Please pray for Hubby's family. We found out tonight that his sister, #1, has left the Beater again. For a different reason this time....this time he asked her to borrow money from her mom (MIL), which she did. When she got home with it, he told her to go buy drugs with it. So, she left him. She claims it is for good....but only time will tell, as we know from the past. All we can do is pray for her. I just worry so much...for her...for the is just not a good situation...not at all. She did go check into medicaid and wic and programs like that since she doesn't have any insurance. I guess that his mom said some pretty nasty things to both her and MIL today. At one point she accused SIL of wanting to be the center of attention so badly that she would be the kind of mother to hurt her own child. That is a loaded accusation. Now, I am not saying that SIL is innocent, I am not that naive. If anything, this only confirms for us that she was probably doing drugs before she got pregnant. We had speculated that for a while...because they would have no money even though she was working a good job.....and then they would be rolling in money....then broke....and on and on and on. SO, like I said....the saga continues....please pray for her and the baby. Hubby and I were both pretty upset tonight when we found out.....she and MIL actually stopped by right after FIL called and told us what happened. She stayed at FIL's house last night....cuz Beater doesn't know where he lives. I think she is going to get police custody to take her to their house to get her stuff. Hubby and FIL offered to go with her....but I don't think that is the best idea. Just please pray....and also, please keep this between us Journal Buddies (for those of you who go to church with us). I know that MIL is upset....embarrassed....the list just goes on and on. But I know that prayer is the most powerful tool we have....and you all are my prayer warriors. And please don't mention it to Hubby unless he mentions it to you. He is pretty upset.....understandably so. Just pray....please!!!!
SO! Before all of that....I was having a good day! Went to the gym this morning....and then to work. I don't have the picture of Stinky Pete in the hat yet....but I will get one soon. He loved it....and he did wear it. I guess it was very funny. It was a good day at work besides a few "grrrrrr" moments.
After work, went and got the kiddos. They had fun with Mimi and Papaw today...went to the Park and flew a kite....just had a fun day. FAB is such a pill....she actually bit my mom today....and hard enough to leave a bruise mark on her. The biting thing is getting worse before it is getting better. She bit I-Man pretty hard last night and I bit her back....but she just laughed. And I bit her kinda hard! I don't know what we are going to do with her.
MIL was only here for about 15 - 20 minutes tonight....but man! She (and the kids) made a mess of my house in that short time! I think they got every toy out of the toy box in the sitting room! So, after they left, we played hide-n-seek. That was fun. I-Man loves to hide...and he loves to try and find us. Hubby is the best at hiding....I-Man always has a hard time finding him. I always have FAB, so half the battle is just keeping her quiet. But we sure have fun playing that. I-Man could play all night long....but Mommy and Daddy get tired! Especially Mommy cuz I have to carry FAB everywhere we go. She is such a Mommy's Girl!
Well, that is really about it! FAB and I cuddled before she went to I-Man is waiting to cuddle with me and watch Barney (yuck!)....we both will fall asleep shortly, I am sure!!!!
Have a great Tuesday! Have fun at Pre-School. I was actually going to bring the kids tomorrow...but I have a meeting that I forgot about! Maybe next week! Love ya'll and thanks for praying for our family.....we need it!
Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Ready for bed...but had to post!
Hi everyone! WOW! It has been a pretty uneventful this post won't be long! The day started our frustrating....I ended up in the nursery again this week. I am getting very frustrated with this...but I know I shouldn't complain because I don't serve as much as others do...but it just gets frustrating. I was back there 3 of the 5 Sundays in January....and the only reason I wasn't in there the other two was because one, I wasn't there and the other because I did the attendance books so Diamond did it. Every week it is either she and her Hubby or me that ends up doing it. ARGH! To top it off, next week is my week back there...but I have to find someone to cover for me both hours because I have to go to a baby shower for a girl I work with. Actually, I am kinda throwing the shower. Her family lives in Vermont and they are going to be in town for late Saturday and Sunday...they wanted to have a surprise shower for her while they are here...and since it is Superbowl Sunday...they are doing a brunch. So, they are paying for the whole thing....but I have to pick up the cake and decorate and greet people as they arrive. And I sent out the invitations and got the I am kinda throwing it. Hubby told me that I need to learn to say no. But this lady is a very sweet lady...and she visited I-Man both times he has been in the hospital and brought him gifts...she visited me and FAB in the hospital when she was born....she came over to my house on my birthday and gave me flowers and a cake....she is just a very thoughtful I feel like it is the least I can do. I just hate I am missing church...but I would've been in the back anyways....but now I have to find someone to cover for me for both hours. I hate asking people to do that. So, that is the pickle I am in.
I digress......but then....WORSHIP WAS AWESOME!!!! The whole service was just great. I really had so much fun worshipping and praising God and was really able to just enjoy being a part of it. I didn't worry about what people were thinking or anything!!!!
Afterwards....there was a financial meeting. FAB would not be quiet...she kept telling everyone hi...and really I had to take her and I-Man to the cry-room. Sight Sing came in there with her little one too. Well..I almost lost my Christian witness. We were in there....and a lady (that I cannot stand) walked in...I-Man told her to "get outta here"....joking...but still rude...I know that. Before I even had a chance to correct him, she looks at him with hate in her eyes and says "Excuse me? Well that was rude!" I about DIED! I corrected I-Man and made him apologize....but then I wanted to slap her. I didn't....but she really ticked me off. She doesn't have kids...but she should realize that sometimes 4 year olds are rude.....and it is my job, as his mother, to correct him. She should be an adult and not be just as rude back to him. My blood was boiling. Oh well...I have to let that go.
SO......we came home....FAB and I headed off to the gym. Hubby and I-Man went to a couple of b-ball games (Hubby's little cousins were playing). After the gym (oh, I saw Catch and her daughter there!), I came home and struggled with FAB for 2 hours to try to get her to take a nap. She did not want to go to sleep..but she was so tired. Hubby came home and we FINALLY got her to go to sleep!
So, I didn't get much of a nap today....but I did just lay around for a long time. That was nice. Then when the kids got up we played....and had dinner...and a snack...and now we are getting ready to all watch a movie in my bed. Hubby is at men's group. It was I-Man's idea to all lay in my bed....we'll see how FAB does with that.
Well...I have to go! They are getting restless!!! Hope you all have a good Monday. Please pray a special prayer for Speedy tomorrow as she goes back to work! Pray that God gives her a sense of Peace....and that she doesn't miss Piglet too much!
Love you all!!!!!!
I digress......but then....WORSHIP WAS AWESOME!!!! The whole service was just great. I really had so much fun worshipping and praising God and was really able to just enjoy being a part of it. I didn't worry about what people were thinking or anything!!!!
Afterwards....there was a financial meeting. FAB would not be quiet...she kept telling everyone hi...and really I had to take her and I-Man to the cry-room. Sight Sing came in there with her little one too. Well..I almost lost my Christian witness. We were in there....and a lady (that I cannot stand) walked in...I-Man told her to "get outta here"....joking...but still rude...I know that. Before I even had a chance to correct him, she looks at him with hate in her eyes and says "Excuse me? Well that was rude!" I about DIED! I corrected I-Man and made him apologize....but then I wanted to slap her. I didn't....but she really ticked me off. She doesn't have kids...but she should realize that sometimes 4 year olds are rude.....and it is my job, as his mother, to correct him. She should be an adult and not be just as rude back to him. My blood was boiling. Oh well...I have to let that go.
SO......we came home....FAB and I headed off to the gym. Hubby and I-Man went to a couple of b-ball games (Hubby's little cousins were playing). After the gym (oh, I saw Catch and her daughter there!), I came home and struggled with FAB for 2 hours to try to get her to take a nap. She did not want to go to sleep..but she was so tired. Hubby came home and we FINALLY got her to go to sleep!
So, I didn't get much of a nap today....but I did just lay around for a long time. That was nice. Then when the kids got up we played....and had dinner...and a snack...and now we are getting ready to all watch a movie in my bed. Hubby is at men's group. It was I-Man's idea to all lay in my bed....we'll see how FAB does with that.
Well...I have to go! They are getting restless!!! Hope you all have a good Monday. Please pray a special prayer for Speedy tomorrow as she goes back to work! Pray that God gives her a sense of Peace....and that she doesn't miss Piglet too much!
Love you all!!!!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Pictures to Share

Well...since you guys always post pictures...I decided to post some! These are old...from our vacation to Gatlinburg in September. The first one is I-Man...we are up at the top of the mountains...and there is this rock wall you can go up...he was at the top with a rope...hanging it down and my mom was at the bottom acting like he was going to pull her up. It was cute. Notice, he is wearing his $30 cowboy hat that my Dad bought him (I am not even sure where that is right now) and his medal that he got the night before at the Dixie Stampede. He got to go out and participate in a chicken race. His team won so he got a gold medal. He was so proud. Truth be told, he was the slowest runner...but it was so adorable! I teared up I was just so proud of him (surprise, anyone?)
The second one...I just LOVE that picture! It is of FAB and my Dad at the Black Bear Jamboree. She was mesmorized by the entire show....just loved it! She danced and clapped...and my Dad ate up every minute of it! She is definitely a "Papaw's Girl"! She was a show in and of herself!!!
So, just wanted to share a couple of pictures with you! I did not post last night cuz I was just tired! Here is how my day went from the last time I posted:
Had a good day at work....cuz Stinky Pete wasn't there! He was on his way to Nashville! Hubby called me close to lunch time and he had locked his keys in his I had to drive out to his work (and it wasn't where I thought it that was interesting!) and unlock the car for him. Good thing I had my set of keys! So, then KK and I had lunch and then we had to pick up some things for work...and then back to the office! So, work was good! Got a lot done! (dripping with sarcasm)
After work, went and picked up the kiddos. My mom was leaving to go visit my nephew and then to go to KY for the weekend. The kids and I came home...Hubby brought Wendy's home for dinner...and then I took a short nap on the couch...I am always exhausted on Fridays. And then we went to a b-ball game. It was fun...and the new gym has a walking track on I think the kids and I spent the whole half-time and 3rd quarter on the track. It was fun. FIL and step-MIL were there...I didn't talk to either of them much. FIL is wierd....and he needs a hair cut. For some reason he is letting his hair be long and ugly. OH well.....
So, then we came home and I fell asleep on the bed reading a book. Got to sleep in this morning (until 8:00, I think) and that was heavenly!!! Then we got up...Hubby got ready for work and the kids and I left to go the gym. No sooner than I got on a treadmill, MIL came in. So, she worked out next to me and we talked the whole time. It was very nice. She is very much wrapped up in her own life with her boyfriend (that is pretty much all she talked about) but I am happy to see her happy. I just hope she doesn't get hurt again. She said that SIL #1 went to a women's clinic at Miami Valley Hospital (since she doesn't have insurance) and they calculated her due date as September.....I think that is wrong though, and so does she. We think it is more like late July or August. We will see! They are still talking about getting married in late April. Hopefully that will be firmed up soon!
Umm...after the gym, I took the kids to Elder Beerman. I looked like crap....but I wanted some new perfume. KK and I had been to Parisian the other day and I tried one that I really liked....a new Jessica McClintock perfume. So, I was going to buy it today....but EB doesn't have it yet! That was a bummer! But I did try on another one that I maybe I will just get that.....we'll see. I am pretty picky about perfumes because I have such a sensitive nose...and most perfumes give me headaches. The one that I used to wear...they stopped making it. So, I guess you all really wanted to know that, huh?!?
After that, we went to the grocery store for a few things...and then came home. We had lunch and then soon was time to head off to the Worship Retreat. It was great. You could tell that Elvis put a lot of work into it and really did a great job. Some (okay, most) of the music theory stuff was way over my head....and I can't let it go that there is no E#....there is an C#, a D#, a F#, a G# (and so on)...but no E#. When we came home, I looked at the piano and I know WHY there isn't one...but I want to know WHY they didn't put a key there!??! See, I am a very logical thinker.....that is why I don't like movies that cannot be realistic (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, King Kong, etc.)....not that those movies have anything to do with this...but .....never mind! The worship retreat was great...Elvis did an awesome job. I learned a lot...and should probably check out the Music Theory DVD so that I can really understand it. I need to go slower to truly grasp it.
Then we had PT practice...that was a blast. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy singing with HBM?!?!? She makes me try harder....does that make sense? She pushes me to be the best...and I love that! It was really funny though...I hit a really bad note.....on this one song, this one note is right at my "break" (where I need to transition from chest voice to head voice) and I didn't do the note came out VERY bad....everyone looked at me. I took full ownership of it and fixed it. But it was funny. Glad I can laugh at myself!
Then we went and picked up the kids at MIL's house...gave them baths...and now I am typing this! I am ready to get off here and just curl up with my good book!
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow....I will see most of you at worship. Love to all!
Friday, January 27, 2006
This is what we bought for Stinky Pete to wear!!!
Hello! Thank you for your prayers for my nephew yesterday. I appreciate it! Come to find out, he has a very normal condition called “athletic heart” and it is normal to be low because he is so active. So, that was good news! He actually got released from the hospital last night and is resting at home. So, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers!
Yesterday was an interesting day at work! My boss made me so mad that I cried…..and then I was mad at myself for crying about it. But anyways, had to go on a wild-goose-chase shopping trip for him. So, I made KK go with me and we had fun….but we were just frustrated that we were out doing that stuff for him. So! I would tell you the whole story…but it would take too long….and it just isn’t as funny without my animation, right HBM? Let me just say….we made sure that we picked up a little something extra special for him…and it will ensure that he looks like the dork he is!!! Can’t wait to see pictures!
So, then went and got the kiddos. Went home and straightened up the house. Had a quick dinner and then we were off to Small Group. It was a good group. I haven’t been in months! K-Dog and TT had done some really nice things to their house. We just sat around and talked a lot….which was very nice. I could tell that HBM was getting very frustrated with the group about their whining about reading in our new lesson. It was pretty bad….but I think the study will be great! I am looking forward to it! The discussions should be fun!
I had a chance to talk to HBM some last night….she cracks me up. She wants to come to work with me so that she can meet Stinky Pete. I am not so sure that is a great idea!!!! What a good friend she is!
Hubby and I had a very dumb argument when we came home. I honestly do not even know what it was about…that is how dumb it was. But I have this problem…called STUBBORNESS. He always has to apologize first….I refuse to….even if I was wrong. I need to work on that. So, he of course apologized to me before we went to bed…..glad about that!
So, that is about it! Worked out this morning….and now I am at work! So, that is about it! I am so glad that it is Friday! WooHoo!!
Love you all…have a great day!
