Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My Ramblings....

Well, I didn’t post last night because I fell asleep watching TV! I made Hubby go to our room to watch the rest of AI, cuz I was going to watch my soap opera that I had taped….I watched a bit of it and then was fast forwarding through the commercials….I fell asleep and fast forwarded through the whole thing! So, I decided to go to bed. Aren’t I exciting?!?!?

Yesterday, got up and went to the gym. There was this girl there who I helped figure out the showers. She was just like me and had a very cold shower the first day she…so she asked for my help yesterday. It was very funny. At least I wasn’t the only dummy who couldn’t figure it out!

Work was fine. Stinky Pete really ticked me off….I was very ready to quit. Not that we could afford for me to do that…and not that I really would. I love my job…just not my boss! Oh well! I am sure you all don’t want to hear about it! You are probably sick of hearing about Stinky Pete….he just aggravates the snot out of me! (what a yucky phrase!??!)

I left work and went by my parents’ house to “visit my kids”. They spent the night with Mom and Dad last night. When I got there, I-Man was so excited to show me what they had been doing. He ran off to the kitchen and made me a fruit-kabob. It was very yummy. Of course, it took him longer to make it then it did for me to eat it…but he was so proud! My parents said that FAB had been eating a lot…..she does that. One day, she eats everything in sight. Now, she probably won’t eat anything today. Funny kid! Mom and Dad are going to take them to see “Dora” at the Nutter Center next week. So, I-Man is very excited about that! They are brave…my parents! I think it is so cool that they do so many things with my kids. I wish my grandparents had been like that. Oh well! They are spoiled…that is for sure!

So, then I went home and finished dinner. Hubby had put a turkey breast, cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms and broccoli in the crock-pot in the morning. It was sooooo yummy! I made rice to go with it and yummy! Good dinner. KK told me about that. Hubby decided to add the broccoli….it was good, but I would have preferred steamed broccoli on the side…oh well. It was very yummy!

Then, Hubby and I went out looking at bedroom furniture. We went to Morris first….way too expensive! Funny thing….we were looking around….I am very picky. I thought most things were ugly. But we had been looking for a while and realized that I was looking for beds….Hubby was looking for dressers….I thought he meant beds cuz we don’t have a head-board. But he wants new dressers cuz what we have now is crappy…it was my stuff when I was growing up. So, it was just funny. We liked a few things at Morris (I should really say that I liked a few things….Hubby isn’t picky) but again, it was way too expensive. So, we left there and went to Value City furniture. Much more in our price range, but I didn’t like anything! They had a really pretty dresser that was distressed white (exactly like our dining room table)..but they had it as a set with a bed that was clearly not a set. The bed was white-washed bead-board, which I loved….but it was more of stark white. So, it didn’t really go together. Oh well…we had fun looking! What I did notice that most of the dressers really didn’t have a lot of drawer space. Funny! Oh well. Hubby just kept laughing cuz I kept saying everything was ugly. I am picky. It can’t be too modern….can’t be too old-fashioned…can’t be too dark….can’t be too low…..on and on…and on! We had a good laugh out of it!

So, then we stopped back by my parents’ house to give them clothes for the kids. I-Man and my dad had been wrestling….so funny. We got some good hugs from both of the kids…and then went home. We cuddled on the couch to watch AI…until (now it goes back to where I started)…I decided to watch my soap opera.

SO! A very exciting evening! Tonight I am going to the gym with Hair Dye while I-Man is at church. So, I will work out twice today! But I need it…so it is okay! I haven’t been doing too good with my diet…..eating too much. It is really hard to get back on track! So, please pray for that….if you don’t mind!

Well, I will talk to you all later! Love ya and hope you have a great Wednesday! It is hump day!!!!


Mandalynn said...

I am right with ya with the eating too much :( It's that time of month, though, and I always crave the WORST things I could possibly crave...yada yada yada...

Good for you going to the gym!! I've been inspired to take up the 30 day free trial at Premier :) So, I'm all for free!! LOL :)

Hope you have a better day with Stinky Pete!! :)

Love ya!! :)

girlie_mom said...

Good luck looking for furniture. You should look online first to see what you want since it is obvious you don't know.

Glad you and Hubby got some time together. I bet you bursted hi8 bubble when you asked him to go watch tv in the bedroom!!!

Have a great day!

Love ya

Josy said...

I have the same problem when I go furniture shopping, I know exactly what I want, they just don't make it!

Great job working out. I am so proud of you!

Kelley said...

You will just know when you find the right dresser! That's what we did with our bedroom set. I saw it and that was it! It will come to you like an "ah ha" moment!! LOL!
I'm so glad that your parents are doing so much with I-Man and FAB! How sweet!
Have fun at the gym. We STILL haven't gone. Instead, we fell asleep yesterday! I'm hoping we'll go today, but we'll see!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

At least you and Daddy Mac had some quality time together even if you didn't find anything you like. Love ya!

Jodi said...

I am really really happy that mom and dad are spending so much time with I-man and FAB (I'm jealous cuz I want to run around with the kids all day too lol!!) But they are making memories right now with their mimi and papaw that will last their whole life! that is so cool!

good luck with the furniture hunt! husband and I usually only agree upon the most expensive thing in the store lol

love you sis!

SebbieDue said...

So, how did you end up teaching tonight? I'm sorry you missed your time at the gym!

That Stinky Pete is making me mad! I don't even know the poor guy! But he's on my poopoo list, for sure!

I hate furniture shopping! Cat and I never agree on anything. That's the good thing about getting so many second hand items from family and friends. We don't have to agree!

So cute about I-man and the kabob! I love it!

Praying for you to get back on your ww track. Much love!