Saturday, December 10, 2005

Updates and More

Well...I could go into a long ramble like HBM did and share with you all of my thoughts...but then you all would realize how crazy I am...and you may worry about me! So instead...let me give you a few updates!

Before I forget...update 1 is that my friend whose Dad had a stroke....he is still not doing well. I think they are going to take him off the ventilator on Monday or Tuesday...they think he will be able to breathe on his own. But...he hasn't really woken up or talked or anything since it happened. I guess that he has opened his eyes a few times and can squeeze their hands...but that is about it. His wife has not left the hospital once. She refuses to leave him. And Michael....the son...he came home from Africa and can stay until the 27th. I guess he is thinking that if things don't change...he may have to drop out of the Peace Corps. So, they definitely still need your prayers. Again, they are not that makes this even tougher. Please pray for the entire family.

Update 2 is that I need prayers for my friend KK. Yesterday at work...early in the day she was complaining that her chest was hurting. In the late afternoon it got really bad. She called her doctor and he told her to go straight to the ER. She had blood clots in her lungs about two years ago (from taking birth control pills) they didn't want to take any chances. They did a ct-scan and x-rays and did rule out blood clots...but she is still having a lot of pain. They sent her home with pain medicine....but she is still not doing well. So, please pray for her.

Okay! Now what has been going on here?!?!? Yesterday was a good day at work (cuz Stinky Pete was out of the office!). Then we had his party last night. I was very bummed that KK couldn't be there. I was teasing her and saying that she didn't have to go to the hospital to get out of coming to the party!!! It was actually very nice...again, he is a nice person...just an idiot to work for. His wife was very nice...their house was GORGEOUS and HUGE! They had Olive Garden salad, breadsticks and lasagna and then she made some good desserts. We did a white elephant gift was just a fun evening.

Oh...before we went to the party we went to my parents house and they took some family pictures of us. That was interesting! The kids cooperated somewhat.....they aren't perfect..but they will do! I need to go get a bunch of copies of those made.

We left the party about 9:25 and made it to the movies. We decided to see Syriana. Don't waste your money on that was a dud. In fact, I slept through about 45 minutes of it. It was that bad. I probably would've left if we hadn't paid so much to see it. Hubby didn't like it either. It just has a whole bunch of story lines that all work together at the end...but it takes to long to put them all together. Hated it. So, at least the popcorn was good...and the company, of course.

So...we came home and went to bed....and then got to sleep in! I actually woke up at 7:30 and thought about going to the gym...but then went back to sleep until about then I got up and read journals....and then went to my parents house....MIL came and took I-Man to Lowes and then my mom and I took FAB to Wal-Mart. I did some shopping....actually got FAB the Weebles Tree House. She threw a fit when we walked away from I think she will like it. Got I-Man some more dinosaurs...and some things for their stockings....we are getting closer to being done! I just have some scarves to knit and a few other presents to make.

I am looking forward to being off on Monday and Tuesday! Hubby just told me that the season finale of Survivor is on tomorrow night! I will have to watch the DVR of it.....since tomorrow is Women's Group! I can't miss that!!!! Especially since I need to do some knitting...and because I can stay late since I don't have to work on Monday!!! back to today....after we got back from Wal-Mart...we waited for MIL to drop off I-Man again and I was going to just go straight to the gym....but I started my period...blah! Hubby and I high-fived though because at least we know I am not pregnant...since we are playing russian rullet! So....came home and Hubby got home from work so I went to the gym without the kids.

Then I came home and got ready to go to Olive Garden for Skinny Cousin's surprise birthday party. She was very surprised....and her Hubby was all teary when she came in. That was sweet to see. She is such a sweet person. Truly a sweet, sweet person! We had fun sitting with Queen and Daisy....I couldn't really hear anyone else. FAB was whiny...she is breaking in more teeth....and not doing well with it! She has had a fever and has slobbered through all of her shirts....just hard on her. Bless her heart.

Umm....that is about it! It was good to see all the family. FAB loved it when Aunt Beautiful was holding her and Princess. So cute. I got a cute picture of that! Maybe I should try to post it later!

Umm....I guess that is about it! I have PT practice in a little bit. Hubby and the kids are going over to his Dad's house. His Dad's birthday is tomorrow.

Everyone have a nice evening and I will see most of you tomorrow! Love you all and Merry Christmas!


Mandalynn said...

It was good to see everyone & to hear your new voice!! LOL I couldn't believe I hadn't really heard it before now, though, but since we journal, it's like "talking" to you everyday!! LOL :)

It was fun today :) The Princess Divas were really cute together :)

Okay, have a great practice, and talk to ya later :) Oh, btw, that's cool with us this year to forgo our personal gift exchange :) We could exchange scarves, though!! LOL :)


Kelley said...

I'm sorry about KK! We'll be praying for her!
I guess everybody at church is going to have that Weeble Treehouse! That is too funny! I can't wait for Pita Pocket to open it up!
Glad that you get to stay up late tomorrow night! Take a nap tomorrow so you won't feel tired! LOL!
Loved singing with ya tonight!!!!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Sorry about KK! I hope they can figure out what's wrong and that it isn't serious! Also hope Molly's dad gets better and praying for their faith. Glad the party at Stinky's house was bearable!

Congrats on making the praise team! Love ya!

Josy said...

Maybe I shouldn't even ask but...what are Weebles? I guess if it isn't Veggie Tales (LarryBoy), Thomas or Oobie I'm clueless! Glad you made it through Stinky Pete's party. Hope KK will be better soon.

Jodi said...

helllllooo...we only live two hours away...why didn't anyone tell us about the party?? grrrr

oh well...I'm not sure we could have made it anyway, but blah...

I had to hang out at stupid Beef O brady's and watch was soooo much fun (lots of sarcasm)

oh well...glad you are getting close to having your Christmas shopping done...

also glad that we skipped Syriana the other night....was it in subtitles? I think someone said they saw it in subtitles....

I'm praying for KK....hope it is not serious...that is scarey because of her blood clots a few years ago...give her a hug for me....

and thank you for posting about M & M's dad...we've been wondering how he is doing...that is so awful, we will be praying for them too...

see you soon!

Love you!

Pepto said...

Hey!! I just wanted to drop a line. I'm glad we're getting back on track with meeting weekly even though it's hard to work it out with our schedules. I really appreciate it. I also wanted to let you know that you sounded great this morning. I like the echoes and counter melodies and stuff that you did. Sounded beautiful!! I will see you Tuesday.
Love ya!!