Yesterday was an interesting day at work! My boss made me so mad that I cried…..and then I was mad at myself for crying about it. But anyways, had to go on a wild-goose-chase shopping trip for him. So, I made KK go with me and we had fun….but we were just frustrated that we were out doing that stuff for him. So! I would tell you the whole story…but it would take too long….and it just isn’t as funny without my animation, right HBM? Let me just say….we made sure that we picked up a little something extra special for him…and it will ensure that he looks like the dork he is!!! Can’t wait to see pictures!
So, then went and got the kiddos. Went home and straightened up the house. Had a quick dinner and then we were off to Small Group. It was a good group. I haven’t been in months! K-Dog and TT had done some really nice things to their house. We just sat around and talked a lot….which was very nice. I could tell that HBM was getting very frustrated with the group about their whining about reading in our new lesson. It was pretty bad….but I think the study will be great! I am looking forward to it! The discussions should be fun!
I had a chance to talk to HBM some last night….she cracks me up. She wants to come to work with me so that she can meet Stinky Pete. I am not so sure that is a great idea!!!! What a good friend she is!
Hubby and I had a very dumb argument when we came home. I honestly do not even know what it was about…that is how dumb it was. But I have this problem…called STUBBORNESS. He always has to apologize first….I refuse to….even if I was wrong. I need to work on that. So, he of course apologized to me before we went to bed…..glad about that!
So, that is about it! Worked out this morning….and now I am at work! So, that is about it! I am so glad that it is Friday! WooHoo!!
Love you all…have a great day!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Prayer Request
Hi Ladies! Before I get to my normal post, I need to petition for prayer requests. My nephew (who will be 9 next week) was rushed to Children's Hospital in Cincinnati last night for an emergency appendectomy. They thought his appendix had burst. We found out this morning that he went through surgery last night and they did remove his had not burst, so that was a blessing. However, during surgery they could not keep his heart-rate up to what they considered a normal level. So, they are sending in a cardiologist to check into that today. As you can imagine, it was a very long night for my sister...and now she is more worried than ever that there is a problem with his heart. Please pray for peace for her and that we find out good news from the cardiologist. They could certainly use your prayers....and so could their worried grandparents and aunts and uncles, right JJ? He is a very special little guy.....thank you for your prayers!
Not sure how I am going to focus at work today. I think that I will leave early and drive my mom down to the hospital to see them. Not sure about that yet....but that is what I am thinking right now. We will see.
Okay! So, yesterday was a fine day at work. I had to interview this guy...and let me just tell you! I learned a lesson from him. The lesson that I learned is that I cannot spoil my children so much. He just graduated from Miami University and is a bright kid. The problem.....he has absolutely NO work experience. He has NEVER had a job. He was on the swim team at, I guess that meant he didn't have time to work. But he never worked in high school or on the summers....unless you count a part-time, show up if I want to, Life-Guarding job. SO! It was hard to interview someone who had no work experience. That was odd. I have never had that situation before. So, I will not allow my kids to be that way!
After work, went and got my rugrats. They are so adorable....if I do say so myself! They had lots of fun with Mimi and Papaw. My parents looked pretty tired when I picked them up. They were ready for a break! We came home and I cooked dinner and straightened up the house....and then I-Man and I were off to church. Teacher was feeling better...but didn't want to spread her germs (they had that stomach bug), so she asked if I would teach I-Man's class with Girlfriend. SO! I didn't get to go to the gym with Hair Dye :( ....but I had fun with Girlfriend. We both decided that we are not good with own is one thing....but teaching is not my forte! I don't have the natural talent for it that Teacher, Detergent, Sebbiedue and others have. But...Teacher had everything ready for us. It was really a no-brainer. HBM would've been so impressed with how organized Teacher was. She had typed up a one-page document for us about what we needed to do and where the items we would need were. It was fun...but we got done way earlier than we do when she is there. So, we just let the kids play.
Now, I have to tell you, Sebbiedue's little boy was cracking me up at church last night. He is extremely articulate when he cute! He ABSOLUTELY loves the color red! Everything we did, he wanted red. He wanted red marker to color on the red gummy toys! And when they were playing with the toys, if one of the other boys touched a red toy...he had a hard time with it. It was so cute! So, if you want to know the way to his him something red!
After church, went home and cuddled with FAB before she went to bed....and then I-Man before he went to bed. I watched American Idol....very funny. Simon was in a bad mood! Then I went to bed!
Hope you are all doing well...and I will talk to you later! Again, thank you for your prayers for my nephew. Love you all!
Not sure how I am going to focus at work today. I think that I will leave early and drive my mom down to the hospital to see them. Not sure about that yet....but that is what I am thinking right now. We will see.
Okay! So, yesterday was a fine day at work. I had to interview this guy...and let me just tell you! I learned a lesson from him. The lesson that I learned is that I cannot spoil my children so much. He just graduated from Miami University and is a bright kid. The problem.....he has absolutely NO work experience. He has NEVER had a job. He was on the swim team at, I guess that meant he didn't have time to work. But he never worked in high school or on the summers....unless you count a part-time, show up if I want to, Life-Guarding job. SO! It was hard to interview someone who had no work experience. That was odd. I have never had that situation before. So, I will not allow my kids to be that way!
After work, went and got my rugrats. They are so adorable....if I do say so myself! They had lots of fun with Mimi and Papaw. My parents looked pretty tired when I picked them up. They were ready for a break! We came home and I cooked dinner and straightened up the house....and then I-Man and I were off to church. Teacher was feeling better...but didn't want to spread her germs (they had that stomach bug), so she asked if I would teach I-Man's class with Girlfriend. SO! I didn't get to go to the gym with Hair Dye :( ....but I had fun with Girlfriend. We both decided that we are not good with own is one thing....but teaching is not my forte! I don't have the natural talent for it that Teacher, Detergent, Sebbiedue and others have. But...Teacher had everything ready for us. It was really a no-brainer. HBM would've been so impressed with how organized Teacher was. She had typed up a one-page document for us about what we needed to do and where the items we would need were. It was fun...but we got done way earlier than we do when she is there. So, we just let the kids play.
Now, I have to tell you, Sebbiedue's little boy was cracking me up at church last night. He is extremely articulate when he cute! He ABSOLUTELY loves the color red! Everything we did, he wanted red. He wanted red marker to color on the red gummy toys! And when they were playing with the toys, if one of the other boys touched a red toy...he had a hard time with it. It was so cute! So, if you want to know the way to his him something red!
After church, went home and cuddled with FAB before she went to bed....and then I-Man before he went to bed. I watched American Idol....very funny. Simon was in a bad mood! Then I went to bed!
Hope you are all doing well...and I will talk to you later! Again, thank you for your prayers for my nephew. Love you all!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
My Ramblings....
Well, I didn’t post last night because I fell asleep watching TV! I made Hubby go to our room to watch the rest of AI, cuz I was going to watch my soap opera that I had taped….I watched a bit of it and then was fast forwarding through the commercials….I fell asleep and fast forwarded through the whole thing! So, I decided to go to bed. Aren’t I exciting?!?!?
Yesterday, got up and went to the gym. There was this girl there who I helped figure out the showers. She was just like me and had a very cold shower the first day she…so she asked for my help yesterday. It was very funny. At least I wasn’t the only dummy who couldn’t figure it out!
Work was fine. Stinky Pete really ticked me off….I was very ready to quit. Not that we could afford for me to do that…and not that I really would. I love my job…just not my boss! Oh well! I am sure you all don’t want to hear about it! You are probably sick of hearing about Stinky Pete….he just aggravates the snot out of me! (what a yucky phrase!??!)
I left work and went by my parents’ house to “visit my kids”. They spent the night with Mom and Dad last night. When I got there, I-Man was so excited to show me what they had been doing. He ran off to the kitchen and made me a fruit-kabob. It was very yummy. Of course, it took him longer to make it then it did for me to eat it…but he was so proud! My parents said that FAB had been eating a lot…..she does that. One day, she eats everything in sight. Now, she probably won’t eat anything today. Funny kid! Mom and Dad are going to take them to see “Dora” at the Nutter Center next week. So, I-Man is very excited about that! They are brave…my parents! I think it is so cool that they do so many things with my kids. I wish my grandparents had been like that. Oh well! They are spoiled…that is for sure!
So, then I went home and finished dinner. Hubby had put a turkey breast, cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms and broccoli in the crock-pot in the morning. It was sooooo yummy! I made rice to go with it and yummy! Good dinner. KK told me about that. Hubby decided to add the broccoli….it was good, but I would have preferred steamed broccoli on the side…oh well. It was very yummy!
Then, Hubby and I went out looking at bedroom furniture. We went to Morris first….way too expensive! Funny thing….we were looking around….I am very picky. I thought most things were ugly. But we had been looking for a while and realized that I was looking for beds….Hubby was looking for dressers….I thought he meant beds cuz we don’t have a head-board. But he wants new dressers cuz what we have now is crappy…it was my stuff when I was growing up. So, it was just funny. We liked a few things at Morris (I should really say that I liked a few things….Hubby isn’t picky) but again, it was way too expensive. So, we left there and went to Value City furniture. Much more in our price range, but I didn’t like anything! They had a really pretty dresser that was distressed white (exactly like our dining room table)..but they had it as a set with a bed that was clearly not a set. The bed was white-washed bead-board, which I loved….but it was more of stark white. So, it didn’t really go together. Oh well…we had fun looking! What I did notice that most of the dressers really didn’t have a lot of drawer space. Funny! Oh well. Hubby just kept laughing cuz I kept saying everything was ugly. I am picky. It can’t be too modern….can’t be too old-fashioned…can’t be too dark….can’t be too low…..on and on…and on! We had a good laugh out of it!
So, then we stopped back by my parents’ house to give them clothes for the kids. I-Man and my dad had been wrestling….so funny. We got some good hugs from both of the kids…and then went home. We cuddled on the couch to watch AI…until (now it goes back to where I started)…I decided to watch my soap opera.
SO! A very exciting evening! Tonight I am going to the gym with Hair Dye while I-Man is at church. So, I will work out twice today! But I need it…so it is okay! I haven’t been doing too good with my diet…..eating too much. It is really hard to get back on track! So, please pray for that….if you don’t mind!
Well, I will talk to you all later! Love ya and hope you have a great Wednesday! It is hump day!!!!
Yesterday, got up and went to the gym. There was this girl there who I helped figure out the showers. She was just like me and had a very cold shower the first day she…so she asked for my help yesterday. It was very funny. At least I wasn’t the only dummy who couldn’t figure it out!
Work was fine. Stinky Pete really ticked me off….I was very ready to quit. Not that we could afford for me to do that…and not that I really would. I love my job…just not my boss! Oh well! I am sure you all don’t want to hear about it! You are probably sick of hearing about Stinky Pete….he just aggravates the snot out of me! (what a yucky phrase!??!)
I left work and went by my parents’ house to “visit my kids”. They spent the night with Mom and Dad last night. When I got there, I-Man was so excited to show me what they had been doing. He ran off to the kitchen and made me a fruit-kabob. It was very yummy. Of course, it took him longer to make it then it did for me to eat it…but he was so proud! My parents said that FAB had been eating a lot…..she does that. One day, she eats everything in sight. Now, she probably won’t eat anything today. Funny kid! Mom and Dad are going to take them to see “Dora” at the Nutter Center next week. So, I-Man is very excited about that! They are brave…my parents! I think it is so cool that they do so many things with my kids. I wish my grandparents had been like that. Oh well! They are spoiled…that is for sure!
So, then I went home and finished dinner. Hubby had put a turkey breast, cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms and broccoli in the crock-pot in the morning. It was sooooo yummy! I made rice to go with it and yummy! Good dinner. KK told me about that. Hubby decided to add the broccoli….it was good, but I would have preferred steamed broccoli on the side…oh well. It was very yummy!
Then, Hubby and I went out looking at bedroom furniture. We went to Morris first….way too expensive! Funny thing….we were looking around….I am very picky. I thought most things were ugly. But we had been looking for a while and realized that I was looking for beds….Hubby was looking for dressers….I thought he meant beds cuz we don’t have a head-board. But he wants new dressers cuz what we have now is crappy…it was my stuff when I was growing up. So, it was just funny. We liked a few things at Morris (I should really say that I liked a few things….Hubby isn’t picky) but again, it was way too expensive. So, we left there and went to Value City furniture. Much more in our price range, but I didn’t like anything! They had a really pretty dresser that was distressed white (exactly like our dining room table)..but they had it as a set with a bed that was clearly not a set. The bed was white-washed bead-board, which I loved….but it was more of stark white. So, it didn’t really go together. Oh well…we had fun looking! What I did notice that most of the dressers really didn’t have a lot of drawer space. Funny! Oh well. Hubby just kept laughing cuz I kept saying everything was ugly. I am picky. It can’t be too modern….can’t be too old-fashioned…can’t be too dark….can’t be too low…..on and on…and on! We had a good laugh out of it!
So, then we stopped back by my parents’ house to give them clothes for the kids. I-Man and my dad had been wrestling….so funny. We got some good hugs from both of the kids…and then went home. We cuddled on the couch to watch AI…until (now it goes back to where I started)…I decided to watch my soap opera.
SO! A very exciting evening! Tonight I am going to the gym with Hair Dye while I-Man is at church. So, I will work out twice today! But I need it…so it is okay! I haven’t been doing too good with my diet…..eating too much. It is really hard to get back on track! So, please pray for that….if you don’t mind!
Well, I will talk to you all later! Love ya and hope you have a great Wednesday! It is hump day!!!!
Monday, January 23, 2006
I don't like Mondays!!!!
Have I ever mentioned that I don't like Mondays?!?! I am dragging today!!! I got home from Women's Group and in bed at about 11:30 last night...but I just did not sleep well last night. Just a lot on my mind. So, 4:30 came VERY early this morning!!! But I still got up and went to the gym!
SO! Last night at Women's Group....I had such a wonderful time! An absolutely wonderful time. We laughed so hard....and just enjoyed each other's company. I thought we were goint to get kicked out for being so loud...but it was worth it. We had a wonderful time! I got to talk to Detergent and Hair Dye a bit was a great evening! We didn't get to talk to Scrapbook Queen too much...I miss talking to her too! We are blessed with so many wonderful GIRLFRIENDS at church.....right HBM?!?!?!?! I was ready to kill Stinky Pete this morning.....but oh well. He is just...there really are no words for him. Oh well...I am not even going to waste my time typing about it! Let me just leave it at...I was very frustrated with him today....very frustrated!!! Dad didn't really find anything out about his job today. Obviously Ford announced a lot of lay-offs....those won't affect my dad.....but he didn't find out if they are going to offer him early retirement keep them in your prayers. Living in limbo is hard on my mom...and my Dad. Just pray that God will make the best decision clear for them and give them peace with that decision...whatever it may be.
