Monday, January 09, 2006

I missed a day!

Well, I missed journaling yesterday! It was too late...and I was too tired! But, I felt so "out of the loop" by not journaling. Wierd, huh?!?!

SO, yesterday was a great service....well, I don't really know that...but I think it was! FAB was still not feeling well and I didn't want to put her in the nursery to share her germs, so my MIL held her while we sang the first set...and then I walked the halls with her. SO, I didn't get to hear the fabulous sermon. I also didn't get to sing the last song with the PT because FAB would not be consoled. She wanted me. SO! What is a mother to do? OH well! We did, as a church, ordain Harmonica as an Elder. That made me teary. But then ....does that surprise anyone?!?!? It was a beautiful thing. ANd....since I was standing in the back of the church....I also saw the negative person crying at the closing comments. Very neat...if it means anything and leads to change. We'll see!

So...after church we came home. Ate a quick bite and then I went to the gym and did a quick work-out with KK. Then came home and Hubby went to watch the Bengals game with some friends, MIL picked up I-Man to take him to her nephew's basketball FAB and I went for a walk...she was so cute...and went shopping for a bit.

Hubby came home in time for Women's group. It was fun...but I didn't stay very long because 4:30 am comes very early! I had fun talking to Pepto and HBM...and Minnie and I were picking on each other......I hope she knows that I was just kidding...Love ya, Minnie!!!!

Umm....then this up and worked out.....I really enjoy starting my day that way. Now, it is hard to get up when the alarm goes off....but once I get moving I am fine. Then off to work. A very busy and stressful day....and I know that tomorrow will be the same since we have a BIG meeting on Wednesday. I had to take charge today because Stinky Pete just wasn't getting the job done. I am serious when I say that I just don't know what that man does....but if I made HALF the money that he Hubby could be a stay-at-home Dad. Something is wrong with that picture!!!

SO, after work I had an eye doctor's appointment. My insurance is good at LensCrafters so, I am already wearing my new glasses! I love them. They are very "hip" as Hubby said. They are red....and orange....and I love them. My prescription didn't change a whole I can still wear my old if I need to be more conservative or neutral, I can....but these are very cute. You have to see them.

Umm...and then I came home! Hubby made a delish dinner....I spent time with the kids....FAB is becoming quite a momma's girl. SHe is in bed...I-Man is in bed watching a movie...Hubby is watching a b-ball game....and I am ready for bed!

I love "The Bachelor" starts tonight! But I am too tired to stay up for it so I will have to tape it! I love you all and hope you all have a great Tuesday!

Love ya!


Kelley said...

I'm glad that you got some hip glasses....and you said you were going with something that you already had. is not near red and orange! Have a great night! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Doesn't that just peeve you, when you do your boss' job and he gets the big bucks? I know that isn't a very Christian response, but hey! I'm human too. ACK! I don't like that guy very much and I've never met the poor fella (but I do pray for him). Sorry for the outburst, but sheesh!

Looking forward to seeing the new specs.

Much love!

Dawn said...

Dang it I missed the Bachelor also. I can't wait to see your new glasses I'm sure you look totaly gorgeous in them!! You are kicking butt at the gym girl!! You amaze me at how early you get up and go do that!! YOU GO GIRL!! See ya sweetie!!

Jodi said...

I won't give the Bachelor away but all I'm gonna say is watch for the "reproductive" chick..she's a freak!! was good...he's a cute lot of the girls really perked up when he said e was a doctor....

can't wait to see your hip glasses! lol...I thought your last ones were pretty hip too ya sis!

Sara said...

I would love to get new glasses! It would be nice to not have to wear my contacts out all the time. Can't wait to see you in them! I know what you mean about Stinky Pete and doing his job. I went through that at the bank. At least your old boss is still around and knows what a great job you do! Have a good Tuesday!

Mandalynn said...

I can't wait to see your new glasses :) I'm not into the Bachelor...but Idol starts ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!! WOOOHOOO!!! :)

Hate that about Stinky Pete...praying, praying, praying...


Josy said...

I wanna see your hip glasses! 'cuz what I'm picturing...hee hee. Reality TV...isn't it great to be normal? LOL

girlie_mom said...

Hey red and orange sound another word than "hip" JUST KIDDING!!! One more dig. I really have to see them b/c picturing you in some red and orange glasses says "Fall" to me. LOL I bet they look cute!!! Do you even own anything that you don't look cute in?!?!?!? Can't wait to see ya!! It is so nice to be able to tease people in love and know that they really are just kidding. I know ya love me. How could you not...HELLO!

Have a great meeting.
