Friday, December 23, 2005

Food, Family and .....oh yeah, KNITTING

Yipee! Today is my last day of work until January 3rd! Yeah me!!! I am very much looking forward to the time off work. Some of you may not know that I am a work-aholic….I check my voicemail and usually take my laptop home and do email even when I am “on vacation”. I am NOT going to do that this time. Now, I might check my voicemail….but I am NOT going to even take my laptop home! It can all wait for me to get back. I really need a mental break from work! So….I am very excited! Today will probably be a long day because I am so ready for it to be over and it has only just begun! OH well!!!

Let’s see….yesterday was another good day at work. Only had to see Stinky Pete for like 2 minutes…so that equals a good day! I got a lot done! I won’t have to see him at all today…he is “working from home” this morning and then they are flying to Texas for the holidays. So…today should be a good day too!!!

After work I went and picked up the kids and then we went home and just relaxed for about an hour….then we went to dinner with my Dad’s family. It was interesting. It was very good to see them all…especially my Aunt B that has diabetes and has had part of her feet amputated and had a heart-attack since I saw her last. She is such a sweet person. She is a crier like me….and we both cried when we saw each other. Their family lived with our family at one point when we were growing up….they have never been good at taking care of themselves financially. But anyways….it was so nice to see them all. We are going to a basketball game with them tonight too… cousin is a junior at a local high school and he is a very good b-ball player. I swear that he looks SO MUCH like pictures of my Dad at that age. He is a good kid….very good kid. He has a 4.9 GPA….star of the b-ball team….but just about as humble as they come. I enjoyed talking to him and his dad last night. My other Aunt….let’s call her Big Aunt….she hasn’t changed a bit. She and her hubby and his son sat at a separate table from the rest of us because she didn’t want to be crowded….and then they left without saying goodbye. Weird. Oh well! And then Uncle M and Aunt S….they are always weird….so that hasn’t changed either. I have a story to tell you about that Queen… weird! Only she and Daisy will really get it. But anyways! It was really good to be with his family….I know that it breaks my Dad’s heart that his family is the way they are. They have a lot of “falling outs” and so at least everyone was on good behavior last night. They had never seen FAB….and of course they loved her and she was pretty good with all of them. She especially liked my cousin N…who has grown into such a young lady….I am OLD! So…that was a good night! I am looking forward to spending more time with Aunt B tonight at the game. She knows Preacher and Detergent. They used to preach/live in the town where my Aunt B and her family live. She said that the people around there that knew them really miss them. I said that I know why! We just love them and we are seeing great things happen at our church. Cool…..

So, next topic! Then we came home and I finished another scarf and started another one. Hubby keeps telling me how proud he is of me for sticking with this hobby and actually making presents for other people. He and I-Man spent about 20 – 30 minutes wrapping 2 kinda small presents for me. I guess that I-Man had to “help” a lot. How cute. He has done a very good job of keeping secrets! I am so proud of him! And he has been dry all week! And yes, Josy…we are spreading out the time between when we wake him up. This just might work!!!! PTL…pull-ups are expensive!

Ummm….FAB was so cute in her bed last night. Hubby laid her in her bed with a bottle….and she was propped up on her princess pillow….it is the kind that have arms (used to be called “husband pillows”). Anways…she was just sitting there like a little DIVA and she had her blankey and her doggie that she got from one of Hubby’s cousins. She was just so stinking cute. I just love my kids. I don’t know where they got their good looks from!!!!

So, day 3 of getting up early and going to the gym! I really love starting my day this way! Now…when I am on vacation…not going so early! But I will still probably start my day (just later) that way!

Well…I think that is it for now. Continue to pray for JJ and Buford. I just love my Sister and her Hubby so much….I don’t know what to do for them but I wish I could make the hurt of losing Weezie and everything else that is going on go away! Now I think that JJ will have to work next week, too. So, that is a bummer! I was looking forward to spending some fun time with her next week.

I will try to update tomorrow…but honestly, I don’t know if I will be able to! We have a jam-packed day! I have a lot of cooking I need to do and spending time with my family!

Love to all and Merry CHRISTmas!!!! Your friendship is one of the best Christmas gifts I could ever ask for!!!!!!!


Kelley said...

So glad that the dinner went well last night. I can't believe that some sat at another table. That's okay, you had fun with the others and you're going to see them again. Maybe a brand new start!! Hope you get to do a lot of cooking and hope you have a blessed Christmas! See ya Sunday! Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Yeah for you and some time off next week! How about REALLY leaving work behind and not even checking voicemail? :)

I'm glad you had a good time with your dad's family last night. How could they NOT love FAB???

girlie_mom said...

Man our kids are cute. Do you think our parents said these kind of things about us when we were little?!?! Anyway, glad dinner was good. I love extended family stuff. It really gives some insight to why some people are the way they are.

Happy cooking and Merry Christmas!

Mandalynn said...

Hmmm, now I'm curious about your Uncle M & Aunt S story!! LOL :) Does it have anything to do with AmandaF and her baby? If not, there's another wierdism I've got to share with YOU!! LOL :)

Glad you get so much time off!! What a blessing!! And, this is where we're different...I could TOTALLY leave work at work, and not think a thing about it until the day I had to go back...well, when I worked at the credit union, anyway...daycare was a little different because of lesson plans, but I either did them the day I left, or the day right before I had to go back!! LOL :) I realize, though, that you have a lot more responsability than I did!!

Anyways, NMJ!! LOL I say that a lot, huh?!?! LOL :) See ya tomorrow night!! :)

Merry CHRISTmas!! :)

SebbieDue said...

Enjoy your family this week, Missy! I'll be baking today too, as well as putting the finishing touches on the tree. Yes, it's up!

Christmas blessings and much love!