Monday, December 26, 2005

Ahh......Organization!, Hi....My name is Missy and I am anal! Or..."How do you spell anal retentive again?" Hubby is wishing he didn't marry such an anal woman today! OH well! He still loves me! One of the things about Christmas that frustrates me is the mess and un-organization once we open all the "stuff". Everything has a place...and it needs to be in that place! So, we are getting there! Not done yet...but getting there!!!

Today was a fun day! We got to sleep in until about 8:00 today...that was so nice! Then we got up and I cleaned out FAB's drawers....Hubby cleaned out his part of our closet cuz it was a mess. And he straightened the garage up today. My mom and sister came over for a bit and then the girls (so no Hubby or I-Man) went shopping. We were going to return some things at Kohl's...but the line was unbelievably we just shopped instead and will return the stuff later! Then we went to lunch at O'Charleys...yummy! Then to the Hobby Lobby and I bought the stuff for my first sewing project. I bought a package of patterns for all kinds of things (a poncho was one of the things!!!) and some fabric. I am going to make a lined vest...and the vest is going to be a leopard print! I am hoping to do it this week when my mom is here for my first project. I made a jumper when I was in junior high...but I haven't sewn since then. This should be interesting!!!

After we went shopping we came home and my sister and mom went to my mom's house. JJ went home....I hated that she didn't stay longer...but I know she needed to get home after being gone most of last week and she is having quite a bit of company this weekend! So, I went to the gym...and then over to my mom's house for a bit with the kids.

Then I came home and talked to Pepto and that is it! Not a very exciting day...but just so nice to not be at nice! I did check my voicemail once today...but no messages!

SO! Hope you are all doing well! This should be a low-key week! I am going to the gym again tomorrow and then maybe I can talk my mom into coming over here to get started on my first sewing project!

Love and hugs to all!!! I am not in a very "talk-ative" mood tonight! Love you!!!!


Sara said...

First of all, congrats on going to the gym! I used to be good about going at 5am before work last year, but then I decided sleep was better and now that Piglet's here, sleep is even more important! My membership isn't up until the end of May, so maybe we can go together one of these times!

Glad you got some more time in with JJ and your mom! I can't wait to see the vest!

Pepto said...

For someone who isn't feeling very talkative you sure did talk a lot tonight, which I REALLY REALLY appreciate. It's so good to know that if I ever need trustworthy advice I can go to you. Thank you again so much for listening and advising. Your friendship and willingness to help means a whole lot to me!! Love ya!

girlie_mom said...

Well at least you know and love that you are anal retentive. :>) I got a sewing machine too. Maybe we can start a sewing Bee!!! Man are we old ladies or what!!!! Glad you are actually having a vacation. Fight the urge, you can do it!!

Lots of love. Hopefully we can get together tomorrow.

Kelley said...

I thought Speedy told you NOT to check your voicemail? Glad you got your sewing machine. I can't wait to see the leopard print. I would love a zebra print poncho (hint hint)!! LOL! Hope you have a great week off!!! I understand EXACTLY what you are talking about in getting the house back together. I shall be doing that next week!!! Look out Hubby and Pita Pocket! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

You're so funny. I considered trying to find a place for all the stuff we accumulated over the weekend, then I realized I was just relocating the mess from one place to another, so I just gave up. I am pitiful!

Sewing is fun! I wish I had more time to actually do it!

Now, don't forget to relax during your vacation!

Much love!

Kelley said...

My next birthday?!?!?! I thought I told you that I wouldn't be having any of those anymore?!?!?!?! Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

Hey girl!!! Glad you had a great Christmas!! We are in geogia now and Madison has been sick all day. But she's getting some better. We are having a good time! I think its so funny you and Minnie got a sewing machine cause I'm seriously thinking of using my christmas money and getting one. Of course mine would totally be different that you all I"d use mine for scrapping and thats about all. I really wish I could find a cheap used one for around $50 but so far no luck. I can't wait to see what you do with yours!! OH and there is nothing wrong with being anal!! I am there with ya chickee!! Love ya!! Hugs, Dawn