Friday, January 06, 2006


I love Fridays! Especially very productive ones! I had a very productive day! I guess I have felt that way all week....probably because it was a week of getting caught up! And I have two big meetings next week...I feel pretty good about those. Of course I will have that last minute panic and stress that I always have....but that is part of the job! And I really like that part of the job...even though it is stressful!

So, I didn't go to the gym this morning...but I still rushed to get to work on time?!?! What is up with that? I missed being at the gym...isn't that wierd! I got to sleep in about an hour longer....but I was still I think I like getting up to go to the gym! But anyways! I got to work and had a fire drill to work on this morning for Stinky Pete...and then I had to see him! UGH! It wasn't that bad! Thankfully he had a busy day ahead of him so I only had to spend about an hour and a half with him. SO! That wasn't bad at all! He is truly a dork, though. So....then I had the rest of the day to myself and like I said, I got a lot done!

Well, FAB has a cold. Her little nose is bright red and has been running all day! Now, it is only running I am thinking that she is having a reaction to the flu shot. Didn't Sebbiedue have that when she got the shot? And the nurse told us that that was a normal! Bless her heart. I just hate to see her not feeling well. If she is still this bad tomorrow night...we might keep her with us during PT practice...that is if there is child care for the rest of them. I haven't heard if anyone had volunteered yet. We'll see.

Umm....I am looking forward to PT practice tomorrow! I really missed everyone last week! It feels like it has been forever! Plus I like most of the songs we are singing this week...that helps! But it is just fun to see everyone!!!

So, Hubby called me right before I was to leave work and told me that he would go pick up the kids at my aunt's house! That was a nice surprise! I didn't have to drive all the way to her house! I actually got home before they all did and had a chance to straighten up the house! Then they came home.....and FAB and I took a short nap together. I love cuddling with my kids!

Hubby made home-made pizza for dinner. I love his home-made pizza! He used ground turkey instead of ground was very yummy! What a good Hubby!!!

Then Hubby and I-Man went to the high school b-ball game....FAB and I were supposed to go but since FAB wasn't feeling well...we decided not to take her. We didn't want to listen to her whine the whole time. So, instead we (FAB and I) went to Wal-Mart. She was great there and I got to look around the whole store and just enjoy it! We saw Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho there. Funny thing...I was getting feminine products and I saw Uncle Poncho...but I didn't say anything....because I was getting feminine products! So.....a bit later I saw him again and we stopped and talked for a long time. They are so sweet!

SO! That is about it! I bought the Madagascar Movie I might try to get I-Man to watch it with me....

Talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!!!


Kelley said...

There is childcare. Looks like there will be as long as she gets some volunteers. She has one already, but not one to do it EVERY Saturday! Beef is going to make an announcement to the teens to see if he can get a few volunteers for us!
Sorry about you being late. That cracks me up since you are on time when you work out!
Sorry about FAB. Hope she feels better soon. I know it's just so sad to see them not feeling well!
Hope you had a great night watching Madagascar!
Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Pretty and Boo love Madagascar!!! We watch it about 3-4 times a week. That is probably in their top 4 movies to watch. I am going to start working out next week I think...My hours make me so tired and I don't think that they are going to lessen any time soon...and in the meantime my belly will start to grow. Sorry FAB is sick, we are taking Boo to the Doctor tomorrow which is actually today since I am writing this at 1:50 a.m. I am sure she is fine, but just to make sure...

ok nmj! Lots of love and see ya tomorrow/today!

Josy said...

Hope Fab is feeling better! It's so hard watching our little ones be sick. Joe didn't like Madagascar - no cucumbers or tomatoes, LOL, he is just such a VeggieTales freak! I hope that I-man will like it. Have a great weekend!