Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I can’t believe it is another week! Time flies when you are having fun! I am so ready for a three day weekend….but none of those in sight! Actually, I am taking a 4-day weekend in late March….but I am ready for one now!!!!

Things at work are starting to really pick up! The next few weeks are going to be very busy for me! We are changing our name to Chase in March….it was supposed to happen in January but they pushed it back to March 13! So…that means a lot of extra work…and excitement for me! And we have the Home & Garden Show…which I am in charge of…in March…the same weekend we change our name! I told my boss that I might lose my Christian witness in March….so we’ll see! I like being busy….but hopefully it doesn’t push me over the edge! SO, that is work. Stinky Pete is just that….Stinky Pete! I “coached him” on something yesterday and he was very receptive! So..we’ll see! AND…the reviews that are his responsibility to do…but he asked me to do…..and then back-tracked when I said no….he is actually doing them himself! He didn’t even ask KK to type them for him!!! So, that worked beautifully!!!! Yeah me!

Umm….the gym is going great. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and today. My legs are still sore but definitely getting better. Today my MIL came into the gym to work out. That is the first time I have seen her there so early. We just said hi and that was about it. I am in a “zone” when I am there….and have to get everything done so I can get to work on time. But, I still love it! I am not seeing great results….but that is because I am not eating good. So, I need to work on that! But…I am probably in the best shape I have ever been! Or at least I am getting there!!! Hubby is impressed by my muscles!!! They are still small…but growing!!! He better watch out! Just kidding!

Yesterday, I went and got the kids from my Aunt’s house. I-Man sure had fun playing with his buddies. He hadn’t seen them for nearly 3 weeks! He was a big helper to my Aunt too because she can’t pick FAB up…she had gall-bladder surgery….so I-Man would put her up on the bed for her diaper change and would help get her in the playpen….he is such a big boy!

She (FAB) is going through that lovely stage where she wakes up all night long wanting to come sleep with Mommy and Daddy. I love this stage….NOT!!! It is driving me crazy!!! There is nothing wrong with her…..but she SCREAMS from her crib. SO, I go in there….she is standing up in her bed…holding her blanket and her baby doll and pointing to our room. I tell her no…this is FAB’s bed…you sleep in FAB’s bed…not Mommy’s bed. This doesn’t go over well! SO…not a lot of sleep in our household the last few nights!!! We have found that if we leave the door open…she will go back to sleep….as soon as we close her door….screams! ARGH! Hopefully this will pass soon!!! Hubby wants to give in and bring her into our bed so we can sleep……but we made that mistake with I-Man! I don’t want to start a habit that is hard to break!!! Plus she is a kicker! So, we are pretty tired….long nights not full of sleep!!!
What else? Hubby and I have been talking about taking a family vacation this year!!! I think we are going to use a week of my parent’s time-share. We have to pick where we want to go…..but I think we want to go in May when the Cruisers (my parents and their friends…..which include a couple of Aunts and Uncles….which includes both of my baby-sitters!!!). Since we will have child-care issues that week anyways….we might just go on vacation! We can stay at these really nice resorts….which are like condos….for like $200 - $300 for the week! So, we are looking to see what is available. That will be cool!!! Hopefully that all works out!

Well…I guess that is about it for today! Hubby and I opened yahoo email accounts last night. I like that so much better than our Road Runner email. HBM…you will not believe this…but Hubby actually opened his own before I did mine! All by himself! I am so proud! (He is very computer illiterate!)

Well…have a great day! Please pray for HBM and Elvis….my heart just goes out to them. And pray for SIL…..she needs all the prayer she can get. She was at church on Sunday…and the Chili Bowl party….and she is still not back with him…so keep praying! And pray for MIL….her boyfriend’s mom passed away…but he did not want her to come to the viewing or the funeral…that really upset/hurt her. I don’t know the reasons…I think because he is not as serious as she is in their relationship…and that is a huge family thing and maybe he wasn’t ready for that step. Also, I am sure his ex-wife was there..blah, blah, blah. But, MIL took that like a slap in the face. So, just pray for her. Okay! Well….I love you all!!!


Sara said...

How about I bring Piglet over to sleep with FAB and maybe that will calm them both enough to sleep throught the night...? :) Just a thought...

I'm so proud of you working out! You're looking great!!! Also glad it paid off to stand up to Stinky Pete! Maybe you'll do that more often now!

Love ya!

Kelley said...

No way!!! He opened up his e-mail account all by himself? Baby steps are working! LOL!
That sounds like fun (the family vacation). Beef has invited Hubby, Pita Pocket and I to be chaperones for Cornerstone this year. We are going to use that as our vacation! I'm excited!!!
Good luck with the whole FAB sleeping thing....I agree with Speedy...just have it at Speedy's house so you don't have an extra child!! LOL!
Have a wonderful Wednesday and I guess I'll see ya tomorrow night at the documentary showing!
Lots of Love!