Monday, February 20, 2006

Some News to Share.... most of you know this by now....but there are a few who do not! Sorry that I haven't called those who I didn't tell...but things are REALLY busy for me right now with work. SO, here goes.....(drum roll please).....

Hubby and I found out yesterday that we are expecting our third child!!!!!! Yep, we are pregnant. OOPS! This was totally NOT in our plan....but obviously in God's! So, needless to say, we are a bit SHOCKED...okay, a lot SHOCKED....but the idea is growing on me. So, remember a few weeks ago when I was feeling I made Hubby an appointment for his vasectomy....seems it is a bit late for that!!!!!! Doesn't our God have a great sense of humor?!?!?!

SO, I knew I was late...but just thought I was being ir-regular. So, Hubby finally told me to just go and buy the pregnancy test....waste the $10 so I could then start my period (cuz that is always what happens). SO, I bought a test.....came home.....and finally had to go to the potty...MIL was here. So, I went and did it....and then went to check it after a bit. I just looked at it like "You have GOT to be kidding me." SO, I came out of the bathroom and MIL got a phone call on her I pulled Hubby into the bathroom with me. He took one look at the test and then turned and walked out of the bathroom. I started crying....he came back in the bathroom and was crying too. What, oh Lord, have we done?!?!?!? So, Hubby told his mom what was going on. She laughed and said she remembered feeling the same way when she found out she was pregnant with her 3rd child. So, Hubby went and bought two more pregnancy tests....both of which were positive. SO! There you go!

We have NOTHING as we sold it all or gave it all away. We were totally DONE....not expecting another blessing. We are shocked!!! But, we are excited and I know that this is God's plan and He will provide for us. Just a gentle (or not so gentle) reminder about who is in control here....and it ain't me!!!!

SO, that is our exciting news. My parents are shocked.....haven't really said a whole lot. I guess we are still shocked too. So, please keep us in your prayers! But what a miracle. I guess that I just didn't think we would get pregnant by ourselves because we had help with FAB. But God is in control!!! Praise the Lord!

Other than is work. My big meeting is pray that that goes smoothly! It is going to be a very long day.....a 12 hour work day. So, I am going to be exhausted tomorrow night!!!

Praying for you all and hope that you all have a blessed Tuesday! Love you!!!!


Kelley said...

YEAH!!!! Thank you for calling me! I'm really excited for you all!! I can't wait to see how happy I-Man and FAB are going to be! When are ya going to the doctor? And by the way...they probably won't "fix" your hubby now, so you need to cancel that appointment!!! LOL!!!! So much for playing russian roulette...I told you!!! LOL!
Can't wait to give you big hugs when I get back to OH!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

OHMYGOSH!!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys! I'm sorry it caught you off guard. You guys are such wonderful parents, God just had to bless you again!

Well, I have EVERYTHING! I will be glad to give you all our stuff. Maybe on loan, just in case! :)

Blessings on your meeting tomorrow! I hope it goes well!

Much love!

girlie_mom said...

YOu know what lady...Baby and I have always said that you all would have another baby. We are SOOO happy about it for you guys. Ditto what SebbieDue said about you all being GREAT parents. You are going to be awesome. I am excited to see you as a mommy. I haven't really seen you that way. We were pregnant together with the girls so I am soo excited for you.

YEA GOD!!!!!

Praying for tomorrow!

Love ya lots.

Sara said...

I'm sure you're a little freaked out right now, but as you said, God will provide! If we weren't having another one at some point, I'd give you our stuff, but hopefully we'll be blessed with another a few years!

I'm so happy for you guys! You are both great parents and this is just another way to prove it! Love ya!!!!

Josy said... wonderful!! I was reading JJ's journal and she said "sister is pregnant" and it was like, whoa! Is that the sister I know?? Yep, you betcha! I am so happy for you! I will be praying that everything goes well. Now I'll have to reschedule my vacation so I can see this little one!