Saturday, January 07, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Well, we had a pretty un-eventful day around our house! We got up this morning around 9:00. What a blessing that the kids let us sleep in that late! I really needed that! Funny thing...I heard I-Man come out of his room....and next thing I know, FAB is pushing her stroller with her baby in our room and carrying her purse. He got her out of her bed and she went right for her favorite toys! So cute.

Hubby had to go to work today. He had three appointments which resulted in three he had a good day! Well, FAB has a full-blown cold. She was pretty miserable that made it a rough day for me! Well....about 10:00 my MIL just stopped by...I really hate it when people don't call...but oh well! She took I-Man bowling and to see Hubby's they were gone pretty much all day. SO, it was just FAB and I. She didn't want me to put her down! Which I love cuddling with her....but the whiny and clingy-ness gets frustrating!

SO, when Hubby came home I went to the gym. It was hard to leave FAB cuz she was screaming for me when I left...but I needed some "me" time! So, I went to the gym and had a great work-out! KK wasn't there...but I still enjoyed myself!

Then I came home and picked up FAB again....she was still needy. After we all bathed and got ready....I took the kids to my MIL's house so she could watch them while Hubby and I went to PT practice. For a while there, I thought I was going to have to call Elvis and tell him I wouldn't be at practice....if MIL hadn't watched the kids...there is no way I could've sang. She was just way too needy. So, tomorrow at church, MIL might be holding FAB instead of sending her to the nursery! We'll see. I just don't want to share her germs. Maybe she will feel better in the morning! I just hate to see her sick!!!

PT practice was great! I really miss when I am not there! It was fun to laugh with HBM and Sight-sing. I love the song service tomorrow....hopefully we will just be able to focus on God and not everything else that goes on!

When we got home tonight, I-Man and I watched Madagascar. We didn't watch it last night. It is a very cute movie....but more than the movie I got a kick out of I-Man. He was cracking up at parts of it and then he was dancing to the music when it was over. I just love that little guy. He can be such a sweetie when he wants to be!!!

Well....I will see most of you tomorrow....OH! And we have Women's Group tomorrow night! WOOHOO!!!!! Love you all and hope all is well with the Journal Goddesses!!!


Mandalynn said...

Hope you have a good service tomorrow!! :)


Dawn said...

Howdy girl!! I am sorry FAB isn't feeling good. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be some better. Oh I"m like you I don't like it when people just show up and don't call. It never fails also, for me at least, they always come when my house is a mess not when I"ve just cleaned LOL!! I am so jealous I feel like i"ve not been in worship in forever. I was only in once in Dec. and tomorrow I"m in the back AGAIN!!!! I'm starting to get that burned out feeling and when that happens to me I start finding excues to just miss church.Especially this time of year when I"m down a lot.Ok rambling here!! I love ya see ya in the morning!! Hugs!!

SebbieDue said...

Glas your hubby made some sales! That's cool! Hope FAB is feeling better soon! I-man "gets it"! Ying loves to dance to the songs at the end of the movies too!

PT practice always sounds like so much fun! If I didn't have to work, I might just come watch for the fun of it! Like I have that much free time! Hah!

Yea! I'm so looking forward to women's group! I've missed you guys a bunch since last time!

Kelley said...

I'm sooo looking forward to women's group....hope it was like tonight! I am so proud of you for singing those 2 notes tonight...wasn't that hard? I don't know if I can do that tomorrow! LOL! Sorry FAB is sick and clingy......and about the whole babysitting thing!! AARRGGHH! I don't know how you do it! Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Hope Fab will be feeling better soon! Good for you, going to the gym on the weekend!