Thursday, February 16, 2006

Long Two Days

Well, it has been a LONG two days! I just had a really rough couple days at work. I have a big meeting next week....and I have been working REALLY hard to make sure that all of the details are perfect and it is an excellent meeting. I have had to do a lot of shopping...putting party favors together....gathering prizes....creating documents.......the list just goes on and on and on. Well, Stinky Pete really PIFFED me off!!! He doesn't ever make decisions (even though it is his job to do that) but he is very quick to critique the decisions I make. Needless to say, I was in tears a couple of times that last two days and REALLY ready to quit my job. I am going to hang in there....because this too shall pass......but it has been a rough two days. Thank goodness I am off work tomorrow.....since Sister is in town!!!! I had to work extra hard today in order to get things done so I could be off tomorrow. So, I am looking forward to a day off work!!!!

Other than that.....not much else going on. Just working a lot of hours.....spending as much time with the kids as I can....when I am not working at home......and trying to keep my head above water!

Like I said, Sister is in town. Mom, Sister and I are singing at a revival at Sister's church at the end of March. So, we have to work on songs.....we are supposed to sing for 15 - 20 minutes. That should be fun!

Hubby is not feeling well. He has a bit of a cold. Boy he is a whiner when he doesn't feel well. We went and looked at furniture tonight. We actually found this Sauder store in you either put it together yourself or you can pay them to put it together ( Hubby is not a handyman) and I loved one of their sets....and it isn't that expensive. We also found one that we both like (not as much as the Sauder one.....but it is okay) at Ashely furniture. Who knows if we will get it or not. I hate to spend all of our tax money as soon as we get it... I like to use it throughout the year to help with bills and such. So, we'll see! We both need some things done to our cars, though. That much I know for sure!

Well....not much else to say. It is late and I am tired. I am still going to get up and go to the gym in the morning....just to get it over with and then I will probably come back to bed for a while. Love you all....hope you are all doing well. Praying for you all.....Love ya!


Kelley said...

Can I just meet Stinky Pete? Just once? Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!?!!? I think that would be a fun meeting! We'll go to, me and KK and we'll all have a great time and then I'll get to meet Stinky Pete. I think he NEEDS to meet me!!!
Glad you're going to see your sister this weekend. Will she be at church on Sunday? I feel like I know her inside and out (LOL)! Have fun this weekend!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Sorry you've had a rough couple of days. At least you can relax today and enjoy some sister time!

Have a good weekend! Love ya!