Thursday, February 09, 2006

I hate thinking of titles...

I just never know what to title my journal....and I use the same things over and over. I need to work on that. Oh well....It is Thursday! The weekend is in sight! And I am only working half-a-day at work today...and then going to "work-from-home" this afternoon so that Hubby can go to work. We are splitting the day with the kids.

SO! was fine. No, I didn't get to do my review with Stinky Pete nor did I find out what my raise will be. Oh well! I will for sure find out about my raise tomorrow because our pay stubs are available to look at on-line tomorrow! So....we'll see! I still want the opportunity to sit down with him. Yesterday, KK was scripting me on what I should say. We actually did a little "role-play" of how the conversation would go. I just love her and value her advice/opinion so much!

Let me tell you....she and HBM are SO MUCH ALIKE! I was telling HBM about that last night...during lunch, KK and I will often watch that show "Starting Over". Basically, that show is about a bunch of women who have all sorts of different problems. They all move into this house and have "life coaches" and therapists that try to help them with their problems. Well, sometimes I am sitting their all teary with the women....and KK is sitting their telling them to suck it up....and laughing! It is just so funny. Last night HBM said something that totally reminded me of that.....and it is just priceless! I guess the saying that "opposites attract" is very true!!! I think that they have the qualities that I wish I had sometimes....and maybe that is what draws me to them. Who knows??!?!?! Love ya Girlies!!!

So, after the kids....went home and I was just so tired! I quickly became in a foul mood and took it out on Hubby.....I just was so tired and irritable! Poor Hubby. I made dinner and then we headed off to church. We watched that documentary about the missionaries that were was very good....there were some very profound moments in it. It really touched me. For example, it spoke about how the guys had guns...but wouldn't use them to protect themselves against the Indians because the missionaries were prepared to go to heaven but the Indians were not yet. That really hit me hard. It was just very neat. I want to see the movie that is in theaters....but I may have to wait until it is out to rent. was a great documentary. Made me think!

Before and after the documentary, it was so nice to be able to hang out with HBM, Pepto, Sebbiedue, Detergent, Many Kids, Great Mom...I don't think I forgot anyone. It was just nice to talk and laugh....I feel like it has been a while since we have all done that! Especially Detergent...I haven't really talked to her for a while. She is so thoughtful....she told me that she had picked up a Kindergarten registration form for I-Man. I guess that starts on February 17th...I can't believe that he is nearly 5! He turns 5 in we can choose to send him to Kindergarten this year or wait. We are going to go ahead and have him tested and see what they think we should do. I am a fan of sending him through Kindergarten twice...but we'll see! Again, I can't believe we have a kid ready to start school this fall! That is a whole new do we get him to school and pick him up and all that jazz! So, if my parents are here....that will help....but it isn't certain that they will retire and be here by then.

Yeah, I guess I should fill you in on that. They are still up in the air about what to do. They haven't heard anything more about early I think they have given up on that. So, my dad turns 63 in they will not make a decision until then. Obviously, the longer he works, the more money he will make in, please pray for them. I know this is a tough decision for them....and it is hard on me too! I know that I am going to sound very forgive me....especially Sister...forgive me....but it is frustrating because I had gotten my hopes very up that they were moving here soon....and now they may not....and it really isn't just about my is also about having my parents close.....and this not knowing is really getting to me. So, forgive my selfishness....I am really just trying to pray that God's will be done and that He make the right decision for them very obvious so that they are able to make the right decision...again...what is best for them. after church we came home and watched American Idol. I was getting a little perturbed with the twins who couldn't keep their mouths shut....I mean, they made it through! Stop your whining!!! And Hubby just looked at me and told me that the 16 year old girl whose Grandmother was a famous musician....that she is going to win. She is absolutely AMAZING! But I also like that bald-rocker dude....and I like the gray-hair dude.....their voices are different....and I like them! So, we'll see! Anyways.....I am sure it will be a good season. That little cowboy cute and sweet.

Then I-Man and I went to bed......he watched a movie while I slept. He likes to cuddle with me. So sweet! FAB slept through the night again last night...YEAH! Working out was great this morning....MIL was there.....but I didn't talk to her cuz we were doing different things. When I was leaving, Detergent was there! She joined but is feeling guilty about it and not sure. So, hopefully she talks to them. It was fun to chat with her for a minute before I left for work. She is so funny....and real!

Well....I better get to work since I am only here for a bit today! You guys have a great day and I will talk to you later!!! Love ya!


Sara said...

I agree about your thoughts on Idol. Those twins are too cocky already. They won't win, so they should just shut it! That other 16 year old girl was good too! It will be interesting to see....

Hope you get your review today. At least you'll find out your raise by tomorrow at the latest.

Lucky you only working a half day! Enjoy the kiddos this afternoon. Love ya!

Jodi said...

Hey sis...I don't begrudge you your selfishness...cuz I'm selfish too!! lol the indecision is for the was joking that they are kind of being like teenagers just floating around right now...she's getting very frustrated with it all..I feel like we haven't seen mom and dad in years because they've been up there so much and I know it's because of the limbo and dad working weekends...I'm really happy that they are spending so much time with you guys and I-man and FAB though!

but anyway...aren't you so thankful that we have this kind of parent problem! We are so blessed to have parents that we both adore!

I'm with you on the AI choices...I think the gray haired guy is going to be sort of a George type...totally lovable but not going to win...his voice is unique and you remember him because of his hair...but I'm kinda like Scott...that lil 16 year old has got the chops man! I don't know if she'll win but she's gonna go far...I haven't picked my winner yet...but I'm glad it's getting more to the competition phase...

well...anyway...I love you and I miss you so much....have a great Thursday!

I'm coming up in a couple of weeks...did mom tell you? The weekend of the Farm show...actually next weekend...I think I'm going to take Friday the 17th off and come up...Jimmie and his dad will be going to the farm show Thursday through Saturday...

so see you soon!

Kelley said...

I was laughing out loud about the whole show you and KK watch! You just crack me up. Opposites attract...that is how Hubby and I got hooked up! LOL!
I agree about the twins....Simon doesn't like them anyway, so they won't make it too far! People like that just need to shut up! AARRGGHH!
I know that your parents are in limbo right now, but I would have kicked you for saying what you did! LOL! I know what you mean though. Pita Pocket loves his grandparents and I'm afraid that since they don't make any effort to come up here to see him, it's going to be pretty rough when he gets older.
See ya tonight!
Lots of Love!

Mandalynn said...

I TOTALLY agree about those twins...WAY too cocky!! And, I didn't think either of their performances were as good as their initial one...blah blah blah...I love the "Cryin' Cowboy" too :) I cry about every time he does...And, the look on his face when he saw the ocean...Geez, I'm starting to cry right now!! LOL Oh, and that 16yo girl is REALLY awesome, too...the other 16yo girl was good, too :)

I understand your selfishness!! I know I'd be the same way :)

Okay, I'd better go...Talk to ya later :)