Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Great Day!

Hello Ladies! I forgot to post last night! I got done watching my shows and then just went to bed! As I was getting in bed…I thought about it…but I was too tired at that point! Oh well! I am sure you all didn’t miss me too much!

SO! Yesterday was a good day. Went to the gym…worked out….was getting ready to get in the shower (actually had all my “stuff” in the shower stall) and then I was looking in my bag and realized I had forgotten to bring my bra and underwear! SO! I packed everything back up and went home to get ready for work. What a dork! Hubby slept through everything…me coming home, me showering, me blow-drying my hair, me getting dressed…..finally I woke him up and told him that someone could’ve broken into the house and taken our kids and he would’ve slept through it! How funny!

So, then I got to work… was fine! I have to tell you….I actually put my foot down and stood up to Stinky Pete yesterday! KK was so proud of me. I was sick to my stomach afterwards and went and talked to our HR lady…but I did it! Basically, we have been joking for weeks (months) now that I would end up writing the “annual reviews” for the “district manager” that he manages and that I support. And…in a nut-shell, he asked me to do that yesterday and I told him that I wasn’t comfortable writing their review. Then he back-tracked and tried to act like that wasn’t what he was asking me to do….but the look on his face was PRICELESS! I don’t think he could believe I just didn’t say “yes, sir” and do it! So, small victory for me…as long as I get to keep my job! We will see! He actually talked to KK about it after it happened yesterday….so I think it might come up again today….we will see!!!!

After work, went and got the kiddos. I-Man had made valentines (well, wrote everyone’s names on them) to take to Minnie’s house. That was so sweet. We went home….changed clothes….Hubby came home…..took a quick shower….and then we headed over to Minnie’s house. I gotta tell you…on the way there, Baby called and asked us to pick up buns…so we were right by the “Hostess Outlet”….so I ran in there. I have never been in there (or maybe once a long time ago)…they have really cheap stuff!!! And if you spend more than $5, you get a free loaf of bread! I wish I had more time to look around….I will have to go back to that place! I got 2 packages of buns and a box of Twinkies for $3.00. I thought that was pretty good!

So, we got to Minnie’s house….I-Man was being a brat… I put him in a corner and told him he was not allowed to join us at the dinner table until he could act right. I hate that he acts like that….especially when we are at someone else’s house!!! Oh well…KIDS!

Dinner was very yummy!!! The pork was great….LOVED the potatos….veggies…salad…..yummy! It was very good! Thanks again, Minnie! They definitely are more experimental with spices and stuff than we are. We make ordinary stuff….theirs was spicy and good! So, that was nice! Then we just sat around and talked while the kids played….it was nice. I was under a lot of pressure to be “a hoot”….so I wasn’t. I was tired…..but it was also nice to just sit and talk about stuff! I did joke on more than one occasion that Minnie and I were going to leave the boys with the kids….but we didn’t. Maybe another time!!!!

Then we came home and I-Man cuddled with me while we watched TV. I had to get caught up on a few things that I DVR’d and then we watched American Idol. Then we went to bed! I-Man went to bed with me….to watch a movie….I think I fell asleep before the movie even started!!!

SO! This morning….we had our weigh-in and measuring at the gym. I didn’t really want to do it because I have been eating WAY TOO MUCH lately. I just can’t seem to get back on track! And working out….but eating bad….is okay for maintaining….but not for losing!!! So, I was dreading it this morning. When Jane (our trainer) came in….I told her that I didn’t want to see her today…I didn’t want to do this…but I did! I lost 1 pound (which I was thrilled with because again, eating way too much lately!) and 3.75 inches!!! I was so excited!!! And KK lost 8 pounds….and 6 inches!!! This is the first time she has lost anything….so she was very excited! How cool?!?!? SO, I am motivated again (at the moment) to keep it up!!!! I know that I will keep the exercise up…I just love doing it….but I have to start eating better! It is like I have no self-control or something!!! ! ARGH!

SO, that is about it! Now, I am at work…don’t feel like being here. The kids are going to see Dora tonight with my parents. Apparently it is a “pirate show” of some sort, so Mom is going to dress I-Man up like a pirate and I think she might dress FAB up like Dora. It is going to be a long day for them because I-Man is SO excited about seeing Dora tonight!

You all have a great day! Love you all…and I truly appreciate your friendship…more than words can say!


girlie_mom said...

I am sooo proud of you!!!! What does your mom say?? What does Hubby say??

I thought your jeans looked awful loose last night.

Glad you guys came over and stuff. The kids were so cute. (even if they had some issues:))

YOu better tell Hubby that he needs to do something soon, if he wants to look as good as you!!

Have a great day!!!

Jodi said...

I'm proud of you for many things...but in particular you standing up to Stinky Pete...I know how hard that must have been for you so yay you!! atta girl!!

Love you sis!

Sara said...

Good for you sista! Maybe Stinky Pete will know he can't just put everything off on you now! I hope the kids enjoy Dora. Some people I work with took their kids last night. Is there 2 shows? Anyway, hope today's going well for you! Love ya!

Kelley said...

I'm guessing that it is NOT your job to do those reviews so you should NOT get fired. You have nothing to worry about. How could he ask you that? I mean, what does he do all day? Sit around and dream up of things he wants you to do? What did KK tell him? I can't believe he went to her after that!
Glad you had a such a great time last night at Minnie's! Isn't it just like kids to be a pain at someone else's house? LOL!
Congrats on the pound...better than what I'm doing! Keep it up girlie!
Have fun today!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

You go girl!!!Lost a pound and gained some extra gumption, sounds like! Stinky Pete, watch out! Yes, I can't believe he had the nerve, and I'm curious what KK said to him too. Was he questioning you or himself?

You sound like me leaving your bra & undies at home. I would forget my head if it wasn't attached...yeah, that's a trite little saying, but in my case, it's too true!

Hope the kiddos had fun tonight! And you and your cable man had a nice date night!

Much love!

Kelley said...

Oh yeah....I was so happy when I got your message that I told Hubby and Pita Pocket that you stood up to Stinky Pete! Pita Pocket was jumping up and down (probably full of energy, but we'll say that it was because he was so excited for you)! Lots of Love!