Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's the Most Wonderful Time...of the Year! (singing)

Hello Blah-Blahs!!! How the heck are ya!!?! Sounds like everyone is doing great....especially Roomiestar!! Isn't that cool?!?!? So happy for her....and Speedy and Little Bit are home....Hallelujah! God is so good, isn't He?!?!?

Here is my update......again, I am sure you are all holding your breath to hear from me! :) was good. I got everything ready for the meeting before 3:00...that is AMAZING! I mean, absolutely amazing! So, I left work at 4:00 and went home and changed clothes and off to the gym. My parents had the kids...they went to see my neices and nephew in Lebanon. So, I went to the gym and Hubby went grocery shopping (isn't he the greatest?!?). Then I did a little Christmas shopping....found some GREAT deals at Elder Beerman! Then came home and that was about it.....the kids came home.....umm...that was about it. I think. Oh! I-Man and I were all settled in on the couch to watch "Charlie Brown's Christmas"....he declared it was "my show" because he was only watching it because I wanted to watch it....I don't think he was into it much....anyways....and Hubby was whining about needing some cordurory I ran up to ElderBeerman and got him two pairs. They were really having a great sale. He was happy! And...they were a smaller size than he had been wearing...and they were big on him! Cool! And! I forgot to mention that I bought myself a pair of pants for work that were 4 sizes smaller than what I used to wear at my heaviest...COOL! meeting went well. There were a few details that I overlooked..nothing major. But it went great. I got a lot of compliments and stuff. So, glad that is over!!!!

After the meeting, I went and got the kids....we came home and then we were off again to church. Hubby went to a b-ball game with Uncle Poncho, King and my Dad. They had a good time. I love that Hubby does so much stuff with my family! Really love that!!!

But, the highlight of the evening was the kids from Wednesday night church went caroling at a nursing home. I was SO proud of I-Man. He was on his best behavior...truly! He did cry because he wanted the cookies that we were giving to the people as gifts....but then I explained to him that we would have cookies when we got back to the church. So funny! And then he finally got to be the kid that gave a cookie to one of the people.....he was so thrilled! He just sang his little heart out....I was so, so proud of him. He kept waving at the people and saying Merry Christmas.....totally into it. I couldn't have been more proud. We need to do that made me feel great....they loved it! This one little lady walked around with us and sang with us the entire night. She was so sad to see us leave. THAT is what the Holiday is about.....sharing His joy with others. Again, I was so proud of my little I-Man.

So...after the way...thank you Sebbiedue for watching FAB so that I could cherish that moment with I-Man!!! After church we came home.....and I made a Christmas present for someone....and then went to bed!

So, you are up to date!!! We are supposed to get a lot of snow today. I am hoping they are wrong! But, in case they aren't....everyone be careful!!!

I have to say...I love you all! I appreciate your friendship....and I feel blessed to have each of you in my life! Love and Hugs!!!!


SebbieDue said...

You're welcome!

I'm glad your meeting went well. It's nice that they acknowledge all the work you do! How cool for you!

Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed the time w/ I-man at Crestview. I asked Ying how it went and she said "I didn't sing, I was emawassed." So she wasn't as into it as I-man. Good thing I wasn't there, I probably would have made it worse by trying to get her to sing...oh well. I have no idea how she's gonna behave Sun night! Kinda scary. Anyway, nmj!!

All this love for the ya yas!!! We are so blessed, aren't we? I know even a year ago, I was needing this, but couldn't reach out... God is so good to teach me through you all. Now, if I just had time to sit down and enjoy you guys IRL!!

Have a great day!

Much love!

Josy said...

Am I a nerd because I don't feel like my day is complete unless I've checked on the Journal Goddesses?! That is so awesome about clothes shopping! I am looking forward to getting clothes that fit too! That is so fantastic about I-man! What a little man.

Kelley said...

I can just imagine I-Man singing his heart out. He is so cute! I'm so glad that he enjoyed the nursing home caroling. It's great that they love it now. I got run overed by a man in a nursing home wheelchair one time and I've ALWAYS been nervous about going back. But that is a WHOLE 'nother story! Lots of Love!

Mandalynn said...

I can see I-Man singing at the top of his lungs, too!! LOL :) So sweet...and I can totally understand about your being so proud of him!!

Oh, and too funny about Charlie Brown being "your show"!! LOL Princess LOVE Charlie Brown...I don't get it, I thought it'd be over her head, but she laughs when people fall down, and says "Oh, No!!" when Charlie says it...she even wanted that Charlie Brown doll at Kohl's!! (It was $5, so I gave in!! LOL)..."Watch Charey Bown?" she says with her head tilted to one side...SO FUNNY!! LOL

Okay, not my journal :) Talk to ya later :)

girlie_mom said...

I was beginning to think that work had eaten you up. Glad everything went well, lots of times the preparation for the meeting is way worse than the meeting itself.

Isn't it just the greatest having kids that do things like singing for people and not have a big head about it. Or not show off or something like that.

What kind of sale was Beerman's having?? You gotta share these things, lady.

Oh well, nmj. Glad things are great.

Dawn said...

I LOVE YOU TOO GIRLIE!!! I'm hoping school is closed tomorrow I will have a sorta built in babysitter. Ya know I totally forgot about the kids singing at the nursing home till I got my Mgirl. OH well I probably wouldn't have wanted to lug Agirl there. I"m a hoping there is childcare for the program sunday night or I just may go home. Last year was awful with her in there and no childcare. OK rambling here. Well enjoy the snow I need to get Agirl a snowsuit so she can play in it. See ya later!!

Sara said...

Glad you go to take advantage of a good sale! That always helps and I love finding bargains! Too cute about I-man. You have every right to be proud of him!!! Congrats again on the weight loss! You look great! Love ya!