Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Happy 2nd Birthday Princess!!! Happy Groundhog Day!!! Happy "Day you got engaged" Queeny...or the day your dad asked you to marry King!!! That is a story you need to share with everyone!!! to my journal.....

Good Morning Ladies! I hope you are all doing well! I am in a very good mood today….not sure why! But, I will take it!

Yesterday was an okay day at work. Kinda boring because KK wasn’t here. Her son was sick she stayed home with him. I thought that would mean that I would have to see more of Stinky Pete than I wanted to….but I didn’t see him at all! He called me a few times…but that was about it! I also thought he might bring up how I stood up to him on Tuesday…but he didn’t. SO! It was an okay day. Nothing too exciting happened.

After work I went to my parent’s house to say hello to my kids. I-Man was SO excited about going to see Dora. It was so cute. So, my mom bought them both pirate hats to wear….and I-Man a gold earring, a patch and a sword. They were all set! I-Man and I went to our house to change his clothes and pack their bag for overnight…they stayed with my parents last night. Then we went back to Mom & Dad’s and it was time for them to get going!

FAB has really turned into a Papaw’s Girl!!! She just wants him all the time. It is so cute! I think my mom’s feelings are a bit hurt…but it is very precious to see my Dad with FAB. She adores him! But then, so do I!!!!

So, then I went home and straightened up the house a bit…then watched my soap that I tape….then Hubby came home. We went to dinner at Applebees. You really cannot beat their half-price appetizers! We eat so cheap there!

Then we came home….Hair Dye was supposed to come over with her vacuum. She sucked up one of those “things” that are on the base of your toilet….they cover up the screws, I think. Well, anyways…she sucked one up so Hubby was going to fix it for her. She was late getting there…so Hubby was getting upset because he wanted to go look at furniture. So, she finally got there and it took longer than he thought to fix it….so about 8:00 she leaves and he wants to go look at furniture still. I didn’t want to….so we got in the van….drove down the street….and then turned around and came back. I made a “deal” with him so that we didn’t have to go! I will let you guys guess what the “deal” was!!! It worked! Always does!

So, then I had to show him how to send an email (I am very serious) from his roadrunner account. I-Man called to tell us that he LOVED Dora! He was so excited....just kept saying "And Guess What?"..."And then" precious! Dad said that FAB loved it...but he also said that they decided that she is already in the "terrible twos" and she isn't 2 yet!!! Great! He just said that "she definitely has a mind of her own and will let you know if you aren't doing what she wants you to do." Too funny! She gets it naturally, I guess!!! I-Man told me that he told Dora that his mommy said hi. Oh, I forgot to mention when we were driving from my parent's house to ours...he asked me where Dora lived and I told him that I didn't know. So, he said that he thinks she lives in the North Pole with Santa Clause. Umm..whatever. My mom told him that she does look a bit like an eskimo...but she thinks she lives in Mexico where it is warm and sunny. So cute. I just love that little guy! I can't wait to see pictures of them!!!

Then I fell asleep watching TV! I am telling you! Since I have been getting up and working out….I have NO problem going to sleep at night! I used to toss and turn….not anymore! He came in a bit later and took my glasses off and turned the TV off and blah…blah….blah….

SO! That was about it! Can I just tell you… Hubby is way too good to me. I know that I joke about it….but he really spoils me. He does all of our grocery shopping and most of the cooking, he does nearly all the laundry, he does a lot of the cleaning….the list goes on and on! He packed my lunch for me last night since I fell asleep before I did it. He is just so good to me! We have our moments when I get frustrated with him….but he is very good to me! I am blessed to have a “great wife” for a husband!!!

So, this morning…got to the gym and we had never calculated our body fat percentage or our BMI…so we did that this morning. Now, mine was high…BUT I was pleasantly surprised! I thought it would be worse than it was! So, that was interesting! When I was getting ready for work in the back, the lady that opens up the place every morning…let’s just say that they didn’t hire her for her personality…..or for the fact that she is a good role-model of diet and exercise. Anyways…I have been there nearly every morning for what? Like 7 weeks now…..and she is just not very friendly. Well, she came back to the locker room to put on her makeup and we talked the whole time. She is very nice….just a hard nut to crack. So, that was nice. I could really write a book about some of the women there…and the things I have seen….it is very interesting! I guess you could liken it to the “community bathrooms” in college dorms. Never a dull moment! Yesterday, I thought there was going to be a fight because some ladies are rude and leave all of their “stuff” in a dressing room while they go take a shower….well, that is just rude. SO, yesterday a few girls got mad because there was no empty dressing rooms….well, empty of people but their stuff was still there. It was humorous!

Oh well…I am rambling about stuff you probably don’t care about! I love you all and hope you have a great Thursday. As of last night, SIL #1 has still not gone back to Beater. So, we will see!

Oh…something to pray for today…see if you can follow me: my MIL’s boyfriend’s mother is having open-heart surgery today in Columbus. They are not confident that she is strong enough to make it through the surgery…but they had to do the surgery in order for her to live. So, please keep that family in your prayer today.

Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

I love how you made a "deal" with your hubby. We have such bargaining power, don't we? he he. Glad the kids enjoyed Dora and you got a night to yourselves. I hope SIL doesn't go back to him, but what can you do if she does? Hope MIL's boyfriend's mother does well. Love ya!

Kelley said...

A "deal" huh? It works for ALL of them! I can get Hubby to empty the dishwasher, vacuum the floors and fold clothes in 10 minutes flat! LOL! So glad that I-Man and FAB liked Dora. I can't wait to see pictures. That is awesome! I wish I would have taken Pita Pocket. He has gotten to love that show!
Have a good FRIDAY tomorrow! What a fast week!
Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Maybe you could explain this "deal" thing further... j/k! (I think) So glad the kids had a good time at Dora. I am so proud of you!

SebbieDue said...

I told Cat no more "deals" until he figures out where babies come from! We've got to get a handle on that! j/k, lol!

So glad the kids enjoyed Dora! Yang would be jealous if he knew! Dora is his best buddy, after SpongeBob, that is!

So cool to hear how you're blessed by your hubby. That makes me smile. :)

Have a great Friday! Much love!

girlie_mom said...

I laughed out loud about your "deal"...Baby thought it was funny too. He knows all about it. I guess you are living up to be more affectionate to your hubby.

Glad you had a good day. See ya Saturday!!

Love Ya!

Pepto said...

Ok, so I didn't really want to know about how y'all make these "deals" with your hubbies...but it's good to know that someday when I'm married that I can use it as a bargaining tool. Rock on for still sticking with the gym. It makes you a better woman than me. I usually quit after about two weeks. Anyway, I'm glad to hear everything's going well! Love ya!!

Mandalynn said...

LOL @ the "deal" ;) Funny, when we first got married, "we" decided that we wouldn't use "that" as a bargaining tool...but that hasn't really happened!! LOL ;) Ahh, what men will do!! LOL :)

And thanks for the Birthday & engagement wishes :) LOL :) That is a story I'll have to share!! :)