Friday, February 17, 2006

Fun Day Off!

Hello Ya-Yas! I love having the day off from work....and what a fun day it has been!!! I got up this morning at my normal time (4:25 am) and went to the gym. KK was in a very good mood this morning...and Jane, our trainer, was there. So, it was a fun work-out! It was good to be able to talk to Jane about stuff (her personal life) and not have to rush to get ready for work. After I left the gym, I came home and went back to bed. Not for long, though, because FAB woke up early. I brought her back to bed with us because I was tired....and so that lasted off and on for the next two hours until I-Man woke up. She wanted to be right on top of me to yeah, that was a ton of fun!!!!

So, we got up and gave the kids baths...and then I took a quick shower and got ready and we headed out. Hubby had to go to work and the kids and I went to Krispie Kreme and then over to my mom's house. Sister was here...and we had a fun day! But boy, am I tired!?!?! FAB was very clingy to me today. When we first got to my mom's house, she didn't want anyone but me and didn't want me to put her down. I think she was afraid that I was going to leave. Also, since she got up so early, she ended up taking a nap right away at mom's house. So, Mom and Sister and I started practicing some songs! We had fun singing together. I-Man is going to play the drums for us. So, it should be interesting! Hubby popped in for a few minutes so we sang him two of our songs....he was impressed and thought it sounded good. He thought I was too loud....but oh well. Un-like our PT.....I sing lead with Mom and that is different for me. I really like to harmonize better....but since I am the loud-mouth of the leading is a better idea. So, anyways...that was fun. We sang for hours...and we will probably do that again tomorrow. I love singing with my mom and sister!!! I love singing all the time....but that is a great thing!!!!!

So, then we took off and went to lunch at Big Boy. Their salad bar is yummy. Wish I could've had a hot fudge cake....but I have not eaten good AT ALL today! Oh well. Just do some extra cardio tomorrow!!!! Then we went shopping at Kohl's....the kids were alright.....not great....and then we went to Target. Oh, we saw former Preacher's wife at Kohls again. She acts like she is my best friend. I tried to ignore her....but she saw us. Oh well. I saw SQ and her best-friend at Target. They are so cute. I swear they look like they are 18 instead of in their 30's!!!!

Oh, I got a new electric skillet at Target....ours had fallen and the legs it would not sit evenly. So, we got a new one! Then we went to my mom's house....FAB and I came home so she could have a quick nap (and me too) before we went to Marion's pizza for King's 30th birthday party. Hubby came home from work...and then we took off for that. We had a fun time....hanging out with the cousins. Skinny Cousin and I talked a bit. She is so sweet. She has been having panic attacks like I have.....and we talked about the pros and cons of taking medicine for it. Neither of us wants to take pills for it because we want to be able to control them that was interesting. Anyways....the kids were pretty good. FAB put on quite a show like always.....Princess was adorable like always...and the boys were, well, boys! It was a bit chaotic and crowded...but fun. I just love my family!!!!

Then we came home. I-Man is staying with my mom and sister tonight. FAB went right to bed pretty much....Hubby is sweeping and mopping the floor (and doing laundry...what a great Hubby) and I am about to go to bed! I wish I could have every Friday off!!!!

Love you all and hope you have a great weekend!


Mandalynn said...

Yeah, it was loud & very crowded & chaotic, but it was fun :) I was worried about the whole time-thing, but there was only the one party at the empty tables that were beside us, so not a big deal...we ended up staying & eating the rest of the cake!! LOL :) (my Mom made it, everyone, not me!! LOL)...Anyways...

Wish I could've visited with you all a little more!! :) It was just so loud, I couldn't hear anything where I was sitting...

blah, blah, blah...

Glad you had a great day off!! :) That's SO nice :) Hope the rest of the weekend is a good one, too!! :)

Talk to ya later :)

Kelley said...

I thought I told you that you couldn't go to Kohl's anymore? LOL! Glad you had a great time! I'm thinking that I like the idea of a party at a pizza place (that's what that is, right?). Maybe I'll just do that and everybody else can pay for themselves to eat! Then I could do a cake or something and that would be it! You girls are great!
Can't wait to see ya tomorrow! I feel like it's been forever!
Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

You're so sweet!! 18 you think I look like I'm 18 LOL!! I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!! I sure looked like crap last night but I had to go to Target. And yes when Michelle and I get together we do act like we're 18 thats what I love about her. Sometimes its just fun to act like a bunch of goofy teenagers and ya just can't do that with anyone. Hope ya have a great weekend. Glad ya got a new skillet we got one for christmas and love it. I'm sorry you have been having panic attacks. I've only had one (and a small one at that) but my friend Michelle gets them all the time and she does take medication for it. She'd love ot help ya I"m sure if ya wanted to talk to her. The medicine has really helped her with her attacks. LOVE YA I"ll be praying they get better!!! HUGS!!

Josy said...

Girl, medicine can make all the difference - and still leave you in control. I still have panic/anxiety attacks, but (most of the time, unless their very severe like the one I had last weekend) I can talk to myself reasonably and rationally and not get all worked up about. If you feel this is an issue for you that is affecting the people you love, talk to your doctor!

Love you, I hope you had a good weekend with JJ and mom!