "family day". That is just the kind of person she is. It was awesome! I hate that I had to miss church...especially today of all days....but I am glad I did that for her. She is the kind of person who is so thoughtful and always thinking of was nice to return the favor for a change. It was great!!!!!

Then...I called Hubby as I was leaving and he told me to meet them at Ryans....MIL, SIL and he and the kids were having lunch there. So, I sat and visited with them....and then we all came home! The kids went down for naps....Hubby and I straightened up the house....made chili.....and a dessert.....and now we are getting ready to go to the Chili Bowl at church! It should be a good time!!!

So, not a very exciting weekend....but love it all the same! I will see most of you at church or at women's group!!! Have a great Super Bowl Sunday! I don't care who wins....but Hubby is DVRing it so we can watch the commercials!!!!

Love you all!!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Phew! What a day!

What a Friday this has been?!?!? I have been so busy with work today from the moment I got here at 6:30!!! Oh well! That makes the day go by much faster! And I guess I shouldn’t expect to do my journal at work every day anyways! But thank goodness it is Friday!!! I love the weekends!

SO! Yesterday…work was fine. I had quite a few “grrrr” moments with Stinky Pete. But, I am going to try not to vent about them so much because it is not going to change anytime soon…so rather than bore you all and get on your nerves with my constant negativeness about work…I will try to not gripe so much! I am really thinking about changing jobs…..but I have been here for 8 years….I hate to leave that! But I would love to go work at like a reception hall or golf club and do their event planning. (singing….Dream, Dream, Dream!!!)

SO! After work, I was going to pick up the kids from mom’s house and go to Babies-R-Us to shop for the shower on Sunday…but my mom called while I was on my way and told me to just go on shopping and get the kids when I was done. So, that was nice!!! So, I went to the store and bought the bouncer seat for this girl and a little dolly. I also bought a little outfit for our new nephew or niece. I remember when I was newly pregnant how neat it was to get baby gifts….so I thought I would give SIL something.

Then I headed to get the kids…but Hubby called and he was going to pick them up cuz he was closer! So, I went home….they got home right after me. I-Man was really not listening to anything we told him to do last night….grrr!!! Why are they like that sometimes??!?!? Oh well!

We didn’t do much of anything last night. Just played with the kiddos and watched Survivor….just had a nice family night “in”. I-Man and I went to bed watching a movie….just like we have every night this week. He likes to cuddle. Oh…when Hubby was ready to come to bed, he woke I-Man up and took him to go potty. Well, I believe I have said this before…I-Man is a very deep sleeper. So, when they got to the potty….Hubby turned around and next thing you know, I-Man fell over and nearly fell in the tub! Bless his heart!!! He was not awake! So, needless to say, he peed all over the bathroom cuz he was peeing when he fell!!! Hubby cleaned it up and we just laughed about it….cuz Hubby woke me up to tell me about it. Bless his heart.

So, this morning…went to the gym….that was nice. We got done really early for some reason today…so that is why I was at work by 6:30! Again, so glad it is Friday! Can’t wait to sleep in this weekend…..even if it is 8:00…that is better than 4:25!!!!

Well, continue to pray for MIL’s boyfriend’s family. His mother passed away yesterday. Her heart was just not strong enough. They had told them if they did the surgery that she could live another 3 – 5 years….without the surgery she would not even live 1 year…..but she didn’t even survive the surgery. She was a Christian…so that is a blessing. But needless to say, this will be very hard for the family….especially MIL’s boyfriend because he has been her sole care-taker for the past 6 months or so. So, please pray for that family. MIL was pretty sad last night.

Umm…I think that is about it for today! I can’t really think of anything else to talk about! I am looking forward to the Chili Bowl at church…especially since I have to miss Worship on Sunday. I am really bummed about that!!! But at least I get to Praise God at practice tomorrow night!!!

Love you all….and I will talk to ya later!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Happy 2nd Birthday Princess!!! Happy Groundhog Day!!! Happy "Day you got engaged" Queeny...or the day your dad asked you to marry King!!! That is a story you need to share with everyone!!! to my journal.....

Good Morning Ladies! I hope you are all doing well! I am in a very good mood today….not sure why! But, I will take it!

Yesterday was an okay day at work. Kinda boring because KK wasn’t here. Her son was sick she stayed home with him. I thought that would mean that I would have to see more of Stinky Pete than I wanted to….but I didn’t see him at all! He called me a few times…but that was about it! I also thought he might bring up how I stood up to him on Tuesday…but he didn’t. SO! It was an okay day. Nothing too exciting happened.

