Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday! I love Fridays!!!

I love Fridays! Although, this is a crazy weekend for me....but I still love Fridays!!! Wahooo!

So! Yesterday was a GREAT day at work. Let me tell you why....kinda a long story....but you will all be so proud of me! So, at my BIG meeting this week.....the meeting, overall, went very well. All of the details that I planned and worked so hard on were fabulous and it really was one of the best events that I have put together. (not that I am tooting my own horn, but the evaluations said the same!) The ONLY thing that went wrong that day guessed it, Stinky Pete! He was just a complete goof the entire day. He thinks he is a comedian and it gets old REALLY fast. Just not professional....not funny.....and wrong. Well, he opened up the day by making some very harsh comments (again, thinking he is funny) about the District Managers. So, they were all piffed off. I was surprised that he said some of the things that he did....but again, chalked it up to the fact that he is an idiot. Then at lunch time, we were running a bit ahead of schedule so we had some time to kill. Dumb Stinky Pete filled it by playing "Stump your DM" again, he made the DMs look stupid. Strike 2! Later in the afternoon, he again said something dumb about the DMs....strike 3. Then, the icing on the cake was at the end of the dumb boss decided to have all the Branch Managers stand up and they were at round tables. He played music and told them all they had to dance....and when he stopped the music they all had to point to the person at their table who was dancing the "least enthusiastically" and that person would have to come up front for a "dance-off". So.....the managers were all dying.....some embarrassed....mostly they just couldn't believe he was doing that! So......then the lucky ones had to go up front and dance....until he narrowed it down to the two "worst"...and then he was going to make the worst dance by himself!!!! Are you serious?!?!?! Yes, he was serious! I ABOUT DIED!!!! It was bad. SO....then we move to another meeting that we had because we had two meetings back-to-back. He made a buffoon of himself in that meeting too! with that background.....he was out of the office on Wednesday, so KK and I were planning on talking to him about his behavior on Thursday....if the right opportunity presented itself. Well, yesterday.......KK and I were just finishing up lunch and he asked me what I thought about the I asked him if he had a minute that KK and I could sit and talk about it.....and we did! I started it and I just told him how BAD it really was. He had already heard about it from some of the DMs.....and he was very receptive (for the first time ever) to my HONEST feedback. I know it was harsh...and hard for him to hear....but I did it!!!!!!! He actually thanked me for the feedback. Now.....things are really bad and this isn't going to fix the fact that some of our best people are ready to quit because of KK and I are going to sit down with our old boss sometime soon to see if we can't get his help on this. It is pretty bad. So, enough about work....but I was so proud of myself yesterday!!! after work, I went and got the kiddos from Scrapbook Queen's house. She and Minnie watched the kids for a few hours yesterday. They didn't want to leave...well, I-Man did because SQ gave him a movie to watch in the van....but FAB didn't want to go. They had a really good time! Thank you to SQ and Minnie!!!

Then the kids and I went to Wal-mart. I bought the baby shower gifts for George and a birthday present for Swimmer's boy.....and a few other odds and ends. It was a long trip at Wal-Mart....but both of the kids were behaving pretty good, so I can't complain! We came home and then Hubby came home......Hubby and I-Man went to a b-ball game with MIL and FAB and I just stayed home and RELAXED. It was nice....and needed! We snuggled and played and both fell asleep early. So, that was very nice!!! I missed the very end of AI and Hubby had to tell me who got voted off. But I was so tired.....I forgot how tired you feel in the first tri-mester!!!! MAN!

Got up and went to the gym was fine. My trainer left me a "Pregnancy Work-Out". I don't know what half of the things I am going to have to meet with her soon to go over that. But, I was doing a couple of machines this week that I shouldn't have been doing. So, oh well. I am really going to have to push myself to stick with this!!!!!! It is hard to get up in the morning....and easy to say...who cares? I am pregnant! So....gotta work on that!!!!!

So, that is about it! Hope you all have a great Friday.....and a good weekend. Mine is going to be really busy!!!! Hopefully I can get a nap in there somewhere!!!

Love you all!


girlie_mom said...

I can't believe you "evaluated" your boss and he took it so well!!! Good for you. Maybe some of the higher ups will see that he doesn't play well with others and put him in a position that he doesn't "oversee" anyone.

Try to relax just a bit this weekend. YOU ARE PREGNANT!


Mandalynn said...

YAY!! for you giving Stinky Pete your honest feedback!! :) I know it couldn't have felt very easy, because he is, after all, still your boss...but YAY!! :)

So, hmmmm, a pregnancy work out? That sounds good!! :) I'm glad they'll still work with you unlike WW's who drops ya like a hot potato!! LOL :)

Okay, see ya Saturday!! :) Have a good Friday!! :)

Sara said...

I'm so impressed! You gave your boss negative feedback to his face! Way to go! That took a lot of guts! I'm glad everything that you did for the meeting went well!

There's nothing wrong with working out while you're pregnant, but you still need plenty of rest, which you very well know. Don't push yourself to overdo it!

Love ya!

Kelley said...

So, let's see....the prenancy has made you more upfront with Stinky Pete....after this baby, if Stinky Pete is still there, you need to get pregnant again....I LOVE hearing you chew him out! LOL!

I can't believe you dissed me last night!! LOL! There were only 15 people there, but with no childcare, Pita Pocket was the only kid....and he was alseep! It was a good meeting, but looooong after a day in the car!!!

We're going to work out when Hubby gets home!!!! Pray that we actually do it! LOL!

Lots of Love!