Thursday, January 26, 2006

Prayer Request

Hi Ladies! Before I get to my normal post, I need to petition for prayer requests. My nephew (who will be 9 next week) was rushed to Children's Hospital in Cincinnati last night for an emergency appendectomy. They thought his appendix had burst. We found out this morning that he went through surgery last night and they did remove his had not burst, so that was a blessing. However, during surgery they could not keep his heart-rate up to what they considered a normal level. So, they are sending in a cardiologist to check into that today. As you can imagine, it was a very long night for my sister...and now she is more worried than ever that there is a problem with his heart. Please pray for peace for her and that we find out good news from the cardiologist. They could certainly use your prayers....and so could their worried grandparents and aunts and uncles, right JJ? He is a very special little guy.....thank you for your prayers!

Not sure how I am going to focus at work today. I think that I will leave early and drive my mom down to the hospital to see them. Not sure about that yet....but that is what I am thinking right now. We will see.

Okay! So, yesterday was a fine day at work. I had to interview this guy...and let me just tell you! I learned a lesson from him. The lesson that I learned is that I cannot spoil my children so much. He just graduated from Miami University and is a bright kid. The problem.....he has absolutely NO work experience. He has NEVER had a job. He was on the swim team at, I guess that meant he didn't have time to work. But he never worked in high school or on the summers....unless you count a part-time, show up if I want to, Life-Guarding job. SO! It was hard to interview someone who had no work experience. That was odd. I have never had that situation before. So, I will not allow my kids to be that way!

After work, went and got my rugrats. They are so adorable....if I do say so myself! They had lots of fun with Mimi and Papaw. My parents looked pretty tired when I picked them up. They were ready for a break! We came home and I cooked dinner and straightened up the house....and then I-Man and I were off to church. Teacher was feeling better...but didn't want to spread her germs (they had that stomach bug), so she asked if I would teach I-Man's class with Girlfriend. SO! I didn't get to go to the gym with Hair Dye :( ....but I had fun with Girlfriend. We both decided that we are not good with own is one thing....but teaching is not my forte! I don't have the natural talent for it that Teacher, Detergent, Sebbiedue and others have. But...Teacher had everything ready for us. It was really a no-brainer. HBM would've been so impressed with how organized Teacher was. She had typed up a one-page document for us about what we needed to do and where the items we would need were. It was fun...but we got done way earlier than we do when she is there. So, we just let the kids play.

Now, I have to tell you, Sebbiedue's little boy was cracking me up at church last night. He is extremely articulate when he cute! He ABSOLUTELY loves the color red! Everything we did, he wanted red. He wanted red marker to color on the red gummy toys! And when they were playing with the toys, if one of the other boys touched a red toy...he had a hard time with it. It was so cute! So, if you want to know the way to his him something red!

After church, went home and cuddled with FAB before she went to bed....and then I-Man before he went to bed. I watched American Idol....very funny. Simon was in a bad mood! Then I went to bed!

Hope you are all doing well...and I will talk to you later! Again, thank you for your prayers for my nephew. Love you all!


Kelley said...

I'm so sorry about your nephew. (I had the same emergency surgery and the doctors found out that my appendix did NOT burst either, but they went ahead and took out my appendix...that's odd that they didn't). We'll be praying for your nephew and your family....we know that it affects all!
So funny about the guy that you interviewed. My principal interviewed a lot of people that had WAY more experience that I did....I just had one year as a teacher and it was elementary school. She gave me a chance because she says she "saw" something...see if you can "see" something in him...if not, put on your glasses and find someone else!!
Have a great day!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Your poor sister!!! I'm praying for your nephew and whole family. Keep us updated!
Haven't watched Idol yet from last night, but sounds like it will be entertaining. Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

Yeah, seriously, what's up with Simon? I haven't heard anything about his fiance in a while...are they still together? If not, maybe that's what's up...if they're planning a wedding, maybe she's driving him crazy!! LOL :)

Anyways, praying for BoyD...that's so scary!! I hope they figure out if something's wrong, and praying that there isn't a problem...

Yeah, we'll have to meet up for a class or something, and maybe alternate locations? We'll talk ;) I need a workout buddy :)

Okay, I better go if I wanna make it there today :) I have to get my "stuff" together while Princess is napping, then off we go when she wakes up!! :)

girlie_mom said...

Sorry life is worryisome lately... Praying lots!!

I can't get over how much you are working out. Man I am for sure going back next week. I think I gained all that I worked so hard to get off already. I really want to buy a normal sized bathing suit instead of one that covers everything up. Not a bikini by any means, just one that is cute!

We need to get together sometime with the families. Next week my work schedule is very light YEA!! so maybe then...let me know!!

Love ya lots..Have a great Friday!