Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Day of Vacation....BLAH!!!!!!!!!

So, today is my last day of vacation. Blah! I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the time with my kids.....and my husband. Although, my husband is starting to get on my nerves! Too much together time, I think! Not anything in particular...just everything! I guess that is part of being married! Oh well! I still love him! KK and I often talk about all the people we know who are divorced and we both say that there are days when we could kill our husbands (not literally, but you know what I mean) but we still love them dearly and have worked too hard at our marriages to just give up that easily. Does that make sense? not that I am thinking about divorce....I guess that sounded wierd...but you know what I am saying!

Enough of that....This morning I got up and went to the gym. This was our last morning of going at a decent hour. Starting tomorrow we will be there at 5:00 am!!! I am hoping that KK can make it with me! She is not a morning we will see! I think I am actually going to shower and get ready for work there...that would save some time. I will try it tomorrow and see if that works. But anyways...we had a fun work-out....we just love Jane, our trainer! She was getting pressure from her boss today to get some appointments (referrals for people to join the gym). I hope they don't push her too much....I just love her! I think I am going to write the owner/manager a letter about her. Some people are sales-people....some people are motivators and better at taking care of the members once they are there. They ought to play on people's strengths....ya know?!?!? End of rant.

Then I came home and have done nothing....absolutely nothing all day. I decided to be an absolute bum and just relax and enjoy my last day of vacation! Plus...I-Man is sick. He has a fever and a cough.....not sure what is going on with him. Strangely enough, I have a doctor's appointment for both of the kids tomorrow a new doctor. So, that is good timing!

Right now, King, Big Bear and Hubby are out in our living room watching the Fiesta Bowl. FAB keeps going out and entertaining them....although I think they are more interested in the game. She is particularly fond of BB....I think because he is so big and funny. She spilled Hubby's drink a bit ago. I thought it was funny...Hubby did not. OH well!

Well...I have to go and take care of I-Man. He is finally ready to eat something....I think the motrin just kicked in. Hubby is going to have to stay home with him tomorrow....can't take him to my Aunt's house....and I can't call in sick on my first day back from vacation! The joy of parenting!!!!

Hugs and love to all!


Kelley said...

Sorry I-Man is sick! Who is your new doctor? Sorry this was your last day of vacation! Glad you enjoyed all this time with your kid-os...and a little with your Hubby!! LOL! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I'm glad you had a relaxing day. I'm sorry I-man is sick, hope it doesn't make the rest of you sick! Have a good day back at work today! Much love!

Sara said...

Hope work isn't too bad today and I-man's feeling better! I feel for you going back to work! I'll have had a 10 week "vacation" and then have to go back to work and I'm dreading it!!!! You're doing great on working out! I know it's hard to keep it up! Love ya!

Josy said...

So sorry to hear your vacation is over! I could use a couple more holidays. Hope I-man will be feeling better, it's never good when superheroes are sick!