Monday, December 19, 2005


I am just taking a quick break guessed it....knitting! After a minor mis-hap last night...I have finished my mom's garland...I mean scarf....and have started one of the two others that I HAVE to do this week. It is a good thing that I like to knit!!! But it is getting old!!!! Just because I "have" to do know how that is. Last night...after I updated my journal...I was knitting on my mom's scarf and I realized that I was almost done....more than I thought I was. Well, I was doing a "yarn-over" new stitch...and something went arry....well, I am knitting with fun fur......and it is impossible to fix!!! I was near tears because I thought I was going to have to start all over again....but I got it, finally...and finished it tonight!!! YEAH ME!!!! Mom will be surprised because I told her that I wouldn't do it until after Christmas! was a good day at work. I worked very hard this morning and got a lot done...and then left to hook up with KK and do a little shopping. That was nice! And then I went to the gym...and then to get the kids....and then home. We had a quick dinner and I have been knitting and wrapping up all the scarves that I have made for people all evening.

I-Man had another dry night last night! Again, we set the alarm and got him up every 3 hours or so...but YEAH! We are going to keep this up until he can do it by himself! So far so good!!! And.....(knocking on wood) far they haven't gotten the stomach flu! We are trying to get my MIL to watch them tomorrow night so that they aren't around any of the kids that have had it...but I don't think she can do it. No offense...but so far they haven't gotten it...I don't want to keep pushing our luck! I hope everyone else's kids are better would be the pits to have it at Christmas....been there, done that!

So, yeah...we have PT practice tomorrow...that should be fun....and interesting because it is our first practice with the entire new team! I am sure it will be great!

Umm...please pray for my Sister, JJ and Buford. I think this is going to be a very sad Christmas for them with the passing of Aunt Weezie....and they have the same financial strains that we all do....with their roof/water damage this year.....a very big unexpected expense! So, just keep them in your prayers. I haven't heard what the arrangements or when they are for Aunt Weezie...Buford may already be in Ohio....I tried to call JJ tonight and had to leave a message. I worry about her!!! Praying...praying...praying!

Well.....there isn't much else to update you all on! Pretty boring here...unless you want to talk about knitting!! Love to all and Merry CHRISTmas!!!!


Jodi said...

Hi sister...I was doing some Christmas shopping...of course I put all that to the last minute...and probably won't have time to do some shopping anyway, that's where I was when you called and I got home around 10:00 so I thought maybe that was a little late to be calling you...Jimmie did go to Ohio today but he's on his way home and tomorrow we'll head up that way again...we'll probably end up over at mom and dad's sometime tomorrow...the visitation is Wednesday evening I think from 6:00 to 8:00 and the funeral is Thursday at 11:00....when I got home this evening and checked the mail...there was a Christmas card from WEezie...signed by her on of course made me reason why I didn't call you when I got home...

anyway...not my journal...but I thought this was as good as place as any to post this...

love you tons...thank you so much for your prayers!

Kelley said...

Hey! Pita Pocket is going to Boss's house, so you won't have to worry about him. Boss wants to keep him and Pita Pocket is dying to go over there to play with Buck (their dog)!!!! I feel like the only thing I have done for the last week is knit!!!!! I need to learn something new at women's group and start it NOW!!! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Hey, are your fingers falling off yet?

You haven't mentioned anything about your business endeavor in a while. How's that going?

Yea, for I-Man!

I'm bringing my kids tonight, but they're over it now. :) I was going to use Gail's antibacterial stuff on each one that comes, hoping that will help keep it from spreading. I hate it when kids are sick on Christmas, so I totally understand!

Praying for JJ & Buford and all who will miss their Aunt Weezie.

Mandalynn said...

My fingers ARE about to fall off!! LOL I've had a couple of "minor" incidents on my scarves this week!! LOL At least with fun fur or boa or anything not so flat, mistakes are harder to see!! LOL :) That's why I like working with it!! :) LOL :) And, wouldn't you know it, I found the yarn I was looking for AFTER I already finished off a scarf...there wasn't enough to make it a "grown-up" scarf, so it's Princess-sized!! LOL :) Fits her perfectly!! :) LOL

Anyways, JJ & Buford, ((((((((HUGS))))))))))) hard that couldn't have been easy to open her Christmas card...but must've felt like a big ol' hug from her, too....(((((((more hugs))))))) We're praying for you guys...

Okay, NMJ!! LOL :) Maybe I should go update it, there seems to be a lot I need to say!! LOL :)