Sunday, February 26, 2006

Where, oh where has my weekend gone?

WOW! This weekend has really flown by! I hate it when that happens! I wish the weekends were longer. Oh well. So goes life, I guess! Let’s see….here is my recap:

Friday was a pretty good day at work. I don’t think I saw Stinky Pete at all and I only talked to him once. So, that was nice! He told KK and I to go out to lunch and put it on our corporate card because it had been such a long week and we did such a great job. That was nice of him! So, work was fine. After work, Hubby had already picked up the kids because he had an all-day meeting for work and he was close to where the kids were…so he picked them up. That was nice! So, we both got home earlier than normal for a Friday night. We met Hair Dye and her family for dinner at Fuddruckers…yummy! They had coupons for “buy one get one” but it was a 1 pound burger. Yes, you read that right…1 pound burger! It was HUGE. We got a good laugh out of that! Needless to say, they took 1 pound of burger home with them. Well, they have a very good friend who is the manager of Showcase Cinemas so, they called him and we got to take the kids to see “Curious George” for free! Hubby, Radio and FAB actually didn’t go. FAB was tired and I don’t think she would sit in a movie yet…..K-Girl was pretty restless. So, I-Man, Hair-Day, J-Boy and K-Girl had a good time at the movies. It was an okay kid movie. The best part was the popcorn! I-Man spilled his, of course. So, Hair-Dye went up to the concession stand and they refilled his box thingy for free. That was nice! Tragedy avoided!!!! So, it was a nice evening with a friend! Hair-Dye and I don’t do a whole lot together anymore…so it was nice. The kids actually got along really well too….which is unusual. I-Man has such a tender heart, sometimes. He was crying because K-Girl was upset about something….oh, and he asked for a quarter so he could win her a ball…and when he won it, he did just that, gave it to her! Didn’t get one for himself. Sometimes he can be so sweet!!!

So, on to Saturday! We took it slow getting up and I did not go to the gym. This is the first Saturday since I have been going that I didn’t go! I felt guilty….but it was nice to get some things done around the house too. I cleaned the house…and then took a quick shower….and then JJ and my Mom came to pick up the kids. I talked to them for a quick second and then finished getting ready. KK came and picked me up and we went to this fundraiser luncheon for a Breast Cancer support group. The food was gross. But, the luncheon was neat. There are about 3 ladies that I work with that have been diagnosed with breast cancer. One of them….I actually didn’t work with because she was going out on long-term disability when I came to this new job. Well, she started this organization that was hosting this luncheon on Saturday. She died in November after the cancer spread to her lungs, her liver and her brain. She was such an inspiration to so many people. This luncheon this year was in honor of her. Her husband got up and spoke about her….not a dry eye in the place. It was amazing. They also did a surprise special tribute to her doctor…he is a pretty well-known doctor in this area. They had everyone stand up who was a patient of his…..and that was powerful. Then they had everyone stand up who was a friend or family member of one of his patients….and nearly the ENTIRE room stood up. That is AMAZING. He is a very humble man…..and what an amazing difference he has made in so many lives. So, that was cool. It was one of those things that I really didn’t want to go to that luncheon. I would have much rather been spending time with JJ and my mom….but I am glad I went. It was touching.

So, after that….I came home and got a Sprite because I am still having a lot of queasy stomach issues. And then I headed off to the Baby Shower for George. That was fun! It was nice to spend some time with the ladies in my family. Her MIL cracks me up… was good to talk to her. Everyone seemed just as surprised as we were that we are pregnant again. My G-Ma told me that she just knew I was trying again for that red-haired baby. We’ll see! George got a lot of really nice things….I remember how excited I was after my first shower… much more real it seemed! So, I bet they were excited to go through everything again. Hopefully they get moved into their house soon….before that baby gets here!!!

So, after we left that…FAB and I came home and ….oh, forgot to say how cute FAB and Princess were at the shower. They played together so nicely…and kept hugging each other. But it is very obvious that FAB is a bully for a little girl. I guess because of her big brother and her boy-cousins she hangs out with all the time. She would take something away from Princess and we would have to tell her to give it back…she would! Princess wasn’t too sure about her, I don’t think. She didn’t protest, though. She was probably just like….HEY! FAB….get a life! But they were so cute together!

So, anyways….FAB and I came home and it was almost time for PT practice. Well, I-Man had remembered earlier in the day that he was supposed to bring a friend to church today. So, he called his Aunt (SIL #2). She wasn’t home so she called us back right before it was time to leave for the church. Well, he asked her if her friend’s nephew could come to church with him tomorrow and he couldn’t. Well, I-Man threw a ROYAL fit. He was so upset! He was upset because he had promised Teacher that he would bring a friend and she was going to be disappointed in him if he didn’t I mean….he was crying and bawling and really, really upset. It broke my heart. I was so proud of him for caring so much…and was trying to tell him that the important thing was that he remembered to ask his friend and that he cared so much….but to no avail. He was really upset. So, we had to head off to church with him like that…..we got there and he was still not happy. I told him that I would be his friend….but that wouldn’t work because it needed to be someone his age. HBM told him she would be his friend…nope. So, we left him in the nursery very upset. PT Practice was GREAT…as usual! We got COOL new microphones. LOVE them….and we sounded so much better……Hubby went out and listened during one of the songs and he said it sounded way better than it had… that was great!!!! It was a long….but fun practice and great to goof off with HBM and just praise the Lord!