We haven't done much of anything tonight! I played with FAB and I-man a bit....and then watched Desperate Housewives.....and that is about it! Hubby and I are going to try to go to bed early tonight cuz we are pooped!
My parents are keeping the kids tomorrow Hubby and I are going to go "window shopping" for bedroom furniture. Hubby wants to buy new stuff...cuz what we have is old and crappy....not that we have the money...but we can always look! I would rather spend money on other things......but it will be fun to look!
You all have a great night....and a great Tuesday. Hubby is taking the kids to preschool hopefully Pita Pocket will give it a second chance! I-Kick will be there! :)
Love you all....very much! more thing I was going to share. God is working on all know that. Well, this morning on my way to work, I was earlier than I got to listen to Joyce Meyer. I just love her. Anyways....she was talking about how we can't continue to "fellowship with our sins" because God has forgiven them and we are called to fellowship with Him. If we don't let go of our past and our sins...we can't truly fellowship with Him. It was very profound what she said.....and so right with the theme for me lately. God is hitting me over the head with a two-by-four. I am getting just takes time!
Love ya all!
SO! Last night at Women's Group....I had such a wonderful time! An absolutely wonderful time. We laughed so hard....and just enjoyed each other's company. I thought we were goint to get kicked out for being so loud...but it was worth it. We had a wonderful time! I got to talk to Detergent and Hair Dye a bit was a great evening! We didn't get to talk to Scrapbook Queen too much...I miss talking to her too! We are blessed with so many wonderful GIRLFRIENDS at church.....right HBM?!?!?!?! I was ready to kill Stinky Pete this morning.....but oh well. He is just...there really are no words for him. Oh well...I am not even going to waste my time typing about it! Let me just leave it at...I was very frustrated with him today....very frustrated!!! Dad didn't really find anything out about his job today. Obviously Ford announced a lot of lay-offs....those won't affect my dad.....but he didn't find out if they are going to offer him early retirement keep them in your prayers. Living in limbo is hard on my mom...and my Dad. Just pray that God will make the best decision clear for them and give them peace with that decision...whatever it may be.
We haven't done much of anything tonight! I played with FAB and I-man a bit....and then watched Desperate Housewives.....and that is about it! Hubby and I are going to try to go to bed early tonight cuz we are pooped!
My parents are keeping the kids tomorrow Hubby and I are going to go "window shopping" for bedroom furniture. Hubby wants to buy new stuff...cuz what we have is old and crappy....not that we have the money...but we can always look! I would rather spend money on other things......but it will be fun to look!
You all have a great night....and a great Tuesday. Hubby is taking the kids to preschool hopefully Pita Pocket will give it a second chance! I-Kick will be there! :)
Love you all....very much! more thing I was going to share. God is working on all know that. Well, this morning on my way to work, I was earlier than I got to listen to Joyce Meyer. I just love her. Anyways....she was talking about how we can't continue to "fellowship with our sins" because God has forgiven them and we are called to fellowship with Him. If we don't let go of our past and our sins...we can't truly fellowship with Him. It was very profound what she said.....and so right with the theme for me lately. God is hitting me over the head with a two-by-four. I am getting just takes time!
Love ya all!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Early post....
cuz we have Women's Group tonight! So, I know I will be too tired when I get home...but I want to post! So, I will!
So, worship was AWESOME today! My mom came...which was great. I haven't talked to her about it yet...but I told Hubby that she probably thought the service was too will be interesting to see what she says about it. BUT...anyways...I thought it was AWESOME! The opening prayer by Harmonica was so touching....the whole service was very touching.....God was in that place.
So, I have been reading this fiction book at the gym....I finished it today. It is very good. It is a Christian fiction...and it is about a guy who has a hard time forgiving himself. Ironic, huh? I bought it a while back (like months...maybe even a year ago) on clearance at the book store...but hadn't read it until now. So, it has really made me think. It was a good book. Funny how that happens.
So, after church, went to lunch with MIL, HBM, Elvis, Pita Pocket, Minnie, Baby, Boo and Pretty...and of course my family. We had a nice was neat because I-Man, Pita Pocket and Pretty all had to pray for our meal. How precious! We had a great time. It was fun to talk to them all...and reminisce about our weddings....we really had a nice time! MIL took care of my kids so that I really got to just enjoy adult conversation. I love my friends!
After lunch, we came home and the kids went down for naps and I headed off to the gym. I just did a small work-out today and then sat in the hot-tub for a bit. It was kinda funny because it is next to the pool...and there was a water aerobics class going on in the pool...I should've joined it....but instead I just sat in the hot-tub and read my book...relaxing! It was nice!
Then I came home and laid down and finished my book. SIL #2 came over to borrow our two space heaters. Their furnace went out and they can't get it fixed until tomorrow. Poor thing.
OH! My MIL told me today that SIL #1 is getting married either April 28 or April 29. They want Hubby, FAB and I-Man to be in the wedding. I guess that Beater's parents are going to pay for all the tuxes...YEAH! And I think my mom is going to make FAB's dress. Hubby said that our kids aren't going to be in the wedding until she and he ask us.....not just MIL telling us they want it. So, we'll see. FIL told Hubby that he has been working as much over-time as he can so that he can give SIL #1 a nice wedding. We'll see. I am sure it will be an interesting few always is with Hubby's family!
Well...that is about it for now! Love you all...and thanks to all of you for offering to listen to me.....I will keep that in mind! Love you all...and see most of you in a bit at Women's Group! TaTa!
So, worship was AWESOME today! My mom came...which was great. I haven't talked to her about it yet...but I told Hubby that she probably thought the service was too will be interesting to see what she says about it. BUT...anyways...I thought it was AWESOME! The opening prayer by Harmonica was so touching....the whole service was very touching.....God was in that place.
So, I have been reading this fiction book at the gym....I finished it today. It is very good. It is a Christian fiction...and it is about a guy who has a hard time forgiving himself. Ironic, huh? I bought it a while back (like months...maybe even a year ago) on clearance at the book store...but hadn't read it until now. So, it has really made me think. It was a good book. Funny how that happens.
So, after church, went to lunch with MIL, HBM, Elvis, Pita Pocket, Minnie, Baby, Boo and Pretty...and of course my family. We had a nice was neat because I-Man, Pita Pocket and Pretty all had to pray for our meal. How precious! We had a great time. It was fun to talk to them all...and reminisce about our weddings....we really had a nice time! MIL took care of my kids so that I really got to just enjoy adult conversation. I love my friends!
After lunch, we came home and the kids went down for naps and I headed off to the gym. I just did a small work-out today and then sat in the hot-tub for a bit. It was kinda funny because it is next to the pool...and there was a water aerobics class going on in the pool...I should've joined it....but instead I just sat in the hot-tub and read my book...relaxing! It was nice!
Then I came home and laid down and finished my book. SIL #2 came over to borrow our two space heaters. Their furnace went out and they can't get it fixed until tomorrow. Poor thing.
OH! My MIL told me today that SIL #1 is getting married either April 28 or April 29. They want Hubby, FAB and I-Man to be in the wedding. I guess that Beater's parents are going to pay for all the tuxes...YEAH! And I think my mom is going to make FAB's dress. Hubby said that our kids aren't going to be in the wedding until she and he ask us.....not just MIL telling us they want it. So, we'll see. FIL told Hubby that he has been working as much over-time as he can so that he can give SIL #1 a nice wedding. We'll see. I am sure it will be an interesting few always is with Hubby's family!
Well...that is about it for now! Love you all...and thanks to all of you for offering to listen to me.....I will keep that in mind! Love you all...and see most of you in a bit at Women's Group! TaTa!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Hey Girlies! I hope you are all doing fine on this Saturday evening! I didn't post last night because...well, I think I was busy doing stuff around the house and then just went to bed. Oh, I was kinda watching a movie...but didn't get to finish watching it cuz Hubby and I-Man came home from their b-ball game. I might watch it again here in a if you really wanted to know that!
SO! Friday up and went to the gym. I had my weigh-in and I lost 3 pounds (it was 4 according to my scale...but 3 according to, whatever!) and 2 inches in my waist! I also lost some other .25 and .50 inches in my thighs and hips and I was very pleased! KK didn't do as well...she was very bummed. She isn't seeing results and is starting to get very frustrated. Our gym nanny, Jane...was excited for me but also bummed for KK. She is going to start us on something else to see if it helps. I just love her! She is great!!! is my side note.....for me Weight Watchers weigh-ins, I have always weighed myself first thing in the morning...with no clothes I get MY true weight. For my gym weigh-in...I am obviously not naked. I have clothes and shoes on....but still pretty much first thing in the morning. There is a least this week....of 4 pounds. So...I am having a hard time "letting go" and realizing that it is okay if the thing at the gym says I weigh 4 pounds more than I really weigh....does that make sense......just had to throw that in there!!!! Sorry if I lost you!
SO, work was good. It was a crazy busy day. Just all kinds of crazy, bizarre, out-of-the-ordinary type things. So, it flew by! BUT a REALLY awesome thing happened. One of the guys that I work with....his wife was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer in March of last year. The prognosis was very bad. Very bad. They are Christians. SO, he and I have talked a lot over the past year or so about praying for healing and etc. She had to go through chemotherapy and has been a very rough year for their family. Well, on Wednesday, they went for a total body scan and they found ABSOLUTELY NO CANCER. It is GONE. 100% GONE! What a might God we serve!!!!! What a miracle! And the best part is that...and these were his words...."Connie (his wife) is using this as her lifesong....her testimony..this is her story to share." I talked to him for about 15 minutes and that song "Lifesong" just kept ringing in my ears. (side-bar...that cd is AWESOME...the last song on the cd is a little slow-diddy from "Lifesong"....LOVE IT!). SO! Another guy who we work with who is so-not-a-Christian, called Ric and asked him..."So, what do you think? Do you think the chemotherapy worked?" And this was Ric's response: "I think the chemotherapy worked in that it helped Connie to focus on God, which is what she needed to do. But I absolutely do not think that the chemotherapy removed her cancer. God did that. God removed all the cancer from her body." What a wonderful witness....and what an awesome miracle. I was on cloud 9 all day....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I went to my mom's and got the kids after work....came home and dropped them off with Hubby and went to practice songs with HBM. She is awesome! I love singing with her too. I think we sound really good together..but I have said that before! She did a great job playing the piano!
Then, I came home and Hubby, I-Man and FIL went to a b-ball game. FAB and I went shopping at the Thrift Store. I LOVED it. I am really not big on those stores...but the one I went to was very organized and you didn't have to look really hard. For $24 I got: a pair of Tommy Hilfiger khakis for Hubby, for me...a pair of jeans, two pair of dress pants for work, a shirt and 3 books and for FAB I got a little purse with "My Little Pony" on it and a Dr. Seuss book! Good deals!!!! That was about it for Friday! up and went to the Women's Day at church. It was very nice! Funny Fingers was our speaker and she did a great job....I just love her. She is so funny! HBM and I did pretty good for worship...I messed up a few times and just started laughing once...but it was alright! After that, I came home and took the kids to the gym with me. I had fun today at the gym. KK couldn't come with I was by myself...but I did a lot of stuff! I was there for almost 2 hours working out! I am trying to figure out how I can go tomorrow! Really, once you start doing really start to enjoy it! Jane was there and I talked to her for a bit. I told her boss how wonderful we think she is!
Then we came home and just goofed off here...napped and played...and then went to PT practice. I am SO looking forward to service tomorrow. I love all the songs we are singing...and I am excited about the sermon topic....Forgiveness. I have really been struggling with forgiving myself lately.....there are just some things in my past that no one knows about....only one person, actually....and I am kinda feeling like I need to confess...or talk about this with someone....but I don't know how to. I don't even know where to begin. But it has really been weighing on my heart lately....I know that God is working on me. I feel it. I need Him to help me with it. I am sorry to be so vague....but I am not ready to be completely honest about it yet....not even to myself. So.....anyways...I am excited about the sermon tomorrow...and the entire service!
Well...I have to head off you all. Everyone please pray for Sebbiedue tomorrow as she shares her testimony at a local church. Pray that God will stregthen her and soften the hearts of those who will hear her.....that they might be receptive to how God will speak to them through her. She is an awesome example for all who know ya!
See some of you tomorrow and talk to you all later! Love ya!
SO! Friday up and went to the gym. I had my weigh-in and I lost 3 pounds (it was 4 according to my scale...but 3 according to, whatever!) and 2 inches in my waist! I also lost some other .25 and .50 inches in my thighs and hips and I was very pleased! KK didn't do as well...she was very bummed. She isn't seeing results and is starting to get very frustrated. Our gym nanny, Jane...was excited for me but also bummed for KK. She is going to start us on something else to see if it helps. I just love her! She is great!!! is my side note.....for me Weight Watchers weigh-ins, I have always weighed myself first thing in the morning...with no clothes I get MY true weight. For my gym weigh-in...I am obviously not naked. I have clothes and shoes on....but still pretty much first thing in the morning. There is a least this week....of 4 pounds. So...I am having a hard time "letting go" and realizing that it is okay if the thing at the gym says I weigh 4 pounds more than I really weigh....does that make sense......just had to throw that in there!!!! Sorry if I lost you!
SO, work was good. It was a crazy busy day. Just all kinds of crazy, bizarre, out-of-the-ordinary type things. So, it flew by! BUT a REALLY awesome thing happened. One of the guys that I work with....his wife was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer in March of last year. The prognosis was very bad. Very bad. They are Christians. SO, he and I have talked a lot over the past year or so about praying for healing and etc. She had to go through chemotherapy and has been a very rough year for their family. Well, on Wednesday, they went for a total body scan and they found ABSOLUTELY NO CANCER. It is GONE. 100% GONE! What a might God we serve!!!!! What a miracle! And the best part is that...and these were his words...."Connie (his wife) is using this as her lifesong....her testimony..this is her story to share." I talked to him for about 15 minutes and that song "Lifesong" just kept ringing in my ears. (side-bar...that cd is AWESOME...the last song on the cd is a little slow-diddy from "Lifesong"....LOVE IT!). SO! Another guy who we work with who is so-not-a-Christian, called Ric and asked him..."So, what do you think? Do you think the chemotherapy worked?" And this was Ric's response: "I think the chemotherapy worked in that it helped Connie to focus on God, which is what she needed to do. But I absolutely do not think that the chemotherapy removed her cancer. God did that. God removed all the cancer from her body." What a wonderful witness....and what an awesome miracle. I was on cloud 9 all day....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I went to my mom's and got the kids after work....came home and dropped them off with Hubby and went to practice songs with HBM. She is awesome! I love singing with her too. I think we sound really good together..but I have said that before! She did a great job playing the piano!
