Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Monday!

Hi Ladies! I took the weekend off from journaling....but I have been reading those who have updated! I just didn't find the time to do my own journaling. It was kinda a busy weekend! But it was a fun weekend!!!

Friday was a good day at work. I laughed a lot with KK and our other friend LC. It helped to keep my mind off of my parent's decision. On the way to pick up my kids I called my mom and started crying. That upset her....but she was just glad to know that I wasn't mad at them. She told me that she had sent Sister and I both an email with the entire explanation as to why they made the decision they did. So, we talked a bit and then I had to go because I couldn't stop crying and I didn't want to pick up the kids so upset.

So, I got the kids and we headed home. We got home and I read my mom's email. It was a hard decision for them....and it sounds like it wasn't really Mom's choice....she wants Dad to retire but he just isn't ready yet. Also, Dad is the at the age where he is the first year where full retirement isn't until 66 instead of that would reduce the amount of their Social Security....also, my mom is younger than Dad (by 6 years) and she wouldn't be eligible for Medicare for quite a while if Ford decides to cut spousal health care benefits at retirement and there is a rumor of that. So....all of those reasons helped them make their decision. Again, I only want what is best for them....but I just had my hopes so high that they were going to be here!!!! On the plus side....Sister did say that this has certainly helped to motivate them to decide about a baby in their future!!! So that is way cool!!!! Please pray for them. Whether they have their own baby or they adopt....they will be awesome parents! It has been amazing to me to see how much Buford's attitude changed about kids as I-Man has gotten older and become rather smitten with his Uncle Buford. So, pray for God's guidance and hand in that situation.

It was very sad though....I was at the computer and FAB came over to me so I picked her up. My screen saver is a photo we were going through all the names of the people...and one was my dad. She walked around the house calling and looking for "Papaw" for the next 15 minutes. Of course I told my mom that in my reply email to her and she said it made my dad very sad.....and then she got angry with him because it was his decision...blah...blah....blah.... Maybe I shouldn't have told them that....but she is definitely a Papaw's girl....more on that later!!!

SO! Friday night....I told Hubby we should go out to eat to celebrate my we went to Burger King. WOOHOO!!! Well, we remembered that we were going to Bravo on Saturday we decided to go cheap on Friday night. The kids had fun playing. Then we went to Meijers for a few things....then came home and put FAB to bed. SIL #1 came over and stayed with I-Man (and sleeping FAB) so that Hubby and I could go to a movie! We saw "Firewall". It was a good...typical Harrison Ford movie. RUDE people sat right behind us and talked the ENTIRE we moved about half-way through the movie. I couldn't take it any longer!!!! But that was a fun date!!! up and dropped I-Man off at MIL's house and took FAB to the gym with me. Had a good work-out and then FAB and I went shopping to Meijer again. I wish Wal-Mart were closer....I would go there...but Meijer is much closer. Then we came home and got ready to go to Bravo for Speedy's surprise party! She was very surprised and we had a wonderful time! Good food....good company....good fun!!! The food was very yummy....and not nearly as expensive as I remembered. But I guess that was because we had the lunch menu.

Then we came home and FAB and I took naps....then we went to PT practice. We had such a good time!!! HBM was particularly sarcastic (does the mic stand block that much?!?!?), Elvis was particularly bad with words, I was particularly giddy.....oh, and we were swarmed by lady bugs! It was a great time!!! I just love being a part of that!!!! After that, we came home and we all played for a while...that was fun....then we put FAB to bed and I-Man and I worked on his valentines. He wrote his name on all of precious!!!! He has a hard time with the "snakes" in his name.....the "s". But it is so precious!!!! Then I remembered that I had not gotten anything for my Secret Sister yet....(remember my two trips to Meijer!) so I had to go to the store AGAIN!!! Also, I had bought an exercise ball and our pump to blow it up with was at I ran into the church to get that. So! That was about it for Saturday!

Sunday.....we got ready for church....even though we had an extra hour...we were still rushing! What is up with that?!?!? I actually got to go to Sunday School....which was alright. Then the service....was AWESOME! I really, really, really missed having HBM next to me....but it was great! We had a baptism in the first service....and Elvis was just emotionally charged! That made him mess up some of the words because he was just praising God....but ya know what? God doesn't care about that!!! I am sure it was perfect in His ears because it was so pure and so wonderful. It was a great service. Preacher did a great job....Sebbiedue was amazingly corageous and I totally admire her even more now than I did before. She is such a beautiful example of God's grace and love.....she is a role-model for all of us!!!! Love you Sebbiedue!!!!!

