Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas.....Sister, is this color of green better??!?! I want to please you!!! LOVE!!!

Well....Merry Christmas! It is only one week away! Today we had Hubby's family Christmas...but I will get to that later!!!

So, last night we had our last performance of our was great! I did forget to turn the wireless mic on for our quartet.....but oh well! My mom made it (that was a nice surprise) and my FIL was there with my Step MIL. So, that was nice. There were actually a lot of people there!!! It was so good to see Speedy and Piglet and Piglet's Daddy!!! Speedy looks awesome! She has certainly lost the weight very quickly!!! And Piglet is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! I tried to help Speedy say no to people holding Piglet...but I know how hard that is!!!! Especially when she is just so beautiful!!! So good to see them!!!

So, glad that is over! Afterwards....FAB kept trying to "ride" Pita Pocket...I am not sure that Pita Pocket appreciated it. She does it to I-Man all the time.....but I-Man is much bigger than Pita!!!! At one point she was pulling his pants off!!! YIKES! And I-Man was having a BLAST playing with Little Drummer Boy...and another young man....I think I will call him Boy Scout. When I was putting I-Man to bed last night he told me that Little Drummer Boy was his new "buddy". So sweet!!! Thanks Little Drummer was nice to not have to worry about I-Man for a bit!!! So, then we came home and I knitted and then we all pretty much went to bed.

Well....we were out of we decided that we would try to really help I-Man stop peeing the bed....pull-ups are getting so expensive! So, we set our alarm for every three hours and would get him up to pee. It was a pain for us....but it worked. I think we are going to do that for a few weeks and see if we can get him in the habit of getting up. This morning I was telling him how proud of him I was and he said "Mommy, thanks for waking me up to go potty." So cute.

So....then off to church this morning. I was very sad that Pita Pocket was sick. The stomach bug is going through the little ones at our church. Praying that my two don't get it....but FAB had it right before maybe we are in the clear this time...praying!!!!! Anyways...that also meant that HBM wouldn't be there to sing with me...panic! I am so used to having her by my side!!! Sight Sing and I were very nervous.....but let me tell was an awesome service.....AWESOME! I wish HBM were there to experience it! In a way, I think it was good for me to be without her one week (no offense...I LOVE singing with her and I MISSED her like crazy)....but I think I needed the confidence boost. At any was so awesome!!! We had quite a few visitors....the songs were awesome.....just awesome. The sermon was was just great! The Praise Team all huddled afterward and hugged each was great....just great! Elvis was really into it this morning....we moved was just like the first song said "I will not be silent....I will not be quiet anymore.".....It has gotten so frustrating to be up there and feel like we have to be inhibited in our worship because others are uncomfortable or unwilling to let God move....but not this morning! AWESOME!!! God is so good! So very, very good!!!

So...after that....we took the kids to see Santa. We have a picture of I-Man with Santa...but no pictures of FAB with Santa. She was so not going to do it...and I wasn't going to torture her to get the picture. MIL and Hubby wanted to....but I wouldn't do it. She was SCARED to DEATH of him!!! But I-Man was so cute. This Santa really took time to talk to whispering stuff and everything. Very cute!!

We came home and I put a ho-ho cake together and off we went to Hubby's Aunt's house for his family Christmas. It was very nice....we spent most of the time talking to his older cousin (she is the only one older than him) and her hubby. They are Christians too...and just fun to be with. We should really do things with them more often. Hmm...anyways.....we did something different this year. Instead of having an adult gift exchange...we "adopted a family" and then some of us went and delivered all the gifts to them. It was very cool....and a ton of gifts. Hubby went with I-Man to deliver the gifts and said the kids were just overwhelmed. So,....a very cool thing to do! Of course, I-Man and FAB were the life of the party. Showing off the whole time we were there.

Well..I am off to knit! I am a little over half-way done with my mom's scarf....and I still have two more to do this week!!!!! AHHH!! Everyone have a great Monday and I will talk to you soon!!!

Love you all...and hope everyone is feeling better....or on the road to feeling better! And Happy Anniversary to HBM and Elvis....and prayers and hugs to JJ and Buford on the passing of Aunt Weezie.


Sara said...

Thanks for trying to help me last night! I appreciate it. I had already let the damage be done by that point. :) Too bad FAB wasn't interested in Santa. I don't blame you for not torturing her! Poor thing! I hope you get your scarves done! You did a great job this morning! I could actually hear you!!! Love ya!

Kelley said...

That is the first thing that Hubby said about worship: AWESOME!!! He said that even someone came up to him and said how great it was and it was someone who doesn't get to hear it often and wouldn't be impressed about it either! It was a great day!!!! Hope your youngin's don't get it! It's been the pits for Pita Pocket! Have you decided about Christmas yet?!?!
I just LOVED seeing Speedy too...isn't Piglet GORGEOUS?!?!?
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Congratulations to I-man! That's a big deal. Hope it continues to go well!

What a great idea to adopt a family for Christmas! Maybe I can talk our family into doing that next year! We used to do that w/ the kids...They each got a "gift" that was meant to be given to an Angel Tree child. We haven't done that since the last three have come along. We should probably start that again! This is so nmj! Sorry!

Glad you had a nice time w/ hubby's family for Christmas!

Much love!

Josy said...

Kids can be so sweet sometimes! Joe has just gotten to the point where the diaper/pullup has to be off as soon as he wakes up. Glad you had an excellent weekend - I agree, weekends should be 5 days! Give JJ hug for me when you see her, I know she has been hurting for Aunt Weezie.