Friday, February 10, 2006

Bad news for me....Good news for Sister! you can tell from my title....I got some very bad news last night....and Sister got some really good news! I will get to all that in a minute....I don't want to jump ahead of myself!

Yesterday was a good day! I was very productive at work in the all caught up! And all the bosses were in a meeting in it was a quiet day! I left around 11:30 and went home..plugged my computer in...but there wasn't a whole lot to do! The kids and I ended up taking a nap in the was so needed!!!

Hubby came home and we had dinner (oh...I made a peanut butter pie for Small Group sometime in there)....and then we headed to Small Group. It was a good discussion....I felt bad because TT was upstairs with the kids. Usually their daughter is...but she wasn't there. So, that made me feel bad. But, my kids adore her....and she adores I am sure it was okay with her. Anyways....OH! I forgot to mention something.

In the afternoon, Hubby called and said that his dad had just called and wanted to see if I-Man wanted to go to a b-ball game with him and his wife. I didn't feel good about it...but I know they both love I asked I-Man and he about started way did he want to go. I felt bad for him....but....that is FIL's fault! So....later on....MIL calls and asks if I-Man wants to go to the b-ball game with her and SIL #1. I told Hubby to not even ask I-Man because that would look bad if I-Man went with her but not with FIL....but he asked him anyways. I-Man said no....he wanted to go to Small Group to play with Pita Pocket and his friends. He is so funny. He was on his top-bunk most of the day yesterday "working"....he was coloring and putting stickers on pages.....that was his "work". So sweet. Then he told me he was trying to solve a mystery. That kid loves Scooby Doo. Too cute.

So anyways....Small Group....we are reading a really neat book that is intended to help us make Biblical foundations for our "arguments" on controversial issues. I am sure it will be interesting....and very eye-opening! I am really looking forward to it.

During Small Group, my cell phone rang and it was my mom. I didn't answer it because I figured it was no big deal. So, a bit later....we were having our fellowship rang again and it was my Dad. I answered it. I could tell he was upset....and he told me that they bought a house in Kentucky and that he is not ready to retire so they are going to work a few more years down there. I just started first I was just speechless....and then it settled in....and I just started crying. He was crying too, I could tell. And he told me to call them back when we got home. I tried to just go upstairs and stop crying....but then I came down and told Hubby why they called....and I started crying again. It is so stupid and selfish of me to be so upset about this. I am very angry at myself for being so upset about this....but I really am. I didn't call them back last night because I was way too selfish to talk to them. I know that they have to make the best decision for them....and I hope this is the best decision for them....I just was hoping they would be here....near me and my kids. And I know that Sister was hoping they would stay she said, what a great problem to have! To have parents you love so much that you want them around! So, anyways....they are going to keep their house here for least that is what they said last night. I really need to call them to find out more about the house they bought....but I didn't want to rain on their parade last night. I am sure they are excited and didn't need to hear their selfish daughter crying!!!

So, we left small group.....and I-Man got in BIG trouble in the van on the way home. That little boy just doesn't know when to hush! He was being very rude and he had been all day. We told him no more talking...and he just kept on!!! Of course I was upset anyways....but I had had it!!!!! And so had Hubby. It wasn't just the talking/ was that he doesn't listen to us! So, as soon as we got home we made him go straight to bed with no tv or would've thought we were killing him!!!! He cried and cried and apologized....but we stuck to our guns and made him go to bed. He was so pitiful. When we said our night-time prayers, I asked God to help him to obey his parents...he just cried. It broke my heart....but this kid has got to learn!!!!

And of course, FAB did not sleep through the night. It was hard to get up this morning...but I did and the gym was great! Then I got to work and found out how much my raise is!!! I was expecting 3% or less.....because company "budget" is for no one to get more than a old boss always gave me way more than 3%...but I didn't think Stinky Pete would. But he did! He gave me 5.1% raise! I was very surprised! He called me after I had already seen it on-line to tell I acted surprised, of course. I still haven't gotten my "review"...but that made me happy!!!

