Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ramblings of me....

Well…life is busy right now…but good! Very good! Yesterday was a good day at work…I only had to see Stinky Pete for a little while…and KK was with me…so it wasn’t that bad! It has actually been a very productive week at work! I am getting caught up and a lot of things done…..which is a great thing! I am so jazzed about being on vacation next week! Can’t wait!!! Especially since it sounds like my mom and sister are going to be here for part of the week! That is very cool! I just love spending time with them! (((Hugs to my Sister)))

Umm…I cannot believe it is only 4 days until Christmas. It is about this time that I get depressed. Isn’t that stupid!??!!?? But, I do! I love the anticipation of Christmas and all the fun stuff….but I also hate when it is over. So, I am excited that it is almost here, but already sad that it is almost over! How dumb is that! I still have plenty of knitting to do! I am about ¼ of the way done with one…and I have another one to do! YIKES! I am sure I will get it done! I am going to use some bigger needles on the next one! I love what I am working on…it is very pretty, if I do say so myself!

Yesterday I was talking to a lady here at work and she was telling me how her mom knitted their stockings when they were kids…and one of her granddaughters asked her to knit a stocking for her and her soon-to-be hubby. I thought that was a cool idea! So, I am going to try to find a pattern and try to work on those next year. That would be a nice thing to do!!! We’ll see! I am also hoping I get a sewing machine for Christmas…so maybe I could just sew us some….who knows?!?!?

God is so good! We were scrapping the bottom of the barrel until Hubby gets paid on Thursday…and I was really sweating it. Yesterday, Hubby came home for a quick minute from work and checked the mail. We had a check from his grandpa! His Dad’s real dad who we have talked to a lot this year on the phone…he wasn’t a part of Hubby’s life as a kid…but it seems like he is trying to make up for that. So, anyways…that was a very nice surprise…thank You Lord!!!!

Last night was PT practice….it was fun to be with Sight Sing and HBM. There were some frustrations….but I think once everyone gets used to it….it will be fine! I just love being a part of that. But I have to admit that I am beginning to wonder…and I do this occasionally….if I am where God wants me to be in the church. I know that I am where I want to be….but is that where God wants me to be. I struggle with that a lot… keep that in your thoughts, if you would!

We came home and FAB was asleep (my MIL had come over to watch the kids…begrudgingly it seemed…but she did come over) and I-Man was just being the sweetest little fella! It is like he knows that Christmas is a few days away so he better be good! But he was just loving on me and Hubby so much….he came over and gave me a kiss….and I told him that his lips were reserved for Mommy and Mimi’s and Aunts…and that is IT! No girls! So, then I asked him if he had kissed any girls and he said no. I asked him if he had kissed C-Girl (Minnie’s girl) and he said no. I asked him if he has kissed M-Girl (Dawn’s girl) and he said “NOT YET!” Hubby and I about died laughing!!! It was “priceless” as Hubby said. My little Ladies’ Man!!! I just love that little kid so much!

And FAB…she has turned into quite a little “Papaw’s Girl” since my parents have been up here more. The cutest thing….I was at their house picking the up and my Dad was sitting in a chair with his feet up on an ottoman. He was telling me how she kept making him get his feet down and he just thought that was the funniest thing. So, next thing we know…she had pulled her little chair up next to the ottoman and proceeded to put her feet up on it too…and then she just laughed. My Dad was laughing…..he is such a great Papaw. I can see more and more (when I see him with my kids) why I am such a Daddy’s girl and why I love that man so much. God blessed me beyond belief with my parents. I truly do not deserve them…they are so wonderful!

Now that I am all teary…and you all know that I am!!!!!

Next topic….so I got up this morning and went to the gym! Yep! I got up at 4:40 and was at the gym by 5:00 when it opened. I worked out and then came home and got ready for work and was still here by 7:00!!! Isn’t that great?!?!? I loved it! I think I am going to do that more often!!!! Love!

