Saturday, December 03, 2005

Busy Weekend...But aren't they all?!?!

Aren't all weekends busy?!?! I am beginning to think so! Oh well!!! There is just so much going on...especially with it being December! So, here are my updates (because I know you are all holding your breath!!!) was alright. I got very frustrated with Stinky much so that I actually started thinking of changing jobs. You see, I used to work in the branches..and I could always do that again. There are a couple of big down-falls with that though....first, the hours...I wouldn't be as flexible as I am now. Secondly...the pay. I would probably have to take a pay-cut. That would stink. So...I will just tough it out. He won't be here longer than 2 - 3 years...that is about how long they usually last before they move on to bigger and better things. So, hopefully that is the case with him!!!!

Friday Night....picked up the kiddos...came home and Hubby cooked dinner.....and then FAB and I went to the gym...while Hubby and I-Man went to a basketball game. FAB did pretty good in the nursery...well, what I should say is that she was just as whiney for them as she had been for me. So....pretty good! I had a fun work-out....kinda getting tired of my trainer because she just talks so dag-gone much! definitely feels good to work out! Came home and pretty much went to sleep! I was tired...always am on Friday nights! up this morning and got ready for our auditions. Hubby went before he left and then I came with the kids. I took them into the church...and they had the doors open to the sanctuary..and of course FAB started we went back out to the van to wait. Hubby thought his audition went pretty did I. I do not envy Elvis..he has some tough decisions to make. We won't know for over a week...that is a long time! But....I actually really enjoyed the interview part of it because I really have learned a lot about Worship and myself in this past year. So, that part was really cool.

Then....we came home and Hubby went to work for a few hours. I just cleaned house a bit and also took a nap while FAB was sleeping....and then Hubby came home. I went to the gym again! KK joined me.....we had a great time. I laugh so much with her. We were doing all these weight machines and breezing right through them (with lots of laughs and awkwardness) and then we go the "ab cruncher" or "ab oucher" as I call it....and she starts doing it and says "What is the weight on this one?".....and my response was "You are the weight on this one" because it is basically like sit-ups...she starts laughing and says "Can you reduce that by a few pounds?"...we were cracking, almost pee my pants kinda cracking up....and this other lady who was just starting came up to us and said she wanted to hang out with us because we were having so much fun. was cool! I would love to go tomorrow too...but don't know if I am going to be able to fit that in to my schedule! Church.....then I want to go to the hospital to see Little Bit...and then Grand Court (singing at a nursing home) and then choir...blah...blah...blah! But oh well! I will just go on Monday!

So, after that...came home and umm....exercised some more (TMI) and then went shopping for some stuff at Hancock Fabrics...and then came home and got the family and went out to dinner with Hubby's family. Today was his oldest sister's it was MIL, FIL, SIL#1, SIL#2, Beater and our family. It was actually a very enjoyable evening! Kinda weird that FIL and MIL were both there...and their significant others weren't...but it was very nice. I guess last night at the b-ball game, I-Man and Hubby sat between FIL and Step-MIL and MIL and her boyfriend. Talk about weird!!!! So, dinner was nice...Hubby was a bit peeved when we got there because MIL, SIL#1 and Beater were all drinking beer.....and we just don't want our kids around that...not so much a beer or two....but them (close family) drinking right in front of them...or while holding FAB. Just seems weird to me....but I just told him to shoosh and not let that ruin our evening. So, that was nice. We RARELY see his whole family.

So, we talked MIL into giving up the night with her boyfriend to watch the kids so we could do some Christmas shopping! We got A LOT done tonight! I feel better already! We only have a few more gifts to get. AND...we got FAB a birthday present (which isn't until July....) but it was so cute! It is a Disney Princess tri-cycle....adorable....we got it for $8.50 at Once Upon a CHild. It looks BRAND NEW!!!!! I was so excited about that.!!!!!

Umm....I guess that is about it! Hope you all had a wonderful day and that everyone is home safely! It is very icy out there!!! Our driveway and sidewalks are sheets of ice....I am sure attendance will be very down at church tomorrow. I am in the nursery both hours anyways!

Love you all!!!!


Kelley said...

WOW Girlie! You sure are working out a lot. I need to bring you back your workout stuff that you let me borrow...I still haven't done it! LOL! It's at the other house, so I'll bring it next Sunday! Glad your audition went well! I hate waiting over a week, but I can't imagine being in Hubby's shoes right now! Busy day tomorrow! See ya ALL day tomorrow! Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I'm tired after reading all that! Glad you were able to enjoy hubby's family. We're all holding our breath for Elvis' decisions. Thing2 is trying to act like he's not nervous, but he is. Thanks for hanging w/ Yang & CLW in the nursery this morning! See you tonight! Much love!