Then, I came home and Hubby, I-Man and FIL went to a b-ball game. FAB and I went shopping at the Thrift Store. I LOVED it. I am really not big on those stores...but the one I went to was very organized and you didn't have to look really hard. For $24 I got: a pair of Tommy Hilfiger khakis for Hubby, for me...a pair of jeans, two pair of dress pants for work, a shirt and 3 books and for FAB I got a little purse with "My Little Pony" on it and a Dr. Seuss book! Good deals!!!! That was about it for Friday! up and went to the Women's Day at church. It was very nice! Funny Fingers was our speaker and she did a great job....I just love her. She is so funny! HBM and I did pretty good for worship...I messed up a few times and just started laughing once...but it was alright! After that, I came home and took the kids to the gym with me. I had fun today at the gym. KK couldn't come with I was by myself...but I did a lot of stuff! I was there for almost 2 hours working out! I am trying to figure out how I can go tomorrow! Really, once you start doing really start to enjoy it! Jane was there and I talked to her for a bit. I told her boss how wonderful we think she is!
Then we came home and just goofed off here...napped and played...and then went to PT practice. I am SO looking forward to service tomorrow. I love all the songs we are singing...and I am excited about the sermon topic....Forgiveness. I have really been struggling with forgiving myself lately.....there are just some things in my past that no one knows about....only one person, actually....and I am kinda feeling like I need to confess...or talk about this with someone....but I don't know how to. I don't even know where to begin. But it has really been weighing on my heart lately....I know that God is working on me. I feel it. I need Him to help me with it. I am sorry to be so vague....but I am not ready to be completely honest about it yet....not even to myself. So.....anyways...I am excited about the sermon tomorrow...and the entire service!
Well...I have to head off you all. Everyone please pray for Sebbiedue tomorrow as she shares her testimony at a local church. Pray that God will stregthen her and soften the hearts of those who will hear her.....that they might be receptive to how God will speak to them through her. She is an awesome example for all who know ya!
See some of you tomorrow and talk to you all later! Love ya!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Only one post tonight!
Well...only one post tonight! It sure has been neat to read some of your testimonies! I hope the rest of you post yours too! Talk about really getting to know each other!!! How cool! Great idea Minnie!!!
So, today was a good day! Got up and went to the gym. I about died today...we had 45 minutes of cardio and the treadmill about kicked my butt! But, we survived! We get weighed and measured in the hopefully that is good news! We shall see!
Work was fine....just really didn't want to be there for some reason today. I didn't see or talk to Stinky Pete today...but I will make up for that tomorrow...I am sure! Oh well! I really haven't seen much of him this I can survive tomorrow! And then it is a weekend!
I picked the kids up at my mom's house tonight....they love her so much! I am sure she was ready for a break from them tonight, though. We came home and then Hubby came home and we fixed dinner. That is about all we have done tonight! We cleaned the kitchen and then watched the American Idol from Tuesday & Wednesday night. I have to say that the last guy from last night.....that looked like a girl....I didn't even think that was funny. I just thought it was very sad. My heart goes out to that poor confused child....and his parents that allow him to be that way. What is our world coming to?!?!?
FAB has been very loving tonight. I definitely have my sweet, happy child back. We really need to work on closed-mouth kisses though. Right now, she kisses with her mouth open. SO cute. I-Man has just been playing in his room a lot tonight...Mr. Independent. He is growing up!
Please keep my friend KK in your prayers. She is going through a tough time right now with her sister and is very worried about her sister....just a tough situation. So, please pray for them. I would appreciate it and I know they would too.
That is about it for today! I am pooped and ready for bed! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!
So, today was a good day! Got up and went to the gym. I about died today...we had 45 minutes of cardio and the treadmill about kicked my butt! But, we survived! We get weighed and measured in the hopefully that is good news! We shall see!
Work was fine....just really didn't want to be there for some reason today. I didn't see or talk to Stinky Pete today...but I will make up for that tomorrow...I am sure! Oh well! I really haven't seen much of him this I can survive tomorrow! And then it is a weekend!
I picked the kids up at my mom's house tonight....they love her so much! I am sure she was ready for a break from them tonight, though. We came home and then Hubby came home and we fixed dinner. That is about all we have done tonight! We cleaned the kitchen and then watched the American Idol from Tuesday & Wednesday night. I have to say that the last guy from last night.....that looked like a girl....I didn't even think that was funny. I just thought it was very sad. My heart goes out to that poor confused child....and his parents that allow him to be that way. What is our world coming to?!?!?
FAB has been very loving tonight. I definitely have my sweet, happy child back. We really need to work on closed-mouth kisses though. Right now, she kisses with her mouth open. SO cute. I-Man has just been playing in his room a lot tonight...Mr. Independent. He is growing up!
Please keep my friend KK in your prayers. She is going through a tough time right now with her sister and is very worried about her sister....just a tough situation. So, please pray for them. I would appreciate it and I know they would too.
That is about it for today! I am pooped and ready for bed! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Note to My Avid Fans
Just a note! There are two new entries is my testimony and the other is my normal post. I tried to post my testimony after my normal post but it didn't work for some reason! Oh well! Sorry for two longs posts back-to-back!
Love you all!
Love you all!
Well, Minnie suggested that we all share our testimonies. So, here is mine! I don’t know how exciting it will be. I don’t know if I have ever really shared my testimony before. So, here goes!
I was fortunate and blessed to have two wonderful Christian parents in my life. From the time I can remember, church has always been a part of my life. I grew up in a very small Methodist church. It was very “traditional” and not “liberal” like many UMC have become. It was your typical “country church”. My parents were the youth group leaders when I was very young and they had a thriving youth program. THRIVING! They did some amazing things with the youth of that church. For example, they took them to Mt. Monadnock Family Camp in Massachusetts. Yeah, and we lived in Ohio! So, they were very involved and did great things for those kids. SO! We were basically at the church whenever the doors were open or we were the ones who opened them! I made the decision to become a Christian and accept Jesus into my life on March 6, 1986. I was nearly 10 years old. I was baptized in a creek and was a “Christian”.
As a kid and all through high school, I was a good kid! My biggest fear was disappointing my parents…and truth be told, I still think that is one of my biggest fears! So, I was a good kid. Didn’t get into a whole lot of trouble. There were a few months where I was “rebellious” with my middle sister – who was very rebellious – but very minor things, really.
So, I attended church and was a “Christian”. Well, I decided to go to college with a friend. I was actually accepted and all ready to enroll at a Christian college when I changed my mind because I wanted to be with my best friend. So, I went to Eastern Michigan University. That is a BIG party school…and boy did I get sucked up into the party scene….BIG time. There are many, many things that happened in college that I regret. Many, many things! When I was at college, I still attended church with my parents occasionally….certainly not every Sunday. I still considered myself a “Christian” even though my behavior was not Christ-like.
I ended up dropping out of college (with only a little more than a year left) and moving in with my parents. That didn’t last long because I wanted the freedom I had enjoyed at college. So, I decided to move back to Ohio (my parents were living in Michigan at the time) and in with my Grandma. I quickly got into the routine of hanging out with ALL the WRONG people. I visited church occasionally…but was not living the life I knew I should be living.
So, I was dating men who were very wrong for me…and had just ended a bad relationship with a 33-year-old man (I was 21) who was an alcoholic and drug addict. I was depressed. So, my aunt (who was really a bad influence on me, but the closest thing I had to a good friend at that time) told me I should try this country radio stations free dating service. So, I did. They give everyone 6 matches immediately….and one of those guys was my husband. We met and hit it off and he was a Christian. I started going to church with him (Bethany) and started getting my life back on track. He really was the best thing that happened to me. When we first started dating, I was kinda living a double life because I was still drinking and smoking and partying when I wasn’t with him. He didn’t know that…but after we had been dating for about a month or two, I realized that the life I could have with him was the kind of life I wanted….and that meant that I had to turn my life around. Not for Scott…but for me. I started taking my Christianity seriously and started living like a Christian.
Now, it hasn’t been easy but I am on the right track. I am closer to God now than I have ever been before. I think that I became a Christian as a kid…but I didn’t really understand what that meant….and I think I did it then more for my parents. It wasn’t until much later in my life… my early 20’s…that I really made that decision for ME. I decided that I wanted to be a Christian because that is how I wanted to live my life…not just to please someone else.
There are some definite prices that I have had to pay for turning my back on God for so many years. I live with the pain and the guilt of the bad decisions that I made every day. In fact, I was talking to HBM last night and she said something that has really stuck with me. She said that when we make decisions we need to be able to live with ourselves and the decision that we made. It takes a long time to forgive yourself. You may forgive me…but I haven’t forgiven me. She said it much better than I am saying here. But the bottom line is….there are still many things that I have not forgiven myself for.
God is still working on me. He will always be working on me. That used to be my favorite song when I was a kid, “He’s Still Working on Me”. Thank the Lord that He is still working on me and that HE didn’t give up on me…even when I gave up on me…HE didn’t give up on me.
I know there is a lot I am leaving out. Some of it is on purpose…because I don’t know how much you all really want to know about me ….some of it is because I still can’t admit all that I have done. But the main thing is….God certainly has a hold of me and I am not going to let Him let go of me. He has a specific plan for me….and I strive each day to fulfill His purpose for me. I am so thankful that I am a Princess….I am a child of THE KING. That much I am for sure of and that much I am proud of.
Thanks for “listening” to my testimony.
I was fortunate and blessed to have two wonderful Christian parents in my life. From the time I can remember, church has always been a part of my life. I grew up in a very small Methodist church. It was very “traditional” and not “liberal” like many UMC have become. It was your typical “country church”. My parents were the youth group leaders when I was very young and they had a thriving youth program. THRIVING! They did some amazing things with the youth of that church. For example, they took them to Mt. Monadnock Family Camp in Massachusetts. Yeah, and we lived in Ohio! So, they were very involved and did great things for those kids. SO! We were basically at the church whenever the doors were open or we were the ones who opened them! I made the decision to become a Christian and accept Jesus into my life on March 6, 1986. I was nearly 10 years old. I was baptized in a creek and was a “Christian”.
As a kid and all through high school, I was a good kid! My biggest fear was disappointing my parents…and truth be told, I still think that is one of my biggest fears! So, I was a good kid. Didn’t get into a whole lot of trouble. There were a few months where I was “rebellious” with my middle sister – who was very rebellious – but very minor things, really.
So, I attended church and was a “Christian”. Well, I decided to go to college with a friend. I was actually accepted and all ready to enroll at a Christian college when I changed my mind because I wanted to be with my best friend. So, I went to Eastern Michigan University. That is a BIG party school…and boy did I get sucked up into the party scene….BIG time. There are many, many things that happened in college that I regret. Many, many things! When I was at college, I still attended church with my parents occasionally….certainly not every Sunday. I still considered myself a “Christian” even though my behavior was not Christ-like.
I ended up dropping out of college (with only a little more than a year left) and moving in with my parents. That didn’t last long because I wanted the freedom I had enjoyed at college. So, I decided to move back to Ohio (my parents were living in Michigan at the time) and in with my Grandma. I quickly got into the routine of hanging out with ALL the WRONG people. I visited church occasionally…but was not living the life I knew I should be living.
So, I was dating men who were very wrong for me…and had just ended a bad relationship with a 33-year-old man (I was 21) who was an alcoholic and drug addict. I was depressed. So, my aunt (who was really a bad influence on me, but the closest thing I had to a good friend at that time) told me I should try this country radio stations free dating service. So, I did. They give everyone 6 matches immediately….and one of those guys was my husband. We met and hit it off and he was a Christian. I started going to church with him (Bethany) and started getting my life back on track. He really was the best thing that happened to me. When we first started dating, I was kinda living a double life because I was still drinking and smoking and partying when I wasn’t with him. He didn’t know that…but after we had been dating for about a month or two, I realized that the life I could have with him was the kind of life I wanted….and that meant that I had to turn my life around. Not for Scott…but for me. I started taking my Christianity seriously and started living like a Christian.
Now, it hasn’t been easy but I am on the right track. I am closer to God now than I have ever been before. I think that I became a Christian as a kid…but I didn’t really understand what that meant….and I think I did it then more for my parents. It wasn’t until much later in my life… my early 20’s…that I really made that decision for ME. I decided that I wanted to be a Christian because that is how I wanted to live my life…not just to please someone else.
There are some definite prices that I have had to pay for turning my back on God for so many years. I live with the pain and the guilt of the bad decisions that I made every day. In fact, I was talking to HBM last night and she said something that has really stuck with me. She said that when we make decisions we need to be able to live with ourselves and the decision that we made. It takes a long time to forgive yourself. You may forgive me…but I haven’t forgiven me. She said it much better than I am saying here. But the bottom line is….there are still many things that I have not forgiven myself for.
God is still working on me. He will always be working on me. That used to be my favorite song when I was a kid, “He’s Still Working on Me”. Thank the Lord that He is still working on me and that HE didn’t give up on me…even when I gave up on me…HE didn’t give up on me.
I know there is a lot I am leaving out. Some of it is on purpose…because I don’t know how much you all really want to know about me ….some of it is because I still can’t admit all that I have done. But the main thing is….God certainly has a hold of me and I am not going to let Him let go of me. He has a specific plan for me….and I strive each day to fulfill His purpose for me. I am so thankful that I am a Princess….I am a child of THE KING. That much I am for sure of and that much I am proud of.
Thanks for “listening” to my testimony.
Hello My Lovelies! How are you all doing today? I missed journaling again yesterday….it was a busy day! Let me tell you about it!
So, got up and went to the gym…had a great work-out on the treadmill and the bike. I finished a book I had been reading…that really makes the time go by faster! And I am going to get caught up on some of the books I have had for a while but not read….not like Josy…but I do like to read! I am really more into fiction books. I have a hard time reading “self-help” books…but I am going to try to read some that I have!
I had a good day at work. I had the giggles all day. It all started when I got to work. I was filling my water bottle that I take home with me each day. Well, as I was filling it, I dropped it….got water ALL over my pants. Luckily, the material didn’t show it…but I was soaked! So…then about an hour or so later (my pants were finally getting dry), Stinky Pete asked me to come up to his office. So, I picked up my water “cup” (the big one I use at work) and was carrying it. I bobbled it and again, soaked myself with water! When I got up to his office and went to get myself some more water (because I was wearing what had been in my cup), I just laughed the whole way. Couldn’t get rid of the giggles.
So then, I was in his office with KK and he played this song on this conference call we were having….it was “Add It Up” by the Violent Femmes. Now, he had to censor most of the song because it is very X-Rated…but I knew the group. Back in my college-rebel days, I was quite a fan of Violent Femmes (x-rated and all!) That made me laugh because then Stinky Pete (who is a very nice guy…just an idiot when it comes to work) was talking about how funny it was that I was a VF fan…and I thought the same of him too because he is so “straight-laced” now. So, that made me laugh.
