Saturday, December 31, 2005

So Late for me!!!

I can't believe how late it is for me...but I feel like I need to journal before I go to bed! I have done that nearly every night of my vacation!!!

So...this up and went to the gym. KK met me there and we had a blast! I know you guys are saying...yeah right...but we really did. We had a personal trainer with us today and she has a British accent and we kept calling her the Nanny...cuz she was bossy in a very sweet way. We had an audience because we were having so much fun!

So then....I picked up the kids at my MIL's house....and then we came home. We didn't really do a whole lot today! I am making a scarf for myself! Imagine that!!! I love is a little thick/wide...but will be great for warmth! I really think it is pretty! I can't remember the last time I made a scarf for myself!

Umm...I watched some of the Phantom of the Opera today...but then decided that a nap was a better idea! So, I dozed until the kids woke up. Then when Hubby came home from work we went to Cici's for dinner. That was yummy. Then Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball game while FAB and I did a little shopping! We got some more stuff for the party tomorrow night and I got a few very cheap purses at Meijer....and that was about it!

When FAB and I came home, I hung up my new pictures of the kids and also hung a mirror above the piano. I love it!!! Then Hubby and I watched "Cinderella Man". That was a very good movie. They could've shortened some of the boxing scenes...but overall it was a very, very good movie!

Well...don't know if I will post tomorrow night or not. But you all have a very Happy New Year and a safe one too!!! I love you all and look forward to our friendships growing even more in 2006!

Love and prayers to all!!!!


SebbieDue said...

I love Cinderella Man! It's one of my very favorites. (It is hard to watch because those scenes are very graphic.) The story is so touching, even more so since it's true.

Hope you have a wonderful party! Make sure everyone has a designated driver before they leave! (I know you're breaking out that Crown Royal that's been rolling around in your trunk!...j/k!) Think about me while I'm at work. :( :(

Much love!

Kelley said...

Have a great party tonight! I'll miss ya at practice! Happy New Year's Eve! Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Glad you were able to work out with KK yesterday. I know that makes a world of difference!

Hope you have a fun party! Party like it's 1999....or 2006. Love ya!

Pepto said...
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Pepto said...

Ok, the key to watching Phantom is that you have to have relatively loud high quality stereo sound when you're watching it. Otherwise, it's just not worth it. The music is what makes it great. Anyway, I'll miss ya tonight at practice, but happy New Year!!!