Friday, February 03, 2006

Phew! What a day!

What a Friday this has been?!?!? I have been so busy with work today from the moment I got here at 6:30!!! Oh well! That makes the day go by much faster! And I guess I shouldn’t expect to do my journal at work every day anyways! But thank goodness it is Friday!!! I love the weekends!

SO! Yesterday…work was fine. I had quite a few “grrrr” moments with Stinky Pete. But, I am going to try not to vent about them so much because it is not going to change anytime soon…so rather than bore you all and get on your nerves with my constant negativeness about work…I will try to not gripe so much! I am really thinking about changing jobs…..but I have been here for 8 years….I hate to leave that! But I would love to go work at like a reception hall or golf club and do their event planning. (singing….Dream, Dream, Dream!!!)

SO! After work, I was going to pick up the kids from mom’s house and go to Babies-R-Us to shop for the shower on Sunday…but my mom called while I was on my way and told me to just go on shopping and get the kids when I was done. So, that was nice!!! So, I went to the store and bought the bouncer seat for this girl and a little dolly. I also bought a little outfit for our new nephew or niece. I remember when I was newly pregnant how neat it was to get baby gifts….so I thought I would give SIL something.

Then I headed to get the kids…but Hubby called and he was going to pick them up cuz he was closer! So, I went home….they got home right after me. I-Man was really not listening to anything we told him to do last night….grrr!!! Why are they like that sometimes??!?!? Oh well!

We didn’t do much of anything last night. Just played with the kiddos and watched Survivor….just had a nice family night “in”. I-Man and I went to bed watching a movie….just like we have every night this week. He likes to cuddle. Oh…when Hubby was ready to come to bed, he woke I-Man up and took him to go potty. Well, I believe I have said this before…I-Man is a very deep sleeper. So, when they got to the potty….Hubby turned around and next thing you know, I-Man fell over and nearly fell in the tub! Bless his heart!!! He was not awake! So, needless to say, he peed all over the bathroom cuz he was peeing when he fell!!! Hubby cleaned it up and we just laughed about it….cuz Hubby woke me up to tell me about it. Bless his heart.

So, this morning…went to the gym….that was nice. We got done really early for some reason today…so that is why I was at work by 6:30! Again, so glad it is Friday! Can’t wait to sleep in this weekend…..even if it is 8:00…that is better than 4:25!!!!

Well, continue to pray for MIL’s boyfriend’s family. His mother passed away yesterday. Her heart was just not strong enough. They had told them if they did the surgery that she could live another 3 – 5 years….without the surgery she would not even live 1 year…..but she didn’t even survive the surgery. She was a Christian…so that is a blessing. But needless to say, this will be very hard for the family….especially MIL’s boyfriend because he has been her sole care-taker for the past 6 months or so. So, please pray for that family. MIL was pretty sad last night.

Umm…I think that is about it for today! I can’t really think of anything else to talk about! I am looking forward to the Chili Bowl at church…especially since I have to miss Worship on Sunday. I am really bummed about that!!! But at least I get to Praise God at practice tomorrow night!!!

Love you all….and I will talk to ya later!


Kelley said...

That was very sweet of you to buy SIL an outfit for the baby. You are doing very well with this. I'm guessing that the wedding is still off? Where is she living?
Sorry about your off days with Stinky Pete. I had a rough time with my boss when I taught elementary's like they want everybody else to do their job! It takes all kinds to make the world go round!
Wish you were singing with us Sunday! We'll miss ya!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I don't mind hearing about your off days w/ SP. Feel free to vent. It's much better to do it here than to let it give you an ulcer. :)

Yes, your sil has a good sil. :)

We are really blessed w/ our hubbies, aren't we? Family nights are great! I just love it when we're all together. It doesn't happen much anymore, but it's nice when it does!

I'll be in the back on Sunday, so I'll miss the new service too. :( Maybe I'll get there in time for early service...who knows? At any rate, we'll see you Sunday night, won't we?

Much love!