Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What a Day!!!

Hello My Lovelies! Boy…am I glad today is over!!! What a long day…but my meetings were a huge success!!! Just like the let-down after a wedding or a holiday…I am exhausted! Mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted! I was at the site this morning at 7:00 and just got home at about 8:15. So, it was a very long day! The news traveled fast among the participants that I am pregnant….and there were lots of well-wishes. There were also lots who were surprised because they knew that we were “done”. But, what a nice surprise! I am getting more and more used to the idea. Still not really “excited” yet…but getting closer! I just think about the sleepless nights that Speedy is going through right now….and I am not ready to do that again! Oh well! At least I get 12 weeks off work…with 100% pay! And it should be during the holidays too, I think. So, that will be very nice!

SO! That is about it with me. Not a whole lot going on really! Now I can start really focusing on the other big projects that I have coming up at work. One hurdle down….about 5 more to go! This is such a busy time at work…but at least that makes it interesting!

I did not go to the gym this morning. Hubby convinced me that I needed to sleep in as much as I could because of having such a long day today. I am glad he talked me into that…..but I am definitely getting up and going tomorrow. I am really going to try to not gain very much weight with this pregnancy! Hopefully I will get a chance to call Dr. H tomorrow to get a script for my pre-natal vitamins and an appointment. I don’t think they like to see you until you are nearly 12 weeks along….so not sure when my first appointment will be. Probably a ways out….but I am due for my annual check-up (actually was due in September but didn’t go). So, maybe that will move it up. We’ll see!

Lots of people on my heart….lots of things to pray for. Love you all very much…and thank you for your prayers today. I really felt them.

Love ya Ya-Yas!


Sara said...

I'm glad your meeting went well! 12 weeks off with 100% pay??? I'm quite jealous!!!! I hope you can get in to see the doctor this week. I would think they'd definitely want you to come in ASAP since you haven't had your "fun" womam exam. I had to have that my first appt. too when I found out I was pregnant. I admire you for still wanting to work out now that your pregnant. Lord knows I was so tired and sick you couldn't have gotten me out of bed for anything.

Love ya!

Kelley said...

Now you KNOW that they are going to want to see you now!! LOL! I'm glad that you're getting used to the idea....I think that is funny that you said that because that is exactly what my SIL said last night about the idea of being pregnant! LOL! You crack me up!

Miss ya'll bunches....I feel so out of the loop!

Hope you have a great Wednesday...and don't worry about gaining weight during this....you ARE carrying a life! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Mandalynn said...

Dr. H will want to see you at 8wks :) I think that is a new thing...

Anyways, CONGRATS!!! :) We are so excited for you guys!! :) I've still got your maternity clothes (well, some of them) so you'll be getting some of that stuff back from me :) Daisy will be done with the ones she got, too, by the time you'll need them :)

(((((HUGS))))))) we're excited for you guys!!