Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to Reality!

Well, It was back to reality today! It wasn't that bad, actually. But maybe that is because I worked an abbreviated day! I had forgotten that I had made the kids a doctors appointment today...with their new doctor. So, Hubby was going to just take them...but I wanted to be there too! So! I left early to be there with them. But then I worked from home so I made up the hours! That is the nice thing about having a flexible job!

SO! This morning...got up super early and went to the gym. KK actually made it on time! I was so impressed! We worked out together and then she went home cuz she doesn't have to be at work until 8:00.....where I am the early bird and get there at 7:00. So, I took my shower and got all ready for work at the gym. It was kinda nice....didn't have to worry about being super quiet like I do when I am here......the shower was really cold at first....but then it warmed up. So, I think that is my new game-plan, as long as I have time to get all my stuff together the night before. It actually worked out pretty good....the longest part of my getting ready routine is deciding what to wear...so if I have to do that the night before...it only takes me about 20 - 25 minutes to get ready (including my shower!). I am pretty speedy!!!

SO...then off to work! I was able to get through all of my emails and voicemails in a matter of a few hours....so that wasn't bad. Tomorrow will be spent getting caught up on other things and preparing for the two big meetings I have next week. I didn't have to see Stinky Pete today....and I won't have to see him tomorrow either! That makes for a great two days, in my opinion!!!!

Then I left work to go to the doctor's appointment. We loved the nurse and and the doctor. I am so glad we switched. We loved our first pediatrician...but she retired due to cancer and we were not fans of her replacement. So, today was a good visit! I-Man was off the charts big.....no big surprise there! FAB is the opposite....only in the 25% in her weight. The doctor said if she hasn't gained significant weight by her 2 year check-up....we might have to put her on a dietary supplement. Funny how we have two opposite kids! From one end of the spectrum to the next! I-Man had his vision and hearing checked....and everything was fine! He was just fine. Obviously feeling better today and no fever....of course...we had a doctor's appointment.....he had to feel better! So, he just has a cold. We did go ahead and get him a flu shot. He did great with that. Such a good little guy.

Poor FAB...she had to have 6 shots! Yep....6 shots! We somehow got behind on her shots (thanks to the old doctor) and then we got her a flu shot too. So...she was not a happy camper! She did fine, though. I love how the nurse had to be the one to pick her up when she was done. She said that was her reward for having to be so mean. She picked her up and hugged her. Very sweet. She is doing fine tonight...so hopefully we won't have any side-effects from all 6 of her shots!

Then we came home and both kids took long naps and I got some work done.....and then took it easy until Hubby came home and cooked dinner.

That is about it! I am pooped from my first day back to reality! It wasn't a bad day, though! I am just tired! And I get to do it all over again tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all had wonderful days! I have been reading and keeping up-to-date with everyone...but haven't had time to comment! Sorry!!! I love you all!!!!!!


SebbieDue said...

Glad you like your new doctor. It's such a big help when you like and trust your kids' doctor!

Good for you, making it to the gym. I used to get ready for work at the gym...saves water at home too!

Poor FAB! 6 shots! We're behind w/ Yang too. It seems everytime we have an appt he's sick.

Will be praying for you to have a good first week back at work!

Much love!

Mandalynn said...

Hey :) Who is your new dr? It's not Dr. Matt is it? (the same dr. that C-Man & G-Man, and Princess, too :) And, a couple dozen other of my friend's kids...) Anyways, if it is, I LOVE him!! :)

Glad you had a good day back!! Not seeing Stinky Pete made it a lot easier, I'm sure!! :) And, cool, getting ready at the gym :)


Kelley said...

I just have loved every doctor that we have seen at that office! You picked a great one to go to! There is a lady doctor there that does voices and is a hoot to have. Pita Pocket loves her. She crawls on the floor and everything. I ask for her just because I end up being in a great mood no matter the reason why we were at the doctor's office.
Sorry FAB had 6 shots! YUCKY!!!!
Have fun tomorrow without Stinky Pete! Maybe he's taking the hint!
Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Well you certainly had a crazy busy day!!! Glad everything was good today...too bad about the shots. Who is your doctor? We have been talking about switching but I really like one of the doctors in our office, just not the other one(whose name is on the door) or some of the nurses.

Glad you had such a good day back at work..

Now question for you which place is really "work"? LOL

Lots of love:)

Sara said...

I dread Piglet's first shots next month! I'll probably cry harder than she does! I hope FAB did okay last night. What a trooper I-man was!

Josy said...

I'm glad you got Fab's shots up to date - that is so important - good for you for finding a doctor that will take care of you! Woman, you just amaze me...I don't think I could ever make it to the gym, let alone that early in the morning. I am so proud of you! *doing the pom-pom shake*
Love in Faith,