Friday, December 02, 2005

Fun Evening!!! just seems that there are never enough hours in the day...ya know?!?! I have wanted to post....but then I start reading everybody's journals...and blah...blah....blah! I know you are all dying to hear about my last couple of, here they are! was pretty good. It was actually a very productive day. Got to spend some time with Stinky Pete....I have now created a folder for my "Discuss with Stinky Pete" stuff. So, when I left his office, that folder was empty...but my "To Do" folder was full. Oh well, job security! But honestly, things seem so much better with KK here. Although, through our course of discussion with him....we realized that we will end up going out and buying the gifts for his direct reports (other than us...because we probably won't get anything other than the mug) and he is going to pay for it with the Bank's money...on our corporate cards....not out of his pocket. That is just WRONG! Oh well! Just chalk it up as another "Stinky Peteism". LOL He never ceases to amaze me!

So...that evening it was not my night in the preschool class at I went to Premier Ladies Fitness after I dropped off I-Man. I think I am really going to like seems very nice! I am going back tonight!!! I was going to go yesterday....but then Pepto came over tonight it is! Like I said, I am very excited!!! This should really help me with losing more weight and just feeling better about myself!

Then..that was about it for Wednesday, I guess.

Thursday....another fine day at work. I only worked until 1:30 because Hubby and I were splitting the day with the kids. Although...he didn't end up going to work until later (grrr...) but it was nice to have a short day! So, I was extremely productive in the morning! I didn't have to see Stinky Pete at all! That is a good day!

Got home.....and Pepto called and she came over! We haven't been able to spend time together for a LONG time.....just with her school/family stuff....and my Hubby's weird schedule....and my MIL not willing to watch the, anyways....that was very nice to spend some time together. Please keep her in your prayers....the viewing for her Grandmother is today and the graveside service is tomorrow. This is a rough time for anyone....but especially with all the other stuff going on in her life right now. So, just pray for her. She is such a cool person!

Then....Scrapbook Queen and Beef came and dropped of M-Girl and A-Girl. Hubby was going to a b-ball game with a guy from it was just me with the kiddos! It was a very good evening! At first, I-Man was like...."I don't want to play with girls!"...and...he actually went in his room and locked the door. What a brat! So, I scolded him....and he got over it really quick! A-Girl and FAB played "together" a lot. Now, I say "together" because that doesn't mean they actually played together......they were in the same room!!!! A-Girl kept calling me "mommy"...that was just easier for her, I guess. She is so cute...a little monkey...but cute! At one point I think she was almost on top of our funny! And she kept climbing in and out of FAB's crib. Luckily she didn't discover I-Man's top bunk!!! But anyways....they were all good! I-Man probably has a shiner this morning....he and M-Girl were running and had toys in their hands....he fell on the toy that she was holding and hit his eye. Oh well! At least it was my kid and not their's!!! I guess we are going to have to wait a few days to take their pictures!!! I said, I-Man warmed up to the girls! In fact, he and M-Girl played "house" most of the night. Should I be worried that they kept going into his room and closing the door.....once when I went in there they were laying in his bed..?!?!? I mean, they are only 4 and 7, right? I had to tell Scrapbook Queen that I-Man himself to M-Girl. (ok...pick your teeth up off the floor)....I had told him to put his pull-up on.....and then I was changing a diaper (not sure who's) and I went into his room and he is standing in his closet with no pants on...and M-Girl is standing right there......and he is laughing....and M-Girl says..."He is trying to show me his weiner"....I ABOUT DIED!!!!!!!!! Luckily, at this point, Hubby was he had a talk with I-Man. Sorry, Scrapbook Queen.....I ABOUT DIED. So, moral of the story...maybe I should be worried?!?!?! Just kidding...but it made for an interesting evening! Hopefully they will let us watch their kids again! Seriously, it was an easy evening! I guess when you just add a few more kids in the mix...they play better together and don't get bored as easily! So, whenever you and Beef want to go out on a date.....just ask!!!!! I promise that I won't allow I-Man to expose himself again! time I went and found them in our little bathroom....M-Girl was going poo and I-Man was sitting on the floor next to her and they were looking at a magazine together! How funny! When I told Scrapbook Queen, she wasn't fazed....she said M-Girl likes an audience....which explains why she had FAB in the bathroom with her earlier in the evening. TOO FUNNY!

