Thursday, January 19, 2006

Only one post tonight!

Well...only one post tonight! It sure has been neat to read some of your testimonies! I hope the rest of you post yours too! Talk about really getting to know each other!!! How cool! Great idea Minnie!!!

So, today was a good day! Got up and went to the gym. I about died today...we had 45 minutes of cardio and the treadmill about kicked my butt! But, we survived! We get weighed and measured in the hopefully that is good news! We shall see!

Work was fine....just really didn't want to be there for some reason today. I didn't see or talk to Stinky Pete today...but I will make up for that tomorrow...I am sure! Oh well! I really haven't seen much of him this I can survive tomorrow! And then it is a weekend!

I picked the kids up at my mom's house tonight....they love her so much! I am sure she was ready for a break from them tonight, though. We came home and then Hubby came home and we fixed dinner. That is about all we have done tonight! We cleaned the kitchen and then watched the American Idol from Tuesday & Wednesday night. I have to say that the last guy from last night.....that looked like a girl....I didn't even think that was funny. I just thought it was very sad. My heart goes out to that poor confused child....and his parents that allow him to be that way. What is our world coming to?!?!?

FAB has been very loving tonight. I definitely have my sweet, happy child back. We really need to work on closed-mouth kisses though. Right now, she kisses with her mouth open. SO cute. I-Man has just been playing in his room a lot tonight...Mr. Independent. He is growing up!

Please keep my friend KK in your prayers. She is going through a tough time right now with her sister and is very worried about her sister....just a tough situation. So, please pray for them. I would appreciate it and I know they would too.

That is about it for today! I am pooped and ready for bed! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!


Kelley said...

Can't wait to hear about the weigh in. I've gotten up early this week and I'm actually thinking about joining a gym. I need that! Keep pumping up how great it is to work out and maybe I'll do it. I'm going to check out the apartment gym tomorrow!
Cute about the kisses! Kids amaze me....Pita Pocket now won't take a break from kisses....he continuously leaves his lips on ours.....gotta work on that!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Ah, the Gym Nanny kicked your butt! Yep, I need somebody to kick mine into gear. You are doing so well to keep this up. I'm proud of you!!! Be sure to let us know about your weigh in!

I'll be praying for KK & her sister. It's heartbreaking when your family is struggling and you can't just fix it for them! BTDT!

Enjoy your little open-mouthed kisses, they won't last long! You'll miss 'em as soon as she stops!

Much love!

girlie_mom said...

Hey Pretty did the keep lips on mine thing and started moving her head back and forth. That kind of creeped me out b/c me and Baby don't even kiss like that.

I loved the open mouth kisses too. In the good way, now Boo has like Duck lips when she kisses. She gets that from Baby's side of the family. :)

You go for working out. Can't wait to hear how you've done.

Lots of love

Jodi said...

lol...I began reading other comments and didn't remember what I was going to say...I love FAB's kisses!! lol...but ya'll won't want her kissin boys like that several years from now!!! I"m sooo glad she's feeling better though!!

anyway, what I was going to comment about was that I had the same thought about the boy at the end of WEdnesday night's AI...his family is just setting him up for so much heartache in life allowing him to express himself in such a way...I was very sad for him too...on the upswing least this show hasn't become a forum for making a statement of acceptance of that behavior.

Sara said...

I thought the same thing about that guy on AI. Why would his family encourage him, especially on national TV, when they knew he'd get made fun of!!! Then I wonder if some people do things like that on purpose b/c they know it will be on TV. Oh, well...

Still so proud of you for doing the workout thing. You are looking HOT mama! I hope the weigh in and measuring goes well for you today. Love ya!

Josy said...

Kelley wants to get up early?! Sorry I have to laugh at that because I am so jealous of her schedule! Keep up the great job at the gym! I am so proud of you! Wow, I wonder what it would be like to get kisses from my kid? He is so stingy with them!