Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hello My Lovelies! How are you all doing today? I missed journaling again yesterday….it was a busy day! Let me tell you about it!

So, got up and went to the gym…had a great work-out on the treadmill and the bike. I finished a book I had been reading…that really makes the time go by faster! And I am going to get caught up on some of the books I have had for a while but not read….not like Josy…but I do like to read! I am really more into fiction books. I have a hard time reading “self-help” books…but I am going to try to read some that I have!

I had a good day at work. I had the giggles all day. It all started when I got to work. I was filling my water bottle that I take home with me each day. Well, as I was filling it, I dropped it….got water ALL over my pants. Luckily, the material didn’t show it…but I was soaked! So…then about an hour or so later (my pants were finally getting dry), Stinky Pete asked me to come up to his office. So, I picked up my water “cup” (the big one I use at work) and was carrying it. I bobbled it and again, soaked myself with water! When I got up to his office and went to get myself some more water (because I was wearing what had been in my cup), I just laughed the whole way. Couldn’t get rid of the giggles.

So then, I was in his office with KK and he played this song on this conference call we were having….it was “Add It Up” by the Violent Femmes. Now, he had to censor most of the song because it is very X-Rated…but I knew the group. Back in my college-rebel days, I was quite a fan of Violent Femmes (x-rated and all!) That made me laugh because then Stinky Pete (who is a very nice guy…just an idiot when it comes to work) was talking about how funny it was that I was a VF fan…and I thought the same of him too because he is so “straight-laced” now. So, that made me laugh.

Then, he took a call while KK and I were in his office…it was one of our Branch Managers that I just can’t stand because she is pretty dumb and needy. So, he put her on speakerphone and KK and I were trying hard to not laugh! She made a really big mistake with a customer…so the customer called Stinky Pete. Usually, irate customers are irate because they made a mistake and we have to be stern with them. But in this case, the Branch Manager made the mistake. So, he was explaining that to the manager and it was funny to hear her try to talk her way out of it. That made me laugh!

SO! I had lunch with Pepto yesterday. That was a nice addition to my workday! We couldn’t find a time where we could meet in the evening, so we met over lunch! It was a nice break….good conversation. She is a very neat person. Keep her and her roomies in your prayers. They all have very full schedules…and I am sure most of us remember what that is like!!! So, keep them in your prayers!

Then, back to work and finished my day. It was a good day! Didn’t have to see Stinky Pete much…and got a lot accomplished!

So, I went and picked up the kiddos. FAB is definitely MUCH better! I have my very happy, smiling, laughing little girl back. She is so precious! I just love her and I-Man to pieces!!! I-Man was pretty excited because my parents are in town. So, we went home….I had a few minutes with the kids and then I had to go to church.

Oh, I-Man, my Dad and Hubby were going to a b-ball game last night…to see my cousin play. So, my mom came over to watch FAB while I went to church for a bit. Well, before my parents came over, I was telling Hubby to clean up the house since “my parents are coming over”. I-Man was like “Why are your parents coming over? I want Mimi and Papaw to come over!” So funny! He has a hard time understanding that HIS Mimi and Papaw are MY parents. It was very funny!

So, I went to church to practice leading worship at the Women’s Retreat this weekend. Apparently HBM volunteered us for this (just kidding!). We had fun…I love hanging out with her…and singing with her is GREAT! I think we both have very powerful (nice way of saying LOUD) voices and I love singing with her! And of course picking on each other! So, that was fun! We picked some good songs for Saturday, unfortunately, nothing too upbeat because last time those didn’t go over as well. Oh! We found out that Mamie…the WONDERFUL speaker from our last retreat is coming to our church on April 29 (I think). SO, mark your calendars to join us for that! She was AWESOME! For those of you who have been to Women of Faith, think of a mixture of Lucy Swindoll and Velma Wells. She is really amazing! I would love for my sister…and my cousins to come!!! :) Just a hint!

So, after that I went home and my mom and I worked on hemming some jeans for I-Man. So, it looks a bit like a drunk person might’ve hemmed them..but at least they are hemmed! I love my sewing machine…I need to practice more with it, though! Then she left and I put FAB to bed and did a few things around the house and then watched some of the shows I had taped…Bachelor. I was glad he got rid of Kristen. She was corny. But, I really liked what she said when he didn’t give her a rose. She said something about finding that perfect man for her who would love her for who she is….and embrace it and not let it go. That was very profound for this show. I did watch some of American Idol but will probably watch it all later this week. I love my DVR!

Well…..that was about it for yesterday! Today, got up and went to the gym. Insane-Pain-Jane (aka Gym Nanny) came in to meet with us this morning. She is just great. I love her! We did some new things today….that was fun!

Work has been fine…..I am ready to go home..but still have a few hours! Well…I am going to sign off of this entry! Make sure you read my next entry too. It is new and I am going to share my testimony like Minnie suggested!

Love and Hugs to all my Journal Goddesses!


Kelley said...

Remind me not to drink anything near you! LOL!!! Glad you had such a good two days. Yesterday was fun! Can't wait till Saturday! Hope you have a great day to read your testimony...I need to write mine too!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I'm glad it was water! Sounds like VF's are the thing lately, I just heard someone else talking about htem yesterday. Hmmm...scary!

Have a great night. Much love!

girlie_mom said...

Yeah for silly days. So glad for you it was water!!! Glad FAB is better. The girls missed your little ones Tuesday. Pretty kept asking when we were going to preschool to see I-man and Pita Pocket. Yea for little friends.

Love ya, hope you have a great Thursday!

Josy said...

Great testimony! Thank you so much for sharing! You are so lucky it was water, I've done that with my coffee mug, walking out the door at work swinging my arm and coffee sloshes every where! Have a great rest of the week, hope the no-brainers don't make work too hard for you!