After church, we bolted to Princess's birthday party! It was a lot of fun. Like G-Ma was just so good to see everybody!!! Princess was adorable...and FAB started saying her name (Princess's name) was so cute!!!! My mom came up for the party. She mentioned to me that Dad had asked her to see if we would let her bring the kids back with her for a few days....she is coming back up here on Wednesday. Well, I didn't think much of it. But when the party was over and she was taking the kids back to her house here for a little bit....Hubby and I talked about it and decided that if they really wanted our kids for a few days, we were fine with that. It saves us $100 in child-care and gas this week.....and it is only a few days. SO! We called Mom and she was thrilled....we took their suitcases over and hugged and kissed them a million times and then they were off to surprise Papaw! So, we didn't know what to with ourselves!!!!

We actually came home and took a very long nap in our very quiet house!!! Then Hubby went to Men's group and I cleaned the house! We have a lot of things to do tonight....I am going to Queen's women's group at her Hubby has the whole house to himself! He is going to clean out the would be nice to park in there!!!! And then tomorrow....we will have Valentine's Day to ourselves!!! That will be nice! I think we are going to grill steaks and rent a movie.

SO! This morning...if you are still with me in this long post.....the gym. It was our day to be weighed and measured. I really didn't want to do it because I just didn't! But....I did....and I lost 5.75 inches!!!! I didn't lose any weight.....but that is okay! Inches are great!!! Since I started there....I have lost 14.5 inches!!!!!! Cool, huh?!?! KK is getting frustrated because she is not seeing results as quickly....she may join Curves instead. There is no way I can afford to do I am just going to stick with what I am seems to be working! So, that was a great way to start my day!!!!

Well....sorry this has been so long! That is what happens when I take a weekend off!!! I hope you all have a great Monday....and I will talk to you tomorrow!!! Love you all!


girlie_mom said...

WOOHOOO for you!!! I am so excited that you are losing inches. I had a hard time with that at first also with the no weight loss thing. But then I was able to buy smaller clothes and everything was all better.

So sorry about you being sad. I understand how you would feel. When you know for fact that your parents are coming and then at the last minute it changes when you have already gone through all these senarios in your hear about how life will be to have your parents close, it hurts. I am praying for you girlie!!

I would've thought your would reconsider sending your babes with your parents b/c of your New Year's resolution. and over Valentine's Day to boot!! LOL

Have a great MOnday!

Love ya!!

Kelley said...

I love you very much and you know that, right? So, I'm going to tell you something and I don't want you mad...stop making your dad feel guilty!! LOL! All joking aside, I do know that you were very excited about all this, but God has now helped your sister and hubby try harder for a baby! What a blessing that is! Okay, so now everybody is going to get on me about this....I DO love ya girlie!!!
AWESOME about the weight! I'm so excited for you!
I missed you yesterday, but I can only imagine what some people might have said if I brought him! LOL! He's doing better. Doctor says it's a virus....great, no medicine! arrgghh!!!!
Yeah, Hubby has talked about the practice a little this weekend. Serves me right for being such a smart alleck (I missed my 2 favorite songs). And I wasn't trying to be smart (yeah right)!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

Valentines Day with no kidddos I"M SO JEALOUS!!! Just kidding ya'll have to go out and have dinner and don't go to Burger King ya hear!!!! I"m praying for ya girlie I know how hard it came be without having the grandparents close by and for you to have assumedd that was a done deal then it not happen is even more devasttiting (sp) but I'm sure you'll get back to normal and be used to the distance soon. Even though it doesn't make it any easier. I want to thank you again for buying our lunch on saturday we SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO appreciated that. You were such a blessing to us!! LOVE YA GIRLIE!!

Dawn said...

Valentines Day with no kidddos I"M SO JEALOUS!!! Just kidding ya'll have to go out and have dinner and don't go to Burger King ya hear!!!! I"m praying for ya girlie I know how hard it came be without having the grandparents close by and for you to have assumedd that was a done deal then it not happen is even more devasttiting (sp) but I'm sure you'll get back to normal and be used to the distance soon. Even though it doesn't make it any easier. I want to thank you again for buying our lunch on saturday we SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO appreciated that. You were such a blessing to us!! LOVE YA GIRLIE!!

Sara said...

I'm sure you'll miss the kiddies, but enjoy some "alone time" with your hubby! We've already found out how hard it is to find that with a little one around. Glad you got to go on a date Friday and I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day! Great job on losing the inches! You're looking great! Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

You ARE looking great!! :) Way to go with the losses!! :)

And, more ((((hugs)))) to you & dealing with your parent's decision...but YAY about JJ & Buford thinking "seriously" :) I hope that means "trying" ;) LOL :)