Oh…and I-Man has now gone 4 nights without peeing the bed! We are still getting up with him like every 3 hours or so….but COOL!!!!!

Well, I have to get to work! Love and prayers to everyone. Please continue to pray for JJ and Buford and his family. The viewing is tonight and the funeral is tomorrow. I am going with my parents to the viewing tonight…..but keep them in your prayers. Hopefully this will be a true celebration of the wonderful life of his Aunt Weezie….that is what she would’ve wanted. This is like losing your mom….because she practically raised Buford. She was a very special woman…I only met her a few times…but you just knew what a special person she was.

Love you all! Merry CHRISTmas!


Kelley said...

I understand your feeling this time of year. There is all this hype and then BAM it's over and there is 364 days till Christmas. I am one, though, who likes to get all the decorations put up quickly. There was one time that we had lights around our house in TN for months after Christmas...I kept telling Hubby we were completely white trash! LOL!
What do you think that God wants you to do instead of the worship team? I didn't know that these thoughts have crossed your mind! Praying, praying!
So cute about what I-Man said about M-Girl! That is HILARIOUS!! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Lights? Hype? Decorations? Oh, yeah...I need to do that this week! lol! I'm sorry you're feeling down, but it's up to you to keep CHRISTmas going beyond the 25th! and not rely on the world to keep it going for you!

I won't insert my not-so-humble-opinion about your place at Bethany (and I think you know how hard that is for me!!!) but do you think maybe it's because of what Roomie just went through that you're questioning yourself? Because that was her thing w/ God, not yours. OK...I promise I won't try the amature psychiatrist thingy anymore, either. I'm with Kelley, what do you think He's drawing your toward, if PT isn't it? I'll be praying, for sure!!!

Much love & Christmas blessings!!!

Mandalynn said...

To comment on your comment on my journal...we ARE SO BLESSED!! to have had the fathers God gave us!! What a blessing, and awesome example they have set for us, to show us how much our HEAVENLY father loves us...

Okay, now I'm teary!! LOL :)

I TOTALLY understand your anticipation, and sadness all at the same time...I feel it, too...that's why I love to keep it all up & listen to Christmas music so long after Christmas...I like what sebbiedue said about "not rely on the world to keep it going for you..."

Praying, praying, praying!! :) (((((LOVE & HUGS)))))) Merry Christmas!! :)

Dawn said...

NOT YET well I guess we will be keeping an eye on him and her together LOL!! He's so cute he told me sunday he was dry that night and I high fived him!!He was very proud of himself I just love that.
I'm the same way girl with getting depressed because this time of year is almost over.I get really down in Jan and Feb. I always have and I just dread it cause I know its coming. I'm there with ya girl.
I'll pray for you that you know Gods will for you at the church. Of course I see you where you need to be singing like you do but I'm not you so I"ll be praying for you!!! LOVE YA Chickee!!!

girlie_mom said...

I love Christmas. When I was growing up, it was really the only time I remember my mom being really happy. Now, I am so excited to give things to others. Kelley, last year we had Christmas lights up in May until my dad took them down once when they came over. Hopefully we will do better this year. Baby has really been on the ball with the upkeep outside.

I-man is hilarious. Pretty tells us that he kissed her on the cheek and lips. Then she says every other body part like a game. I guess she has some competition!!!:) An older woman, does Pretty even stand a chance?!

I also know what you mean about having a GREAT dad. I still call mine daddy. I absolutely know of a taste of the kind of love we have from our Heavenly Father, because of my earthly father. There are so many people in my life that don't know that love from a father. I pray for those people. I too, am a daddy's girl through and through. My mom is even jealous!

ok so I am windy today. Lots of love, praying for your place at church. Hope its on the PT now that we are on it. Glad to be a part of it with ya.

Sara said...

I usually feel like that at Christmas too, but this year with Piglet, I don't hardly have time to even get excited about it! It's weird.
As for where God wants you...I'll tell you the same thing I told Roomie. You gotta do what you gotta do! I'd miss you lots on the praise team, though! :( Love ya!