M-Girl is a "mini-me" of Scrapbook Queen. She is so cute...and so much fun to have around! I can't wait until FAB is that seems fun! Starting to be really girly...but also wants to be your baby.....she talked my ear off and I really enjoyed having them there!!!! So, anytime!!!!!

Well...that brings us up to date, I reckon! Not a whole lot going on! Tonight I am going to the gym....tomorrow are auditions...please pray for those....and then we are having dinner with Hubby's is his sister's birthday.....

OH! Pray for Speedy! Little Miss Abby might be making her grand appearance today!!! I spoke to her Hubby last night and they were starting "the gel" on her last night to try to get things moving....they were going to try that twice. If there was movement, they will start the potossin (sp?) this morning. If not, they will probably do a c-section. The catch to all of this is that because her bp was so high...they had her on some kind of try to lessen the affects of the high bp on her body.....that medicine could make a vaginal delivery be VERY DAYS. So......her Hubby was pretty sure they would do the c-section.

I will keep you all posted if I hear more! Hopefully I will be making a trip to the hospital today or tomorrow! I am so excited for them....but keep them in your prayers. Her hubby said that she is scared...and in some pain.....they poked her a bunch of times because they couldn't find her veins.

I didn't want to steal her thunder by giving all the details...but I am sure you are all wondering what is going on! PRAY .....PRAY.... PRAY!

Love you all! Have a good one!


Dawn said...

Thank you thank you thank you for watching the girls last night. I'm crying here from laughing so hard. IMan and his weiner and Pita Pocket last night and his "flower" budding I'm sooooooooooo glad I have girls. You all just crack me up. Dang it now I want a funny story to tell about my kids and their private parts!!!! I've got them I'm sure but won't put them on your journal!! Love your house and decorations girl I want to come over again so invite me ok!!! HEE HEE just kidding. No actually I'm not I really want to come over again!! Have a great day!! Love ya!

Jodi said...

hey is Molly's dad?
and also...I've been meaning to tell you to do a gold scarf for mom...there is a little shop down here that is selling them and she wants one so bad! So if you knit her one I won't need to buy it...although I may buy it anyway to give you a new inspiration for doing's a little bit different...I'm sure that you've seen this style...but it is like a tube...a tube scarf...for lack of better things to call's very thick and very gold...but I think the one that you make will be more meaningful...

love you...=) Glad works been better with KK there...misery loves company!! lol...but I bet she is a great support's always great to have someone you trust to vent to...

umm..sorry I got sidetracked...they actually want me to work a little at rude! lol...

anyways....I think that's all I have to say right now...

love you

Kelley said...

Okay...what was with yesterday and private parts? I have laughed so hard that I have cried while I have read your journal! Glad that you got to have a great night yesterday! Hope you have a wonderful Friday....hopefully we'll be going to the hospital soon. Little Bit has given Speedy a bit of a hard time this last month! Have fun today....even with Stinky Pete...why don't you and KK buy you something nice...on Stinky Pete! LOL! Lots of Love!

Josy said...

When you see Sara, tell her the scary part isn't's bringing them home and realizing that you're responsible for this kid! LOL I will pray for her and baby. Post a picture for me!! Praying for Pepto too. Praying for your sanity too (between Stinky Pete and babysitting 4 kids, woman, either you're crazy or very brave!)

SebbieDue said...

Laughing so hard here that everyone's wondering what I'm up to! Three different people have walked in to ask me what's so funny! Gotta love these little boys and their special "awareness" of that body part. Yang does it too...can't keep that boy's hand out of his pants! Ok, enough of that. Can't wait to see Sara! Thanks for the update! See ya!