Then, he took a call while KK and I were in his office…it was one of our Branch Managers that I just can’t stand because she is pretty dumb and needy. So, he put her on speakerphone and KK and I were trying hard to not laugh! She made a really big mistake with a customer…so the customer called Stinky Pete. Usually, irate customers are irate because they made a mistake and we have to be stern with them. But in this case, the Branch Manager made the mistake. So, he was explaining that to the manager and it was funny to hear her try to talk her way out of it. That made me laugh!
SO! I had lunch with Pepto yesterday. That was a nice addition to my workday! We couldn’t find a time where we could meet in the evening, so we met over lunch! It was a nice break….good conversation. She is a very neat person. Keep her and her roomies in your prayers. They all have very full schedules…and I am sure most of us remember what that is like!!! So, keep them in your prayers!
Then, back to work and finished my day. It was a good day! Didn’t have to see Stinky Pete much…and got a lot accomplished!
So, I went and picked up the kiddos. FAB is definitely MUCH better! I have my very happy, smiling, laughing little girl back. She is so precious! I just love her and I-Man to pieces!!! I-Man was pretty excited because my parents are in town. So, we went home….I had a few minutes with the kids and then I had to go to church.
Oh, I-Man, my Dad and Hubby were going to a b-ball game last night…to see my cousin play. So, my mom came over to watch FAB while I went to church for a bit. Well, before my parents came over, I was telling Hubby to clean up the house since “my parents are coming over”. I-Man was like “Why are your parents coming over? I want Mimi and Papaw to come over!” So funny! He has a hard time understanding that HIS Mimi and Papaw are MY parents. It was very funny!
So, I went to church to practice leading worship at the Women’s Retreat this weekend. Apparently HBM volunteered us for this (just kidding!). We had fun…I love hanging out with her…and singing with her is GREAT! I think we both have very powerful (nice way of saying LOUD) voices and I love singing with her! And of course picking on each other! So, that was fun! We picked some good songs for Saturday, unfortunately, nothing too upbeat because last time those didn’t go over as well. Oh! We found out that Mamie…the WONDERFUL speaker from our last retreat is coming to our church on April 29 (I think). SO, mark your calendars to join us for that! She was AWESOME! For those of you who have been to Women of Faith, think of a mixture of Lucy Swindoll and Velma Wells. She is really amazing! I would love for my sister…and my cousins to come!!! :) Just a hint!
So, after that I went home and my mom and I worked on hemming some jeans for I-Man. So, it looks a bit like a drunk person might’ve hemmed them..but at least they are hemmed! I love my sewing machine…I need to practice more with it, though! Then she left and I put FAB to bed and did a few things around the house and then watched some of the shows I had taped…Bachelor. I was glad he got rid of Kristen. She was corny. But, I really liked what she said when he didn’t give her a rose. She said something about finding that perfect man for her who would love her for who she is….and embrace it and not let it go. That was very profound for this show. I did watch some of American Idol but will probably watch it all later this week. I love my DVR!
Well…..that was about it for yesterday! Today, got up and went to the gym. Insane-Pain-Jane (aka Gym Nanny) came in to meet with us this morning. She is just great. I love her! We did some new things today….that was fun!
Work has been fine…..I am ready to go home..but still have a few hours! Well…I am going to sign off of this entry! Make sure you read my next entry too. It is new and I am going to share my testimony like Minnie suggested!
Love and Hugs to all my Journal Goddesses!
So, got up and went to the gym…had a great work-out on the treadmill and the bike. I finished a book I had been reading…that really makes the time go by faster! And I am going to get caught up on some of the books I have had for a while but not read….not like Josy…but I do like to read! I am really more into fiction books. I have a hard time reading “self-help” books…but I am going to try to read some that I have!
I had a good day at work. I had the giggles all day. It all started when I got to work. I was filling my water bottle that I take home with me each day. Well, as I was filling it, I dropped it….got water ALL over my pants. Luckily, the material didn’t show it…but I was soaked! So…then about an hour or so later (my pants were finally getting dry), Stinky Pete asked me to come up to his office. So, I picked up my water “cup” (the big one I use at work) and was carrying it. I bobbled it and again, soaked myself with water! When I got up to his office and went to get myself some more water (because I was wearing what had been in my cup), I just laughed the whole way. Couldn’t get rid of the giggles.
So then, I was in his office with KK and he played this song on this conference call we were having….it was “Add It Up” by the Violent Femmes. Now, he had to censor most of the song because it is very X-Rated…but I knew the group. Back in my college-rebel days, I was quite a fan of Violent Femmes (x-rated and all!) That made me laugh because then Stinky Pete (who is a very nice guy…just an idiot when it comes to work) was talking about how funny it was that I was a VF fan…and I thought the same of him too because he is so “straight-laced” now. So, that made me laugh.
Then, he took a call while KK and I were in his office…it was one of our Branch Managers that I just can’t stand because she is pretty dumb and needy. So, he put her on speakerphone and KK and I were trying hard to not laugh! She made a really big mistake with a customer…so the customer called Stinky Pete. Usually, irate customers are irate because they made a mistake and we have to be stern with them. But in this case, the Branch Manager made the mistake. So, he was explaining that to the manager and it was funny to hear her try to talk her way out of it. That made me laugh!
SO! I had lunch with Pepto yesterday. That was a nice addition to my workday! We couldn’t find a time where we could meet in the evening, so we met over lunch! It was a nice break….good conversation. She is a very neat person. Keep her and her roomies in your prayers. They all have very full schedules…and I am sure most of us remember what that is like!!! So, keep them in your prayers!
Then, back to work and finished my day. It was a good day! Didn’t have to see Stinky Pete much…and got a lot accomplished!
So, I went and picked up the kiddos. FAB is definitely MUCH better! I have my very happy, smiling, laughing little girl back. She is so precious! I just love her and I-Man to pieces!!! I-Man was pretty excited because my parents are in town. So, we went home….I had a few minutes with the kids and then I had to go to church.
Oh, I-Man, my Dad and Hubby were going to a b-ball game last night…to see my cousin play. So, my mom came over to watch FAB while I went to church for a bit. Well, before my parents came over, I was telling Hubby to clean up the house since “my parents are coming over”. I-Man was like “Why are your parents coming over? I want Mimi and Papaw to come over!” So funny! He has a hard time understanding that HIS Mimi and Papaw are MY parents. It was very funny!
So, I went to church to practice leading worship at the Women’s Retreat this weekend. Apparently HBM volunteered us for this (just kidding!). We had fun…I love hanging out with her…and singing with her is GREAT! I think we both have very powerful (nice way of saying LOUD) voices and I love singing with her! And of course picking on each other! So, that was fun! We picked some good songs for Saturday, unfortunately, nothing too upbeat because last time those didn’t go over as well. Oh! We found out that Mamie…the WONDERFUL speaker from our last retreat is coming to our church on April 29 (I think). SO, mark your calendars to join us for that! She was AWESOME! For those of you who have been to Women of Faith, think of a mixture of Lucy Swindoll and Velma Wells. She is really amazing! I would love for my sister…and my cousins to come!!! :) Just a hint!
So, after that I went home and my mom and I worked on hemming some jeans for I-Man. So, it looks a bit like a drunk person might’ve hemmed them..but at least they are hemmed! I love my sewing machine…I need to practice more with it, though! Then she left and I put FAB to bed and did a few things around the house and then watched some of the shows I had taped…Bachelor. I was glad he got rid of Kristen. She was corny. But, I really liked what she said when he didn’t give her a rose. She said something about finding that perfect man for her who would love her for who she is….and embrace it and not let it go. That was very profound for this show. I did watch some of American Idol but will probably watch it all later this week. I love my DVR!
Well…..that was about it for yesterday! Today, got up and went to the gym. Insane-Pain-Jane (aka Gym Nanny) came in to meet with us this morning. She is just great. I love her! We did some new things today….that was fun!
Work has been fine…..I am ready to go home..but still have a few hours! Well…I am going to sign off of this entry! Make sure you read my next entry too. It is new and I am going to share my testimony like Minnie suggested!
Love and Hugs to all my Journal Goddesses!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Great Lazy-Family Day!
Well, it has been a! I love having Mondays off work. LOVE IT! I wish every week was a three day weekend. Oh well! I know that is never going to happen...but wouldn't it be nice?!?!
SO! FAB woke up early this morning....of course she did! It was my last day to sleep in! At least she woke up in a good mood...a very good mood. I think she is feeling better....but I still want to get her on a different anti-biotic. SO! I called the doctor's office and they said they would call in a new prescription for me. Yeah!
So, I-Man and I headed off to the gym. KK ended up not bring her little I-Man went to the nursery by himself....he did great. Cute thing, he made a friend. When we were leaving he told me that he had made a friend and "he had black on him". Meaning, his friend was African American. How cute. Now, mind sister's husband is African my nieces and nephew "have black on them", as I-Man said. So, that prompted a conversation that went like this:
Me: "God made all different colors of people. Isn't that neat?"
I-Man: "Yeah, Mommy. He was just like my cousins."
Me: "Yes, God wanted to make people of all different colors. He made them all and loves
us all the same. So, we should never treat them differently."
I-Man: "Yeah."
Me: "God likes variety...that is why He made so many different people."
I-Man: "Oh, was that his name? Variety?"
Me: (laughing) "No, his name wasn't variety....Mommy means that God likes all different
people...which is variety."
I-Man: changed the subject.
Isn't that just precious. I just love that little guy. I had such a good day with him and also with FAB. Those little things are precious gifts from God. I am so not worthy to be their mother.
OKay....back to what I was saying! So, the gym...this morning. Yeah, the Gym Nanny...KICKED MY BUTT TODAY! But it felt so good! She gave us a new regiment to do...and it is going to really work us out...but it felt great!!! I am looking forward to it. It is true...once you start working is addicting! Like, I didn't go yesterday and I missed it! What a great, I am still way out of shape....but I am getting better!!!
So...then it was off to pick up FAB's new prescription.....yeah....I got it....and it cost us $53.98!!!! WOW! That is with insurance! It would've been $, yeah, insurance didn't save me much! Well, when the pharmacist gave it to me...she told me that there would be a lot left over and to just throw it away. I was like...I ain't throwing that away! Just like I am not throwing the amoxicylin that she was allergic to away! I-Man can use that if he gets sick....and she can use this $53.98 stuff again if she gets sick. Like...within the next year! I can't believe how expensive it was!!!!
SO, then we came home and got Hubby and FAB and went to lunch at Wendy's...that is what I-Man wanted. We came home and Hubby was going to go to work...but decided to stay home and be lazy with us instead! FAB and Hubby took naps.....I-Man "rested" and I worked on my laptop for work. Then we just took it easy...until I-Man wanted CiCi's for dinner. SO, we went there for dinner. He is spoiled....but it was a good ending to a good lazy day!
After that, we came back here and just hung out! It has been a nice day. I am dreading going to work tomorrow...actually not really. Stinky Pete won't be in the office tomorrow..and I am going to have lunch with it will be a good day!
I am sure you are all bored now with me! SO! I will let you go! The Bachelor just came on..I want to watch that. I will probably fall asleep before it is over...but that is okay! That is what DVRs are for!!!
Love you all....oh, and for those that go to Women's Group...have you heard what the men are proposing? Hubby mentioned that they would like to have Men's Group again this week because of a dumb football game...but then we would have it the next week...then we would have SuperBowl....(which is them) and then we would have Women's Group like two times in a row after that....or something like that. Whatever is fine with me!
K....gotta go! Love to all of you...and have a Happy Tuesday!
SO! FAB woke up early this morning....of course she did! It was my last day to sleep in! At least she woke up in a good mood...a very good mood. I think she is feeling better....but I still want to get her on a different anti-biotic. SO! I called the doctor's office and they said they would call in a new prescription for me. Yeah!
So, I-Man and I headed off to the gym. KK ended up not bring her little I-Man went to the nursery by himself....he did great. Cute thing, he made a friend. When we were leaving he told me that he had made a friend and "he had black on him". Meaning, his friend was African American. How cute. Now, mind sister's husband is African my nieces and nephew "have black on them", as I-Man said. So, that prompted a conversation that went like this:
Me: "God made all different colors of people. Isn't that neat?"
I-Man: "Yeah, Mommy. He was just like my cousins."
Me: "Yes, God wanted to make people of all different colors. He made them all and loves
us all the same. So, we should never treat them differently."
I-Man: "Yeah."
Me: "God likes variety...that is why He made so many different people."
I-Man: "Oh, was that his name? Variety?"
Me: (laughing) "No, his name wasn't variety....Mommy means that God likes all different
people...which is variety."
I-Man: changed the subject.
Isn't that just precious. I just love that little guy. I had such a good day with him and also with FAB. Those little things are precious gifts from God. I am so not worthy to be their mother.
OKay....back to what I was saying! So, the gym...this morning. Yeah, the Gym Nanny...KICKED MY BUTT TODAY! But it felt so good! She gave us a new regiment to do...and it is going to really work us out...but it felt great!!! I am looking forward to it. It is true...once you start working is addicting! Like, I didn't go yesterday and I missed it! What a great, I am still way out of shape....but I am getting better!!!
So...then it was off to pick up FAB's new prescription.....yeah....I got it....and it cost us $53.98!!!! WOW! That is with insurance! It would've been $, yeah, insurance didn't save me much! Well, when the pharmacist gave it to me...she told me that there would be a lot left over and to just throw it away. I was like...I ain't throwing that away! Just like I am not throwing the amoxicylin that she was allergic to away! I-Man can use that if he gets sick....and she can use this $53.98 stuff again if she gets sick. Like...within the next year! I can't believe how expensive it was!!!!
SO, then we came home and got Hubby and FAB and went to lunch at Wendy's...that is what I-Man wanted. We came home and Hubby was going to go to work...but decided to stay home and be lazy with us instead! FAB and Hubby took naps.....I-Man "rested" and I worked on my laptop for work. Then we just took it easy...until I-Man wanted CiCi's for dinner. SO, we went there for dinner. He is spoiled....but it was a good ending to a good lazy day!
After that, we came back here and just hung out! It has been a nice day. I am dreading going to work tomorrow...actually not really. Stinky Pete won't be in the office tomorrow..and I am going to have lunch with it will be a good day!
I am sure you are all bored now with me! SO! I will let you go! The Bachelor just came on..I want to watch that. I will probably fall asleep before it is over...but that is okay! That is what DVRs are for!!!
Love you all....oh, and for those that go to Women's Group...have you heard what the men are proposing? Hubby mentioned that they would like to have Men's Group again this week because of a dumb football game...but then we would have it the next week...then we would have SuperBowl....(which is them) and then we would have Women's Group like two times in a row after that....or something like that. Whatever is fine with me!
