Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday...Interesting Day!

Well, it is Tuesday! Only 3 more “get-ups” until vacation! I am going to annoy you all with that this week, I am sure! Oh well! I am over it!

So, yesterday was a boring day at work…AGAIN! It is driving me crazy! KK took a “mental health day”, so I didn’t even have her to hang out with! I went over to CVS and bought a book and read it over my lunch. I sat in the Courthouse Square and enjoyed the sunshine! The little birds were frustrating though. They aren’t scared of people, it seems and they are beggers. They just come right up to you! And then there was this group called “Zumba” and they do an exercise dance thing to Latin music. So, that was interesting. There were actually people on their lunch break (so dressed for work) doing this aerobic dance thing. Whatever floats your boat! Needless to say, eating lunch in Courthouse Square is always an experience!

So, when I went to buy a book, I was going to buy the DaVinci Code, but then I was afraid that if people saw me reading it, they would think I believed it. Isn’t that dumb. I should’ve bought it. Instead, I bought a Mary Higgins Clark mystery novel. I love those dumb things. I am a closet bookie….not as bad at Josy…but I do love to read and when I am reading a good book, it is hard to put it down!

So, after work, I went and got the kids. They were having a grand ole time playing and didn’t want to leave. We finally got in the van (after all the kids had to tell me something and they all had to give each other a billion hugs and so on and so on!) and we headed home! I fed the kids dinner and got I-Man ready for his soccer game so that when Hubby got home, we were all ready to walk out the door! Big Bear and Daisy came to I-Man’s soccer game last night! It was so cute, when they were walking up to the field, I-Man was practicing with his team and he just so wanted to run over and hug them…but had to wait until they were allowed. So, he came over and hugged them. They didn’t bring SweetiePie because we thought it would be too cold for her to sit outside at the soccer game….but it was actually very warm and sunny! Oh well! We had fun visiting with them and talking about the baby. She also brought me back some of my maternity clothes! That is cool! The only thing I really wanted back wasn’t in there. SO, I either gave it to someone else or gave it to the goodwill. Oh well! I had bought a pair of Capri jean over-alls and I loved those! Who knows what I did with them!?!?! So, anyways! I got some “new” clothes!

So, the soccer game was great fun! I-Man kept trying to pick the ball up when he was playing offense. There was this bratty kid on the other team who was bugging I-man. So, I think he was getting frustrated and that is why he was trying to pick the ball up. That kid kept pushing I-Man…so once, I-Man kinda barreled right over him. I think that was his way of telling that other kid to back-off because I am bigger…but just nicer! That is one thing about I-Man. He is usually the biggest kid out there but he is very careful. I think he realizes that he could hurt someone if he wanted to…so he is more careful than the other kids are. Anyways….he almost scored once (even though he was supposed to be playing defense). He did really good. I am such a proud mama when I am at those games. It is so stinking cute! Big Bear and Daisy had fun too. We all laughed a lot!

After that, we came home and played with the kids until it was time for FAB to go to bed. She is so funny. She likes to scream every now and again. Then Hubby told her to give everyone hugs cuz it was time for bed and she said very loudly “NO!”. It is cute now. But it won’t be soon! She is a ham! I just love those kiddos. FAB keeps trying to raise my shirt and look for the baby. Last night she was laying on me and talking to the baby. I remember when I-Man used to do that before she was born. So sweet!!!

Hubby and I watched Deal or no Deal….the guy that was on there last night was a trip! Then I-Man and I went to bed. He is so cute. He always wants to lay in bed with me and watch a movie….well, we had told him no last night. But when I went to go to bed, he was already in my bed and he said: “Well Mommy, since I am already in your bed I may as well watch a movie with you. Kay?” I just had to laugh. So, he won. He got to “watch a movie with me”. I say it like that because I think I was asleep before the movie actually started! I was tired!!!!

Got up this morning and into work! I actually have some things to keep me busy today! I think I am going to start getting things ready for our vacation tonight. Just a few things I want to pick up at the store and get everything ready! I am excited!

