Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sewing......for Dummies!

If anyone sees that book...I need it! YIKES!

Today was another great vacationy day! I got up this morning and headed to the gym. KK couldn't meet with me because she had a I went by myself! Love going to they, love, love! A great way to start my day!

So then I came home and showered and did stuff around here (laundry, dishes, cleaning, organizing, banking-on-line, etc.). I kept pretty busy waiting for my mom and the kids to come home. So, when my mom got here, she looked at houses on-line and then we decided to tackle my sewing project! So...we threaded the bobbin and the needle and then I practiced sewing on a pillow case. That was easy! My machine does some really cool stitches! So, that was fun. Mom had to run back to her house to get the straight pins she had bought for me.

Little side-note....Hubby and I-Man bought me pink sweatbands (2 of them) with silver crosses on them for Christmas. I am hoping you are all getting a good laugh out of that...I certainly did! It is the thought that counts...but I am not a "sweat-band kinda girl". I asked Hubby why he didn't get me leg-warmers to match?!?!? He was offended. is the thought that counts. Well....I found a good use for those today! They were a make-shift pin-cushion until I buy one of those...hehhheheheh. I crack myself up! we cut the pattern out.....I started sewing. Something went wrong. The silky lining was not easy to work with. It kept moving and therefore making my seam off-kilter. But....we pushed on. Well, we didn't do a very good job of reading the pattern....we thought we were done....we were excited....and then we realized...we had missed a step! SO, my mom took it home to tear out some stitches. She will bring it back tomorrow to finish. Here is the real bummer, though. Because my seams are so screwy.....the vest doesn't fit me! So, my first project is going to actually be for my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have to take her picture in it so that I can at least show people my first project! She is excited because she kinda picked out the she loves it! It actually is not me anyways.....oh well!

So, I think I am going to make a quilt! My mom said that it would actually not be that hard. Just make a bunch of squares and then sew them I might do that. We'll see! The good news is that I now know how to use my sewing machine! I can hem pants and stuff which is what I really needed it for anyways! Minnie has the right idea to do curtains first...that is probably a much easier project!!! was fun to work with my mom on that project today! I just love spending time with her! She is probably getting sick of me and the kids...we have spent quite a bit of time with her over the last few weeks!

FAB is doing the cutest thing. She got a Dancing Dora for Christmas...she sings and dances and is very cute. Well...she does a ballerina dance. And if you tell FAB to be a ballerina she takes your hands and then puts one leg up on the other like a little ballerina! It is so stinking cute! She is such a happy baby...I just love her!

And I-Man has had so much fun with his V-Tech V-Smile. We bought an extra controller so when his friends come over now (Pretty!) they can both play the games!!!

Well...the rest of my day was pretty boring! I just watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Not really my kinda movie...too much violence! But Brad Pitt is HOT! And I just started and am already half-way done with my mom's white scarf! I ended up buying a different yarn. That expensive stuff is too hard to knit by itself...and too thick for my mom when I put it with something else. She is too picky!!!

Hope you all are having a good week!!! I will talk to you all soon and am praying for you! Love you lots!!!!


Mandalynn said...

Sounds like you're having a great vacation!! :) I'm already starting to look at my tree and thinking, "I don't know if I want you up that much longer!!" LOL That's weird for me, too!! I think I'm just so excited about all the other stuff I got for Christmas, and new ideas I have for decorating, blah blah blah...It's just getting to be time, I think...

Anyways, is there anything you want us to bring Saturday? My oven is broken, but I can always use Mom's :) Her's is always free!! LOL :) Oh, and are kids allowed, or are they being watched by grandparents? lol :) Just let me know :)

Merry Christmas!! And, Happy New Year!! :)

Love ya :)

girlie_mom said...

Yea we will have to come over and play again since you have 2 controllers. Your mom should let you bring HER vest to womens' group.

Good job being on vacation.

Lots of love and see ya Saturday!

Sara said...

Glad you got some sewing accomplished, if even for your mom. Too funny about the sweatbands. I'm kind of disappointed that you didn't get the legwarmers to match! Can you see yourself at the gym in those??? You could even get 2 pairs of legwarmers of another color and wear them both. Okay, I'm done with the 80's timewarp.

Good for you sticking with the gym! Hope you have a good day tomorrow!

Kelley said...

Sweatbands? Really? Was he thinking that the whole 80's decade was a good thing? That cracks me up!!! Sorry you won't be able to wear your first project! Was that your mom's idea get a leopard print vest to go with her gold scarf???? I know how sneaky she is?!??! LOL! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Congratulations on completing (almost) your first sewing project. I wonder if we should start calling you Martha... Oh, I have a little book that shows how to make a really pretty pin cusion out of scrap fabric & ribbon. Want it?

I don't know, with your new haircut, the sweatbands might look cute, in a Jennifer Beals sort of way. They are very practical anyway (trying to help hubby out!)

Can't wait to see FAB's little dance! Too cute!

Are we allowed to say Brad Pitt is hot? Just wondering... lol!

Oh, Jennifer Beals was the star in Flashdance.

See you soon! Much love!