K....gotta go! Love to all of you...and have a Happy Tuesday!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hey Journal Goddesses!
Hello My Lovelies! That is what my gym Nanny says to me and KK every time she sees us. We have an appointment with her tomorrow morning at 9:00...since I have the day off tomorrow! She is going to work our butts off....but I am really looking forward to it! I call her my gym Nanny because she is English and has a lovely accent and reminds me of the Nanny! So! That will be fun!
So! Yesterday...I got up and went to the gym while the kids were still asleep. I knew they would be up soon...and I had gone to bed really early on Friday I went. Haven't I already told you that? I think I did. Oh well!
So....Saturday....FAB was acting fine...other than being I decided to go ahead and go to PT practice. I just couldn't stand the idea of missing out on it! So! I called Minnie and got another Mother's opinion and then went. She was fine. Nursey said she whined a bit...but was fine. You can tell her ear is still hurting her.....but the rash is getting better and I don't think it really bothers her. So.....Hopefully tomorrow we will get a different that she isn't allergic to...and get her feeling better!
PT practice was fun....BUT I was VERY frustrated and about to lose my Christian witness. There is a lot of "tinkering" around on instruments when Elvis is giving direction or trying to figure things out. Now...some of it, I understand and I know is necessary...such as trying to learn parts or figure out how it sounds or stuff like that. But the stuff that is NOT NECESSARY and is just to show off.....ANNOYS ME! It is just rude and cocky. There is no one reading this journal that I am talking fact, there is one boy (and not Sebbiedue's Little Drummer Boy) that I am talking about. I even shooshed him last night...Hubby said something to him.....HBM gave him dirty looks....we both did for that matter....but to no avail! Hopefully Elvis will say something to him because it is very aggravating. I just think he is being dis-respectful. So, end of rant. Other than that...practice was great. We got to sing Lifesong like a MILLION times so that Elvis could get the sound that leads to this next topic....
Worship was AWeSOME today. Absolutely AWESOME. The Holy Spirit was in that place. When we sang Lifesong....I just could feel God holding my hand as I raised it in praise. Well, when Minister got up there...he even commented on how awesome the worship set was..particularly Lifesong. I know it had something to do with the fact that we all love that song and we practiced it a million times last night....but also because the message of that song is incredible! I just prayed when we finished that people really listened to the words and truly want that to be their Lifesong. God is really convicting me of that. I need to do a better job of living FULLY for Him and being HIS example in all that I say and do. It was just an AWESOME service today. The message, the music...the fellowship. God was there. I know that because of our friendships at makes a difference. I have been at BCC for 8 years now and I am more "connected" now more than ever because of the relationships that I have developed with you all and so many others. that soapbox! SO, after church we went to Cadillac Jacks with MIL, Minnie and her family, BB and Daisy, Uncle Poncho and King, Queen and Princess. I do not think there was time that all of us were sitting at the table together because of the kids...and I did not get to visit with anyone very much because of the kids....probably why I don't like to go out with such big groups. I feel so disconnected and I know...I am wierd. So, anyways. Then the kids and I came home and Hubby stayed there to watch the game. Boo...the Steelers beat the Colts. Oh well. I really don't care.
The kids and I took long naps today....boy how I love my Sunday naps. I didn't get to go to the gym today....that is a bummer.....I miss that. Isn't that wierd?!?!? OH well....I am going in the morning!
Well....I think that it is for now! I hope you all have a wonderful evening! I will talk to you all later! Love to all!!!!
So! Yesterday...I got up and went to the gym while the kids were still asleep. I knew they would be up soon...and I had gone to bed really early on Friday I went. Haven't I already told you that? I think I did. Oh well!
So....Saturday....FAB was acting fine...other than being I decided to go ahead and go to PT practice. I just couldn't stand the idea of missing out on it! So! I called Minnie and got another Mother's opinion and then went. She was fine. Nursey said she whined a bit...but was fine. You can tell her ear is still hurting her.....but the rash is getting better and I don't think it really bothers her. So.....Hopefully tomorrow we will get a different that she isn't allergic to...and get her feeling better!
PT practice was fun....BUT I was VERY frustrated and about to lose my Christian witness. There is a lot of "tinkering" around on instruments when Elvis is giving direction or trying to figure things out. Now...some of it, I understand and I know is necessary...such as trying to learn parts or figure out how it sounds or stuff like that. But the stuff that is NOT NECESSARY and is just to show off.....ANNOYS ME! It is just rude and cocky. There is no one reading this journal that I am talking fact, there is one boy (and not Sebbiedue's Little Drummer Boy) that I am talking about. I even shooshed him last night...Hubby said something to him.....HBM gave him dirty looks....we both did for that matter....but to no avail! Hopefully Elvis will say something to him because it is very aggravating. I just think he is being dis-respectful. So, end of rant. Other than that...practice was great. We got to sing Lifesong like a MILLION times so that Elvis could get the sound that leads to this next topic....
Worship was AWeSOME today. Absolutely AWESOME. The Holy Spirit was in that place. When we sang Lifesong....I just could feel God holding my hand as I raised it in praise. Well, when Minister got up there...he even commented on how awesome the worship set was..particularly Lifesong. I know it had something to do with the fact that we all love that song and we practiced it a million times last night....but also because the message of that song is incredible! I just prayed when we finished that people really listened to the words and truly want that to be their Lifesong. God is really convicting me of that. I need to do a better job of living FULLY for Him and being HIS example in all that I say and do. It was just an AWESOME service today. The message, the music...the fellowship. God was there. I know that because of our friendships at makes a difference. I have been at BCC for 8 years now and I am more "connected" now more than ever because of the relationships that I have developed with you all and so many others. that soapbox! SO, after church we went to Cadillac Jacks with MIL, Minnie and her family, BB and Daisy, Uncle Poncho and King, Queen and Princess. I do not think there was time that all of us were sitting at the table together because of the kids...and I did not get to visit with anyone very much because of the kids....probably why I don't like to go out with such big groups. I feel so disconnected and I know...I am wierd. So, anyways. Then the kids and I came home and Hubby stayed there to watch the game. Boo...the Steelers beat the Colts. Oh well. I really don't care.
The kids and I took long naps today....boy how I love my Sunday naps. I didn't get to go to the gym today....that is a bummer.....I miss that. Isn't that wierd?!?!? OH well....I am going in the morning!
Well....I think that it is for now! I hope you all have a wonderful evening! I will talk to you all later! Love to all!!!!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I am soooooo addicted to these journals! I spent so much time reading journals and leaving comments yesterday that I didn't get to I am going to try to post now!
So...Thursday night...came home from seeing KING KONG...(sorry for the typo.....but glad I could provide a few laughs for all of you...can I just say that Dawn is my true friend because she understood me! lol) was an okay movie. Definitely not my type of movie...but okay! The special effects were really cool. I would see it again, I think. SO, the "movie event" went off without a hitch. I sat and worried through the whole thing...just me! I always worry that everyone has a good time, thinks it was a good event....blah...blah...blah. So, when it was over, I went home....and it began!
I walked in the door and my MIL was still there and she was holding FAB who was crying. I took her...she kept crying. MIL tells us that FAB wouldn't eat....wouldn't drink...and had pretty much been crying off and on all afternoon...and she was running a low-grade fever. Well, this is so not like FAB. She is such a happy baby! So....MIL leaves and Hubby keeps insisting it is just her teeth...but she is still crying. SO, after about 30 minutes of this..I get my shoes on and take her off to go to Urgent Care. I go to the one that is closest to our house first and they tell me that they will see her...but if they can't figure out what is wrong, they will send me to Children's Urgent Care. So, I asked if I would have to pay twice and they said I left and went to Children's Urgent Care. By the time I got there, FAB had finally quit crying and was drinking a bottle. SO, I pull up to the CUC and it looked closed. But it shouldn't have I go up to the door and pull on it and yep! It was closed. A lady came out and told me they were having some "building problems" so they were closed and were telling people to go to Children's Hospital. SO, my $50 co-pay would become a $100 co-pay and a lot longer of a drive. SO....I decided that this was a sign that I wasn't supposed to take her tonight. SO we went home. She was whiny...but went to sleep early and slept all through the night.
SO, Friday I got up and went to the gym and then to work. I called Hubby and FAB had a fever when she got up. My parents were in town so they had the kids. SO, I got a doctor's appointment for FAB. Turns out she had an ear they put her on an anti-biotic. SO! Last night....she was really fussy...we gave her the first dose of the medicine.
Oh....we had dinner with my parents before they headed back to Tucky....then we came home and Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball game. FAB and I went to sleep! Yep, we fell asleep around 7:15!
I got up this morning and went to the gym before anyone else was awake. When I was gone, FAB woke up with a rash on her face and her tummy. She is having an allergic reaction to the medicine. SO!!!!!!! WHat to do?!?!? I called a nurse and she told me to give her benadryl and to stop the medicine. BUT! I don't want to! I would rather put up with the rash and get her feeling better! I don't know what to do. By the time I got home from the gym...the rash was much better...but Hubby had already given her the second dose of the anti-biotic. So, now the rash is back. I just don't know what to do. I am so frustrated and ready for her to be better again!!!!
SO, I am probably going to miss PT practice tonight. I just don't feel right leaving my sick kid with anyone....she is so whiny....and snotty...and now blotchy.....ARGH! I am just grateful that this is all we are dealing with and not what Josy is dealing with. SO, I shouldn't complain!
WEll.....I have to go.......the whiny child is calling! I love you all and have certainly been thinking of you all a lot over the last few days. I so love all of journal goddesses!!!!
So...Thursday night...came home from seeing KING KONG...(sorry for the typo.....but glad I could provide a few laughs for all of you...can I just say that Dawn is my true friend because she understood me! lol) was an okay movie. Definitely not my type of movie...but okay! The special effects were really cool. I would see it again, I think. SO, the "movie event" went off without a hitch. I sat and worried through the whole thing...just me! I always worry that everyone has a good time, thinks it was a good event....blah...blah...blah. So, when it was over, I went home....and it began!
I walked in the door and my MIL was still there and she was holding FAB who was crying. I took her...she kept crying. MIL tells us that FAB wouldn't eat....wouldn't drink...and had pretty much been crying off and on all afternoon...and she was running a low-grade fever. Well, this is so not like FAB. She is such a happy baby! So....MIL leaves and Hubby keeps insisting it is just her teeth...but she is still crying. SO, after about 30 minutes of this..I get my shoes on and take her off to go to Urgent Care. I go to the one that is closest to our house first and they tell me that they will see her...but if they can't figure out what is wrong, they will send me to Children's Urgent Care. So, I asked if I would have to pay twice and they said I left and went to Children's Urgent Care. By the time I got there, FAB had finally quit crying and was drinking a bottle. SO, I pull up to the CUC and it looked closed. But it shouldn't have I go up to the door and pull on it and yep! It was closed. A lady came out and told me they were having some "building problems" so they were closed and were telling people to go to Children's Hospital. SO, my $50 co-pay would become a $100 co-pay and a lot longer of a drive. SO....I decided that this was a sign that I wasn't supposed to take her tonight. SO we went home. She was whiny...but went to sleep early and slept all through the night.
SO, Friday I got up and went to the gym and then to work. I called Hubby and FAB had a fever when she got up. My parents were in town so they had the kids. SO, I got a doctor's appointment for FAB. Turns out she had an ear they put her on an anti-biotic. SO! Last night....she was really fussy...we gave her the first dose of the medicine.
Oh....we had dinner with my parents before they headed back to Tucky....then we came home and Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball game. FAB and I went to sleep! Yep, we fell asleep around 7:15!
I got up this morning and went to the gym before anyone else was awake. When I was gone, FAB woke up with a rash on her face and her tummy. She is having an allergic reaction to the medicine. SO!!!!!!! WHat to do?!?!? I called a nurse and she told me to give her benadryl and to stop the medicine. BUT! I don't want to! I would rather put up with the rash and get her feeling better! I don't know what to do. By the time I got home from the gym...the rash was much better...but Hubby had already given her the second dose of the anti-biotic. So, now the rash is back. I just don't know what to do. I am so frustrated and ready for her to be better again!!!!
SO, I am probably going to miss PT practice tonight. I just don't feel right leaving my sick kid with anyone....she is so whiny....and snotty...and now blotchy.....ARGH! I am just grateful that this is all we are dealing with and not what Josy is dealing with. SO, I shouldn't complain!
WEll.....I have to go.......the whiny child is calling! I love you all and have certainly been thinking of you all a lot over the last few days. I so love all of journal goddesses!!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Well…I didn’t post last night…so I had to post this morning! Hope you all are doing well…I haven’t updated with you yet (or read your journals).
So…my meeting went very well yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted last night. I am like that after big meetings…..they are much like weddings….a lot of planning and preparation and then the let-down (or relief in this case) when they are over. SO! Hallelujah! Like I said, it went well…no major hic-cups and we actually ended on time! The hardest part of my job on meeting days is keeping everyone on time! I have to keep harping on them all day to keep on track. I am sure they all love me (dripping with sarcasm) on these days. Not only do I keep harping them about staying on agenda…but I am also a stress-mongrel…so I am not the nicest person! Oh well! Just glad it is over! after work I went and picked up the kiddos at my Aunt’s house. My cousin’s kids haven’t been there this week so it has just been my kids. I-Man gets very bored when his buddies aren’t there. But, with FAB being still a little sick this week, I am glad that they haven’t shared their germs! My Aunt did say that FAB was better yesterday and played more and ate better. She was still whiney and clingy at our house last night….but Hubby just keeps telling me to enjoy the fact that she wants me to hold her CONSTANTLY. It is funny…every time I try to put her down, she wraps her legs around me so I can’t. Too cute.
So, we had a whole “child-care” saga last night. Hubby had asked SIL #2 (the younger one) to watch the kids today for a few hours this afternoon. I have a thing at work and he needs to work for a bit. So, she said yes. So, last night, the phone rings and it is SIL #1 (the older one)…she tells Hubby that SIL #2 is sick so she is going to watch the kids. So, Hubby made sure that was okay with me (I wasn’t thrilled…but oh well!). And then Hubby tells her he will be home around 5:00. She can’t stay until 5:00…she has to work at 4:00. So, she says that MIL will come over and watch them when she needs to leave until Hubby gets home. Fine. Then later….MIL calls and says change of plans…she is going to take off work early and watch them. WHAT?!?!??!! If that was the case, then why didn’t you tell us you could do that when we called and asked you to do that on Tuesday!?!?!??! SO FRUSTRATING! What is even more frustrating is that I know that Queen probably could’ve done it for us without all of this fuss but Hubby wanted to see if his mom would do it and then that led to all of this! Next time, I am just going to call Queen and take care of it myself. His family is SO unreliable and it drives me crazy! OH well…end of rant.
