Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Busy few days!

It has been a busy few days! And I have to go back to work tomorrow...blah! Oh well!

Let's see....where did I leave off? Oh...Saturday night...FAB did not sleep well! She has been working on getting some new teeth in...so I was up with her most of the night. Then we had church on Sunday....it was a nice service. I was very nervous about singing...I think because it wasn't a big group...just a small group....but it was fun. I really enjoyed it! After service...we came home and Minnie and her family came over and we ordered pizza. That was nice. We had a good time. Funny thing is that I have known Minnie for almost 8 years...and we are just starting to get closer and stuff. It is nice! We tried to go shopping..but the boys wouldn't go for it. Bummer!!!

So...then Hubby and I-Man went to the kids' play at church....I didn't want to try to take FAB because she was so whiny....wouldn't have been much fun! I hated that I missed it because I always enjoy those so much! So...then it was time for Women's group. I almost didn't go because it was the finale of Survivor...and because I felt bad leaving Hubby with whiny FAB..but I went and it was fun! Glad I went...but it was a long night with FAB. Again, up with her all night....so! I was glad that I was off work on Monday!

Monday....we got our home phone hooked up!!! Yeah! Finally!!! And then Minnie and I decided to meet for lunch at BK so the kids could play. That was fun...and then we went to Target...that was stressful...but fun! Umm....then we came home and took naps.....my kinda day off!!!

So, funny thing! Last night was the Secret Sister Reveal party...I totally thought I knew who my SS was....In fact, I have thought that for the past 6 months or more...I even went so far as to write her (and used her name) a thank you card to give her last night. BUT I WAS WRONG!!! I was totally wrong! Wise Advice was my SS....she is so funny! It was way cool!!! Unbelievable.....I was so surprised! It was a fun little party! So glad that HBM was there!!!

Today...the preschool party was this morning. That was fun....and then I-Man went sledding with my dad....they were out there for HOURS...and mom and FAB and I went shopping. It was a good day! Then I went to the gym....and Hubby went and got the piano....they brought it to our house. It is an old piano....it was his Great Grandmother's piano (on his dad's side). It has 38 keys (or 64 with the black-ones). I love it! It is definitely old and has some scratches on it...but I love it!!! I would love to paint it or antique it...but I think I will just leave it alone...since it is a family heirloom.....and it needs tuned! But I love having it! Neato! Umm...and then Pepto came over....we didn't do a Bible study...just talked and caught up with each other. I just love her so much. I learn so much from her! And God is really working in her life right now. SO, that was very nice!!!

Then I wrapped some presents and then Hubby called and asked if I wanted to run to wal-mart and target to get I-Man's tv....so we did that...and then we came home....and I am doing this!

So..that is about it! I guess I am going to go to bed! Update on KK...she is back to normal and doing fine. Don't know what was causing her chest pains...but PTL she is fine!

Have a busy rest-of-the-week...so I will catch up when I can! Love you all!!!!


Kelley said...

Sounds like you have had a busy two days off! Glad you had a good time! Have fun at work tomorrow...just 2 days with Stinky Pete!!!!! See ya tomorrow night! Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Missed you the last few days! You should have called when you were up with FAB...we could have had a chat! :) Little Bit kept me up most of the night last night. Glad KK is all better! Hope being back at work isn't too bad today.... Love ya!

Dawn said...

Hey girlie!! Hope FAB is better now and the teeth are in. Abbi is much better just drooling like crazy. Thats great you got some gifts wrapped I"m jealous. I have ours hid all over the house and knowing me I won't be wrapping till christmas eve. Keep on me ok I did it last year late like that and it was stressful. That is awesome news about KK we'll continue to pray she doesn't have any more problems!! LOVE YA

girlie_mom said...

Isn't it so nice to just do mommy stuff sometimes??? I love that time, not that I have had much of it lately. Hope work was tolerable.