Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year, Journal Goddesses!!! Hope you all (sounds like most of you...cuz I have read but not commented in your journals) had a wonderful New Years!!! We had a pretty good one! But let me start at the beginning of where I left off....cuz I know you are dying to be updated on me!

Quick side adorable daughter is standing next to me and "tickling" my feet. I just love her! She "tickles" things a lot! She just makes the noise and "tickles"...sometimes it is herself....or stinking cute!

Okay! So....yesterday morning...the kids slept in for us which was nice! I got up and went to the gym with KK which was very usual! We saw my MIL there....that is the first time we have been there at the same time! Then I came home!

We spent most of the day cleaning the house and getting everything ready for our party last night. My sister and my parents called before everyone got here to wish us a Happy New Year. I was very sad that I wasn't spending the evening with them too....but we had a great time here! Just weird because I think I have almost always been with my parents and my sister on NYE! It has always been a big deal in my family...but as my Hubby would say...isn't every holiday a big deal in my family?!?!?!? Except for Flag Day! I love my family!

So....early in the day we got a phone call from of Hubby's good friends. He wanted to know if he and Juju (his really wonderful girlfriend) were still invited because their original plans were cancelled. We said of course! So....I was concerned because I now didn't have enough party hats for everyone....oh well! (I know...I am a dork!) our party had grown from the original 13 we invited to 16 (because BB's sister was in town from DC...but she is wonderful so I was glad she was coming I just think it is so great to see how much BB loves his sister....they have a very unique relationship). But, I am a fan of the more the merrier! So....then about 10 minutes before people were supposed to start getting there....Jay calls back and asks if he can bring his friend who didn't have any plans. How can we say no? So, Hubby made sure to warn Jay to warn his friend that there are going to be kids....loud and young our not your typical "rockin' NYE party!". He was fine with that. it has grown even more!

Oh...before that phone call.....we were making the wings......and Hubby used the wrong kind of baking more than half of them burned! The house was full of smoke and I had to run out to the store to get! fun!

So...anyways! I was worried that everything would go smoothly because not everyone knew each other and I didn't want anyone to be uncomfortable....but I really had a good time...and I think that everyone else did too! I-Man and I called JJ a bit after midnight and wished her a Happy New Year....we tried to call my parents but they must've been asleep already! I missed them all....

SO! A very happy new year spent with friends and family! At least we did our tradition of hugging everyone (actually only my cousins that were here). That made me feel more at home! Thanks for coming Queeny...and Daisy!!! Love you guys!!!!

So, we didn't go to bed until 4:00! By the time everyone left at like 3:00ish....and we cleaned up (because I am anal) was LATE...or early! So, 7:15 came very early! We went to church...and then to lunch....why?!?!?! But we did! And then home!

We have all had naps today (FAB took like a 4 hour nap!)!!!! YEAH for naps!

That is about it! I am going to go get a bite to last night of eating poorly before I start back up with WW tomorrow! I have to get back on board!

Oh...I bought some very cheap ($4.99) purses at Meijers (they were having a big clearance sale)! My new goal or reward is that I am not allowing myself to buy another Vera Bradley purse until I lose 50 more pounds! SO! I really want a new I have to lose some weight!!!

Okay....I am sure you are bored now! Love to all...Happy New Year and I am looking forward to another year of getting to know you all better and continuing to lift one another up in prayer and love. You all mean so much to me!

Love and Hugs!!!!!!!


Kelley said...

You had a huge party last night! Glad you had so much fun! We missed you at practice last night! I can just imagine you being a worry-wort about the hats! You crack me up! That is so cute about FAB tickleing! Pita Pocket says "tickle tickle, tickle" when he tickles us!! LOL! Hope you had a restful Sunday! We all took 4 hour naps! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Too funny about the wings. Your hubby must cook like mine! Sounds like you all had a very nice time! 4am? Wow, party animals!

I enjoyed a nice long nap w/ Yang and CLW this afternoon, too! Naps are the greatest!

Much love!

Sara said...

Glad your party turned out great! I know what you mean about the hats. I'm that way don't want to leave anyone out! I hope you get your Vera purse soon! :) Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

LOL, about hats!! LOL :) There were plenty!! :) LOL :) I'm like that, too, though...remember Princess's birthday party last year?!?! LOL :)

We had such a great time, and THANK YOU for having us over!! I missed being with everyone in KY, too, but I'm glad we got to hug each other!! LOL ;) And, can you believe I finally won a game of Phase 10 last night?!?! LOL (BB & Daisy came over last night...and, btw, they have officially settled on the name WE picked out!! LOL :) )

Okay, NMJ :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :) It was a very fun party :)