After work I went to my parent’s house to say hello to my kids. I-Man was SO excited about going to see Dora. It was so cute. So, my mom bought them both pirate hats to wear….and I-Man a gold earring, a patch and a sword. They were all set! I-Man and I went to our house to change his clothes and pack their bag for overnight…they stayed with my parents last night. Then we went back to Mom & Dad’s and it was time for them to get going!

FAB has really turned into a Papaw’s Girl!!! She just wants him all the time. It is so cute! I think my mom’s feelings are a bit hurt…but it is very precious to see my Dad with FAB. She adores him! But then, so do I!!!!

So, then I went home and straightened up the house a bit…then watched my soap that I tape….then Hubby came home. We went to dinner at Applebees. You really cannot beat their half-price appetizers! We eat so cheap there!

Then we came home….Hair Dye was supposed to come over with her vacuum. She sucked up one of those “things” that are on the base of your toilet….they cover up the screws, I think. Well, anyways…she sucked one up so Hubby was going to fix it for her. She was late getting there…so Hubby was getting upset because he wanted to go look at furniture. So, she finally got there and it took longer than he thought to fix it….so about 8:00 she leaves and he wants to go look at furniture still. I didn’t want to….so we got in the van….drove down the street….and then turned around and came back. I made a “deal” with him so that we didn’t have to go! I will let you guys guess what the “deal” was!!! It worked! Always does!

So, then I had to show him how to send an email (I am very serious) from his roadrunner account. I-Man called to tell us that he LOVED Dora! He was so excited....just kept saying "And Guess What?"..."And then" precious! Dad said that FAB loved it...but he also said that they decided that she is already in the "terrible twos" and she isn't 2 yet!!! Great! He just said that "she definitely has a mind of her own and will let you know if you aren't doing what she wants you to do." Too funny! She gets it naturally, I guess!!! I-Man told me that he told Dora that his mommy said hi. Oh, I forgot to mention when we were driving from my parent's house to ours...he asked me where Dora lived and I told him that I didn't know. So, he said that he thinks she lives in the North Pole with Santa Clause. Umm..whatever. My mom told him that she does look a bit like an eskimo...but she thinks she lives in Mexico where it is warm and sunny. So cute. I just love that little guy! I can't wait to see pictures of them!!!

Then I fell asleep watching TV! I am telling you! Since I have been getting up and working out….I have NO problem going to sleep at night! I used to toss and turn….not anymore! He came in a bit later and took my glasses off and turned the TV off and blah…blah….blah….

SO! That was about it! Can I just tell you… Hubby is way too good to me. I know that I joke about it….but he really spoils me. He does all of our grocery shopping and most of the cooking, he does nearly all the laundry, he does a lot of the cleaning….the list goes on and on! He packed my lunch for me last night since I fell asleep before I did it. He is just so good to me! We have our moments when I get frustrated with him….but he is very good to me! I am blessed to have a “great wife” for a husband!!!

So, this morning…got to the gym and we had never calculated our body fat percentage or our BMI…so we did that this morning. Now, mine was high…BUT I was pleasantly surprised! I thought it would be worse than it was! So, that was interesting! When I was getting ready for work in the back, the lady that opens up the place every morning…let’s just say that they didn’t hire her for her personality…..or for the fact that she is a good role-model of diet and exercise. Anyways…I have been there nearly every morning for what? Like 7 weeks now…..and she is just not very friendly. Well, she came back to the locker room to put on her makeup and we talked the whole time. She is very nice….just a hard nut to crack. So, that was nice. I could really write a book about some of the women there…and the things I have seen….it is very interesting! I guess you could liken it to the “community bathrooms” in college dorms. Never a dull moment! Yesterday, I thought there was going to be a fight because some ladies are rude and leave all of their “stuff” in a dressing room while they go take a shower….well, that is just rude. SO, yesterday a few girls got mad because there was no empty dressing rooms….well, empty of people but their stuff was still there. It was humorous!

Oh well…I am rambling about stuff you probably don’t care about! I love you all and hope you have a great Thursday. As of last night, SIL #1 has still not gone back to Beater. So, we will see!

Oh…something to pray for today…see if you can follow me: my MIL’s boyfriend’s mother is having open-heart surgery today in Columbus. They are not confident that she is strong enough to make it through the surgery…but they had to do the surgery in order for her to live. So, please keep that family in your prayer today.

Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Great Day!

Hello Ladies! I forgot to post last night! I got done watching my shows and then just went to bed! As I was getting in bed…I thought about it…but I was too tired at that point! Oh well! I am sure you all didn’t miss me too much!

SO! Yesterday was a good day. Went to the gym…worked out….was getting ready to get in the shower (actually had all my “stuff” in the shower stall) and then I was looking in my bag and realized I had forgotten to bring my bra and underwear! SO! I packed everything back up and went home to get ready for work. What a dork! Hubby slept through everything…me coming home, me showering, me blow-drying my hair, me getting dressed…..finally I woke him up and told him that someone could’ve broken into the house and taken our kids and he would’ve slept through it! How funny!

So, then I got to work… was fine! I have to tell you….I actually put my foot down and stood up to Stinky Pete yesterday! KK was so proud of me. I was sick to my stomach afterwards and went and talked to our HR lady…but I did it! Basically, we have been joking for weeks (months) now that I would end up writing the “annual reviews” for the “district manager” that he manages and that I support. And…in a nut-shell, he asked me to do that yesterday and I told him that I wasn’t comfortable writing their review. Then he back-tracked and tried to act like that wasn’t what he was asking me to do….but the look on his face was PRICELESS! I don’t think he could believe I just didn’t say “yes, sir” and do it! So, small victory for me…as long as I get to keep my job! We will see! He actually talked to KK about it after it happened yesterday….so I think it might come up again today….we will see!!!!

After work, went and got the kiddos. I-Man had made valentines (well, wrote everyone’s names on them) to take to Minnie’s house. That was so sweet. We went home….changed clothes….Hubby came home…..took a quick shower….and then we headed over to Minnie’s house. I gotta tell you…on the way there, Baby called and asked us to pick up buns…so we were right by the “Hostess Outlet”….so I ran in there. I have never been in there (or maybe once a long time ago)…they have really cheap stuff!!! And if you spend more than $5, you get a free loaf of bread! I wish I had more time to look around….I will have to go back to that place! I got 2 packages of buns and a box of Twinkies for $3.00. I thought that was pretty good!

So, we got to Minnie’s house….I-Man was being a brat… I put him in a corner and told him he was not allowed to join us at the dinner table until he could act right. I hate that he acts like that….especially when we are at someone else’s house!!! Oh well…KIDS!

Dinner was very yummy!!! The pork was great….LOVED the potatos….veggies…salad…..yummy! It was very good! Thanks again, Minnie! They definitely are more experimental with spices and stuff than we are. We make ordinary stuff….theirs was spicy and good! So, that was nice! Then we just sat around and talked while the kids played….it was nice. I was under a lot of pressure to be “a hoot”….so I wasn’t. I was tired…..but it was also nice to just sit and talk about stuff! I did joke on more than one occasion that Minnie and I were going to leave the boys with the kids….but we didn’t. Maybe another time!!!!

Then we came home and I-Man cuddled with me while we watched TV. I had to get caught up on a few things that I DVR’d and then we watched American Idol. Then we went to bed! I-Man went to bed with me….to watch a movie….I think I fell asleep before the movie even started!!!

SO! This morning….we had our weigh-in and measuring at the gym. I didn’t really want to do it because I have been eating WAY TOO MUCH lately. I just can’t seem to get back on track! And working out….but eating bad….is okay for maintaining….but not for losing!!! So, I was dreading it this morning. When Jane (our trainer) came in….I told her that I didn’t want to see her today…I didn’t want to do this…but I did! I lost 1 pound (which I was thrilled with because again, eating way too much lately!) and 3.75 inches!!! I was so excited!!! And KK lost 8 pounds….and 6 inches!!! This is the first time she has lost anything….so she was very excited! How cool?!?!? SO, I am motivated again (at the moment) to keep it up!!!! I know that I will keep the exercise up…I just love doing it….but I have to start eating better! It is like I have no self-control or something!!! ! ARGH!

SO, that is about it! Now, I am at work…don’t feel like being here. The kids are going to see Dora tonight with my parents. Apparently it is a “pirate show” of some sort, so Mom is going to dress I-Man up like a pirate and I think she might dress FAB up like Dora. It is going to be a long day for them because I-Man is SO excited about seeing Dora tonight!

You all have a great day! Love you all…and I truly appreciate your friendship…more than words can say!