Saturday, January 21, 2006


Hey Girlies! I hope you are all doing fine on this Saturday evening! I didn't post last night because...well, I think I was busy doing stuff around the house and then just went to bed. Oh, I was kinda watching a movie...but didn't get to finish watching it cuz Hubby and I-Man came home from their b-ball game. I might watch it again here in a if you really wanted to know that!

SO! Friday up and went to the gym. I had my weigh-in and I lost 3 pounds (it was 4 according to my scale...but 3 according to, whatever!) and 2 inches in my waist! I also lost some other .25 and .50 inches in my thighs and hips and I was very pleased! KK didn't do as well...she was very bummed. She isn't seeing results and is starting to get very frustrated. Our gym nanny, Jane...was excited for me but also bummed for KK. She is going to start us on something else to see if it helps. I just love her! She is great!!! is my side note.....for me Weight Watchers weigh-ins, I have always weighed myself first thing in the morning...with no clothes I get MY true weight. For my gym weigh-in...I am obviously not naked. I have clothes and shoes on....but still pretty much first thing in the morning. There is a least this week....of 4 pounds. So...I am having a hard time "letting go" and realizing that it is okay if the thing at the gym says I weigh 4 pounds more than I really weigh....does that make sense......just had to throw that in there!!!! Sorry if I lost you!

SO, work was good. It was a crazy busy day. Just all kinds of crazy, bizarre, out-of-the-ordinary type things. So, it flew by! BUT a REALLY awesome thing happened. One of the guys that I work with....his wife was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer in March of last year. The prognosis was very bad. Very bad. They are Christians. SO, he and I have talked a lot over the past year or so about praying for healing and etc. She had to go through chemotherapy and has been a very rough year for their family. Well, on Wednesday, they went for a total body scan and they found ABSOLUTELY NO CANCER. It is GONE. 100% GONE! What a might God we serve!!!!! What a miracle! And the best part is that...and these were his words...."Connie (his wife) is using this as her lifesong....her testimony..this is her story to share." I talked to him for about 15 minutes and that song "Lifesong" just kept ringing in my ears. (side-bar...that cd is AWESOME...the last song on the cd is a little slow-diddy from "Lifesong"....LOVE IT!). SO! Another guy who we work with who is so-not-a-Christian, called Ric and asked him..."So, what do you think? Do you think the chemotherapy worked?" And this was Ric's response: "I think the chemotherapy worked in that it helped Connie to focus on God, which is what she needed to do. But I absolutely do not think that the chemotherapy removed her cancer. God did that. God removed all the cancer from her body." What a wonderful witness....and what an awesome miracle. I was on cloud 9 all day....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I went to my mom's and got the kids after work....came home and dropped them off with Hubby and went to practice songs with HBM. She is awesome! I love singing with her too. I think we sound really good together..but I have said that before! She did a great job playing the piano!

Then, I came home and Hubby, I-Man and FIL went to a b-ball game. FAB and I went shopping at the Thrift Store. I LOVED it. I am really not big on those stores...but the one I went to was very organized and you didn't have to look really hard. For $24 I got: a pair of Tommy Hilfiger khakis for Hubby, for me...a pair of jeans, two pair of dress pants for work, a shirt and 3 books and for FAB I got a little purse with "My Little Pony" on it and a Dr. Seuss book! Good deals!!!! That was about it for Friday! up and went to the Women's Day at church. It was very nice! Funny Fingers was our speaker and she did a great job....I just love her. She is so funny! HBM and I did pretty good for worship...I messed up a few times and just started laughing once...but it was alright! After that, I came home and took the kids to the gym with me. I had fun today at the gym. KK couldn't come with I was by myself...but I did a lot of stuff! I was there for almost 2 hours working out! I am trying to figure out how I can go tomorrow! Really, once you start doing really start to enjoy it! Jane was there and I talked to her for a bit. I told her boss how wonderful we think she is!

Then we came home and just goofed off here...napped and played...and then went to PT practice. I am SO looking forward to service tomorrow. I love all the songs we are singing...and I am excited about the sermon topic....Forgiveness. I have really been struggling with forgiving myself lately.....there are just some things in my past that no one knows about....only one person, actually....and I am kinda feeling like I need to confess...or talk about this with someone....but I don't know how to. I don't even know where to begin. But it has really been weighing on my heart lately....I know that God is working on me. I feel it. I need Him to help me with it. I am sorry to be so vague....but I am not ready to be completely honest about it yet....not even to myself. So.....anyways...I am excited about the sermon tomorrow...and the entire service!

Well...I have to head off you all. Everyone please pray for Sebbiedue tomorrow as she shares her testimony at a local church. Pray that God will stregthen her and soften the hearts of those who will hear her.....that they might be receptive to how God will speak to them through her. She is an awesome example for all who know ya!

See some of you tomorrow and talk to you all later! Love ya!


SebbieDue said...

Hey, girlie! Thanks for the prayers!

Yup, I just posted a comment to HBM that our theme in these testimonies has been not being able to forgive ourselves. That's a huge part of my testimony and the process God has brought me through over the last year+ has allowed me to begin to finally do that.

If you want to spill it, I'd be glad to judgement. I think Paul had a lot of nerve to consider himself the chief of sinners, I think I've got that one all wrapped up. So anyway, I'm here.

Loved ya this morning! Sing good tomorrow (you always do!)

Much love!

Kelley said...

If you need someone, I'm hear for you, but I do understand the "don't know what to do" stage. It's very hard to forgive yourself...for whatever has happened. I have had the toughest time forgiving my self for some things, but over the last year, I have realized that God forgave me already (which I already knew) but that I am not doing God any justice if I don't forgive myself. I am causing worry and thinking that God hasn't really forgiven me. It's a tough because we never forget. I hate the saying "forgive and forget" because that is impossible...unless we get amnesia. LOL!
Congrats on the weight loss. You have totally inspired this house to go work out! Thank you!
Lots of Love!

Josy said...

I completely know what you mean about being afraid to open up, as of right now y'all know more about my past than Mark does!

Awesome job on weight loss and working out! I think I say it every time, but I'll say it a million times, I am so proud of you! *does huge cartwheel and injures self*

girlie_mom said...

Hey you can always talk to me. We could work out and talk or go for a walk and talk or go shopping and talk...pretty much anything works here if you haven't got the drift yet.

See ya tonight!

Sara said...

Well, you've gotten several offers, but I'll add myself to the list. Nothing you could tell me could ever change our friendship! Love you girl! I'm so glad you like working out. That makes all the difference! Great job on the weight and inches loss! I sympathize with KK. It's so discouraging to not lose anything. Praying that you can forgive yourself for your past and use it for the glory of God. Love you !!!!