Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!!!!

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday!!! I know that we did! Let me get to that in a moment...I feel the need to update since I last wrote!

Friday...was a fun day at work. I worked on the 4th floor with KK...we had a hoot! I taught her to knit for the second time...hopefully she will get the hang of it! I ended up leaving early and running to Wal-Mart to get a few last minute things. That place was a ZOO! Then I came home and we headed back out a bit later to my cousin's b-ball game. We had a good time. They lost...but it was fun to watch him play. He looks just like my dad did at his age. It is hard to believe that this boy used to be the baby I played with and loved so much. He has just grown up so fast! I am very proud of him. I got to see JJ for a bit....she just doesn't seem like herself...but it had been a very rough week for them...very rough!

Saturday...we got up...oh, the kids stayed at my parents' we got to sleep in! Yeah us! Then we got up and Hubby went and got the kids. We got busy cooking..Hubby and I together! It was fun! The kids did pretty good. Buford came over for a bit. He wanted to look at something on-line. Then he sat and talked to me while I was cooking. It was very nice to be able to spend so much time just talking to him! That doesn't happen very often! For those of you who know what a manly...and he is. It brought me to tears when he was crying as he was talking about the loss of his Aunt. In his words...."he buried a mother this week and that was very hard." My heart goes out to that family. At any rate, it was really nice to talk to him...and I think it was good for him too! And he kept me company while I was cooking and Hubby was fiddling with the kiddos! After that...we went to my parent's house for our Family Christmas! We had a very yummy lunch/dinner and opened gifts. It was a very nice time. I got some great gifts...Sister made me two really pretty slates and two beautiful necklaces and one pretty bracelet! I love her homemade gifts the best! Also, my mom bought me a sewing machine!!! And a bag of cool yarn...and needles and a needle bag! I had a great Christmas!!! After other sister and her 3 gorgeous children came. It was so much fun! I-Man was a little high-strung...but what kid isn't at Christmas! FAB was, we left to go to Aunt Beautiful's for our Family Christmas. The kids both fell asleep on the way...which helped to put them both in very good moods for the evening! We had a BLAST with all the family. The kids all did very well together...including the husbands :). We just had a wonderful time! When we left there, I-Man watched for Santa out the window the whole way home. He didn't see him. We got home and put both kids right to bed. Santa came...and then we went to bed too!!!

Sunday....I got up pretty early and got all ready for church...and then we woke up the kids. They were both so cute. I-Man was very sweet and loved everything he got. He just loved opening presents! FAB still doesn't quite have the hang of it...but she loved all she got too. The Weeble Tree House is a hit with both of them! I should've bought more Weebles! SO, then we went to church...that was nice....and then we came home. We made breakfast casserole and had "brunch" with MIL, SIL #2, FIL, Step-MIL and my mom. It was nice, actually! Other than FIL is a jerk.....well, they were supposed to be here at 12:00. At 12:30 he called and said they wouldn't be there until later. Hubby was very upset because we had gone to all the trouble to make enough food for them (and had to alter the recipe a bit for step-mil). His dad must've heard his frustration on the phone and they came right over. Well...then when it was present time....he gave I-Man and FAB presents...and then HE gave Hubby and SIL #2 money envelopes. There was nothing for me. He did the SAME THING last year. Well, then step-mil hands me a card and gives me a hug. She had given me a gift card.....and the card was signed by only her. Hubby asked his Dad what he gave me and he told Hubby that he was welcome to share his money with me. Hubby asked him why he didn't give me any and FIL said that I wasn't "family". Interesting. I am really trying to not get all bent out of shape about this....because it really isn't about the is the principle of the thing. He really is a jerk sometimes. OH well!!!!

After they all left....we all took naps!!!!!!!!!!!! That was wonderful!!! Then we went to MIl's house and SIL #1 and Beater and SIL #2 were there. It was a very nice evening. Beater is a nice guy....I guess when he isn't beating. They seem pretty happy together. I just came right out and asked them when they were going to get married. They were surprised that I asked. I think they are going to get married in May....since I kept pushing the issue. We'll see.

Well....then we came home and I have been cleaning up from the mess for about 3 hours. I cannot handle the mess!!! This is the time of the year when I start organizing and purging. I am going to purge some of I-Man's toys tomorrow...and FAB's too!

Well...I am sure you are bored with me! This is a long entry...sorry!!! I will be better at posting each day this week! Love you all...hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


Kelley said...

I just love you because you are such a role model when it comes to what I would have said in that situation with FIL. I'm so glad that Step-MIL has realized his stupidity and done something nice for you!!! That is a mark on the good side for her!! Sounds like your Christmas was great!!! Can't wait to see you Saturday!!!! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I'm sorry FIL is being that way...I don't understand his logic either. Congratulations to hubby for confronting him, too bad it didn't help. And yes, your S-MIL sounds like she sees he's being a jerk and is trying to make up for it. Maybe she feels some affinity w/ you since neither one of you are "family". Ugh...

I'm glad your time w/ Buford was productive. I got teary reading about you getting teary!

That is so cute that I-man was looking for Santa out the window on your drive home Christmas Eve!

Much love and Christmas blessings!

Sara said...

So "nice" of FIL. Some things never change, huh? Good for your hubby for confronting him! That's what they're there for! Should we make a bet on if SIL and Beater make it down the aisle this time? I wish she would wise up!!!!

Glad you had a nice Christmas and that you got your sewing machine! Yeah! Going to start making the kid's clothes? ha ha. Love ya!

Jodi said...

Just when I think I have the weirdest FIL ever, yours steps up and knocks one outta the park...what a goofball! just makes me wanna pinch his arm off....I am glad that step mil stepped up...I'm with Kelley....good points for step-mil!

love you sis....I also got teary when I read about your talk with husband...he didn't mention that...he has mentioned several times this week that I married a his heart...he's had a rough week...I'm glad that he is talking about it though...she was more of a mother to him than his mother ever thought about being...ya know, she (his mom in Alabama) didn't even send a card or flowers or call anyone to express any kind of anything...ok...not my journal...I think I'll go journal about our week.... you and I'm glad that you and husband had some bonding time... you!!

girlie_mom said...

What a creep!!!!!!! At least you know he is the same ol' Steve! Jerkier than ever. WAY TO GO HUBBY FOR STANDING UP TO THE FATHER!!!

Glad we got to spend time together today. It is funny how Hubby and Baby act more like children when they are together. Just try to imagine what they were like in High School. We probably would've never dated them then. HA HA HA HA HA ROTFL!!! Maybe this week we can get together to figure out our sewing machines. Mine isn't too heavy so maybe we could do it at your house. And HBM, I am not inviting myself it is just a suggestion!!! LOL. Just a thought.