Oh, continue to pray for KK. She is here today and we went down and had a bagel this morning and talked. She actually cried this morning……and that is SOOOOO not like her. I have said this before, she and HBM are very much alike. I told her that she is really handling this so much better than I would…but it is really starting to weigh on her. She mentioned again this morning that she is ready to tell him to move out if he won’t talk to her. I know there are two sides to every story….but it really seems as if he just doesn’t care. It breaks my heart to see my friend – really one of my very best friends – in so much pain. (Oh…for those that are here….don’t mention this around my Hubby. I haven’t told him about any of this because he is friends with her hubby and blah/blah.) I told her that I have my prayer warriors praying for her…..that made her cry. I know what she needs it. This weekend will be very telling….if he goes with her. So, please pray!

Well, I guess that is it for today! I hope you all have a great day…looks like another beautiful day! I will talk to you later! Love all my Journal Goddesses!!!!

P.S. I actually wrote this this morning...but couldn't get on here to post it! I don't know what was up with this system! Oh well....so......Stinky Pete took KK and I to lunch and asked for our honest feedback. We were as honest as we could be....actually got a lot off my chest that I have been wanting to say for a while. We will see if things change. I am NOT holding my breath...but at least he is asking for honest feedback! He apologized for a lot of things and took ownership for a lot of things that haven't gone well.....so, we will see!!!!!!


Jodi said...

so if ya buy The Davinci Code you could make a paper bag slip cover for it like we used to have to in school...lol...it's a good read, even if it is only fictional...and it is a work of fiction totally with just enough truth laced in it to make it seem that it's real...lol...I wasn't pre-warned about the "secret" so I was so mad that I was totally hooked on the story when I found out what the "secret" was...but really...it's a good read...ramble ramble...lol

umm...and good for I-man not letting that kid totally bully him! It's good to know that I-man is a gentle little giant though...lol!!He's way too tender hearted to be the bully that he would be with his size...what a little stinker sneaking in your bed too...he is so funny!

and HOW SWEET FAB talking to the baby...why are you not video taping these moments or at least writing them in her baby book!!

love you! How many days to vacation? lol

Mandalynn said...

Ooops, I've got the capri jean overalls...When we divvied out that stack of clothes you gave us, I was the one who "won" those :) I've got all your clothes together to give back to you...Hey, I'll drop them by tomorrow, if that's OK? I'm getting my eyebrows waxed tomorrow nite & we drive right by your street...

Anyways, sorry!! :)

Talk to ya later :)

SebbieDue said...

So, SP is asking for feedback? Has that ever happened before? (Seems like it did a while back...did I dream that?) Well, I hope he puts the info to some use and doesn't just pretend he's done enough just by asking.

So cute about I-Man at Soccer. What a doll.

I was looking through my maternity clothes, and I didn't have as much as I thought, but I'll try to remember to bring what I do have on Sunday for you.

Continuing to pray for KK. :) Much love!!

Kelley said...

That is so precious about I-Man...not smacking the fool out of that kid!!! What is it with some of these parents?!?!?!??!?!

Now you silly girl....go out and buy the Davinci Code and read it in public and maybe you can minister to someone.....'nuff said!

Glad you got some maternity clothes back!!!! By the time you get everything back, you will have enough clothes for two full weeks!!!!

Still praying for KK. Funny how we are so much alike. Maybe we should talk sometime!!! Give her hugs from me!!

Oh, are you leaving Saturday?!??

Lots of Love!

Pepto said...

So that Zumba thing you were talking about, I've done it before. My sister-in-law had the video. It was a lot of fun and I lost like 15 pounds on it. About the Da Vinci Code...you should get it. I read it...in fact I managed to read the whole thing between the first and second weeks of the sermon series. It is a great way to start a conversation with people about it.

I'll definitely be praying for KK. I know how difficult it can be to be in that kind of situation, I've seen it first-hand. Love ya!!

God bless!