Well...since you guys always post pictures...I decided to post some! These are old...from our vacation to Gatlinburg in September. The first one is I-Man...we are up at the top of the mountains...and there is this rock wall you can go up...he was at the top with a rope...hanging it down and my mom was at the bottom acting like he was going to pull her up. It was cute. Notice, he is wearing his $30 cowboy hat that my Dad bought him (I am not even sure where that is right now) and his medal that he got the night before at the Dixie Stampede. He got to go out and participate in a chicken race. His team won so he got a gold medal. He was so proud. Truth be told, he was the slowest runner...but it was so adorable! I teared up I was just so proud of him (surprise, anyone?)
The second one...I just LOVE that picture! It is of FAB and my Dad at the Black Bear Jamboree. She was mesmorized by the entire show....just loved it! She danced and clapped...and my Dad ate up every minute of it! She is definitely a "Papaw's Girl"! She was a show in and of herself!!!
So, just wanted to share a couple of pictures with you! I did not post last night cuz I was just tired! Here is how my day went from the last time I posted:
Had a good day at work....cuz Stinky Pete wasn't there! He was on his way to Nashville! Hubby called me close to lunch time and he had locked his keys in his car....so I had to drive out to his work (and it wasn't where I thought it was....so that was interesting!) and unlock the car for him. Good thing I had my set of keys! So, then KK and I had lunch and then we had to pick up some things for work...and then back to the office! So, work was good! Got a lot done! (dripping with sarcasm)
After work, went and picked up the kiddos. My mom was leaving to go visit my nephew and then to go to KY for the weekend. The kids and I came home...Hubby brought Wendy's home for dinner...and then I took a short nap on the couch...I am always exhausted on Fridays. And then we went to a b-ball game. It was fun...and the new gym has a walking track on it...so I think the kids and I spent the whole half-time and 3rd quarter on the track. It was fun. FIL and step-MIL were there...I didn't talk to either of them much. FIL is wierd....and he needs a hair cut. For some reason he is letting his hair be long and ugly. OH well.....
So, then we came home and I fell asleep on the bed reading a book. Got to sleep in this morning (until 8:00, I think) and that was heavenly!!! Then we got up...Hubby got ready for work and the kids and I left to go the gym. No sooner than I got on a treadmill, MIL came in. So, she worked out next to me and we talked the whole time. It was very nice. She is very much wrapped up in her own life with her boyfriend (that is pretty much all she talked about) but I am happy to see her happy. I just hope she doesn't get hurt again. She said that SIL #1 went to a women's clinic at Miami Valley Hospital (since she doesn't have insurance) and they calculated her due date as September.....I think that is wrong though, and so does she. We think it is more like late July or August. We will see! They are still talking about getting married in late April. Hopefully that will be firmed up soon!
Umm...after the gym, I took the kids to Elder Beerman. I looked like crap....but I wanted some new perfume. KK and I had been to Parisian the other day and I tried one that I really liked....a new Jessica McClintock perfume. So, I was going to buy it today....but EB doesn't have it yet! That was a bummer! But I did try on another one that I like....so maybe I will just get that.....we'll see. I am pretty picky about perfumes because I have such a sensitive nose...and most perfumes give me headaches. The one that I used to wear...they stopped making it. So, I guess you all really wanted to know that, huh?!?
After that, we went to the grocery store for a few things...and then came home. We had lunch and then soon after...it was time to head off to the Worship Retreat. It was great. You could tell that Elvis put a lot of work into it and really did a great job. Some (okay, most) of the music theory stuff was way over my head....and I can't let it go that there is no E#....there is an C#, a D#, a F#, a G# (and so on)...but no E#. When we came home, I looked at the piano and I know WHY there isn't one...but I want to know WHY they didn't put a key there!??! See, I am a very logical thinker.....that is why I don't like movies that cannot be realistic (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, King Kong, etc.)....not that those movies have anything to do with this...but .....never mind! The worship retreat was great...Elvis did an awesome job. I learned a lot...and should probably check out the Music Theory DVD so that I can really understand it. I need to go slower to truly grasp it.
Then we had PT practice...that was a blast. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy singing with HBM?!?!? She makes me try harder....does that make sense? She pushes me to be the best...and I love that! It was really funny though...I hit a really bad note.....on this one song, this one note is right at my "break" (where I need to transition from chest voice to head voice) and I didn't do that.....so the note came out VERY bad....everyone looked at me. I took full ownership of it and fixed it. But it was funny. Glad I can laugh at myself!
Then we went and picked up the kids at MIL's house...gave them baths...and now I am typing this! I am ready to get off here and just curl up with my good book!
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow....I will see most of you at worship. Love to all!
I had to laugh at the comment about FIL's hair. Glad the retreat went well today. Cute pics by the way. I can't get over how much the kids have grown! Too cute! See you tomorrow!
You are so funny, Is the E# thing why you were so "UHH" tonight?? I could just see your little thinking wheels turning.
You cracka me up!!!
See ya tomorrow!
YES...there is an E#....the other name is F. In reality, every note has two names, it's just not logical to use them all! LOL! I laughed about the E# because that is what my students would say!
So glad that practice went well...loved the note you sang tonight! I'm so glad that you mess up too! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one!
Have a great night and I'll see ya tomorrow!
Lot of Love!
I was just gonna say what Kelley posted, about E# being F natural, but she beat me to it! Dang.
Long & ugly, huh? I just can't picture it. Your FIL always wore his hair so short!
Glad you had a good time at the retreat! Thing2 did too!
See you in the morning! Much love!
Hey...you're not alone on the E# thing...I was trying to figure out why there wasn't an E# on that scale thingy, but I'm glad HMB and Sebbiedue cleared that up for us. Those two pics are so cute. I think it's so cool how much time your kids get to spend with their grandparents. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with Stinky Pete Friday. Something needs to be done about that man. Really. I will see you soon. LYLAS!
Thanks for posting the pictures, it's always neat to see what everyone looks like (me being the c-c-c-cold northerner). Now can we get a picture of Stinky Pete (wearing the hat of course)? Ha ha Hope ya had a great weekend.
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