Thursday, December 22, 2005

Our God is an Awesome God

What a day! What a day! Can I just tell you that our God is AWESOME! We serve an amazing God…and He reminds us of that daily! We just have to open our eyes and realize that everyday miracles are right in front of us….WOW!

Yesterday started off as a great day! Like I told you yesterday, I went to the gym in the morning….a really great way to start my day! I went again this morning!!! I am trying to convince KK to get up and go with me…but she is not a morning person. So, we’ll see!

Work was great….very productive! I just got assigned a new task (actually a few weeks ago) but I haven’t had time to really wrap my arms around it. Well, yesterday I did! I put a new system in place to help me stay organized with it and today I can really tackle it! So, that made me feel good! It literally took me all day to get organized with it…but it was time well-spent! Plus I had lunch with KK and that is always fun! I sat and worked on a scarf while we talked…we have such a great time together. I just love her!!! She makes work bearable!!!

After work, I ran to my Aunt’s house to get the kiddos…and then we dashed home. Hubby got home right after us because I was fixin’ to leave to go to the viewing of Aunt Weezie with my parents. So….I noticed that it wasn’t very warm in our house…not cold…but not warm. Then I noticed that the furnace was “running” but not blowing out air. When it did switch to blowing air out..the air wasn’t cold…but it wasn’t hot either. Uh…oh….! I mentioned it to Hubby and he acted in denial….but we realized there was a problem! So, after tinkering with it a bit…my Dad came over (they were coming over to pick me up) and he ran in to look at it. Well, he thought it was the igniter switch and because it is electronic…he couldn’t fix it….nor did we have the time! We had to drive over an hour to get to the viewing. So, we left Hubby and the kids. Hubby called K-Dog to ask him who he recommended that we call….and I told Hubby to call me. Well……..long story short………Hubby found someone to come out…and they weren’t going to charge us any more to come last night versus coming today…and we didn’t want to do without heat over night. The kids were spending the night at my parent’s house, so we would’ve been fine with our space heaters….but still! So! The guy came and I am embarrassed to say the problem was we had waited too long to change our air filter and that caused it to stop working. The most embarrassing part of this is that the SAME THING happened to us at our first house….about the same time too!!!!
But here is the way cool part… you remember how I told you we had gotten a check in the mail from his grandpa yesterday? The check was for $100. Well….the bill for the furnace guy was $105…but there was a $5 coupon on our it was $100 even!!!!! If that isn’t GOD than I don’t know what is!!! HELLO!?!?!??! I am telling you….God is awesome! He always provides….always! I was with my parents when Hubby called me to tell me how much it was….after I hung up with him…I just looked at my mom and said….that was GOD. She agreed….and then later when I was home with Hubby I told him the same thing and he agreed… cool is that?!?!?!

So, that was the excitement at our house last night! Praise the Lord it wasn’t more expensive. The guy did tell Hubby that it wasn’t just because of the air filter….it is also because the furnace is directly across from our dryer…so it probably collects more lint than it should. Lesson learned!!!!

Please continue to lift my sister JJ and Buford up in your prayers. Sister just seems very depressed. I know we were at a viewing last night…but it was more than just that. Call it a “sister intuition” but I can tell that she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders right now. She needs plenty of prayers…I hate to see her hurt. And Buford too…..this is very, very tough for them. His Aunt was a great person…..she included Buford in her will as if he were her son. That is just the way she treated him her entire life….she was certainly more of a mother to him than his mom….and she even had custody of him. They found his custody papers with the will. Dear God, please protect this family and surround them with Your love. Give JJ and Buford a sense of Your peace and help them to be Your example to all of their family during this hard time. It is very hard as a wife to see your Hubby hurt so deeply. So, please pray for them, especially today as they go through the funeral.

I am starting to panic about all the things that I don’t have done for Christmas! I finished a scarf yesterday and got a good start on another one. But I really need to go to the grocery and figure out what I am making for Christmas Eve and how/when to make the casserole for brunch on Sunday…..AHHHH! So much to do… little time!

We are having dinner with my Dad’s family tonight. Most of them haven’t even seen FAB. We live about 20 minutes away from each other and never see each other. His family is weird…..they are very jealous of the money my parents have and they think that my parents should just hand it all over to them. Part of that stems from the fact that my Dad has a heart of gold….much like his mother…and he has given them so much in the past. Instead of being grateful, they just keep putting their hands out. So…..we haven’t “done Christmas” with them for the past 2 years…, we are going out to dinner tonight. It will be interesting, I am sure!

Well…better get to work! Love and hugs to all! Merry CHRISTmas. Hug your loved ones today and tell them how much you love them. You just never know! And remember what AN AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!


Sara said...

That is awesome about the check and your furnace! God is so good!!!! My heart aches for JJ and Buford! I hope the Lord can bring them some comfort and peace right now! JJ, if you read this, I'm praying for you!!!

I'm glad work was bearable for you yesterday! Having a good friend there always helps!

Kelley said...

So praying for JJ and Buford. It is very hard to see the spouse upset, especially the Hubby....prayers still be lifted!! That is so awesome about the heater deal. God provided very well for you! We felt like an idiot too when our air conditioning wasn't working and it was because we didn't change the filter either. BUT, that is why we have landlords! LOL! Have a great day! Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Don't you just hate it when being "dumb" costs money??!?!? That happened alot to us at the old house too. Now we make sure to check things regularly and call everybody we know that might have an idea what is wrong when stuff stops working. Like Geez and the sweeper:)

I gotta tell you its when you are not expecting it and REALLY need it that you see God's work. I have really seen His hand in some emotional matters with me and my family. My dad has dreams from God that tells him to do things like help someone that Daddy didn't even know needed it. It is out of obedience that God blesses my parents. I need a lesson in that!!

Oh well windy again, sorry when it comes to God and parents I just have so much to say!!


Mandalynn said...

You really should read or watch "The Blessed Life"!! :) This guy's got such an awesome testimony!! :) Your furnace story reminded me of that :) Of course, that study is just fresh in my mind, too :)

Prayers for JJ & Buford...I hate to see my loved ones hurting...especially when it's hubby...

Okay, NMJ :) (((((HUGS & PRAYERS)))))

SebbieDue said...

I smiled so big when I saw your title! I knew you had something really cool to share! I get giddy just thinking about how He's working in all our lives.

Glad you got so much done at work! That feels good doesn't it?

If it ain't one thing, it's another! But way cool that God knows about them all and is putting in process the remedy before we even know about the problem!!! I just love how he does that!

Praying for JJ & Buford. It breaks my heart to think about what that might be like. I know today will be extra rough, so I'll send up extra prayers!

Love ya! Merry Christmas!!!