Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Is it Friday yet?!?!

Good evening Journal Goddesses! I hope this finds you well....especially HBM. I hear that she has the stomach flu....plus looking at her journal from yesterday, it was obvious she wasn't feeling well. So, hope she is feeling better!

I woke up this morning feeling bad. But I still went to the gym. We had a good work-out...and I just kept feeling worse. I had to go to Meijer's for work, so I picked up some cold medicine...but it doesn't really feel like a cold. I am just aching (don't know how to spell that) all over. I hope it isn't anything major....maybe just stress?!?!? But the wierd thing is that my throat really hurts.....and I don't have tonsils in there to hurt anymore. So, what is that all about?!?! I felt bad all day.....I actually feel better now than I have all day...but I also just took some of my liquid pain medicine that I had left over from my tonsillectomy. Hopefully that will make my throat stop hurting and help me to get a good night's sleep!

But...back to my day! I had a busy day of getting ready for my big meeting tomorrow. I am all ready, though! Don't worry...there are always last minute fire drills on the morning of these meetings....but everything that I could've done before, I did...so hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. Oh, I just remembered that I am supposed to pick up a cake tomorrow. Hope I don't forget to do that after the gym!

After work, I went and got the kids. FAB is still not feeling the greatest. She didn't nap hardly at all today because she just wanted to be held. My poor aunt! So, she did go to bed early tonight! Hopefully she sleeps through the night! Speedy....there are still some long nights even when they are 1.5....heck, even when they are 4! But they are much fewer and far between!

SO, anyways....we came home and Hubby was here and then his SIL #1 came over. She and her boyfriend....or I should say fiance (Beater) were signing up for Cable products. Hubby made $150 off of them...cool! SO....anyways. I got to spend some time with her. I sure worry about her.....as does Hubby. So, here is the news.....she is pregnant. Just found out the week after Christmas.....yep! Pregnant and not married and boyfriend has beat her in the past. AND she doesn't have any health insurance. SO, I guess we have good reason to worry! Please keep this just between us Journal Goddesses. I am not sure how MIL feels about everyone knowing this information yet (especially everyone at church). It sounds like they are going to get married before the baby. Not sure when...but anyways! Please keep them in your prayers. They need God in their lives more than anything and more than ever right now. I am trying a new approach...I am going to kill her with kindness....maybe if I reach out to her and really try to be there for her ....maybe that will speak louder than anything. Please pray for them and this precious child of God that is on the way.

So, then we had dinner and then I rocked FAB to sleep and then I watched "The Bachelor"...I love that show. I know, I am a dork! But...there was a very psycho girl on there......I bet she was mortified to see herself on TV like that tonight. I would be! Then I watched my soap opera that I taped today...and I cried and cried. I know, how dorky! But it was sad! (right Queeny?!!??!)

Then I did laundry and got my gym bag ready for the morning....played with I-Man and now I am ready for bed! I-Man wrote his name all by himself today in Pre-School. I gotta tell you, we are so blessed to have Mrs. G at our church....and Detergent. They do such an awesome job with our kids....and sacrifice so much of their time and energy. I just admire their servant hearts.

Well...I think that pain medicine is hitting me. I need to go to bed.

Oh....some of you have listed your pet peeves. I don't know if I can think of five...but here are some (in no order of importance):

1. The sound of someone chewing ice.....see JJ's journal for how she would torment me with that!

2. My Hubby...he has some little things that DRIVE ME CRAZY....leaving cabinets open, making a huge mess while cooking, umm....I know there are more but I can't think of them now. The cabinets thing just happened...so that is why it is so fresh in my mind!


Ya know....I don't think I have that many pet peeves. Mostly, I think the things that get on my nerves are because of my own "quirkiness" and "anal retentive-ness"...i.e....leaving things laying around without putting them in their "place"....not doing the dishes AS SOON as we are done eating...or while cooking.....the bed not being made AS SOON as we get up. I am very anal. I am really starting to notice that about myself lately. I am lucky that Hubby loves me and my quirks!

Well...I really need to hit the hay! I love you all.....and special note to JJ....I am so glad you are "back". I have really missed you Sister! Love ya!

OH...and one more thing. How the heck do you guys make your journals so pretty!?!?!? Mine will have to look like this forever because I don't know how in the world to make them pretty like JJ's and Queen's.....I am so JEALOUS!


Kelley said...

Sorry you felt bad today too. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it. I can't believe that she is pregnant. I bet MIL isn't taking it too well. Prayers will be lifted and I like the way you are handling it....with kindness! Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Are you talking about Zach on Days? I've been tearing up the past few days watching that too. Especially having Piglet now. Are we dorky or what??? Anyway, I hope you're feeling better. Too many sick people! Have been praying for SIL and will continue. Not much else to do for her. I hope you can maybe get through with your kindness! Hope the meeting goes well today...love ya!

Jodi said...

lol @ the soap thing sis...they recently added SoapNet to our satelite channels (they replay the daily sopas at night) and it didn't take long for me to get roped back in to All My Children...ugh...so I can relate!

And (on the Bachelor) wasn't the reproductive chick nuts! lol...thing is I doubt she watches herself and is mortified...she just seemed like she thought what she was saying was perfectly normal...anyway, I"m thinking (and hoping) that that was a little ad-libbed for tv sake...

glad to be back too! I feel out of touch when I'm away from journaling...this is such a great way for us all to stay connected...lol...love you sis!! I still chew ice occassionally....but I am sorry for annoying you (but only a littel sorry cuz that's what big sisters are for!!!)

we will be keeping your sis in-law in our prayers...what a tough situation...I'll be praying for bil too....I know this has to be tough on him...

Mandalynn said...

You're just not a computer geek like JJ & me!! LOL :) It's really not hard, though...if I can figure it out, anyone can!! LOL :) (and I really haven't "figured" anything out, I've just played with it a little!!LOL)

Praying for sil & the rest of your hubby's family...scary for her without having insurance...


Dawn said...

Dude you watch Days I'll have to ask ya some questions. I used to watch it for around 6 years and stopped when abbi was born but still would catch it now and then. So now I'm clueless and I just caught it the other day and was like did Belle have a baby.Don't worry I cry over General Hospital all the time I know i"m a dork also then!! Hope you're not getting what Kelley had I know ya'll sat together. But I think you'd have had it by now. I'll say a prayer. Take care girlie!!