So! I didn’t do anything last night. I was so tired….I came home and laid down….luckily the kids let me do that. FAB kept coming in and out and wanting up on the bed with me. I-Man was good as gold. He likes his cartoons too much to bother me. Hubby came home and fixed a quick dinner for him and I-Man….I didn’t feel like eating anything. Then Hubby took I-Man to church.
Again, not an exciting evening! I went to bed early and then got up early for the gym this morning! I almost didn’t go because I just don’t feel great…but I did! I am so proud of myself. I am not really seeing a whole lot of results yet….but I know that is because I am not eating the greatest….but I do feel better because I am exercising! And….I know it is good for me! Plus, I kinda like getting ready at the gym. There are ladies that I talk to every morning….it is a good thing! And like Debbie said, I am saving on water at our house!
SO! Today, I get to go see King King! I had to coordinate a “Movie Party” as part of a sales contest…so it is work related. I have to work…but I will get to sit and enjoy most of the movie! One of the perks of my job! But, like I said…stress and work before the movie just making sure all of the details are in place!
Well…gotta run! I have lots of work to do! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!
So…my meeting went very well yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted last night. I am like that after big meetings…..they are much like weddings….a lot of planning and preparation and then the let-down (or relief in this case) when they are over. SO! Hallelujah! Like I said, it went well…no major hic-cups and we actually ended on time! The hardest part of my job on meeting days is keeping everyone on time! I have to keep harping on them all day to keep on track. I am sure they all love me (dripping with sarcasm) on these days. Not only do I keep harping them about staying on agenda…but I am also a stress-mongrel…so I am not the nicest person! Oh well! Just glad it is over! after work I went and picked up the kiddos at my Aunt’s house. My cousin’s kids haven’t been there this week so it has just been my kids. I-Man gets very bored when his buddies aren’t there. But, with FAB being still a little sick this week, I am glad that they haven’t shared their germs! My Aunt did say that FAB was better yesterday and played more and ate better. She was still whiney and clingy at our house last night….but Hubby just keeps telling me to enjoy the fact that she wants me to hold her CONSTANTLY. It is funny…every time I try to put her down, she wraps her legs around me so I can’t. Too cute.
So, we had a whole “child-care” saga last night. Hubby had asked SIL #2 (the younger one) to watch the kids today for a few hours this afternoon. I have a thing at work and he needs to work for a bit. So, she said yes. So, last night, the phone rings and it is SIL #1 (the older one)…she tells Hubby that SIL #2 is sick so she is going to watch the kids. So, Hubby made sure that was okay with me (I wasn’t thrilled…but oh well!). And then Hubby tells her he will be home around 5:00. She can’t stay until 5:00…she has to work at 4:00. So, she says that MIL will come over and watch them when she needs to leave until Hubby gets home. Fine. Then later….MIL calls and says change of plans…she is going to take off work early and watch them. WHAT?!?!??!! If that was the case, then why didn’t you tell us you could do that when we called and asked you to do that on Tuesday!?!?!??! SO FRUSTRATING! What is even more frustrating is that I know that Queen probably could’ve done it for us without all of this fuss but Hubby wanted to see if his mom would do it and then that led to all of this! Next time, I am just going to call Queen and take care of it myself. His family is SO unreliable and it drives me crazy! OH well…end of rant.
So! I didn’t do anything last night. I was so tired….I came home and laid down….luckily the kids let me do that. FAB kept coming in and out and wanting up on the bed with me. I-Man was good as gold. He likes his cartoons too much to bother me. Hubby came home and fixed a quick dinner for him and I-Man….I didn’t feel like eating anything. Then Hubby took I-Man to church.
Again, not an exciting evening! I went to bed early and then got up early for the gym this morning! I almost didn’t go because I just don’t feel great…but I did! I am so proud of myself. I am not really seeing a whole lot of results yet….but I know that is because I am not eating the greatest….but I do feel better because I am exercising! And….I know it is good for me! Plus, I kinda like getting ready at the gym. There are ladies that I talk to every morning….it is a good thing! And like Debbie said, I am saving on water at our house!
SO! Today, I get to go see King King! I had to coordinate a “Movie Party” as part of a sales contest…so it is work related. I have to work…but I will get to sit and enjoy most of the movie! One of the perks of my job! But, like I said…stress and work before the movie just making sure all of the details are in place!
Well…gotta run! I have lots of work to do! I will talk to you all later! Love you all!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Is it Friday yet?!?!
Good evening Journal Goddesses! I hope this finds you well....especially HBM. I hear that she has the stomach looking at her journal from yesterday, it was obvious she wasn't feeling well. So, hope she is feeling better!
I woke up this morning feeling bad. But I still went to the gym. We had a good work-out...and I just kept feeling worse. I had to go to Meijer's for work, so I picked up some cold medicine...but it doesn't really feel like a cold. I am just aching (don't know how to spell that) all over. I hope it isn't anything major....maybe just stress?!?!? But the wierd thing is that my throat really hurts.....and I don't have tonsils in there to hurt anymore. So, what is that all about?!?! I felt bad all day.....I actually feel better now than I have all day...but I also just took some of my liquid pain medicine that I had left over from my tonsillectomy. Hopefully that will make my throat stop hurting and help me to get a good night's sleep!
But...back to my day! I had a busy day of getting ready for my big meeting tomorrow. I am all ready, though! Don't worry...there are always last minute fire drills on the morning of these meetings....but everything that I could've done before, I hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. Oh, I just remembered that I am supposed to pick up a cake tomorrow. Hope I don't forget to do that after the gym!
After work, I went and got the kids. FAB is still not feeling the greatest. She didn't nap hardly at all today because she just wanted to be held. My poor aunt! So, she did go to bed early tonight! Hopefully she sleeps through the night! Speedy....there are still some long nights even when they are 1.5....heck, even when they are 4! But they are much fewer and far between!
SO, anyways....we came home and Hubby was here and then his SIL #1 came over. She and her boyfriend....or I should say fiance (Beater) were signing up for Cable products. Hubby made $150 off of! SO....anyways. I got to spend some time with her. I sure worry about does Hubby. So, here is the news.....she is pregnant. Just found out the week after Christmas.....yep! Pregnant and not married and boyfriend has beat her in the past. AND she doesn't have any health insurance. SO, I guess we have good reason to worry! Please keep this just between us Journal Goddesses. I am not sure how MIL feels about everyone knowing this information yet (especially everyone at church). It sounds like they are going to get married before the baby. Not sure when...but anyways! Please keep them in your prayers. They need God in their lives more than anything and more than ever right now. I am trying a new approach...I am going to kill her with kindness....maybe if I reach out to her and really try to be there for her ....maybe that will speak louder than anything. Please pray for them and this precious child of God that is on the way.
So, then we had dinner and then I rocked FAB to sleep and then I watched "The Bachelor"...I love that show. I know, I am a dork! But...there was a very psycho girl on there......I bet she was mortified to see herself on TV like that tonight. I would be! Then I watched my soap opera that I taped today...and I cried and cried. I know, how dorky! But it was sad! (right Queeny?!!??!)
Then I did laundry and got my gym bag ready for the morning....played with I-Man and now I am ready for bed! I-Man wrote his name all by himself today in Pre-School. I gotta tell you, we are so blessed to have Mrs. G at our church....and Detergent. They do such an awesome job with our kids....and sacrifice so much of their time and energy. I just admire their servant hearts.
Well...I think that pain medicine is hitting me. I need to go to bed.
Oh....some of you have listed your pet peeves. I don't know if I can think of five...but here are some (in no order of importance):
1. The sound of someone chewing ice.....see JJ's journal for how she would torment me with that!
2. My Hubby...he has some little things that DRIVE ME CRAZY....leaving cabinets open, making a huge mess while cooking, umm....I know there are more but I can't think of them now. The cabinets thing just that is why it is so fresh in my mind!
Ya know....I don't think I have that many pet peeves. Mostly, I think the things that get on my nerves are because of my own "quirkiness" and "anal retentive-ness"...i.e....leaving things laying around without putting them in their "place"....not doing the dishes AS SOON as we are done eating...or while cooking.....the bed not being made AS SOON as we get up. I am very anal. I am really starting to notice that about myself lately. I am lucky that Hubby loves me and my quirks!
Well...I really need to hit the hay! I love you all.....and special note to JJ....I am so glad you are "back". I have really missed you Sister! Love ya!
OH...and one more thing. How the heck do you guys make your journals so pretty!?!?!? Mine will have to look like this forever because I don't know how in the world to make them pretty like JJ's and Queen's.....I am so JEALOUS!
I woke up this morning feeling bad. But I still went to the gym. We had a good work-out...and I just kept feeling worse. I had to go to Meijer's for work, so I picked up some cold medicine...but it doesn't really feel like a cold. I am just aching (don't know how to spell that) all over. I hope it isn't anything major....maybe just stress?!?!? But the wierd thing is that my throat really hurts.....and I don't have tonsils in there to hurt anymore. So, what is that all about?!?! I felt bad all day.....I actually feel better now than I have all day...but I also just took some of my liquid pain medicine that I had left over from my tonsillectomy. Hopefully that will make my throat stop hurting and help me to get a good night's sleep!
But...back to my day! I had a busy day of getting ready for my big meeting tomorrow. I am all ready, though! Don't worry...there are always last minute fire drills on the morning of these meetings....but everything that I could've done before, I hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. Oh, I just remembered that I am supposed to pick up a cake tomorrow. Hope I don't forget to do that after the gym!
After work, I went and got the kids. FAB is still not feeling the greatest. She didn't nap hardly at all today because she just wanted to be held. My poor aunt! So, she did go to bed early tonight! Hopefully she sleeps through the night! Speedy....there are still some long nights even when they are 1.5....heck, even when they are 4! But they are much fewer and far between!
SO, anyways....we came home and Hubby was here and then his SIL #1 came over. She and her boyfriend....or I should say fiance (Beater) were signing up for Cable products. Hubby made $150 off of! SO....anyways. I got to spend some time with her. I sure worry about does Hubby. So, here is the news.....she is pregnant. Just found out the week after Christmas.....yep! Pregnant and not married and boyfriend has beat her in the past. AND she doesn't have any health insurance. SO, I guess we have good reason to worry! Please keep this just between us Journal Goddesses. I am not sure how MIL feels about everyone knowing this information yet (especially everyone at church). It sounds like they are going to get married before the baby. Not sure when...but anyways! Please keep them in your prayers. They need God in their lives more than anything and more than ever right now. I am trying a new approach...I am going to kill her with kindness....maybe if I reach out to her and really try to be there for her ....maybe that will speak louder than anything. Please pray for them and this precious child of God that is on the way.
So, then we had dinner and then I rocked FAB to sleep and then I watched "The Bachelor"...I love that show. I know, I am a dork! But...there was a very psycho girl on there......I bet she was mortified to see herself on TV like that tonight. I would be! Then I watched my soap opera that I taped today...and I cried and cried. I know, how dorky! But it was sad! (right Queeny?!!??!)
Then I did laundry and got my gym bag ready for the morning....played with I-Man and now I am ready for bed! I-Man wrote his name all by himself today in Pre-School. I gotta tell you, we are so blessed to have Mrs. G at our church....and Detergent. They do such an awesome job with our kids....and sacrifice so much of their time and energy. I just admire their servant hearts.
Well...I think that pain medicine is hitting me. I need to go to bed.
Oh....some of you have listed your pet peeves. I don't know if I can think of five...but here are some (in no order of importance):
1. The sound of someone chewing ice.....see JJ's journal for how she would torment me with that!
2. My Hubby...he has some little things that DRIVE ME CRAZY....leaving cabinets open, making a huge mess while cooking, umm....I know there are more but I can't think of them now. The cabinets thing just that is why it is so fresh in my mind!
Ya know....I don't think I have that many pet peeves. Mostly, I think the things that get on my nerves are because of my own "quirkiness" and "anal retentive-ness"...i.e....leaving things laying around without putting them in their "place"....not doing the dishes AS SOON as we are done eating...or while cooking.....the bed not being made AS SOON as we get up. I am very anal. I am really starting to notice that about myself lately. I am lucky that Hubby loves me and my quirks!
Well...I really need to hit the hay! I love you all.....and special note to JJ....I am so glad you are "back". I have really missed you Sister! Love ya!
OH...and one more thing. How the heck do you guys make your journals so pretty!?!?!? Mine will have to look like this forever because I don't know how in the world to make them pretty like JJ's and Queen's.....I am so JEALOUS!
Monday, January 09, 2006
I missed a day!
Well, I missed journaling yesterday! It was too late...and I was too tired! But, I felt so "out of the loop" by not journaling. Wierd, huh?!?!
SO, yesterday was a great service....well, I don't really know that...but I think it was! FAB was still not feeling well and I didn't want to put her in the nursery to share her germs, so my MIL held her while we sang the first set...and then I walked the halls with her. SO, I didn't get to hear the fabulous sermon. I also didn't get to sing the last song with the PT because FAB would not be consoled. She wanted me. SO! What is a mother to do? OH well! We did, as a church, ordain Harmonica as an Elder. That made me teary. But then ....does that surprise anyone?!?!? It was a beautiful thing. ANd....since I was standing in the back of the church....I also saw the negative person crying at the closing comments. Very neat...if it means anything and leads to change. We'll see!
So...after church we came home. Ate a quick bite and then I went to the gym and did a quick work-out with KK. Then came home and Hubby went to watch the Bengals game with some friends, MIL picked up I-Man to take him to her nephew's basketball FAB and I went for a walk...she was so cute...and went shopping for a bit.
Hubby came home in time for Women's group. It was fun...but I didn't stay very long because 4:30 am comes very early! I had fun talking to Pepto and HBM...and Minnie and I were picking on each other......I hope she knows that I was just kidding...Love ya, Minnie!!!!
Umm....then this up and worked out.....I really enjoy starting my day that way. Now, it is hard to get up when the alarm goes off....but once I get moving I am fine. Then off to work. A very busy and stressful day....and I know that tomorrow will be the same since we have a BIG meeting on Wednesday. I had to take charge today because Stinky Pete just wasn't getting the job done. I am serious when I say that I just don't know what that man does....but if I made HALF the money that he Hubby could be a stay-at-home Dad. Something is wrong with that picture!!!
SO, after work I had an eye doctor's appointment. My insurance is good at LensCrafters so, I am already wearing my new glasses! I love them. They are very "hip" as Hubby said. They are red....and orange....and I love them. My prescription didn't change a whole I can still wear my old if I need to be more conservative or neutral, I can....but these are very cute. You have to see them.
Umm...and then I came home! Hubby made a delish dinner....I spent time with the kids....FAB is becoming quite a momma's girl. SHe is in bed...I-Man is in bed watching a movie...Hubby is watching a b-ball game....and I am ready for bed!