Well.....I better get to work! I hope you all have a great Friday!!!! I am so ready for a weekend! Love you all!!!


Sara said...

Congrats on the raise! Woohoo! I don't think I'll ever see that much of a raise!

You're not being selfish about your parents. You're being human! I would feel the same way! Here you thought they were coming up here to live and all of a sudden it changes. Stop beating yourself up over it! I'll be praying for you! Love you!

girlie_mom said...

YOu know what when you get your hopes up that they will be here after all this time that they have been living down there, it is just natural to be upset. And the fact that they bought a house up here and you have been thinking for the last what like almost 2 years that they were going to move up here. You know what Missy I would think something was wrong if you weren't upset. At least you know they will be here sometime. They are keeping the house. So that is a plus.

My parents moved and they aren't any close to me, but they are quite a bit closer to my siblings. I am not real happy about it b/c it won't have any bearing on whether they see them more or not and it would've had them moved closer to us. Not real thrilled about it, but I know that this is what will make them happy. I went through being real upset and then mad. I finally got to the point where this was there "golden years" and I wanted them to be as happy as they could after all they have worked so hard for this.

Ok nmj, but I thought this would help. It is ok to be upset. Be ok with it.

Love ya lots and see ya tomorrow!!

Mandalynn said...

I agree!! It's okay to be upset!! Of course you want them to be happy...but you still have feelings about this, too...((((HUGS))))...prayers for you :)

I was like I-Man, I cried when Dad would pray with us & say stuff like that!! But, good for you with sticking to your guns!! LOL :) That is not always as easy as ya think it is, huh? LOL

Okay, better go...

Josy said...

Yes, I have been reading (just not posting much)!! What a problem, to have parents that you love so much! Wow, what a raise! I think that's a good sign of the review to come. Will keep you in my prayers.

Jodi said...

Hey have every right to be upset! It's a huge disappointment I know...coming from the other end of it, I've really been struggling with those same I know exactly what you are going through...I'd just gotten used to the idea that they were moving up seemed like a done deal...and then whammy...when they called last night I was stunned as well, but for different reasons...

anyway...I just want you to be able to vent all you want here without thinking that I'm going to be upset with you (so stop apologizing for my sake!! lol)...because I love you and I do feel your pain...I thought of you immediately when they called me and told me...I knew you would be heart broken and my heart hurt for you...and I know I-man is not going to be happy about this either...I know how much he was looking forward to having his papaw at his beck and call (can you imagine how SPOILED he'd be!lol)...

but after hearing the reasons and talking to mom today, it does make a lot of sense financially for them to stay here...

the only way to describe the new house is...decadence...but we'll save those details for later...

I will be praying for you and just know that this wasn't about who they "love" the most...I know we joke about that and that is exactly where my mind went when they were moving up there...and I'm sure it will go there again because in just a few years we are going to go through all this again but without the indecision I'm sure...I'm totally rambling and taking up your comment section...but I just want you know my heart feels for you..I've been through what you are going's a great problem to have...but it is still a hurtful thing to get so it's semi-good news for me...because I knew what heartache the news was going to cause you...and I don't like that...

I hope I'm saying all this right...I love ya! Hey I'll see you next weekend!

on a side note...Jimmie are taking this a HUGE sign to get off our butts and make a that make you feel a little better?

Jodi said...

that should be "Jimmie and I are taking this...."

Kelley said...

Hey Girlie! I know that you are upset and it's okay to be! You and Jodi love your parents very much and what a blessing that your parents have that two of their daughters want them close by their side. Also know that this was a hard decision for them too.
Like I said last night, you have to just make a point to make sure that I-Man and FAB seeing their grandparents and that their grandparents make that point too....which they will with a house up here and they love those kids very much!
It's okay to be sad....I can't imagine what Jodi was feeling, but I bet it's the same feeling that you have now. Your parents love you both so much and they had such a tough decision to make! You need to call them and make sure that you are CAN cry to them about this!
In other notes.....WOW on your raise! Very impressive of Stinky Pete!
Hope you have a great weekend and hope I-Man behaves better! Good luck with that!
Lots of Love!