Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day….or Happy Singles Awareness Day as Pepto called it last week. I thought that was so funny!!! Make sure you give your Sweetie and your Kids an extra hug today and let them know how much you love them!

Yesterday was a good day at work. Didn’t see Stinky Pete once…that is always a blessing! I don’t think I have to see him today at all either….so that is great! I worked a bit later since I didn’t have to go pick up the kids…and we have a big meeting next week that I am really stressing out about! I need to get a better handle on all the details for that. It dawned on me yesterday that I am taking Friday off….since Sister is going to be here!!! But that gives me one less day to prepare for the meeting! KK is going to help me with some stuff today, so that makes me feel better! We are meeting one of our co-workers for lunch today…we don’t get to talk to him much anymore, so I am looking forward to that! Then we have some shopping to do for the meeting…and then back here to start putting some of this stuff together! So, today will be a busy…but fun day! Again…no Stinky Pete….so that is even better!!!!

After work, I went home and typed up some bullet points of things I wanted to talk about at Mandy’s women’s group. She asked me to come and talk to them about the weight I have lost and about my new exercise program. I was very flattered that she asked….and really didn’t feel like I was the right person because I still have a long way to go and I struggle still. But then I realized that I have come a very long way….yes, I have a ways to go….but when I look at some of the pictures from before….MAN! SO! It was a fun night. The ladies in her group are very funny…and we had a good time. Mandy’s soup was very yummy…I was surprised because I am not much of a veggie soup person….and the cake was delish! I am not a big angel-food cake fan either….but it was very, very yummy! It was a nice night!

SO, then I got home and talked to Hubby for a bit. I was so tired, though. I didn’t get much sleep the night before, because I had a really hard time going to sleep because I had too long of a nap on Sunday! So, I went to bed! I watched some of “The Bachelor” but fell asleep before the end. I got up this morning for the gym and watched the end just to see who got sent home. I was very surprised! I am going to have to watch more of it to see what happened! I know that I am the only dork that watches that show….but I am a sucker for it!!!

So…then I went to the gym. When I got there, I realized that I forgot to put Hubby’s valentine’s card out. So, after I worked out and got ready, I went back home to put his card out. We aren’t going to get each other anything because we will probably buy ourselves something when we get our tax money. We did get our State refund today….that is nice! Plus….we had this charge that kept coming of our checking account….I didn’t know what it was…but put it off….so we finally checked into it and it was not a legitimate charge. SO! They refunded back all of those charges ($72!!!) and some fees and stuff. SO, that was a nice surprise this morning!!!

So, I think we are going to go out for an early dinner to beat the rush tonight. If it is too busy, we are just going to buy steaks and go home and grill them out. That is about it for our Valentine’s Day, I think.

I talked to I-Man yesterday and he was having a good time. He was playing a computer game so he didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk to me….but he sounds like he is having fun. My parents were thinking of taking them to the circus last night….so, we will see if they got to do that!

Well, have a great day! Enjoy Valentine’s Day….and don’t eat too much chocolate!!! Please pray for Sister today….pray that God will give her boldness as she meets with her doctor today. Jodi has such a sweet and quiet spirit and it is hard for her to talk about private things and hard for her to be pushy…so just pray that God will give her the boldness that she needs today and that God’s will be done in this situation with she and Buford. I don’t know who is more excited about them becoming parents….me or them!!!! I just love them to death and can’t wait for them to experience the joy of parenthood!!!!

Have a great day! Love you all…and Happy Valentine’s Day!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

That is so great to hear that you got to share your weight loss story! You do look great! I'm very proud of you!
I completely forgot about state tax...so if you get fedreal money back, do you get state money back too?
Have a great Wednesday!
Lots of Love!