Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hello All! It is a dreary Thursday, but I can’t complain too much because it was such a beautiful day yesterday! I guess we need the rain every now and again. It just seems like we have had a whole lot of it lately! Oh well! I-Man can sing his rain song today…he likes to make up his own words!

So, yesterday was an uneventful day at work! Again, bored out of my mind! I did start cleaning out our “supply” (aka junk) room yesterday. I have ordered a big dumpster to be delivered up here today…so that is my project of the day! It is a HUGE mess and the lady I work with is a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR pack rat. So, she might have a heart attack today because I am a “pitcher”. If we haven’t used it or won’t use it…I just pitch it. She will try to justify why we should keep it. So, it should be fun! LOVE her to death….but her “pack-ratness” has created the mess that I have to clean up. So, I hope she doesn’t go into cardiac arrest.

I probably should’ve put a disclaimer at the top of my journal…I am in a goofy mood. So, the ramblings today may be odd. LOL

Side-bar….Speedy mentioned in her journal that she will be buying her mom a Vera purse for Mother’s Day. Well, I have this cute new back-pack that I bought….NOT a Vera. It looks like a Vera…but it was cheaper. Well, I am ready to go buy a Vera back-pack. See, it has one of those magnet closure things on it…and the magnet is so strong that you have to really pull on it to open it, well, now the fabric around that magnet thing is coming off or ripping! A Vera would NOT have done that. So, hence, why to buy a Vera. Okay. Sorry about that side-bar, but had to get that in.

So, after work yesterday I went to my Aunt’s and got the kiddos. They were outside playing and having a good ole time. FAB looked so stinking adorable! Her hair was down and just wavy from the curls and Hubby had a cute outfit on her. She just looked like a little model because of the way her hair looked. So cute.

So, we came home and the kids played and we had dinner – Hubby was working late, so he wasn’t home – and then we took I-Man to church. We dropped him off there and then FAB and I went shopping at Target. I didn’t buy anything off the clearance rack, but I should’ve. They did have some cute things. I did buy her 2 pairs of shorts and a t-shirt that is SO her. It says something like: “Toddler Rules of Ownership: 1) If I like it, it is mine. 2)If I had it at one time, it is mine. 3)If I want it, it is mine.” I don’t remember all the things it said, but it was stinking cute. I had to buy it. She is absolutely in that stage right now….especially with I-Man. I also got her an ADORABLE bikini! It is not really a bikini…it is two-piece, but the bottom is like a skirt with panties. So cute. It was only $8.99! And then I bought I-Man some Scooby Dooby swimming trunks and a few cheap shorts. He was so excited about those stinking swimming trunks! He put them on as soon as we got home from church…..I made him take them back off after Hubby came home and he showed them to him. It is the little things that kids so excited about.

So, then Hubby took the kids to MIL’s house. She took the day off today to watch the kids, so they spent the night with her. Today is Hubby’s last day of training – which means his last early day. He has had to be at work at 8:00 this week….which he usually isn’t even out of bed by 8:00! So, this has been a change for him! So, anyways, then Hubby came home and we watched AI. I was happy that Paris was in the bottom two….I thought she should’ve been there with Katherine instead of Elliot…but oh well. I was also glad she went home…but sad for her too. I hate to see anyone leave at this point. I think they are all very talented. I am sure she won’t have any trouble getting a break in the industry. She has connections. I think she just needs to grow up a little bit. But, anyways, they have all been very good at how they have reacted this year. Only a few of them (actually, I think only Mandisa) cried. In the past, there have been lots of tears. So, that is good. So, that was good.

Then I went to bed and read for a bit before I fell asleep. Really exciting stuff!!! Oh! I had been telling Hubby that we need to get a lilac bush for our yard…because I LOVE the smell lilacs! Turns out, we have 2!!!!! They are at the back of our property and last year either Hubby or my Dad trimmed them back so far that the lilacs never bloomed. So, this year, one of them is blooming – not the whole bush…so not as many as I would like. But I did go out last night and cut a few sprigs off and put them in my room. I LOVE the smell of them. I brought a few into work today. Now, I can’t really smell. So, I have to put my nose in the lilacs to smell them….but that smells good! I wish I could smell better. Oh well!

Well, I guess that is all I have to say tonight. Nothing too exciting going on here. I only have two more days of work this week and then next week and then I am on VACATION! I cannot wait!!! Just a whole week away from this place makes me smile!

You all have a fabulous day and I will talk to you later! Love ya!

OH! Just as I am getting ready to post phone rings and it is one of the Managers that is also addicted to Vera. She goes to the Vera trunk show in Indiana every year (they discount a bunch of her stuff and sell it). She just told me that she went crazy and bought way too much stuff so she is going to bring me the price-list and stuff and she wants to sell me some of it!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, it isn't the new stuff....but who cares?!?!?! It is Vera!!!!! I am really addicted.......Hello, my name is Mac-N-Cheese and I am a Vera Bradley addict.

Love you all!!!!!!


Dawn said...

You're so cute!! You and your Vera is just like me and my scrapping supplies that I HAVE to have. Its an addiction also so I totally understand!!! SO cool about having a lilac bush and you didnt' even know it. I love the smell also. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the little girl swim suits at Target I bet she'll look adorable in hers. We got Madison a 2 piece there last week for $3.74 I was so excited. Have a great day girl!!!! HUGS!!

Sara said...

Mmm....I love lilacs too! Lucky you!

I'm so happy for you and your Vera! How funny that as you mention earlier in your journal that you need a new Vera and then your co-worker sells you some! Good for you!

Have a good day! Love ya!

girlie_mom said...

YOu crack me up!!! Vera,Vera,Vera...I actually have no idea who it is only that that is the only kind of purse you have. I don't think I could spend that much on any one item that wasn't some kind of furniture or something. I can hardly spend $20 on a purse.

I also love Lilac bushes we had them lots when I was little. I want one for our house too.

Glad you got your Vera fix. Now NO MORE, you didn't meet your goal to get this one. Just kidding.

Lots of love!

Kelley said...

I have read your journal about 4 times today! LOL! I would read your journal and get side-tracked or someone would come and get me or something. So, I kept reading the first paragraph and the only paragraph in your 2nd entry! How funny that I looked at those bags today!!! LOL!

I have seen that toddler needs it too!!!! I just LOVE FAB's hair all curled. She looks like a princess....or a queen...or a model....or anyone else that would have their hair curled.

Oh, this is called rambling....after taking two benadryl!! LOL!

Can't wait to see ya...and we DO get to sing together on Sunday!! YEAH!!

Lots of Love (and goofy-ness)!