I guess in the nursery, I-Man decided that Pita Pocket would be his friend…..but that wouldn’t work because Pita Pocket isn’t old enough. Good thing….I-Man forgot about it this morning. I went in an told Teacher about it though, and tried to make a big deal about the fact that he remembered and all that. SO, crisis avoided!!!!!

So, this morning….worship was AWESOME! We ROCKED THE HOUSE and it was so much fun to see everyone so into it! There were some visitors that were sitting behind us. They seemed nice….we spoke to them for a minute. And then at the end, Scrapbook Queen’s oldest girl got baptized. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place as Beef, her Daddy, talked about her and her decision and then when he baptized her. It was AWESOME! As a parent, I can only imagine how great that must’ve been for them to be a part of and witness this great day in their daughter’s life. I can’t wait until the day I-Man and FAB make that decision. HOW AWESOME!!!! It was so neat. Beef…….there are just no words to describe what a great youth minister and father that man is. We are so blessed to have him and SQ at our church. Love ya Girlie!!!!

After church….don’t know why we do this to ourselves….but we went out to eat with MIL, SIL #1 and Minnie and her family. It was not a fun experience. FAB was in RARE form today. Nothing made her happy…she kept crying…..I was so frustrated. I am not one of those mothers that will let my kid cry and ruin everyone else’s meal….so I took her out one time and then Hubby ended up taking her to the van as soon as he got done eating so I could finish. It was just not a pleasant experience. I don’t know why we do this to ourselves every week. I-Man went with Pretty and her family (well…Minnie….but he said it was with Pretty) to the store and then to the b-day party. FAB fell asleep on the way home, of course! We had to wake her up to change her and take her to the b-day party. Yah, so the b-day party…NOT FUN. I was so depressed when we got home because both of my kids were hellions at the b-day party. BOTH of them were crying and pitching a fit…..I was embarrassed….frustrated….tired of fighting with them….and cannot believe that I am going to have another one to struggle with. It was just one of those days where I feel like a horrible mother because they were both behaving so badly….like, what have I done wrong?!?!?! SO, we get home and I am exhausted at this point….and so is I-Man and FAB and Hubby. BUT of course, SHE won’t go to sleep. Finally, Hubby got up with her and just let me sleep. I was at my wit’s end and needed sleep so badly. He must’ve known that, bless his heart. I don’t know what is wrong with her…..well, I do. It is called the terrible 2’s but she isn’t even 2 yet! We have created a monster with her…..don’t know how we are going to fix that. But we better figure it out before Baby #3 gets here!!!!

Speaking of Baby #3… queasy stomach is really bad with this one. I hope it gets better soon……or I will just have to live on Sprite! SIL #1 is having the same thing….fun, fun!

Well, I guess that is about it for my weekend! Like I said, where, oh where has my weekend gone?!?!? I am taking a vacation day on Tuesday so that I can help teach pre-school and so that I can get I-Man signed up for Kindergarten testing. I am going to at least get him tested and see if they think we should start him this fall or wait until next year. With the baby on the way, it might be good for him to start school, so we will see!

Everyone have a great Monday and I will talk to you all later!!! Love ya!


girlie_mom said...

I know exactly how you feel!!! I have had many a weekend like yours and it is totally I don't even know a word to describe it. Normally what we do on these days is strap Boo in a seat and put on Toy Story or Madagascar. But if FAB isn't in to movies yet that won't help ya!! So sorry. Normally FAB is pretty good when we go out... is she cutting teeth???

Hope you feel better soon. Glad you are coming to preschool Tuesday..too bad you will be helping. That would be a fun time in the, Vocab, me, Diamond, Many kids and I forget what we call J's mom....anyway at least you are taking the day off. Hey idea...if it is nice out do you want to take the kids to the park??? It is supposed to be warmer this week, and I was thinking of taking the girls one day. Maybe I should just see how the weather will be. Anyway just an idea..

Hope you have a GREAT night's sleep.

Love ya lots...tired Mommy!

Kelley said...

Can't wait to see ya Tuesday! That will be a nice surprise. Well, I guess it's not really a surprise since I already know about it, so I guess "hey, that'll be fun"! Except you will be helping, so I guess it's "I'll say HI on Tuesday"!!!! LOL!

My kid wasn't the greatest either today!!! We couldn't have stayed for presents if we wanted to! I mean, he cried over the clay as a prize AND that he didn't get to blow out the candles!!!!!

Have a good day tomorrow! Looks like saltine crackers and sprite for a while girlie!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Sorry you had to help in the nursery with me. I don't know why they never have anyone else in there! I'm sure it didn't help with some of the "attitudes" in there. I almost want to get out of it, b/c with having Piglet (like yesterday) I end up having to take care of her and can't really help much. I know they don't have many people, though. Why am I going on about this in your journal?

Anyway, sorry you're having the queasies! I hope it passes soon for you! You need your rest, so I'm glad your hubby let you get a nap in! Hang in there. Your kids are adorable, but they were just having a bad day....Love ya!

Josy said...

Oh! I'm so glad that you had a fun night on Friday! I wouldn't worry too much about the birthday party, kids are kids and they don't always behave and any parent who would think badly of you as a parent, well they just think too much of themselves! In my opinion, it isn't a "real" birthday party unless the kids are being themselves! Hope you are feeling better with the baby soon - wish I could give ya advice, but (not to brag) I never had morning sickness. Have a great week - and great job with Stinky Pete last week! I am so proud of you!
Love ya lots!