I love "The Bachelor" starts tonight! But I am too tired to stay up for it so I will have to tape it! I love you all and hope you all have a great Tuesday!
Love ya!
SO, yesterday was a great service....well, I don't really know that...but I think it was! FAB was still not feeling well and I didn't want to put her in the nursery to share her germs, so my MIL held her while we sang the first set...and then I walked the halls with her. SO, I didn't get to hear the fabulous sermon. I also didn't get to sing the last song with the PT because FAB would not be consoled. She wanted me. SO! What is a mother to do? OH well! We did, as a church, ordain Harmonica as an Elder. That made me teary. But then ....does that surprise anyone?!?!? It was a beautiful thing. ANd....since I was standing in the back of the church....I also saw the negative person crying at the closing comments. Very neat...if it means anything and leads to change. We'll see!
So...after church we came home. Ate a quick bite and then I went to the gym and did a quick work-out with KK. Then came home and Hubby went to watch the Bengals game with some friends, MIL picked up I-Man to take him to her nephew's basketball FAB and I went for a walk...she was so cute...and went shopping for a bit.
Hubby came home in time for Women's group. It was fun...but I didn't stay very long because 4:30 am comes very early! I had fun talking to Pepto and HBM...and Minnie and I were picking on each other......I hope she knows that I was just kidding...Love ya, Minnie!!!!
Umm....then this up and worked out.....I really enjoy starting my day that way. Now, it is hard to get up when the alarm goes off....but once I get moving I am fine. Then off to work. A very busy and stressful day....and I know that tomorrow will be the same since we have a BIG meeting on Wednesday. I had to take charge today because Stinky Pete just wasn't getting the job done. I am serious when I say that I just don't know what that man does....but if I made HALF the money that he Hubby could be a stay-at-home Dad. Something is wrong with that picture!!!
SO, after work I had an eye doctor's appointment. My insurance is good at LensCrafters so, I am already wearing my new glasses! I love them. They are very "hip" as Hubby said. They are red....and orange....and I love them. My prescription didn't change a whole I can still wear my old if I need to be more conservative or neutral, I can....but these are very cute. You have to see them.
Umm...and then I came home! Hubby made a delish dinner....I spent time with the kids....FAB is becoming quite a momma's girl. SHe is in bed...I-Man is in bed watching a movie...Hubby is watching a b-ball game....and I am ready for bed!
I love "The Bachelor" starts tonight! But I am too tired to stay up for it so I will have to tape it! I love you all and hope you all have a great Tuesday!
Love ya!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Lazy Saturday
Well, we had a pretty un-eventful day around our house! We got up this morning around 9:00. What a blessing that the kids let us sleep in that late! I really needed that! Funny thing...I heard I-Man come out of his room....and next thing I know, FAB is pushing her stroller with her baby in our room and carrying her purse. He got her out of her bed and she went right for her favorite toys! So cute.
Hubby had to go to work today. He had three appointments which resulted in three he had a good day! Well, FAB has a full-blown cold. She was pretty miserable that made it a rough day for me! Well....about 10:00 my MIL just stopped by...I really hate it when people don't call...but oh well! She took I-Man bowling and to see Hubby's they were gone pretty much all day. SO, it was just FAB and I. She didn't want me to put her down! Which I love cuddling with her....but the whiny and clingy-ness gets frustrating!
SO, when Hubby came home I went to the gym. It was hard to leave FAB cuz she was screaming for me when I left...but I needed some "me" time! So, I went to the gym and had a great work-out! KK wasn't there...but I still enjoyed myself!
Then I came home and picked up FAB again....she was still needy. After we all bathed and got ready....I took the kids to my MIL's house so she could watch them while Hubby and I went to PT practice. For a while there, I thought I was going to have to call Elvis and tell him I wouldn't be at practice....if MIL hadn't watched the kids...there is no way I could've sang. She was just way too needy. So, tomorrow at church, MIL might be holding FAB instead of sending her to the nursery! We'll see. I just don't want to share her germs. Maybe she will feel better in the morning! I just hate to see her sick!!!
PT practice was great! I really miss when I am not there! It was fun to laugh with HBM and Sight-sing. I love the song service tomorrow....hopefully we will just be able to focus on God and not everything else that goes on!
When we got home tonight, I-Man and I watched Madagascar. We didn't watch it last night. It is a very cute movie....but more than the movie I got a kick out of I-Man. He was cracking up at parts of it and then he was dancing to the music when it was over. I just love that little guy. He can be such a sweetie when he wants to be!!!
Well....I will see most of you tomorrow....OH! And we have Women's Group tomorrow night! WOOHOO!!!!! Love you all and hope all is well with the Journal Goddesses!!!
Hubby had to go to work today. He had three appointments which resulted in three he had a good day! Well, FAB has a full-blown cold. She was pretty miserable that made it a rough day for me! Well....about 10:00 my MIL just stopped by...I really hate it when people don't call...but oh well! She took I-Man bowling and to see Hubby's they were gone pretty much all day. SO, it was just FAB and I. She didn't want me to put her down! Which I love cuddling with her....but the whiny and clingy-ness gets frustrating!
SO, when Hubby came home I went to the gym. It was hard to leave FAB cuz she was screaming for me when I left...but I needed some "me" time! So, I went to the gym and had a great work-out! KK wasn't there...but I still enjoyed myself!
Then I came home and picked up FAB again....she was still needy. After we all bathed and got ready....I took the kids to my MIL's house so she could watch them while Hubby and I went to PT practice. For a while there, I thought I was going to have to call Elvis and tell him I wouldn't be at practice....if MIL hadn't watched the kids...there is no way I could've sang. She was just way too needy. So, tomorrow at church, MIL might be holding FAB instead of sending her to the nursery! We'll see. I just don't want to share her germs. Maybe she will feel better in the morning! I just hate to see her sick!!!
PT practice was great! I really miss when I am not there! It was fun to laugh with HBM and Sight-sing. I love the song service tomorrow....hopefully we will just be able to focus on God and not everything else that goes on!
When we got home tonight, I-Man and I watched Madagascar. We didn't watch it last night. It is a very cute movie....but more than the movie I got a kick out of I-Man. He was cracking up at parts of it and then he was dancing to the music when it was over. I just love that little guy. He can be such a sweetie when he wants to be!!!
Well....I will see most of you tomorrow....OH! And we have Women's Group tomorrow night! WOOHOO!!!!! Love you all and hope all is well with the Journal Goddesses!!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
I love Fridays! Especially very productive ones! I had a very productive day! I guess I have felt that way all week....probably because it was a week of getting caught up! And I have two big meetings next week...I feel pretty good about those. Of course I will have that last minute panic and stress that I always have....but that is part of the job! And I really like that part of the job...even though it is stressful!
So, I didn't go to the gym this morning...but I still rushed to get to work on time?!?! What is up with that? I missed being at the gym...isn't that wierd! I got to sleep in about an hour longer....but I was still I think I like getting up to go to the gym! But anyways! I got to work and had a fire drill to work on this morning for Stinky Pete...and then I had to see him! UGH! It wasn't that bad! Thankfully he had a busy day ahead of him so I only had to spend about an hour and a half with him. SO! That wasn't bad at all! He is truly a dork, though. So....then I had the rest of the day to myself and like I said, I got a lot done!
Well, FAB has a cold. Her little nose is bright red and has been running all day! Now, it is only running I am thinking that she is having a reaction to the flu shot. Didn't Sebbiedue have that when she got the shot? And the nurse told us that that was a normal! Bless her heart. I just hate to see her not feeling well. If she is still this bad tomorrow night...we might keep her with us during PT practice...that is if there is child care for the rest of them. I haven't heard if anyone had volunteered yet. We'll see.
Umm....I am looking forward to PT practice tomorrow! I really missed everyone last week! It feels like it has been forever! Plus I like most of the songs we are singing this week...that helps! But it is just fun to see everyone!!!
So, Hubby called me right before I was to leave work and told me that he would go pick up the kids at my aunt's house! That was a nice surprise! I didn't have to drive all the way to her house! I actually got home before they all did and had a chance to straighten up the house! Then they came home.....and FAB and I took a short nap together. I love cuddling with my kids!
Hubby made home-made pizza for dinner. I love his home-made pizza! He used ground turkey instead of ground was very yummy! What a good Hubby!!!
Then Hubby and I-Man went to the high school b-ball game....FAB and I were supposed to go but since FAB wasn't feeling well...we decided not to take her. We didn't want to listen to her whine the whole time. So, instead we (FAB and I) went to Wal-Mart. She was great there and I got to look around the whole store and just enjoy it! We saw Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho there. Funny thing...I was getting feminine products and I saw Uncle Poncho...but I didn't say anything....because I was getting feminine products! So.....a bit later I saw him again and we stopped and talked for a long time. They are so sweet!
SO! That is about it! I bought the Madagascar Movie I might try to get I-Man to watch it with me....
Talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!!!
So, I didn't go to the gym this morning...but I still rushed to get to work on time?!?! What is up with that? I missed being at the gym...isn't that wierd! I got to sleep in about an hour longer....but I was still I think I like getting up to go to the gym! But anyways! I got to work and had a fire drill to work on this morning for Stinky Pete...and then I had to see him! UGH! It wasn't that bad! Thankfully he had a busy day ahead of him so I only had to spend about an hour and a half with him. SO! That wasn't bad at all! He is truly a dork, though. So....then I had the rest of the day to myself and like I said, I got a lot done!
Well, FAB has a cold. Her little nose is bright red and has been running all day! Now, it is only running I am thinking that she is having a reaction to the flu shot. Didn't Sebbiedue have that when she got the shot? And the nurse told us that that was a normal! Bless her heart. I just hate to see her not feeling well. If she is still this bad tomorrow night...we might keep her with us during PT practice...that is if there is child care for the rest of them. I haven't heard if anyone had volunteered yet. We'll see.
Umm....I am looking forward to PT practice tomorrow! I really missed everyone last week! It feels like it has been forever! Plus I like most of the songs we are singing this week...that helps! But it is just fun to see everyone!!!
So, Hubby called me right before I was to leave work and told me that he would go pick up the kids at my aunt's house! That was a nice surprise! I didn't have to drive all the way to her house! I actually got home before they all did and had a chance to straighten up the house! Then they came home.....and FAB and I took a short nap together. I love cuddling with my kids!
Hubby made home-made pizza for dinner. I love his home-made pizza! He used ground turkey instead of ground was very yummy! What a good Hubby!!!
Then Hubby and I-Man went to the high school b-ball game....FAB and I were supposed to go but since FAB wasn't feeling well...we decided not to take her. We didn't want to listen to her whine the whole time. So, instead we (FAB and I) went to Wal-Mart. She was great there and I got to look around the whole store and just enjoy it! We saw Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho there. Funny thing...I was getting feminine products and I saw Uncle Poncho...but I didn't say anything....because I was getting feminine products! So.....a bit later I saw him again and we stopped and talked for a long time. They are so sweet!
SO! That is about it! I bought the Madagascar Movie I might try to get I-Man to watch it with me....
Talk to you all later! Love you all!!!!!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Thursday Ramblings..... has been another uneventful day! I feel like I need to post every day...but there isn't a whole lot to say! SO! That is a warning for a boring entry to follow!
I got up this morning and went to the gym. I had a nice, warm shower today! Yeah!!! That was a nice change! BUT! I have a sports injury! I have a shin splint on my right leg. Bummer! I am sure it is from doing too much too soon....but oh well! It hurts pretty badly (actually right now it isn't hurting) but it was really hurting when I was on the treadmill this morning! SO, I am taking the day off from the gym tomorrow. I will go on Saturday and then probably take Sunday off and then start up again next week. The website I found says to just rest it a bit...and then really stretch out before I work out again...and when I am done. SO, I will try that!
Then work today...I didn't have to see Stinky Pete (yeah!) but I did talk to him quite a few times just trying to get one thing resolved. I have to see him tomorrow...BOO! Oh well! It shouldn't be that bad! I got a lot done it was a good day!
After work I went to my Parent's house to get the kids. I stayed and talked to them a bit. I just love them! And my kids do too! So, then the kids and I came home and I played with FAB a bit and then Hubby came home from work and then I went out to dinner with some friends from work. KK was there...she really wanted me to go...I didn't really want to go because I am tired and it is late and blah blah blah. But, I did have a good time. All except this one guy kept using the "f" word....over and over and over! That was annoying and uncomfortable! But other than was fun. I just got home and they were all going to a karaoke bar after we left the restaurant. I wasn't up for that....too tired and have to get up too early!!!!
SO! That is my day in a nut-shell! OH! One cute thing about mom bought her a ballerina dress today (on clearance at Wal-Mart)....she was wearing it when I picked her up and when I told her she made a pretty ballerina...she took off to find her dancing Dora and brought it to me and danced. She is so stinking cute! I just love her to pieces!
Well, that is it for tonight! I told you it would be boring! I hope you all have a blessed night! Please pray for HBM and her parents. I love you all!
I got up this morning and went to the gym. I had a nice, warm shower today! Yeah!!! That was a nice change! BUT! I have a sports injury! I have a shin splint on my right leg. Bummer! I am sure it is from doing too much too soon....but oh well! It hurts pretty badly (actually right now it isn't hurting) but it was really hurting when I was on the treadmill this morning! SO, I am taking the day off from the gym tomorrow. I will go on Saturday and then probably take Sunday off and then start up again next week. The website I found says to just rest it a bit...and then really stretch out before I work out again...and when I am done. SO, I will try that!
Then work today...I didn't have to see Stinky Pete (yeah!) but I did talk to him quite a few times just trying to get one thing resolved. I have to see him tomorrow...BOO! Oh well! It shouldn't be that bad! I got a lot done it was a good day!
After work I went to my Parent's house to get the kids. I stayed and talked to them a bit. I just love them! And my kids do too! So, then the kids and I came home and I played with FAB a bit and then Hubby came home from work and then I went out to dinner with some friends from work. KK was there...she really wanted me to go...I didn't really want to go because I am tired and it is late and blah blah blah. But, I did have a good time. All except this one guy kept using the "f" word....over and over and over! That was annoying and uncomfortable! But other than was fun. I just got home and they were all going to a karaoke bar after we left the restaurant. I wasn't up for that....too tired and have to get up too early!!!!
SO! That is my day in a nut-shell! OH! One cute thing about mom bought her a ballerina dress today (on clearance at Wal-Mart)....she was wearing it when I picked her up and when I told her she made a pretty ballerina...she took off to find her dancing Dora and brought it to me and danced. She is so stinking cute! I just love her to pieces!
Well, that is it for tonight! I told you it would be boring! I hope you all have a blessed night! Please pray for HBM and her parents. I love you all!
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