Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Hi Ladies! The GRRR...is because I tried to journal last night...but couldn't get on this dag-gone system! Apparantly is was just me..cuz it doesn't look like any of you had problems. I am starting to worry about my home computer....maybe there is a virus or something on it?! I don't know...but anyways!!!! I was so frustrated last night!!!

Okay....enough of that! It has been a good few days!!

Sunday...was a good...but long day! It was my Sunday to be in the nursery both hours. I am seriously thinking of changing that....it gets very frustrating! I think the reason I get frustrated is I don't think there was a Sunday last month that I wasn't in the nursery for part of the day! People don't show up...and I can't just drop my kid off and leave....so I always end up staying....that gets frustrating! That is why I stopped being the nursery director....I really shouldn't complain because I know there are others who work with the kids so much more than me...but I really am struggling with that! Sorry for the rant....but okay. I feel better now that that is over!

So anyways....after church we went to BK with Minnie and her family. I-Man and Pretty are so cute together. I think the right word is "adoration"...they adore each other!!! So, that was fun! And then I dropped Hubby and the kids off at home...and picked up Minnie to go to the hospital to see Speedy and family. That baby is so gorgeous! Seriously one of the cutest and more perfect babies I have ever seen! Minnie and I both held her....haha HBM...just kidding. But she is gorgeous...and Speedy looked great! I can't wait to hear if they came home! I was telling Minnie that all babies are miracles...but also knowing all the struggles that they went through to get pregnant...and then all this scariness with the bp the last few weeks...it was so sweet and such a wonderful miracle to see them with that child. We serve an AWESOME God!!!!

So...then I went home and took a short (very short) nap...and then addressed my Christmas cards....and then we went to church for choir practice. It was LONG.....very, very LONG. My Hubby was OBNOXIOUS about how long it was...he got on my nerves. So, I didn't talk to him on the short trip home...and then he left for Men's Group...which was good. Otherwise, I would've said something I would regret. We talked about it on Monday...I was still mad at him about it....but oh well! He just doesn't know when to be quiet! He insists that everyone knows that he was just kidding....but seriously, enough is enough! I am sure it bothered me more than it bothered anyone else....but oh well! I still love him!!!!!

I did watch Desperate Housewives...that show is so....what is the word? So...bad! But I am so hooked!!! Oh well!!!! Then I went to bed!

Monday....I had the most frustrating day at work! I wanted to KILL Stinky Pete! More than one time! But....my old boss was in the Market....and I had a GREAT opportunity to talk to him a bit about Stinky Pete. He knows there are problems.....and he is working on it. I told him that I was going to wrap myself around one of his legs...KK was going to get the other and someone else was going to grab his arms and we were not going to let him leave. I just love him so much!!! Oh well....I am stuck with Stinky Pete for now. I am not looking forward to the party at his house on Friday...hopefully my Hubby will keep his mouth shut about what a jerk I think Stinky Pete is....it should be interesting!!!!!

So, after work...went and got the kids and then talked to my parents. They were in Ohio. So, we went over to their house. We met Hubby at "spazoli's" for dinner...that was yummy! Oh...FAB was so sweet....we pulled up to my parent's house and I-Man yelled "Papaw" when he saw my Dad...and FAB said it too!!! It was SO sweet! She didn't want my Mom...just wanted her Papaw. SO precious. I am a Daddy's girl...so I can understand her love for him!!! So anyways...after dinner....I went home and changed clothes and then went to the gym with KK! We had an absolute BLAST. We worked out for an hour and a half...and just had a wonderful time! We laughed and it was great! I just love her....and then we sat in the steam room. I don't think I have ever been to a steam room before. I sat down (with my pants on) and was like....my butt is wet! She said..."What did you expect? We are in a room full of steam? What is steam? HELLO!?!?" It was priceless!!! That was funny. I am trying to convince her to meet me there on Wednesday morning....she is not a morning person...so, the jury is still out!!!

After that, I came home and wrapped a few presents. Hubby wrapped most of them while I was at the gym. Wasn't that nice of him?!?!? Then I went to bed (after I tinkered on the puter for a while...trying to get into this site).

Today....is going to be a crazy day! I have a BIG meeting tomorrow...so my stress level is high! Tonight is our Secret Sister reveal party....I know who my SS is! I wish that HBM was going to the party....but she is a pooper and is not going (just kidding). I am not sure who else will be there. But I am sure it will be fun!

I gotta get to work! Love you all!!!


Josy said...

You weren't the only one who had problems! I wasn't sure if it was just me... I'm probably the last person who should say this, but don't stress about work. It's not your life just how you support it!

girlie_mom said...

I couldn't get on the 'puter last night either. NOT GOOD. Isn't Premier just so fun, I love that there aren't any guys there.

Probably those that know Geez know that he is kidding, I mean some of them have known him longer than you have. Others, not so sure, so I understand your frustration. It's all good though.

HOpe today wasn't as stressful as you thought it would be.

Kelley said...

After that comment I should have just let you think that the Secret Sister party was tonight! LOL! Just kidding! I'll be there....on MONDAY!!!!!! Glad you got to talk to your old boss. I know that your new boss is so frustrating....he gets on my nerves and I've never met him. Have fun at the gym tomorrow. I am going to do THE FIRM tomorrow....that is my goal anyway! I'll call you when my back goes out! LOL! Lots of Love!

Kelley said...

After that comment I should have just let you think that the Secret Sister party was tonight! LOL! Just kidding! I'll be there....on MONDAY!!!!!! Glad you got to talk to your old boss. I know that your new boss is so frustrating....he gets on my nerves and I've never met him. Have fun at the gym tomorrow. I am going to do THE FIRM tomorrow....that is my goal anyway! I'll call you when my back goes out! LOL! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

So proud of you for sticking w/ the workout thing. I need to do that!! Just walking would be a good thing, if I would get off my butt and do it.

Is that the first time FAB said Papaw? How precious! I just love these little guys!

I'm w/ Kelley, never met Stinky Pete and he gets on my nerves too. Glad you got a chance to chat w/ your old boss. We had a theory where I used to work that if you want a promotion, just screw everything up. It's easier to promote someone out of a dept than to fire them!!! So maybe your co. has that same theory and Stinky Pete will be gone sooner than later.

Glad you were finally able to post. I missed you girls last night! Much love!

Dawn said...

Hey girl I tried to post on here yesterday also and got knocked off. Whats up with that. I was so mad the other day when I had like wrote a book on my blog and went to submit and got that error. So I just did it again in super short version. Hope you're having a good day and staying warm. Its so stinkin cold out side. Maybe stinkin pete needs to go out in the stinkin cold!! Love ya girlie !!!

Sara said...

Hey! I'm glad you and Minnie got to come to the hospital to see me and Little Bit! Sorry we had to cut it short. "Duty called". Sorry Stinky Pete is still being stinky! Hopefully your old boss can help make things better! Love ya!